





経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2021年04月
    東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 医歯学専攻 老化制御学講座 摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学分野 大学院生

講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Amornsuradech Sirinthip. Aging-related change in perioral and trunk muscle characteristics. 第30回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会 2024.08.30 福岡国際会議場

  2. Ryota Kanai, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Tomoe Tamai, Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Yui Yoshizumi, Kanako Yoshimi, Kohei Yamaguchi, Haruka Tohara. Thorough observation of posterior tracheal wall with a flexible two-step angulated endoscope- three case reports. European Society for Swallowing Disorders 2023.12.01 Toulouse,France

  3. Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Kanako Yoshimi, Rieko Moritoyo , Haruka Tohara. Aging and oral function relate to masseter muscle quality, and quantity but not stiffness . European Society of Swallowing Disorder 13th Annual Congress 2023.12.01 Toulouse, France

  4. Sirinthip Amornsuradech,Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Kanako Yoshimi, Rieko Moritoyo, Haruka Tohara. Relationship between age, geniohyoid and trunk muscle characteristics. ADS 2023 The 1st International Conference of the Asian Dysphagia Society 2023.11.09 Suwon, Korea

  5. Rieko Moritoyo, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Kanako Yoshimi, Ryosuke Yanagida, Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Ryota Kanai, Haruka Tohara. Relationship between Oral Hypofunction and masseter muscle characteristics. ADS 2023 International Conference 2023.11.09 Suwon Convention Center, Vicinity of Seoul, Korea

  6. Komori Sayaka, Yamaguchi Kohei, Nakagawa Kazuharu, Yoshimi kanako, Yanagida Ryosuke, Amornsuradech Sirinthip, Tohara Haruka. Six-month change in oral intake scale of older people requiring long-term care who underwent videoendoscopic evaluation of swallowing in home-visit dental care. The 1st International Conference of Asian Dysphagia Society 2023.11.08 Venue Suwon Convention Center, Vicinity of Seoul, Korea

  7. Kazuharu Nakagawa, Sirinthip Amornsuradech. Role of dentists in dysphagia management :Exchanges between Thailand and Japan. 第29回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会 2023.09.03 横浜

  8. Ryosuke Yanagida, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Chantaramanee Ariya, Patcharaphol Samnieng, Sirinthip Amorsuradech, Kanako Yoshimi, Ayako Nakane, Haruka Tohara. Investigations and activities on Oral Hypofunction in Thailand. IAGG Asia/Oceania Regional Congress 2023 2023.06.14

  9. Ryosuke Yanagida, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Chantaramanee Ariya, Patcharaphol Samnieng, Rieko Moritoyo, Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kanako Yoshimi, Haruka Tohara. International comparison of oral function among community-dwelling older adults between Thailand and Japan.. FDCU International Symposium 2023 2023.05.23 Bangkok, Thailand

  10. Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Ayako Nakane, Kanako Yoshimi, Shohei Hasegawa, Haruka Tohara. Relationship between lower limb muscle characteristics and perioral muscle strengths in adults. 第28回⽇本摂⾷嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術⼤会 2022.09.24 幕張メッセ

  11. Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Ayako Nakane, Kanako Yoshimi, Shohei Hasegawa, Haruka Tohara. Which masseter muscle characteristic is a better indicator for occlusal force: thickness, echo intensity, or stiffness? . European Society of Swallowing Disorders 12th Annual Congress 2022.09.15 KU Leuven, Belgium

  12. Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Ayako Nakane, Kanako Yoshimi, Shohei Hasegawa, Haruka Tohara. Which masseter muscle characteristic is a better indicator for occlusal force: thickness, echo intensity, or stiffness? . European Society of Swallowing Disorders 12th Annual Congress 2022.09.15

  13. Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Ayako Nakane, Kanako Yoshimi, Shohei Hasegawa, Haruka Tohara. Are trunk muscle characteristics related to geniohyoid muscle characteristics in adults?. Dysphagia Research Society 31st Annual DRS Meeting 2022.03.15 San Francisco, USA

  14. Akira Yoshizawa,Shinya Saito, Sirinthip Amornsuradech, Kazuharu Nakagawa,Kohei Yamaguchi,Kanako Yoshimi, Haruka Tohara . Online swallowing evaluation can be an effective modality for bed bounded patient considering prevention of COVID-19 infection . World Dysphagia Summit 2021 2021.08.21

  15. Taishi Yamada, Kohei Yamaguchi, Kazuharu Nakagawa, Ayako Nakane, Kanako Yoshimi,Sirinthip Amornsuradech,Haruka Tohara. Inventing new type of denture shaped alternative vocalization. World Dysphagia Summit 2021.08.21 Nagoya

  16. 原良子, 中根綾子, 齊藤美都子, Sirinthip Amornsuradech, 戸原 玄. 咳ツボ刺激と咳反射の関連性. 日本老年歯科医学会 2024.06.30 札幌

  17. 柳田陵介,山口浩平,中川量晴,吉見佳那子,Sirinthip Amornsuradech,戸原 玄. タイへの短期留学で得られたもの. 第29回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会 2023.09.03 横浜

  18. 柳田 陵介,中川 量晴,齋木 章乃,Amornsuradech Sirinthip,山口 浩平,吉見 佳那子,中根 綾子,戸原 玄. 口腔機能低下症に該当しない嚥下障害患者の訓練的対応の一例. 日本老年歯科医学会第33回学術大会 2022.06.12 新潟
