

藤吉 好則(フジヨシ ヨシノリ)










出身学校 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 名古屋大学  理学部  化学科  1971年03月  卒業

出身大学院 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 京都大学  理学研究科  博士課程  1979年03月  単位取得満期退学

取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 理学博士  京都大学

経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2019年04月
    東京医科歯科大学 高等研究院 卓越研究部門 高等研究院特別栄誉教授
  • 2022年07月
    東京医科歯科大学 高等研究院 卓越研究部門 細胞構造生理学研究室 高等研究院特別栄誉教授
  • 2024年10月
    東京科学大学 教育研究組織 総合研究院 高等研究府・卓越研究部門 細胞構造生理学研究室(CeSPL) 特任教授

所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本顕微鏡学会

  • 日本生化学会

  • 日本分子生物学会

  • 日本生物物理学会

研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 構造生物化学

  • 細胞生物学

  • 分子生物学

  • 生物物理学

  • 薬系化学、創薬科学

  • 医療薬学

  • 生理学



競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ユビキチン化によるアクアポリン2の輸送制御機構の研究

    文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2021年 - 2022年

  • クライオ電子顕微鏡法の開発によるチャネルの構造生理学研究


  • チャネルを中心とした構造生理学的研究


論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. Shun Nakamura, Yukihiro Tanimura, Risa Nomura, Hiroshi Suzuki, Kouki Nishikawa, Akiko Kamegawa, Nobutaka Numoto, Atsushi Tanaka, Shigeru Kawabata, Shoichi Sakaguchi, Akino Emi, Youichi Suzuki, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Structure-guided engineering of a mutation-tolerant inhibitor peptide against variable SARS-CoV-2 spikes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2025.01; 122 (4): e2413465122. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Shota Suzuki, Kotaro Tanaka, Akiko Kamegawa, Kouki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Atsunori Oshima, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Structural insights into the engagement of lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 with different G proteins. J Struct Biol. 2024.12; 217 (1): 108164. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Hiroki Yamaguchi, Kazutoshi Takahashi, Nobutaka Numoto, Hiroshi Suzuki, Moemi Tatsumi, Akiko Kamegawa, Kouki Nishikawa, Yasuhisa Asano, Toshimi Mizukoshi, Hiroshi Miyano, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Masayuki Sugiki. Open and closed structures of L-arginine oxidase by cryo-electron microscopy and X-ray crystallography. J Biochem. 2024.10; ( PubMed, DOI )

  4. Shota Suzuki, Kotaro Tanaka, Kouki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Atsunori Oshima, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Structural basis of hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor signaling mechanisms through ligand binding. Nat Commun. 2023.09; 14 (1): 5899. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Shunsuke Imai, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Ichio Shimada. Dynamically regulated two-site interaction of viral RNA to capture host translation initiation factor. Nat Commun. 2023.08; 14 (1): 4977. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Katsumasa Irie, Yoshinori Oda, Takashi Sumikama, Atsunori Oshima, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. The structural basis of divalent cation block in a tetrameric prokaryotic sodium channel. Nat Commun. 2023.07; 14 (1): 4236. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Akiko Kamegawa, Shota Suzuki, Hiroshi Suzuki, Kouki Nishikawa, Nobutaka Numoto, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Structural analysis of the water channel AQP2 by single-particle cryo-EM. J Struct Biol. 2023.06; 215 107984. ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Daisuke Kozai, Nobutaka Numoto, Kouki Nishikawa, Akiko Kamegawa, Shohei Kawasaki, Yoko Hiroaki, Katsumasa Irie, Atsunori Oshima, Hiroyuki Hanzawa, Kousei Shimada, Yutaka Kitano, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Recognition Mechanism of a Novel Gabapentinoid Drug, Mirogabalin, for Recombinant Human α2δ1, a Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel Subunit J Mol Biol. 2023.03; 168049. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Yukihiro Tanimura, Yoko Hiroaki, Masahiro Mori, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Cell-based flow cytometry assay for simultaneous detection of multiple autoantibodies in a single serum sample. Anal Biochem. 2022.08; 650 114721. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Katerina Naydenova, Akiko Kamegawa, Mathew J Peet, Richard Henderson, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Christopher J Russo. On the reduction in the effects of radiation damage to two-dimensional crystals of organic and biological molecules at liquid-helium temperature. Ultramicroscopy. 2022.07; 237 113512. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Maki Kuzuya, Hidemi Hirano, Kenichi Hayashida, Masakatsu Watanabe, Kazumi Kobayashi, Tohru Terada, Md Iqbal Mahmood, Florence Tama, Kazutoshi Tani, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Atsunori Oshima. Structures of human pannexin-1 in nanodiscs reveal gating mediated by dynamic movement of the N terminus and phospholipids. Sci Signal. 2022.02; 15 (720): eabg6941. ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Yukako Oda, Chisato Takahashi, Shota Harada, Shun Nakamura, Daxiao Sun, Kazumi Kiso, Yuko Urata, Hitoshi Miyachi, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Alf Honigmann, Seiichi Uchida, Yasushi Ishihama, Fumiko Toyoshima. Discovery of anti-inflammatory physiological peptides that promote tissue repair by reinforcing epithelial barrier formation. Sci Adv. 2021.11; 7 (47): eabj6895. ( PubMed, DOI )

  13. Hanayo Nakanishi, Tomohiro Nishizawa, Katsumori Segawa, Osamu Nureki, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Shigekazu Nagata, Kazuhiro Abe. Transport Cycle of Plasma Membrane Flippase ATP11C by Cryo-EM. Cell Rep. 2020.09; 32 (13): 108208. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Irie Katsumasa, Shimomura Takushi, Yonekawa Yoshiki, Nagura Hitoshi, Tateyama Michihiro, Fujiyoshi Yoshinori. 天然の原核生物由来カルシウムチャネルにおけるイオン透過選択性の進化とその決定残基の同定(The selectivity determinant and evolution of a native prokaryotic voltage-dependent calcium channel) 生物物理. 2020.08; 60 (Suppl.1-2): S248. ( 医中誌 )

  15. Shimada Atsuhiro, Kozai Daisuke, Nishikawa Kouki, Fujiyoshi Yoshinori, Sho Gyokucho, Mizutani Takumi, Tani Kazutoshi. クライオ電子顕微鏡を用いたシトクロム酸化酵素とシトクロムcの複合体構造解析(The structural analysis of cytochrome c oxidase complexed with cytochrome c using cryo-electron microscopy) 生物物理. 2020.08; 60 (Suppl.1-2): S158. ( 医中誌 )

  16. Hanayo Nakanishi, Katsumasa Irie, Katsumori Segawa, Kazuya Hasegawa, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Shigekazu Nagata, Kazuhiro Abe. Crystal structure of a human plasma membrane phospholipid flippase. J Biol Chem. 2020.07; 295 (30): 10180-10194. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. B. Burendei, R. Shinozaki, M. Watanabe, T. Terada, K. Tani, Y. Fujiyoshi and A. Oshima. Cryo-EM structures of undocked innexin-6 hemichannels in phospholipids. Sci. Adv.. 2020.02; 6 (7): ( DOI )

  18. Takushi Shimomura, Yoshiki Yonekawa, Hitoshi Nagura, Michihiro Tateyama, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Katsumasa Irie. A native prokaryotic voltage-dependent calcium channel with a novel selectivity filter sequence. Elife. 2020.02; 9 ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. K. Yamamoto, V. Dubey, K. Irie, H. Nakanishi, H. Khandelia, Y. Fujiyoshi and K. Abe. A single K+-binding site in the crystal structure of the gastric proton pump. eLife. 2019.08; 8 ( DOI )

  20. Shun Nakamura, Katsumasa Irie, Hiroo Tanaka, Kouki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yasunori Saitoh, Atsushi Tamura, Sachiko Tsukita & Yoshinori Fujiyoshi. Morphologic determinant of tight junctions revealed by claudin-3 structures Nature Communications. 2019.02; 10 816. ( DOI )

  21. Hiroki Yamaguchi, Akiko Kamegawa, Kunio Nakata, Tatsuki Kashiwagi, Toshimi Mizukoshi, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Kazutoshi Tani. Structural insights into thermostabilization of leucine dehydrogenase from its atomic structure by cryo-electron microscopy Journal of Structural Biology. 2019.01; 205 (1): 11-21. ( DOI )

  22. 藤吉 好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡が激変させたタンパク質の立体構造解析技術 日本臨床免疫学会総会プログラム・抄録集. 2020.10; 48回 84. ( 医中誌 )

  23. 山口 浩輝, 亀川 亜希子, 中田 國夫, 柏木 立己, 高橋 一敏, 田上 宇乃, 巽 萌美, 水越 利巳, 宮野 博, 藤吉 好則, 谷 一寿. 酵素には世界と未来を変える力がある-今こそ酵素を見つめ直す2020- クライオ電子顕微鏡によるロイシン脱水素酵素の耐熱化機構解明 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2020.09; 93回 [3S08m-04]. ( 医中誌 )

  24. 中西 華代, 入江 克雅, 瀬川 勝盛, 長田 重一, 長谷川 和也, 藤吉 好則, 阿部 一啓. ヒト細胞膜フリッパーゼATP11CのX線結晶構造解析 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2020.09; 93回 [P-132]. ( 医中誌 )

  25. Abe K, Irie K, Nakanishi H, Suzuki H, Fujiyoshi Y. Crystal structures of the gastric proton pump. Nature. 2018.04; 556 (7700): 214-218. ( PubMed, DOI )

  26. Nakamura S, Fujiyoshi Y, Irie K. Enhancement of the thermostability of mouse claudin-3 on complex formation with the carboxyl-terminal region of Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin improves crystal quality. Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications. 2018.03; 74 (Pt 3): 150-155. ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Irie K, Haga Y, Shimomura T, Fujiyoshi Y. Optimized expression and purification of NavAb provide the structural insight into the voltage dependence. FEBS letters. 2018.01; 592 (2): 274-283. ( PubMed, DOI )

  28. Shihoya W, Nishizawa T, Yamashita K, Inoue A, Hirata K, Kadji FMN, Okuta A, Tani K, Aoki J, Fujiyoshi Y, Doi T, Nureki O. X-ray structures of endothelin ET<sub>B</sub> receptor bound to clinical antagonist bosentan and its analog. Nature structural & molecular biology. 2017.09; 24 (9): 758-764. ( PubMed, DOI )

  29. Abe K, Shimokawa J, Naito M, Munson K, Vagin O, Sachs G, Suzuki H, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. The cryo-EM structure of gastric H<sup>+</sup>,K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase with bound BYK99, a high-affinity member of K<sup>+</sup>-competitive, imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine inhibitors. Scientific reports. 2017.07; 7 (1): 6632. ( PubMed, DOI )

  30. Suzuki H, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Crystal structures of claudins: insights into their intermolecular interactions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2017.06; 1397 (1): 25-34. ( PubMed, DOI )

  31. Oshima A, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Atomic structure of the innexin-6 gap junction channel determined by cryo-EM. Nature communications. 2016.12; 7 13681. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Shihoya W, Nishizawa T, Okuta A, Tani K, Dohmae N, Fujiyoshi Y, Nureki O, Doi T. Activation mechanism of endothelin ET<sub>B</sub> receptor by endothelin-1. Nature. 2016.09; 537 (7620): 363-368. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Shimomura T, Irie K, Fujiyoshi Y. Molecular determinants of prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels for recognition of local anesthetics. The FEBS journal. 2016.08; 283 (15): 2881-2895. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Abe K, Fujiyoshi Y. Cryo-electron microscopy for structure analyses of membrane proteins in the lipid bilayer. Current opinion in structural biology. 2016.08; 39 71-78. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Okuta A, Tani K, Nishimura S, Fujiyoshi Y, Doi T. Thermostabilization of the Human Endothelin Type B Receptor. Journal of molecular biology. 2016.06; 428 (11): 2265-2274. ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Kamegawa A, Hiroaki Y, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Two-dimensional crystal structure of aquaporin-4 bound to the inhibitor acetazolamide. Microscopy (Oxford, England). 2016.04; 65 (2): 177-184. ( PubMed, DOI )

  37. Nagura H, Doi T, Fujiyoshi Y. Characterization of physiological phenotypes of dentate gyrus synapses of PDZ1/2 domain-deficient PSD-95-knockin mice. The European journal of neuroscience. 2016.03; 43 (5): 618-625. ( PubMed, DOI )

  38. Oshima A, Matsuzawa T, Murata K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Hexadecameric structure of an invertebrate gap junction channel. Journal of molecular biology. 2016.03; 428 (6): 1227-1236. ( PubMed, DOI )

  39. Bando Y, Irie K, Shimomura T, Umeshima H, Kushida Y, Kengaku M, Fujiyoshi Y, Hirano T, Tagawa Y. Control of Spontaneous Ca2+ Transients Is Critical for Neuronal Maturation in the Developing Neocortex. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 2016.01; 26 (1): 106-117. ( PubMed, DOI )

  40. Tanaka H, Yamamoto Y, Kashihara H, Yamazaki Y, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y, Mineta K, Takeuchi K, Tamura A, Tsukita S. Claudin-21 Has a Paracellular Channel Role at Tight Junctions. Molecular and cellular biology. 2016.01; 36 (6): 954-964. ( PubMed, DOI )

  41. Hauer F, Gerle C, Fischer N, Oshima A, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Shimada S, Yokoyama K, Fujiyoshi Y, Stark H. GraDeR: Membrane Protein Complex Preparation for Single-Particle Cryo-EM. Structure (London, England : 1993). 2015.09; 23 (9): 1769-1775. ( PubMed, DOI )

  42. Minatohara K, Murata Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Doi T. An intracellular domain with a novel sequence regulates cell surface expression and synaptic clustering of leucine-rich repeat transmembrane proteins in hippocampal neurons. Journal of neurochemistry. 2015.08; 134 (4): 618-628. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. Jiko C, Davies KM, Shinzawa-Itoh K, Tani K, Maeda S, Mills DJ, Tsukihara T, Fujiyoshi Y, Kühlbrandt W, Gerle C. Bovine F1Fo ATP synthase monomers bend the lipid bilayer in 2D membrane crystals. eLife. 2015.03; 4 e06119. ( PubMed, DOI )

  44. Saitoh Y, Suzuki H, Tani K, Nishikawa K, Irie K, Ogura Y, Tamura A, Tsukita S, Fujiyoshi Y. Tight junctions. Structural insight into tight junction disassembly by Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2015.02; 347 (6223): 775-778. ( PubMed, DOI )

  45. Suzuki H, Tani K, Tamura A, Tsukita S, Fujiyoshi Y. Model for the architecture of claudin-based paracellular ion channels through tight junctions. Journal of molecular biology. 2015.01; 427 (2): 291-297. ( PubMed, DOI )

  46. Fujiyoshi Y. Development of the field of structural physiology. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, Physical and biological sciences. 2015; 91 (9): 447-468. ( PubMed, DOI )

  47. Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Systematic comparison of molecular conformations of H+,K+-ATPase reveals an important contribution of the A-M2 linker for the luminal gating. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2014.10; 289 (44): 30590-30601. ( PubMed, DOI )

  48. Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Water channel structures analysed by electron crystallography. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2014.05; 1840 (5): 1605-1613. ( PubMed, DOI )

  49. Suzuki H, Nishizawa T, Tani K, Yamazaki Y, Tamura A, Ishitani R, Dohmae N, Tsukita S, Nureki O, Fujiyoshi Y. Crystal structure of a claudin provides insight into the architecture of tight junctions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 2014.04; 344 (6181): 304-307. ( PubMed, DOI )

  50. Morito D, Nishikawa K, Hoseki J, Kitamura A, Kotani Y, Kiso K, Kinjo M, Fujiyoshi Y, Nagata K. Moyamoya disease-associated protein mysterin/RNF213 is a novel AAA+ ATPase, which dynamically changes its oligomeric state. Scientific reports. 2014.03; 4 4442. ( PubMed, DOI )

  51. Yang F, Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Carbon sandwich preparation preserves quality of two-dimensional crystals for cryo-electron microscopy. Microscopy (Oxford, England). 2013.12; 62 (6): 597-606. ( PubMed, DOI )

  52. Tsai CJ, Tani K, Irie K, Hiroaki Y, Shimomura T, McMillan DG, Cook GM, Schertler GF, Fujiyoshi Y, Li XD. Two alternative conformations of a voltage-gated sodium channel. Journal of molecular biology. 2013.11; 425 (22): 4074-4088. ( PubMed, DOI )

  53. Tani K, Arthur CP, Tamakoshi M, Yokoyama K, Mitsuoka K, Fujiyoshi Y, Gerle C. Visualization of two distinct states of disassembly in the bacterial V-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus. Microscopy (Oxford, England). 2013.08; 62 (4): 467-474. ( PubMed, DOI )

  54. Fujiyoshi Y, Tanji T, Osakabe N, Hirayama T. Special Issue: "Tribute to Akira Tonomura". Foreword. Microscopy (Oxford, England). 2013.06; 62 Suppl 1 S1. ( PubMed, DOI )

  55. Oshima A, Matsuzawa T, Nishikawa K, Fujiyoshi Y. Oligomeric structure and functional characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans Innexin-6 gap junction protein. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2013.04; 288 (15): 10513-10521. ( PubMed, DOI )

  56. Mori H, Fujiyoshi Y. Preface on the occasion of the inauguration issue of Microscopy. Microscopy (Oxford, England). 2013.02; 62 (1): 1-2. ( PubMed, DOI )

  57. Goda M, Fujiyoshi Y, Sugimoto M, Fujii R. Novel dichromatic chromatophores in the integument of the mandarin fish Synchiropus splendidus. The Biological bulletin. 2013.02; 224 (1): 14-17. ( PubMed, DOI )

  58. Minatohara K, Ichikawa SH, Seki T, Fujiyoshi Y, Doi T. Ligand binding of PDZ domains has various roles in the synaptic clustering of SAP102 and PSD-95. Neuroscience letters. 2013.01; 533 44-49. ( PubMed, DOI )

  59. Fujiyoshi Y. Low dose techniques and cryo-electron microscopy. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2013; 955 103-118. ( PubMed, DOI )

  60. Suzuki H, Ito Y, Yamazaki Y, Mineta K, Uji M, Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y, Tsukita S. The four-transmembrane protein IP39 of Euglena forms strands by a trimeric unit repeat. Nature communications. 2013; 4 1766. ( PubMed, DOI )

  61. Fujiyoshi Y. Future directions of electron crystallography. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2013; 955 551-568. ( PubMed, DOI )

  62. Nagura H, Ishikawa Y, Kobayashi K, Takao K, Tanaka T, Nishikawa K, Tamura H, Shiosaka S, Suzuki H, Miyakawa T, Fujiyoshi Y, Doi T. Impaired synaptic clustering of postsynaptic density proteins and altered signal transmission in hippocampal neurons, and disrupted learning behavior in PDZ1 and PDZ2 ligand binding-deficient PSD-95 knockin mice. Molecular brain. 2012.12; 5 43. ( PubMed, DOI )

  63. Abe K, Tani K, Friedrich T, Fujiyoshi Y. Cryo-EM structure of gastric H+,K+-ATPase with a single occupied cation-binding site. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012.11; 109 (45): 18401-18406. ( PubMed, DOI )

  64. Unwin N, Fujiyoshi Y. Gating movement of acetylcholine receptor caught by plunge-freezing. Journal of molecular biology. 2012.10; 422 (5): 617-634. ( PubMed, DOI )

  65. Irie K, Shimomura T, Fujiyoshi Y. The C-terminal helical bundle of the tetrameric prokaryotic sodium channel accelerates the inactivation rate. Nature communications. 2012.04; 3 793. ( PubMed, DOI )

  66. Rico F, Oshima A, Hinterdorfer P, Fujiyoshi Y, Scheuring S. Two-dimensional kinetics of inter-connexin interactions from single-molecule force spectroscopy. Journal of molecular biology. 2011.09; 412 (1): 72-79. ( PubMed, DOI )

  67. Goda M, Ohata M, Ikoma H, Fujiyoshi Y, Sugimoto M, Fujii R. Integumental reddish-violet coloration owing to novel dichromatic chromatophores in the teleost fish, Pseudochromis diadema. Pigment cell & melanoma research. 2011.08; 24 (4): 614-617. ( PubMed, DOI )

  68. Ohta Y, Nishikawa K, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y. Electron tomographic analysis of gap junctions in lateral giant fibers of crayfish. Journal of structural biology. 2011.07; 175 (1): 49-61. ( PubMed, DOI )

  69. Wakao S, Kitada M, Kuroda Y, Shigemoto T, Matsuse D, Akashi H, Tanimura Y, Tsuchiyama K, Kikuchi T, Goda M, Nakahata T, Fujiyoshi Y, Dezawa M. Multilineage-differentiating stress-enduring (Muse) cells are a primary source of induced pluripotent stem cells in human fibroblasts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011.06; 108 (24): 9875-9880. ( PubMed, DOI )

  70. Yakata K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Water permeability and characterization of aquaporin-11. Journal of structural biology. 2011.05; 174 (2): 315-320. ( PubMed, DOI )

  71. Fujiyoshi Y. Structural physiology based on electron crystallography. Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society. 2011.05; 20 (5): 806-817. ( PubMed, DOI )

  72. Shimomura T, Irie K, Nagura H, Imai T, Fujiyoshi Y. Arrangement and mobility of the voltage sensor domain in prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2011.03; 286 (9): 7409-7417. ( PubMed, DOI )

  73. Oshima A, Tani K, Toloue MM, Hiroaki Y, Smock A, Inukai S, Cone A, Nicholson BJ, Sosinsky GE, Fujiyoshi Y. Asymmetric configurations and N-terminal rearrangements in connexin26 gap junction channels. Journal of molecular biology. 2011.01; 405 (3): 724-735. ( PubMed, DOI )

  74. Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Conformational rearrangement of gastric H(+),K(+)-ATPase induced by an acid suppressant. Nature communications. 2011.01; 2 155. ( PubMed, DOI )

  75. Fujiyoshi Y. Electron crystallography for structural and functional studies of membrane proteins. Journal of electron microscopy. 2011; 60 Suppl 1 S149-59. ( PubMed, DOI )

  76. Mitsuma T, Tani K, Hiroaki Y, Kamegawa A, Suzuki H, Hibino H, Kurachi Y, Fujiyoshi Y. Influence of the cytoplasmic domains of aquaporin-4 on water conduction and array formation. Journal of molecular biology. 2010.10; 402 (4): 669-681. ( PubMed, DOI )

  77. Matsuse D, Kitada M, Kohama M, Nishikawa K, Makinoshima H, Wakao S, Fujiyoshi Y, Heike T, Nakahata T, Akutsu H, Umezawa A, Harigae H, Kira J, Dezawa M. Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells differentiate into functional Schwann cells that sustain peripheral nerve regeneration. Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology. 2010.09; 69 (9): 973-985. ( PubMed, DOI )

  78. Nagura H, Irie K, Imai T, Shimomura T, Hige T, Fujiyoshi Y. Evidence for lateral mobility of voltage sensors in prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2010.08; 399 (3): 341-346. ( PubMed, DOI )

  79. Kuroda Y, Kitada M, Wakao S, Nishikawa K, Tanimura Y, Makinoshima H, Goda M, Akashi H, Inutsuka A, Niwa A, Shigemoto T, Nabeshima Y, Nakahata T, Nabeshima Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Dezawa M. Unique multipotent cells in adult human mesenchymal cell populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2010.05; 107 (19): 8639-8643. ( PubMed, DOI )

  80. Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Structural and functional characterization of H+, K+-ATPase with bound fluorinated phosphate analogs. Journal of structural biology. 2010.04; 170 (1): 60-68. ( PubMed, DOI )

  81. Irie K, Kitagawa K, Nagura H, Imai T, Shimomura T, Fujiyoshi Y. Comparative study of the gating motif and C-type inactivation in prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channels. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010.02; 285 (6): 3685-3694. ( PubMed, DOI )

  82. Abe K, Tani K, Nishizawa T, Fujiyoshi Y. [Novel ratchet mechanism of gastric H(+), K(+)-ATPase revealed by electron crystallography of two-dimensional crystals]. Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 2010.02; 130 (2): 205-210. ( PubMed, DOI )

  83. Schenk AD, Hite RK, Engel A, Fujiyoshi Y, Walz T. Electron crystallography and aquaporins. Methods in enzymology. 2010; 483 91-119. ( PubMed, DOI )

  84. Inutsuka A, Goda M, Fujiyoshi Y. Calyculin A-induced neurite retraction is critically dependent on actomyosin activation but not on polymerization state of microtubules. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2009.12; 390 (4): 1160-1166. ( PubMed, DOI )

  85. Noma K, Kimura K, Minatohara K, Nakashima H, Nagao Y, Mizoguchi A, Fujiyoshi Y. Triple N-glycosylation in the long S5-P loop regulates the activation and trafficking of the Kv12.2 potassium channel. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2009.11; 284 (48): 33139-33150. ( PubMed, DOI )

  86. Kuwahara Y, Unzai S, Nagata T, Hiroaki Y, Yokoyama H, Matsui I, Ikegami T, Fujiyoshi Y, Hiroaki H. Unusual thermal disassembly of the SPFH domain oligomer from Pyrococcus horikoshii. Biophysical journal. 2009.10; 97 (7): 2034-2043. ( PubMed, DOI )

  87. Fujiyoshi Y. [Observation of molecular structure of membrane proteins]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2009.08; 54 (10): 1300-1306. ( PubMed )

  88. Abe K, Tani K, Nishizawa T, Fujiyoshi Y. Inter-subunit interaction of gastric H+,K+-ATPase prevents reverse reaction of the transport cycle. The EMBO journal. 2009.06; 28 (11): 1637-1643. ( PubMed, DOI )

  89. Tani K, Mitsuma T, Hiroaki Y, Kamegawa A, Nishikawa K, Tanimura Y, Fujiyoshi Y. Mechanism of aquaporin-4's fast and highly selective water conduction and proton exclusion. Journal of molecular biology. 2009.06; 389 (4): 694-706. ( PubMed, DOI )

  90. Tanimura Y, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y. Acetazolamide reversibly inhibits water conduction by aquaporin-4. Journal of structural biology. 2009.04; 166 (1): 16-21. ( PubMed, DOI )

  91. Maeda S, Nakagawa S, Suga M, Yamashita E, Oshima A, Fujiyoshi Y, Tsukihara T. Structure of the connexin 26 gap junction channel at 3.5 A resolution. Nature. 2009.04; 458 (7238): 597-602. ( PubMed, DOI )

  92. Mio K, Ogura T, Yamamoto T, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Kubo Y, Sato C. Reconstruction of the P2X(2) receptor reveals a vase-shaped structure with lateral tunnels above the membrane. Structure (London, England : 1993). 2009.02; 17 (2): 266-275. ( PubMed, DOI )

  93. Walz T, Fujiyoshi Y, Engel A. The AQP structure and functional implications. Handbook of experimental pharmacology. 2009; (190): 31-56. ( PubMed, DOI )

  94. Tani K, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y. [Aquaporin-4]. Rinsho shinkeigaku = Clinical neurology. 2008.11; 48 (11): 941-944. ( PubMed )

  95. Fujiyoshi Y, Unwin N. Electron crystallography of proteins in membranes. Current opinion in structural biology. 2008.10; 18 (5): 587-592. ( PubMed, DOI )

  96. Sakisaka T, Yamamoto Y, Mochida S, Nakamura M, Nishikawa K, Ishizaki H, Okamoto-Tanaka M, Miyoshi J, Fujiyoshi Y, Manabe T, Takai Y. Dual inhibition of SNARE complex formation by tomosyn ensures controlled neurotransmitter release. The Journal of cell biology. 2008.10; 183 (2): 323-337. ( PubMed, DOI )

  97. Iwasaki K, Miyazaki N, Hammar L, Zhu Y, Omura T, Wu B, Sjöborg F, Yonekura K, Murata K, Namba K, Caspar DL, Fujiyoshi Y, Cheng RH. Pleomorphic configuration of the trimeric capsid proteins of Rice dwarf virus that allows formation of both the outer capsid and tubular crystals. Journal of molecular biology. 2008.10; 383 (1): 252-265. ( PubMed, DOI )

  98. Nishizawa T, Abe K, Tani K, Fujiyoshi Y. Structural analysis of 2D crystals of gastric H+,K+-ATPase in different states of the transport cycle. Journal of structural biology. 2008.05; 162 (2): 219-228. ( PubMed, DOI )

  99. Oshima A, Tani K, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Sosinsky GE. Projection structure of a N-terminal deletion mutant of connexin 26 channel with decreased central pore density. Cell communication & adhesion. 2008.05; 15 (1): 85-93. ( PubMed, DOI )

  100. Hayakawa S, Mori M, Okuta A, Kamegawa A, Fujiyoshi Y, Yoshiyama Y, Mitsuoka K, Ishibashi K, Sasaki S, Hattori T, Kuwabara S. Neuromyelitis optica and anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Journal of neuroimmunology. 2008.05; 196 (1-2): 181-187. ( PubMed, DOI )

  101. Suzuki H, Nishikawa K, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y. Formation of aquaporin-4 arrays is inhibited by palmitoylation of N-terminal cysteine residues. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2008.04; 1778 (4): 1181-1189. ( PubMed, DOI )

  102. Suzuki H, Kurooka M, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Kaneda Y. Sendai virus F glycoprotein induces IL-6 production in dendritic cells in a fusion-independent manner. FEBS letters. 2008.04; 582 (9): 1325-1329. ( PubMed, DOI )

  103. Engel A, Fujiyoshi Y, Gonen T, Walz T. Junction-forming aquaporins. Current opinion in structural biology. 2008.04; 18 (2): 229-235. ( PubMed, DOI )

  104. Toei M, Gerle C, Nakano M, Tani K, Gyobu N, Tamakoshi M, Sone N, Yoshida M, Fujiyoshi Y, Mitsuoka K, Yokoyama K. Dodecamer rotor ring defines H+/ATP ratio for ATP synthesis of prokaryotic V-ATPase from Thermus thermophilus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007.12; 104 (51): 20256-20261. ( PubMed, DOI )

  105. Hirai T, Mitsuoka K, Kidera A, Fujiyoshi Y. Simulation of charge effects on density maps obtained by high-resolution electron crystallography. Journal of electron microscopy. 2007.08; 56 (4): 131-140. ( PubMed, DOI )

  106. Oshima A, Tani K, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Sosinsky GE. Three-dimensional structure of a human connexin26 gap junction channel reveals a plug in the vestibule. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2007.06; 104 (24): 10034-10039. ( PubMed, DOI )

  107. Yakata K, Hiroaki Y, Ishibashi K, Sohara E, Sasaki S, Mitsuoka K, Fujiyoshi Y. Aquaporin-11 containing a divergent NPA motif has normal water channel activity. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 2007.03; 1768 (3): 688-693. ( PubMed, DOI )

  108. Mio K, Ogura T, Kiyonaka S, Hiroaki Y, Tanimura Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Mori Y, Sato C. The TRPC3 channel has a large internal chamber surrounded by signal sensing antennas. Journal of molecular biology. 2007.03; 367 (2): 373-383. ( PubMed, DOI )

  109. Fujiyoshi Y. [Structures and functions of ion channels--for accumulation of basic knowledge helpful in medical studies]. Masui. The Japanese journal of anesthesiology. 2006.11; 55 Suppl S1-10. ( PubMed )

  110. Hige T, Fujiyoshi Y, Takahashi T. Neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate enhances glutamatergic synaptic transmission by facilitating presynaptic calcium currents at the calyx of Held of immature rats. The European journal of neuroscience. 2006.10; 24 (7): 1955-1966. ( PubMed, DOI )

  111. Holm PJ, Bhakat P, Jegerschöld C, Gyobu N, Mitsuoka K, Fujiyoshi Y, Morgenstern R, Hebert H. Structural basis for detoxification and oxidative stress protection in membranes. Journal of molecular biology. 2006.07; 360 (5): 934-945. ( PubMed, DOI )

  112. Nonaka M, Doi T, Fujiyoshi Y, Takemoto-Kimura S, Bito H. Essential contribution of the ligand-binding beta B/beta C loop of PDZ1 and PDZ2 in the regulation of postsynaptic clustering, scaffolding, and localization of postsynaptic density-95. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2006.01; 26 (3): 763-774. ( PubMed, DOI )

  113. GERLE Christoph, TANI Kazutoshi, YOKOYAMA Ken, TAMAKOSHI Masatada, YOSHIDA Masasuke, YOSHIDA Masasuke, FUJIYOSHI Yoshinori, MITSUOKA Kaoru. Two-dimensional crystallization and analysis of projection images of intact Thermus thermophilus V-ATPase JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY. 2006; 153 (2): 200-206. ( PubMed, DOI )

  114. HIROAKI Yoko, HIROAKI Yoko, TANI Kazutoshi, KAMEGAWA Akiko, KAMEGAWA Akiko, GYOBU Nobuhiko, NISHIKAWA Kouki, SUZUKI Hiroshi, WALZ Thomas, SASAKI Sei, MITSUOKA Kaoru, KIMURA Kazushi, MIZOGUCHI Akira, FUJIYOSHI Yoshinori, FUJIYOSHI Yoshinori, FUJIYOSHI Yoshinori. Implications of the Aquaporin-4 Structure on Array Formation and Cell Adhesion JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 2006; 355 (4): 628-639. ( PubMed, DOI )

  115. Gonen T, Cheng Y, Sliz P, Hiroaki Y, Fujiyoshi Y, Harrison SC, Walz T. Lipid-protein interactions in double-layered two-dimensional AQP0 crystals. Nature. 2005.12; 438 (7068): 633-638. ( PubMed, DOI )

  116. Fujiyoshi Y. [Structure and function of water channels]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2005.08; 50 (10 Suppl): 1278-1283. ( PubMed )

  117. Proteomic analysis revealed a novel synaptic proline-rich membrane protein (PRR7) associated with PSD-95 and NMDA receptor. Biochem. Biophys. Research Communications. 2005; 327, 183-191 ( DOI )

  118. Electron tomography reveals diverse conformations of integrin αIIbβ3 in the active state J. Structural Biol.. 2005; 150, 259-267 (3): 259-267. ( DOI )

  119. Expression and localization of an exogenous G protein-coupled receptor fused with the rhodopsin C-terminal sequence in the retinal rod cells of knockin mice. Experimental Eye Research. 2005; 80, 859-869 ( DOI )

  120. Mitsuoka K, Fujiyoshi Y. [Three-dimensional structural analysis of biological molecules by cryo-electron microscopy]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2004.08; 49 (11 Suppl): 1794-1799. ( PubMed )

  121. Miyazawa A, Fujiyoshi Y. [The structure and function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2004.01; 49 (1): 1-10. ( PubMed )

  122. MIKOSHIBA K, SATO C, HAMADA K, OGURA T, MIYAZAWA A, IWASAKI K, HIROAKI Y, TANI K, TERAUCHI A. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor contains multiple cavities and L-shaped ligand-binding domains. J. Mol. Biol.. 2004; 336, 155-164 (1): 155-164. ( PubMed, DOI )

  123. Characterization and application of monoclonal antibodies against human endothelin B receptor expressed in insect cells. Biotechnology Letters. 2004; 26, 293-299 ( DOI )

  124. Improved Specimen Preparation for Cryo-Electron Microscopy using a Symmetric Carbon Sandwich Technique. J. Structural Biol.. 2004; 146, 325-333 (3): 325-333. ( DOI )

  125. Fujiyoshi Y. [Studies on the structure of double helix DNA in the last half century: Attraction of DNA]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2003.05; 48 (6): 676-677. ( PubMed )

  126. Roles of Met-34, Cys-64, and Arg-75 in the Assembly of Human Connexin 26. J. Biol. Chem.. 2003; 278, 1807-1816 ( DOI )

  127. Structural Genomics of Membrane Proteins. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2003; 36, 199-206 ( DOI )

  128. YAMAGUCHI T, MURATA Y, FUJIYOSHI Y, DOI T. Regulated Interaction of Endothelin B Receptor with Caveolin-I Eur. J. Biochem.. 2003; 270, 1816-1827 (8): 1816-1827. ( PubMed, DOI )

  129. MIYAZAWA A, FUJIYOSHI Y, UNWIN N. Structure and gating mechanism of the acetylcholine receptor pore. Nature. 2003; 423, 949-955 (6943): 949-955. ( DOI )

  130. Fujiyoshi Y. [Structure analysis of membrane proteins]. Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme. 2002.06; 47 (8 Suppl): 1137-1143. ( PubMed )

  131. Ligand Binding of the Second PPZ Domain Regulates Clustering of PSD-95 with the Kvl.4 Potassium Channel J. Biol. Chem.. 2002; 277 (5): 3640-3646. ( PubMed, DOI )

  132. Structure and function of water channels Current Opinion in Structural Biology (Review). 2002; 121, 509-515 ( DOI )

  133. Aquaporin water channels-from atomic structure to clinical medicine Journal of phisiology (Review). 2002; 542 3-16. ( DOI )

  134. Activation of the Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor involves a switch in conformation of the subunits J. Mol. Biol.. 2002; 319 (5): 1165-1176. ( PubMed, DOI )

  135. Functional role of internal water molecules in rhodopsin revealed by x-ray crystallography Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.. 2002; 991, 5982-5987 ( DOI )

  136. Crystal structure of Homer 1 family conserved region reveals the interaction between EVH1 domain and own praline-rich motif. J. Mol. Biol.. 2002; 318 (4): 1117-1126. ( PubMed, DOI )

  137. SATO C, UENO Y, ASAI K, TAKAHASHI K, SATO M, ENGEL A, FUJIYOSHI Y. The voltage-sensitive sodium channel is a bell-shaped molecule with several cavities Nature. 2001; 409 (6823): 1047-1051. ( PubMed, DOI )

  138. Two-dimensional crystals: a powerful approach to assess structure, function and dynamics of membrane proteins: FEBS Letters (Review). 2001; 25 (54/): 1-8.

  139. MURATA K, MITSUOKA K, HIRAI T, WALZ T, AGRE P, BERNARD HEYMANN J, ENGEL A, FUJIYOSHI Y. Structural determinants of water permeation through aquaporin-1 Nature. 2000; 407 (6804): 599-605. ( PubMed, DOI )

  140. The Importance of Aquaporin Water Channel Protein Structures EMBO J.(Review). 2000; 19 (5): 800-806. ( PubMed, DOI )

  141. The three-dimensional map of microsomal glutathione transferase 1 at 6(]J1009[)resolution EMBO Journal. 2000; 19 (23): 6311-6316. ( PubMed, DOI )

  142. The fold of human aquaporin 1 J. Mol. Biol.. 2000; 300 (4): 987-994. ( PubMed, DOI )

  143. The 11 Å resolution projection map of Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase calculated by application of single particle analysis to two-dimensional crystal images J. Electron Microsc.. 2000; 49 583-587.

  144. W276 Mutation in the Endothelin Receptor subtype B Impairs Gq Coupling but not Gi or Go Coupling Biochemistry. 2000; 39 (4): 686-692. ( PubMed, DOI )

  145. The Structure of Aquaporin-1 at 4.5 angstrom Resolution Reveals Short alpha Helices in the Center of the Monomer Journal of Structural Biology. 1999; 128 34-43. ( DOI )

  146. Electron Crystallography of Membrane proteins G protein-Coupled receptors (Review). 1999; 323-354.

  147. Molecular Structure of Proton Pump Revealed with Electron Crystallography The FASEB Journal. 1999; 13 s191-s194.

  148. Trehalose Embedding Technique for High-resolution Electron Crystallography (J. Electron Microsc. )Journal of Electron Microscopy. 1999; 48 653-658.

  149. Influence of Various Nucleotides on the in situ Crystallization of Ca<sup>2+</sup>-ATPase Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (BBA). 1999; 1415 361-368. ( DOI )

  150. Interactions of Endothelin Receptor Subtypes A and B with Gi, Go, and Gp in Reconstituted Phospholipid vesicles Biochemistry. 1999; 38 (10): 3090-3099. ( PubMed, DOI )

  151. MITSUOKA K, HIRAI T, MURATA K, MIYAZAWA A, KIDERA A, KIMURA Y, FUJIYOSHI Y. The Structure of Bacteriorhodopsin at 3.0 angstrom Resolution Based on Electron Crystallography Journal of Molecular Biology. 1999; 286 (3): 861-882. ( PubMed, DOI )

  152. MIYAZAWA A, FUJIYOSHI Y, STOWELL M, UNWIN N. Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor at 4.6 angstrom Resolution: Transverse Tunnels in the Channel Wall Journal of Molecular Biology. 1999; 288 (4): 765-786. ( PubMed, DOI )

  153. Projection Map of the Reaction Center-Light Harvesting Complex from Rhodopseudomanas Viridis at 10(]J1009[) resolution FEBS Letters. 1998; 425 (3): 505-508. ( PubMed, DOI )

  154. The Structural Study of Membrane Proteins by Electron Crystallography Adv. Biophys (Review).. 1998; 35 25-80. ( PubMed, DOI )

  155. Role of the Outermost Subdomain of Salmonella Flagelline in the Filament Structure Revealed by Electron Cryomicroscopy J. Mol. Biol.. 1998; 284 (2): 521-530. ( PubMed, DOI )

  156. Expression, Purification, and Reconstitution of Receptor for Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-activating Polypeptide = Large-scale Purification of a Functionally Active G protein-coupled Recaptor Produced in sf9 Insect Cells = J. Biol. Chem.. 1998; 273 (25): 15464-15473. ( PubMed, DOI )

  157. HEBERT H, SCHMIDT‐KREY I, MORGENSTERN R, MURATA K, HIRAI T, MITSUOKA K, FUJIYOSHI Y. The 3.0 angstrom Projection Structure of Microsomal Glutathione Transferase as Determined by Electron Crystallography of p 21212 Two-dimensional Crystals Journal of Molecular Biology. 1997; 271 (5): 751-758. ( PubMed, DOI )

  158. Characterization of Human Endotheine ET<sub>B</sub> Receptor and Mutants Expressed in Insect Cells Eur. J. Biochem. 1997; 248 (1): 139-148. ( PubMed, DOI )

  159. High Resolution Structure of Bacteriorhodopsin Determined by Electron Crystallography Photochemistry and Photobiology. 1997; 66 (6): 764-767. ( DOI )

  160. Examination oF the LeafScan 45, a Line-Illuminating Micro-Densitometer, for Its Use in Electron Crystallography Ultramicroscopy. 1997; 68 (2): 109-121. ( DOI )

  161. WALZ T, HIRAI T, MURATA K, HEYMANN J B, MITSUOKA K, FUJIYOSHI Y, SMITH B L, AGRE P, ENGEL A. Three-Dimensional Structure of Aquaporin 1 Nature. 1997; 387 (6633): 624-627. ( PubMed, DOI )

  162. KIMURA Y, VASSYLYEV D G, MIYAZAWA A, KIDERA A, MATSUSHIMA M, MITSUOKA K, MURATA K, HIRAI T, FUJIYOSHI Y. Surface of Bacteriorhodopsin Revealed by High-Resolution Electron Crystallography Nature. 1997; 389 (6647): 206-211. ( PubMed, DOI )

  163. Details of the Arrangement of the Outer Capsid of Rice Dwarf Phytoreovirus, as Visualized by Two-dimensional Crystallography J. Virol.. 1997; 71 8899-8901.

  164. Two-Dimensional Crystals of the Kdp-ATPase of Escherichia coli. FEBS Letters. 1996; 396 (2/3): 172-176. ( PubMed, DOI )

  165. Direct Interaction of Flagellin Termini Essential for Polymorphic Ability of Flagellar Filament. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1996; 93 (26): 15108-15113. ( PubMed, DOI )

  166. MIMORI Y, YAMASHITA I, MURATA K, FUJIYOSHI Y, YONEKURA K, TOYOSHIMA C, NAMBA K. The Structure of the R-type Straight Flagellar Filament of Salmonella at 9 angstrom Resolution by Electron Cryomicroscopy Journal of Molecular Biology. 1995; 249 (1): 69-87. ( PubMed, DOI )

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  187. UYEDA N, TAKENAKA T, AOYAMA K, MATSUMOTO M, FUJIYOSHI Y. Holes in a Stearic Acid Monolayer Observed by Dark-Field Electron Microscopy Nature. 1987; 327 (6120): 319-321. ( DOI )

  188. Lyotropic Mesophase of Imogolite, 2 Microscopic Observation of Imogolite Mesophase. Makromol. Chem.. 1986; 187 (12): 2895-2907. ( DOI )

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講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示

  1. 藤吉好則. Cryo-EM changes structural biology [Tutorial Lecture]. ALC '19 2019.10.23

  2. 藤吉好則. Structure-guided drug development by cryo-EM [Plenary Lecture]. International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology 2019 2019.10.18

  3. 藤吉好則. Drug rescuing based on structure analyses by cryo-EM. インベスターR&D Day 2019.09.12

  4. 藤吉 好則. 毒性回避に構造創薬は貢献できるか?. 第51回日本毒性学会学術年会 2024.07.03 福岡

  5. 藤吉好則. クライオ電顕法の紹介. 第46回日本神経科学大会 2023.08.02 仙台

  6. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡法の発展と展望. 第127回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会 2022.03.28

  7. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡を活用した構造創薬. CBI研究機構量子構造生命科学研究所、中性子構造生物学研究会、生物生体材料研究会、合同シンポジウム 2021.10.29 日本

  8. 藤吉好則. クライオ電顕が神経化学分野に役立つ時代に. 第64回日本神経化学会大会 2021.09.30 日本

  9. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡の現状と展望. よこはまNMR研究会 第66回ワークショップ「クライオ電子顕微鏡」 2021.03.12

  10. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡が激変させたタンパク質の立体構造解析技術. 第48回日本臨床免疫学会総会 2020.10.16

  11. 藤吉好則. クライオ電顕が医学・薬学分野に役立つ時代に. nano tech 2020 特別シンポジウム 2020.01.31

  12. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡を用いた構造創薬の現状. 第13回 In vivo実験医学シンポジウム 2019.11.27

  13. 藤吉好則. クライオ電子顕微鏡による構造解析と構造創薬. クリニカルサミット研究会 2019.09.06

  14. 藤吉好則. 構造生物学を激変させたクライオ電顕. 第二回 形態解析ワークショップ ― 多様な顕微鏡を用いて 2019.08.31 東京

  15. 藤吉好則. 生体分子を観ると創薬に役立つ. 日本顕微鏡学会市民公開講座 2019.06.16 名古屋

  16. 藤吉好則. クライオ電顕法の発展と創薬応用への可能性. 平成30年度 後期(秋季)有機合成化学講習会 2018.11.22 東京

  17. 藤吉好則. Structural physiology of membrane proteins. Special Seminar at MRC-LMB 2018.09.13 Cambridge (UK)

  18. 藤吉好則. Structure-guided drug development by Cryo-EM [Keynote]. The official Opening of the electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC) at Diamond Light Source 2018.09.12 Oxfordshire (UK)

  19. 藤吉好則. High resolution structure analyses by cryo-EM. Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging Opening Symposium 2018.09.10 Glasgow (UK)

  20. 藤吉好則. 構造生物学を激変させたクライオ電顕. 第34回 分析電子顕微鏡討論会 2018.09.05 幕張

  21. 藤吉好則. 構造生理学と創薬. 第58回生物物理若手の会 夏の学校 2018.08.28 岐阜

  22. 藤吉好則. Drug Rescuing by Cryo-EM. 第18回国際薬理学・臨床薬理学会議 2018.07 京都

  23. 藤吉好則. セッション4 クライオ電顕の現状と展望. AMO討論会 2018.06.16 仙台

  24. 藤吉好則. クライオ電顕法の発展と創薬応用への可能性. 有機合成化学協会 2018.01.12 東京

  25. 藤吉好則. Drug Rescuing based on structure analyses by Cryo-EM. 日本薬物動態学会第33回年会/MDO国際合同学会 2018.01.03 金沢

  26. 藤吉好則. Drug Rescuing Based on Structure Analyses by Cryo-EM. CryoEM Symposium 2018.01.02 東京

  27. 藤吉好則. 構造生物学を激変させたクライオ電子顕微鏡法. CSJ化学フェスタ2017 2017.10.17 東京

  28. 藤吉好則. 構造生物学を激変させたCryoEM. 微細構造解析プラットフォームシンポジウム 2017.10.03 東京

  29. 藤吉好則. Structural Physiology of membrane proteins. International Cryo-EM symposium 2017.09.04 Netherland

  30. 藤吉好則. For effective structure analyses of membrane proteins. Symposium to celebrate Gunnar 2017.09.02 Sweden

  31. 藤吉好則. 創薬に役立つCryoEM. 第30回バイオメディカル分析化学シンポジウム 2017.08.29 東京

  32. 藤吉好則. Structural studies of membrane proteins by cyro-EM. 第17回日本蛋白質科学会年会 2017.06.20 仙台

  33. 藤吉好則. 膜タンパク質の構造生理学. 日本膜学会第39年会 2017.05.26 東京


受賞学術賞 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 瑞宝重光章,2021年11月

  • 日本学士院会員(第2部第7分科(医学・薬学・歯学)),2019年12月

  • 藤原賞,2016年

  • Christian B. Anfinsen Award,2010年

  • 学士院賞,2008年

  • 紫綬褒章,2006年

  • 島津賞,2006年

  • 産学官連携功労者表彰 科学技術政策担当大臣賞,2005年

  • 山崎貞一賞,2005年

  • 慶應医学賞,2005年

  • クルージュナポカ医科薬科大学 名誉博士,2005年

  • 瀬藤賞,1988年


その他業績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 脳心筋炎ウイルスはRNAの動的構造平衡を利用して増える -NMRとクライオ電子顕微鏡の連携による構造生物学の新展開-,2023年08月


社会貢献活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • LF対談「クライオ電子顕微鏡を使う研究者は 世界でも日本でもとても増えています」,千里ライフサイエンス振興財団,Senri Life Science News No.92,2020年11月27日

  • 構造生理学について/クライオ電顕について,NHK,2019年06月25日