Personnel Information



Job title


Research Areas, Keywords

Health Services Research, Nursing Policy, Public Health

Graduating School 【 display / non-display

  • Fujita Health University, Faculty of Hygienic Science, 1994.03, Graduated

Graduate School 【 display / non-display

  • Hiroshima University, Graduate School, Division of Medical Sciences, Doctor's Course, 2005.03, Completed

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Ph.D, Hiroshima University

  • MHS, Hiroshima University

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2018.06
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Nursing Innovation, Development Studies in Fundamental Nursing, Innovation in Fundamental and Scientific Nursing Care, Professor
  • 2023.05
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Nursing Innovation, Development Studies in Fundamental Nursing, Department of Nursing Health Services Research, Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Development Studies in Fundamental Nursing, Department of Nursing Health Services Research, Professor

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • 1994.04
    Fujita health university hospital, Registered Nurse
  • 2000.06
    Teikyo university, Center for evidence based Medicine, School of Medicine Department of Hygiene and Public Health , Research associate
  • 2002.09
    Japanese Nursing Association, Office of Policy Planning and Research, staff
  • 2005.04
    The University of Tokyo Hospital, Department of Healthcare Information Management, Research associate
  • 2005.11
    University of Tsukuba, Junior Associate Professor
  • 2013.04
    Yokohama City University, Associate Professor
  • 2015.09
    Yokohama City University , Professor

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Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • Japan Association for Medical Informatics

  • The Japan Academy of Nursing Administration and Policies

  • Japan Society of Occupational Health

  • The Japanese Society for Hygiene

  • Japanese Society of Public Health

  • Japan Academy of Nursing Science

  • Japan Society for Healthcare Administration

  • Japan Primary Care Association

  • Japan Academy of Nursing for Home Care

  • The Japan Academy of Home Care

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Health Services Research

  • Nursing Policy

  • Fundamental of nursing

Qualification Acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Health Nurse

  • General Nurse


Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Kashiwagi Masayo, Morioka Noriko, Terajima Miho, Hanari Kyoko, Sugiyama Takehiro, Inokuchi Ryota, Tamiya Nanako. Awareness-raising activities of advance care planning for community residents: a nationwide cross-sectional survey in Japan 2024.12; 23 303.

  2. Ayako Furukawa, Masayo Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka.. Employment status of older nursing staff aged 55 years and older in care facilities: A nationwide cross-sectional study in Japan Global Health & Medicine. 2024.08; 6 (4): 225-235.

  3. Masayo Kashiwagi, Kimikazu Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka, Kazuhiro Abe. Last year of life care transitions between long-term care insurance services in Japan: Analysis of long-term care insurance claims data Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2024.07; 24 (9): 883-890.

  4. Tomoko Tamaki, Noriko Morioka, Ako Machida, Masayo Kashiwagi . Trends in the geographic inequality of advanced practice nursing workforce in cancer care in Japan from 1996 to 2022: a panel data analysis Human Resources for Health. 2024.05; 22 33. ( DOI )

  5. Morioka N, Kashiwagi M, Kashiwagi K, Abe K, Miyawaki A. Characteristics of first-time users of the nursing small-scale multifunctional home care service: a pooled cross-sectional study using Japanese long-term care insurance claims data from 2012 to 2019. BMJ open. 2024.05; 14 (5): e080664. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Morioka N, Ochi M, Okubo S, Moriwaki M, Hayashida K, Sakata I, Kashiwagi M. Citation Network Analysis of Nurse Staffing Research from the Past Two Decades: 2000-2022. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 2023.11; 11 (23): ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Morioka N, Kashiwagi M, Machida A, Hanari K, Sugiyama T, Inokuchi R, Tamiya N. Japanese Local Governments' Dissemination Activities for Advance Care Planning: A Descriptive Analysis of a Nationwide Survey during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2023.04; 20 (7): ( PubMed, DOI )

  8. Minoru Kabashima, Masayo Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka. Biomechanical Analysis of Nursesʼ Touching Techniques According to Clinical Symptoms Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing. 2022.09; 17 (1): 1-16.

  9. Masayo Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka. Determinants associated with the incidence of occupational accidents among visiting nurses at home-visit nursing agencies: Secondary analysis of cross-national survey data in Japan Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2022.08; 22 (8): 588-596. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Yusuke Ota, Chihiro Tani Sassa, Masayo Kashiwagi, Chikako Okawara, Shuji Tohda, Ryoichi Saito. Complete Genome Sequence of an Enterobacter roggenkampii Strain with Reduced Carbapenem Susceptibility Isolated from a Home-Visit Nursing Agency Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022.08; e0035322.

  11. Morioka N, Kashiwagi M, Hamano J. Adherence to Personal Protective Equipment Use in Home-Care Service Agencies During COVID-19 in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2022.02; ( PubMed, DOI )

  12. Hoshi Misuzu, Kanoya Yuka, Doi Mana, Sasaki-Otomaru Akiyo, Enokigura Tomomi, Kashiwagi Masayo, Ohtake Mariko, Sugimoto Kentaro, Kashiwazaki Ikuko, Moriguchi Fusae. Key Competencies Required for an integrated community care system The 11th proceedings of IACSC2020. 2021.12; 333-345.

  13. Noriko Morioka, Masayo Kashiwagi. Infection prevention and control practice among home-care nursing agencies in Japan: Secondary analysis of a nationwide cross-sectional survey Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2021.09; 1-6.

  14. Masayo Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka. Characteristics of home-visit nursing agencies that closed after the 2012 fee revision for home-visit nursing services: A nationwide panel data analysis in Japan International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021.09; 18 9820. ( DOI )

  15. Yasuko Ogata, Keiko Fujinami, Sakiko Ito, Masayo Kashiwagi, Nobuko Lapreziosa, Yuki Yonekura. Developing the Nursing Practice Environment Scale for Home Health Care: A Trial Study in Japan Nursing Open. 2021.07; 1-13. ( DOI )

  16. Noriko Morioka , Masayo Kashiwagi. Adverse Events in Home-Care Nursing Agencies and Related Factors: A Nationwide Survey in Japan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021.03; 18 (5): ( DOI )

  17. Kousuke Maeda, Masayo Kashiwagi, Chikako Okawara. Effect of foot bath on cerebral activity and indicators of physiology evaluation of the effect of foot bath: A literature review Journal of the Japan Academy of Nursing Evaluation. 2020.07; 10 (1): 13-21.

  18. Kousuke Maeda, Masayo Kashiwagi, Chikako Okawara, Akihiro Shuda. Effect of warm footbath on cerebral activity in the prefrontal contrex Journal of the Ochanomizu Association for Academic Nursing. 2020.03; 14 (1): 1-14.

  19. Masayo Kashiwagi, Nanako Tamiya. Awareness-raising activities for community residents about decision-making regarding end-of-life care: A nationwide survey in Japan municipalities. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2020.01; ( PubMed )

  20. Morioka N, Moriwaki M, Tomio J, Kashiwagi M, Fushimi K, Ogata Y. Structure and process of dementia care and patient outcomes after hip surgery in elderly people with dementia: A retrospective observational study in Japan. International journal of nursing studies. 2019.11; 102 103470. ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Sugimoto K, Ogata Y, Kashiwagi M, Ueno H, Yumoto Y, Yonekura Y. Factors associated with deaths in 'Elderly Housing with Care Services' in Japan: a cross-sectional study BMC Palliative Care. 2017.11; 16 (1): 58. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Sugimoto K, Kashiwagi M, Tamiya N. Predictors of preferred location of care in middle-aged individuals of a municipality in Japan: a cross-sectional survey BMC Health Services research. 2017.05; 17 (1): 352. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Oyama Y, Kashiwagi M, Ogata Y, Hoshishiba Y. Factors associated with the use of the reactive approach to preventing patient safety events Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2016.11; 29 (2): 96-102.

  24. Sugimoto K, Ogata Y, Kashiwagi M. Factors promoting resident deaths at aged care facilities in Japan: a review Health Social Care Community. 2016.10;

  25. Kashiwagi M, Tamiya N, Murata M. Characteristics of Visiting Nurse Agencies with High Home Death Rates: A Prefecture-wide Study in Japan Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2015.08; 15 (8): 936-943.

  26. Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Takahashi H, Noguchi H. Descriptive analysis of service use covered by long-term care insurance in Japan - based on population-based claims data BMC Health Services Research. 2014.07;

  27. Oyama Y, Fukahori H, Miyashita M, Narama M, Kono A, Atogami F, Kashiwagi M, Okaya K, Takamizawa E, Yoshizawa T. Cross-sectional online survey of research productivity in young Japanese nursing faculty Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2014.07; 12 (3): 198-207.

  28. Kashiwagi M, Oyama Y. Predictors of Intention to Resign Among Home-Visiting Nurses in Japan: A Prefecture-Wide Cross-Sectional Survey Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2014.01; 27 (4): 208-215.

  29. Oyama Y, Kashiwagi M. Factors related to job satisfaction of visiting nurses in Japan: a cross-sectional study Research on Humanities and Social Sciences . 2014.01; 4 (11): 137-142.

  30. Kashiwagi M, Tamiya N, Sato M, Yano E. Factors associated with the use of home-visit nursing services covered by the long-term care insurance in rural Japan: a cross-sectional study BMC Geriatrics. 2013.02; 13 (1):

  31. Kobayashi M, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Ito T, Yamaoka Y, Matsuzawa A. Factors related to positive feelings of caregivers who provide home-based long-term care for their family members in Japan Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences. 2013.01; 3 (16): 27-36.

  32. Sandoval F, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Miyata S, Okochi J, Takamuku K. Relationship between Structural Characteristics and Outcome Quality Indicators at Health Care Facilities for the Elderly Requiring Long-Term Care in Japan from a Nationwide Survey Gerontology and Geriatrics International . 2013.01; 14 (2): 301-308. ( DOI )

  33. Ito T, Tamiya N, Takahashi H, Yamazaki K, Yamamoto H, Sakano S, Kashiwagi M, Miyaishi S. Factors that prolong the 'postmortem interval until finding' (PMI-f) among community-dwelling elderly individuals in Japan: analysis of registration data BMJ Open. 2012.09; 2 (5): ( DOI )

  34. Olivares-Tirado P, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M. Effect of in-home and community-based services on the functional status of elderly in the long-term care insurance system in Japan BMC Health Services Research . 2012.08; 12 (1):

  35. Oyama Y, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Sato M, Ohwaki K, Yano E. Factors that allow elderly individual to stay at home with their families using the Japanese long-term care insurance system Gerontology and Geriatrics International. 2012.07; 13 (3): 764-773. ( DOI )

  36. Hirano Y, Yamamoto-Mitani N, Ueno M, Takemori S, Kashiwagi M, Sato I, Miyata N, Kimata M, Fukahori H and Yamada M. Home Care Nurses’ Provision of End-of-life Support to Families of the Elderly Qualitative Health Research. 2011.02; 21 (2): 199-213.

  37. Nishi A, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Takahashi H, Sato M, Kawachi I. Mothers and daughters-in-law: a prospective study of informal care-giving arrangements and survival in Japan BMC Geriatrics. 2010.08; 10 ( DOI )

  38. Tamiya N, Okuno M, Kashiwagi M, Nishikitani M, Aruga E. Collaboration between physicians and a hospital-based palliative care team in a general acute-care hospital in Japan BMC Palliative Care. 2010.06; 15 (9): ( DOI )

  39. Yoshioka Y, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Sato M, Okubo I. Comparison of public and private care management agencies under public long-term care insurance in Japan: a cross-sectional study Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 2010.01; 10 48-55. ( DOI )

  40. Kato G, Tamiya N, Kashiwagi M, Sato M, Takahashi H. Relationship between home care service use and changes in the care needs level of Japanese elderly BMC Geriatrics. 2009.12; 21 ( DOI )

  41. Ishikawa H, Kawagoe K, Kashiwagi M, Fukui S, Yano E. Nurse-physician collaboration in pain management for terminally ill cancer patients treated at home in Japan Journal of Palliative care. 2007.09; 30 (3): 242-247.

  42. Aramaki E, Imai T, Kashiwagi M, Kajino M, Miyo K, Ohe K. Toward Medical Ontology using Natural Language Processing International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP) workshop Ontologies and Lexical Resources. 2005.10; 53-58.

  43. Nakao M, Kashiwagi M, Yano E. Alexithymia and Grief Reactions in Bereaved Japanese Women Death Studies. 2005.06; 29 423-433.

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Masahiko Ohgaki, Noriko Morioka, Masanao Ochi, Masayo Kashiwagi. Overview of Research on Nurse Turnover and Retention from 1950–2024: a Citation Network Analysis. East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2025.02.13 Seoul, Korea

  2. Noriko Morioka, Masayo Kashiwagi, Nanako Tamiya. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on dissemination activities for advance care planning in Japanese municipalities: a secondary analysis of a nationwide survey. IAGG-Asia Oceania Regional Congress 2023 2023.06.12 Yokohama, Japan

  3. Ayako Furukawa, Masayo Kashiwagi, Noriko Morioka. Factors related to older nurses’ decisions to stay or leave the workforce: An overview of review. ICN Congress 2021 2021.11.02 The virtual meeting

  4. N tamiya, M Kashiwagi, H Takahashi, H Noguchi. Descriptive analysis of service use covered by long-term care insurance in Japan - based on population-based claims data. Health Services Research: Evidence-based practice 2014.07.07

  5. Kobayashi M, Tamiya N, Ito T, Sandoval F, Kashiwagi M. Predictors of family caregivers’ good feelings about elderly care at home in Japan.. 5th Carers international conference 2010.07.08 University of Leeds, England

  6. Factors affecting the subjective burden of the family caregiver of users of Visiting Nursing Service in Japan.. The 14th EUPHA (The European Public Health Association) conference 2006.11.16

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