経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2020年07月-2022年04月東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 ゲノム応用医学研究部門 ゲノム機能多様性分野 助教
2022年05月-現在東京医科歯科大学 難治疾患研究所 バイオデータ科学研究部門 ゲノム機能多様性分野 助教
所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示 】
SMBE (The Societyfor Molecular Bioloty & Evolution)
競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示 】
論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Inamo, J; Suzuki, A; Ueda, MT; Yamaguchi, K; Nishida, H; Suzuki, K; Kaneko, Y; Takeuchi, T; Hatano, H; Ishigaki, K; Ishihama, Y; Yamamoto, K; Kochi, Y. Long-read sequencing for 29 immune cell subsets reveals disease-linked isoforms NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2024.05; 15 (1): 4285. ( PubMed, DOI )
Oka, A; Hadano, S; Ueda, MT; Nakagawa, S; Komaki, G; Ando, T. Rare CRHR2 and GRM8 variants identified as candidate factors associated with eating disorders in Japanese patients by whole exome sequencing HELIYON. 2024.04; 10 (8): e28643. ( PubMed, DOI )
Konno, Y; Uriu, K; Chikata, T; Takada, T; Kurita, JI; Ueda, MT; Islam, S; Tan, BJY; Ito, J; Aso, H; Kumata, R; Williamson, C; Iwami, S; Takiguchi, M; Nishimura, Y; Morita, E; Satou, Y; Nakagawa, S; Koyanagi, Y; Sato, K. Two-step evolution of HIV-1 budding system leading to pandemic in the human population CELL REPORTS. 2024.02; 43 (2): ( PubMed, DOI )
Ueda, MT. Retrotransposon-derived transcripts and their functions in immunity and disease GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS. 2023.12; 98 (6): 305-319. ( PubMed, DOI )
Mahoko Takahashi Ueda. Retrotransposon-derived transcripts and their functions associated with immunity and disease Genes & Genetic Systems. 2023.09; in press
Chisato Ono, Shinya Tanaka, Keiko Myouzen, Takeshi Iwasaki, Mahoko Ueda, Yoshinao Oda, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Yuta Kochi, Yoshihiro Baba. Upregulated Fcrl5 disrupts B cell anergy causes autoimmune disease Frontiers in Immunology. 2023.09; 14 276014. ( DOI )
Kosugi Y, Uriu K, Suzuki N, Yamamoto K, Nagaoka S, Kimura I, Konno Y, Aso H, Willett BJ, Kobayashi T, Koyanagi Y, Ueda MT, Ito J, Sato K. Comprehensive Investigation on the Interplay between Feline APOBEC3Z3 Proteins and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Vif Proteins. Journal of virology. 2021.06; 95 (13): e0017821. ( PubMed, DOI )
Matsuzawa Ayumi, Lee Jiyoung, Nakagawa So, Itoh Johbu, Takahashi Ueda Mahoko, Mitsuhashi Satomi, Kochi Yuta, Kaneko-Ishino Tomoko, Ishino Fumitoshi. HERV-Derived Ervpb1 Is Conserved in Simiiformes, Exhibiting Expression in Hematopoietic Cell Lineages Including Macrophages INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2021.05; 22 (9): ( DOI )
Chikuma Shunsuke, Yamanaka Soichiro, Nakagawa So, Ueda Mahoko Takahashi, Hayabuchi Hodaka, Tokifuji Yukiko, Kanayama Masashi, Okamura Tadashi, Arase Hisashi, Yoshimura Akihiko. TRIM28 Expression on Dendritic Cells Prevents Excessive T Cell Priming by Silencing Endogenous Retrovirus JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. 2021.04; 206 (7): 1528-1539. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakano Y, Yamamoto K, Ueda MT, Soper A, Konno Y, Kimura I, Uriu K, Kumata R, Aso H, Misawa N, Nagaoka S, Shimizu S, Mitsumune K, Kosugi Y, Juarez-Fernandez G, Ito J, Nakagawa S, Ikeda T, Koyanagi Y, Harris RS, Sato K. A role for gorilla APOBEC3G in shaping lentivirus evolution including transmission to humans. PLoS pathogens. 2020.09; 16 (9): e1008812. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ueda Mahoko Takahashi, Kryukov Kirill, Mitsuhashi Satomi, Mitsuhashi Hiroaki, Imanishi Tadashi, Nakagawa So. Comprehensive genomic analysis reveals dynamic evolution of endogenous retroviruses that code for retroviral-like protein domains MOBILE DNA. 2020.09; 11 (1): 29. ( PubMed, DOI )
Oka A, Takagi A, Komiyama E, Yoshihara N, Mano S, Hosomichi K, Suzuki S, Haida Y, Motosugi N, Hatanaka T, Kimura M, Ueda MT, Nakagawa S, Miura H, Ohtsuka M, Tanaka M, Komiyama T, Otomo A, Hadano S, Mabuchi T, Beck S, Inoko H, Ikeda S. Alopecia areata susceptibility variant in MHC region impacts expressions of genes contributing to hair keratinization and is involved in hair loss. EBioMedicine. 2020.07; 57 102810. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kryukov Kirill, Ueda Mahoko Takahashi, Nakagawa So, Imanishi Tadashi. Sequence Compression Benchmark (SCB) database-A comprehensive evaluation of reference-free compressors for FASTA-formatted sequences GIGASCIENCE. 2020.07; 9 (7): ( PubMed, DOI )
Otomo A, Ueda MT, Fujie T, Hasebe A, Suematsu Y, Okamura Y, Takeoka S, Hadano S, Nakagawa S. Efficient differentiation and polarization of primary cultured neurons on poly(lactic acid) scaffolds with microgrooved structures. Scientific reports. 2020.04; 10 (1): 6716. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kryukov K, Ueda MT, Nakagawa S, Imanishi T. Nucleotide Archival Format (NAF) enables efficient lossless reference-free compression of DNA sequences. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2019.10; 35 (19): 3826-3828. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kryukov K, Ueda MT, Imanishi T, Nakagawa S. Systematic survey of non-retroviral virus-like elements in eukaryotic genomes. Virus research. 2019.03; 262 30-36. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sato K, Otomo A, Ueda MT, Hiratsuka Y, Suzuki-Utsunomiya K, Sugiyama J, Murakoshi S, Mitsui S, Ono S, Nakagawa S, Shang HF, Hadano S. Altered oligomeric states in pathogenic ALS2 variants associated with juvenile motor neuron diseases cause loss of ALS2-mediated endosomal function. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2018.11; 293 (44): 17135-17153. ( PubMed, DOI )
三橋 里美, 中川 草, 上田 真保子, 今西 規, 三橋 弘明, フリス・マーティン . 筋機能と病態研究のフロンティア ナノポアシークエンサーを用いたD4Z4リピートの解析 日本筋学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集. 2018.08; 4回 31. ( 医中誌 )
Konno Y, Nagaoka S, Kimura I, Yamamoto K, Kagawa Y, Kumata R, Aso H, Ueda MT, Nakagawa S, Kobayashi T, Koyanagi Y, Sato K. New World feline APOBEC3 potently controls inter-genus lentiviral transmission. Retrovirology. 2018.04; 15 (1): 31. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kurosaki Y, Ueda MT, Nakano Y, Yasuda J, Koyanagi Y, Sato K, Nakagawa S. Different effects of two mutations on the infectivity of Ebola virus glycoprotein in nine mammalian species. The Journal of general virology. 2018.02; 99 (2): 181-186. ( PubMed, DOI )
A naturally occurring feline APOBEC3 variant that loses anti-lentiviral activity by lacking two amino acid residues Journal of General Virology. 2018; 99 704-709.
Mitsuhashi S, Nakagawa S, Takahashi Ueda M, Imanishi T, Frith MC, Mitsuhashi H. Nanopore-based single molecule sequencing of the D4Z4 array responsible for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Scientific reports. 2017.11; 7 (1): 14789. ( PubMed, DOI )
Oka A, Asano Y, Hasegawa M, Fujimoto M, Ishikawa O, Kuwana M, Kawaguchi Y, Yamamoto T, Takahashi H, Goto D, Endo H, Jinnin M, Mano S, Hosomichi K, Mabuchi T, Ueda MT, Nakagawa S, Beck S, Bahram S, Takehara K, Sato S, Ihn H. RXRB Is an MHC-Encoded Susceptibility Gene Associated with Anti-Topoisomerase I Antibody-Positive Systemic Sclerosis. The Journal of investigative dermatology. 2017.09; 137 (9): 1878-1886. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ueda MT, Kurosaki Y, Izumi T, Nakano Y, Oloniniyi OK, Yasuda J, Koyanagi Y, Sato K, Nakagawa S. Functional mutations in spike glycoprotein of Zaire ebolavirus associated with an increase in infection efficiency. Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms. 2017.02; 22 (2): 148-159. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakagawa S, Takahashi MU. gEVE: a genome-based endogenous viral element database provides comprehensive viral protein-coding sequences in mammalian genomes Database. 2016; baw087.
Takahashi M, Saitou N. Identification and characterization of lineage-specific highly conserved noncoding sequences in mammalian genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2012; 4 641-657.
Prakash T, Oshima K, Morita H, Fukuda S, Imaoka A, Kumar N., Sharma VK, Takahashi M, Saitou N, Taylor TD, Ohno H, Umesaki Y, Hattori M. Complete genome sequences of rat and mouse segmented filamentous bacteria, a potent inducer of Th17 cell differentiation Cell Host & Microbe. 2011;
Tadaka Kosuke, Ueda Mahoko Takahashi, Shichinohe Shintaro, Kida Yurie, Ono Chikako, Matsura Yoshiharu, Watarbe Tokiko, Nakagawa So. Genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 can be accelerated by mutations in the nsp14 gene ISCIENCE. 2023.03; 26 (3): 106210. ( PubMed, DOI )
中川 草, 上田 真保子, 中野 雄介, 安田 二朗, 小柳 義夫, 佐藤 佳, 黒崎 陽平. 微生物・感染症学における多様なDry解析アプローチ 公共データベースを活用したエボラウイルスGP遺伝子の感染効率に関与する塩基突然変異の同定 日本獣医学会学術集会講演要旨集. 2018.08; 161回 209. ( 医中誌 )
三橋 里美, 中川 草, 上田 真保子, 今西 規, Frith Martin C., 三橋 弘明. 【どこでも 誰でも より長く ナノポアシークエンサーが研究の常識を変える!】リピート数が関与する疾患の診断に向けて サブテロメア領域のD4Z4マクロサテライトリピートを読む 実験医学. 2018.01; 36 (1): 44-48. ( 医中誌 )
佐藤 海, 大友 麻子, 上田 真保子, 杉山 純也, 小野 鈴花, 三井 駿, 中川 草, 秦野 伸二. N末端自己相互作用ドメインのALS2疾患原因変異は、ALS2の正常な多量体形成やエンドソーム局在を阻害する 生命科学系学会合同年次大会. 2017.12; 2017年度 [3P-1120]. ( 医中誌 )
上田 真保子, 三橋 里美, 三橋 弘明, 今西 規, 中川 草. 細胞融合にかかわる内在性レトロウイルス由来遺伝子の同定 生命科学系学会合同年次大会. 2017.12; 2017年度 [3P-1463]. ( 医中誌 )
その他業績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
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Cell Genomics