Personnel Information


GOTO Shinnpei

Job title

Assistant Professor

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.06
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Natural Sciences, Physics, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Institute of Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences Division, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Institute of Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences Division, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.06
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Institute of Education, Liberal Arts and Sciences Division, Assistant Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Institute for Liberal Arts, -, Assistant Professor

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Semiconductors, optical properties of condensed matter and atomic physics


Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Shiono Asai, Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Transition between vacuum and finite-density states in the infinite-dimensional Bose–Hubbard model with spatially inhomogeneous dissipation Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2022.03; 2022 (3): 033I01. ( DOI )

  2. Kaneko Ryui, Douda Yoshihide, Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei. Reentrance of the Disordered Phase in the Antiferromagnetic Ising Model on a Square Lattice with Longitudinal and Transverse Magnetic Fields JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2021.07; 90 (7): ( DOI )

  3. Takasu Yosuke, Yagami Tomoya, Asaka Hiroto, Fukushima Yoshiaki, Nagao Kazuma, Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei, Takahashi Yoshiro. Energy redistribution and spatiotemporal evolution of correlations after a sudden quench of the Bose-Hubbard model SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2020.09; 6 (40): ( DOI )

  4. Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei. Measurement-induced transitions of the entanglement scaling law in ultracold gases with controllable dissipation PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2020.09; 102 (3): ( DOI )

  5. Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei. Quasiexact Kondo Dynamics of Fermionic Alkaline-Earth-Like Atoms at Finite Temperatures PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2019.10; 123 (14): ( DOI )

  6. Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei. Performance of the time-dependent variational principle for matrix product states in the long-time evolution of a pure state PHYSICAL REVIEW B. 2019.02; 99 (5): ( DOI )

  7. Goto Shimpei, Danshita Ippei. Cooling schemes for two-component fermions in layered optical lattices PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2017.12; 96 (6): ( DOI )

  8. 後藤慎平, 栗原進, 山本大輔. Incommensurate spiral magnetic order on anisotropic triangular lattice: Dynamical mean-field study in a spin-rotating frame Physical Review B. 2016.12; 94 (245145): ( DOI )

  9. 後藤慎平, 増田啓介, 栗原進. Spontaneous loop-spin current with topological characters in the Hubbard model Physical Review B. 2014.08; 90 (075102): ( DOI )

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Shimpei Goto, Ryui Kaneko, Ippei Danshita. Efficient Sampling Scheme with Trotter Gates for Evaluating Thermal Expectation Values on Quantum Computers. American Physical Society March Meeting 2023 2023.03.09


Campus class subject 【 display / non-display

  • Experiments of Chemistry and Biology(N・O・K),2023

  • Introduction to Science PBL,2023

  • Experiments of Chemistry and Biology(T),2023