Personnel Information



Job title

Assistant Professor

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2016.10
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Public Health, Global Health Promotion, Project Researcher
  • 2018.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Public Health, Global Health Promotion, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.10
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Public Health, Department of Health Policy, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.11
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Public Health, Health Care Management and Planning, Assistant Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Public Health, Department of Health Policy, Assistant Professor

Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Aduhadra BD*, Doi S, Fujiwara T. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety in Libya: a systematic review Middle East Current Psychiatry. 2023.06; 30 (1): 49.

  2. Matsuyama Yusuke, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. 留守番の頻度と小学1年生のう蝕の関連 A-CHILD study(Being Left Alone at Home and Dental Caries of Children Aged 6-7 Years) Journal of Epidemiology. 2023.06; 33 (5-6): 303-310. ( ichushi )

  3. Shimazu Akihito, Fujiwara Takeo, Iwata Noboru, Kato Yoko, Kawakami Norito, Maegawa Nobuaki, Nakao Mutsuhiro, Nomiyama Tetsuo, Takahashi Miho, Tayama Jun, Watai Izumi, Arima Makiko, Hasegawa Tomoko, Matsudaira Ko, Matsuyama Yutaka, Miyazawa Yoshimi, Shimada Kyoko, Takahashi Masaya, Watanabe Mayumi, Yamaguchi Atsushige, Adachi Madoka, Tomida Makiko, Chen Di, Doi Satomi, Hirano Sachiko, Isokawa Sanae, Kamijo Tomoko, Kobayashi Toshio, Matsuzaki Kichinosuke, Moridaira Naoko, Nitto Yukari, Ogawa Sayaka, Sakurai Mariko, Sasaki Natsu, Tobayama Mutsuko, Yamauchi Kanako, Obikane Erika, Odawara Miyuki, Sakka Mariko, Takeuchi Kazuki, Tokita Masahito. Effects of work-family life support program on the work-family interface and mental health among Japanese dual-earner couples with a preschool child: A randomized controlled trial(タイトル和訳中) Journal of Occupational Health. 2023.04; 65 (1): 1 of 16-16 of 16. ( ichushi )

  4. Fujiwara T, Doi S, Isumi A. Detecting Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy Using Municipal Pregnancy Registration Records: An Administrative Data Analysis. Journal of interpersonal violence. 2023.04; 38 (7-8): 5682-5698. ( PubMed, DOI )

  5. Yamaoka Y, Doi S, Isumi A, Fujiwara T. Health and social relationships of mothers of children in special education schools. Research in developmental disabilities. 2022.12; 131 104374. ( PubMed, DOI )

  6. Saimon Y, Doi S, Fujiwara T. No moderating effect of coping skills on the association between bullying experience and self-esteem: Results from K-CHILD study. Frontiers in psychology. 2022; 13 1004482. ( PubMed, DOI )

  7. Okada Shusho, Doi Satomi, Isumi Aya, Fujiwara Takeo. 日本の小学4年生におけるモバイル機器使用と行動問題の関連(The association between mobile devices use and behavior problems among fourth grade children in Japan) Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2021.10; 75 (9-10): 286-293. ( ichushi )

  8. Tani Y, Doi S, Isumi A, Fujiwara T. Association of home cooking with caregiver-child interaction and child mental health: Results from the A-CHILD study. Public health nutrition. 2021.03; 24 (13): 1-31. ( PubMed, DOI )

  9. Matsumoto Y, Fujino J, Shiwaku H, Miyajima M, Doi S, Hirai N, Jitoku D, Takagi S, Tamura T, Maruo T, Shidei Y, Kobayashi N, Ichihashi M, Noguchi S, Oohashi K, Takeuchi T, Sugihara G, Okada T, Fujiwara T, Takahashi H. Factors affecting mental illness and social stress in hospital workers treating COVID-19: Paradoxical distress during pandemic era. Journal of psychiatric research. 2021.03; 137 298-302. ( PubMed, DOI )

  10. Miyamura K, Nawa N, Isumi A, Doi S, Ochi M, Fujiwara T. The association of passive smoking and dyslipidemia among adolescence in Japan: Results from A-CHILD Study. The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 2021.02; 106 (7): E2738-E2748. ( PubMed, DOI )

  11. Ochi Manami, Isumi Aya, Kato Tsuguhiko, Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. Adachi Child Health Impact of Living Difficulty(A-CHILD)研究 研究プロトコルと参加者の特徴(Adachi Child Health Impact of Living Difficulty(A-CHILD) Study: Research Protocol and Profiles of Participants) Journal of Epidemiology. 2021.02; 31 (1-2): 77-89. ( ichushi )

  12. Shiwaku Hiroki, Doi Satomi, Miyajima Miho, Matsumoto Yukiko, Fujino Junya, Hirai Nobuhide, Jitoku Daisuke, Takagi Shunsuke, Tamura Takehiro, Maruo Takashi, Shidei Yuki, Kobayashi Nanase, Ichihashi Masanori, Noguchi Shiori, Oohashi Kanako, Takeuchi Takashi, Sugihara Genichi, Okada Takayuki, Fujiwara Takeo, Takahashi Hidehiko. COVID-19パンデミックにおける医療従事者の精神的および社会的ストレスを評価するための新しい簡易なスクリーニング尺度、Tokyo Metropolitan Distress Scale for Pandemic(TMDP)(Novel brief screening scale, Tokyo Metropolitan Distress Scale for Pandemic(TMDP), for assessing mental and social stress of medical personnel in COVID-19 pandemic) Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2021.02; 75 (1-2): 24-25. ( ichushi )

  13. Ochi Manami, Isumi Aya, Kato Tsuguhiko, Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. Adachi Child Health Impact of Living Difficulty (A-CHILD) Study: Research Protocol and Profiles of Participants JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2021.01; 31 (1): 77-89. ( PubMed, DOI )

  14. Ito Kanako, Doi Satomi, Isumi Aya, Fujiwara Takeo. Association between Childhood Maltreatment History and Premenstrual Syndrome INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021.01; 18 (2): ( PubMed, DOI )

  15. Shiwaku Hiroki, Doi Satomi, Miyajima Miho, Matsumoto Yukiko, Fujino Junya, Hirai Nobuhide, Jitoku Daisuke, Takagi Shunsuke, Tamura Takehiro, Maruo Takashi, Shidei Yuki, Kobayashi Nanase, Ichihashi Masanori, Noguchi Shiori, Oohashi Kanako, Takeuchi Takashi, Sugihara Genichi, Okada Takayuki, Fujiwara Takeo, Takahashi Hidehiko. Novel brief screening scale, Tokyo Metropolitan Distress Scale for Pandemic (TMDP), for assessing mental and social stress of medical personnel in COVID-19 pandemic PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES. 2021.01; 75 (1): 24-25. ( PubMed, DOI )

  16. Doi S, Kobayashi Y, Takebayashi Y, Mizokawa E, Nakagawa A, Mimura M, Horikoshi M. Associations of Autism Traits With Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms and Well-Being in Patients With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Study. Frontiers in psychology. 2021; 12 697717. ( PubMed, DOI )

  17. Matsuyama Yusuke, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. Poor parenting behaviours and dental caries experience in 6-To 7-year-old children COMMUNITY DENTISTRY AND ORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY. 2020.12; 48 (6): 493-500. ( PubMed, DOI )

  18. Isumi A, Doi S, Yamaoka Y, Takahashi K, Fujiwara T. Do suicide rates in children and adolescents change during school closure in Japan? The acute effect of the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic on child and adolescent mental health. Child abuse & neglect. 2020.12; 110 (Pt 2): 104680. ( PubMed, DOI )

  19. Tani Yukako, Fujiwara Takeo, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi. Home Cooking Is Related to Potential Reduction in Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Adolescents: Results from the A-CHILD Study NUTRIENTS. 2020.12; 12 (12): ( PubMed, DOI )

  20. Fukuya Yoshifumi, Matsuyama Yusuke, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Ochi Manami, Fujiwara Takeo. Toothbrushing and School Refusal in Elementary School: A Longitudinal Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020.10; 17 (20): ( PubMed, DOI )

  21. Koyama Yuna, Fujiwara Takeo, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Ochi Manami. The impact of public assistance on child mental health in Japan: results from A-CHILD study JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY. 2020.10; 42 (1): 98-112. ( PubMed, DOI )

  22. Koyama Yuna, Fujiwara Takeo, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi. Is Japan's child allowance effective for the well-being of children? A statistical evaluation using data from K-CHILD study BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020.10; 20 (1): 1503. ( PubMed, DOI )

  23. Fujiwara Takeo, Doi Satomi, Isumi Aya, Ochi Manami. Association of Existence of Third Places and Role Model on Suicide Risk Among Adolescent in Japan: Results From A-CHILD Study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY. 2020.10; 11 529818. ( PubMed, DOI )

  24. Koyama Y, Fujiwara T, Isumi A, Doi S. Degree of influence in class modifies the association between social network diversity and well-being: Results from a large population-based study in Japan. Soc Sci Med. 2020.09; 260 113170. ( PubMed, DOI )

  25. Ito K, Isumi A, Doi S, Ochi M, Fujiwara T. Prevention of dental caries by eating vegetables at the beginning of a meal in Japanese children EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020.09; 30

  26. Doi Satomi, Isumi Aya, Fujiwara Takeo. The Association between Parental Involvement Behavior and Self-Esteem among Adolescents Living in Poverty: Results from the K-CHILD Study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020.09; 17 (17): ( PubMed, DOI )

  27. Isumi A, Doi S, Fujiwara T. Effectiveness of an app for perinatal home visitation by nurses in preventing infant abuse in Japan EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020.09; 30

  28. Matsuyama Y, Isumi A, Doi S, Fujiwara T. Longitudinal Analysis of Child Resilience Link to Dental Caries. Pediatric dentistry. 2020.07; 42 (4): 308-315. ( PubMed )

  29. Doi S, Fujiwara T, Isumi A. Association between maternal adverse childhood experiences and child's self-rated academic performance: Results from the K-CHILD study. Child Abuse Negl. 2020.06; 104 104478. ( PubMed, DOI )

  30. Doi S, Fujiwara T, Isumi A. Association between maternal adverse childhood experiences and mental health problems in offspring: An intergenerational study. Development and psychopathology. 2020.06; 33 (3): 1-18. ( PubMed, DOI )

  31. Doi S, Fujiwara T, Isumi A, Mitsuda N. Preventing postpartum depressive symptoms using an educational video on infant crying: A cluster randomized controlled trial DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY. 2020.05; 37 (5): 449-457. ( PubMed, DOI )

  32. Funakoshi Y, Xuan Z, Isumi A, Doi S, Ochi M, Fujiwara T. The association of community and individual parental social capital with behavior problems among children in Japan: results from A-CHILD longitudinal study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2020.04; 56 (1): 119-127. ( PubMed, DOI )

  33. Kawaguchi H, Fujiwara T, Okamoto Y, Isumi A, Doi S, Kanagawa T, Kimura T, Mitsuda N. Perinatal determinants of child maltreatment in Japan. Front Pediatr. 2020.04; 8 143. ( PubMed, DOI )

  34. Koyama Yuna, Fujiwara Takeo, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi. Association of parental social network diversity with behaviour problems and resilience of offspring in a large population-based study of Japanese children BMJ OPEN. 2020; 10 (10): e035100. ( PubMed, DOI )

  35. Doi S, Isumi A, Fujiwara T. Association Between Serum Lipid Levels, Resilience, and Self-Esteem in Japanese Adolescents: Results From A-CHILD Study. Frontiers in psychology. 2020; 11 587164. ( PubMed, DOI )

  36. Tani Y, Fujiwara T, Doi S, Isumi A. Home Cooking and Child Obesity in Japan: Results from the A-CHILD Study NUTRIENTS. 2019.12; 11 (12): ( PubMed, DOI )

  37. Morita A, Matsuyama Y, Isumi A, Doi S, Ochi M, Fujiwara T. Association between grandparent co-residence, socioeconomic status and dental caries among early school-aged children in Japan: A population-based prospective study. Scientific reports. 2019.08; 9 (1): 11345. ( PubMed, DOI )

  38. Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. Combined effect of adverse childhood experiences and young age on self-harm ideation among postpartum women in Japan JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 2019.06; 253 410-418. ( PubMed, DOI )

  39. Doi S, Fujiwara T, Isumi A, Ochi M. Pathway of the Association Between Child Poverty and Low Self-Esteem: Results From a Population-Based Study of Adolescents in Japan. Frontiers in psychology. 2019.05; 10 937. ( PubMed, DOI )

  40. Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo, Isumi Aya. Development of the Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy Instrument (IPVPI) FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019.03; 7 43. ( PubMed, DOI )

  41. Satomi Doi, Masaya Ito, Yoshitake Takebayashi, Kumiyako Muramatsu, Masaru Horikoshi. Factorial validity and invariance of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) among populations with and without self-reported psychiatric diagnostic status Front Psychol. 2018.09; 9 1741.

  42. Doi Satomi, Ito Masaya, Takebayashi Yoshitake, Muramatsu Kumiko, Horikoshi Masaru. Factorial validity and invariance of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 among clinical and non-clinical populations PLOS ONE. 2018.07; 13 (7): e0199235. ( PubMed, DOI )

  43. Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo, Ochi Manami, Isumi Aya, Kato Tsuguhiko. Association of sleep habits with behavior problems and resilience of 6-to 7-year-old children: results from the A-CHILD study SLEEP MEDICINE. 2018.05; 45 62-68. ( PubMed, DOI )

  44. Satomi Doi, Takeo Fujiwara, Aya Isumi, Manami Ochi, Tsuguhiko Kato. Relationship Between Leaving Children at Home Alone and Their Mental Health: Results From the A-CHILD Study in Japan. Front Psychiatry. 2018; 9 192. ( PubMed, DOI )

  45. Doi S, Ito M, Takebayashi Y, Muramatsu K, Horikoshi M. Factorial Validity and Invariance of the 7-Item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) Among Populations With and Without Self-Reported Psychiatric Diagnostic Status. Frontiers in psychology. 2018; 9 1741. ( PubMed, DOI )

  46. Satomi Doi, Kengo Yokomitsu, Yuji Sakano. The relationships between valued action, behavioral activation, avoidance, and reinforcement in a sample of college students Psychological Reports. 2016; 118 (1): 5-22.

  47. Satoshi Horiuchi, Akira Tsuda, Natsuki Toyoshima, Tong Liu, Suguru Iwano, Satomi Doi, & Yuji Sakano. Relationship of cognitive appraisal and coping with subjective happiness in Japanese college students 2015;

  48. Ke Deng, Akira Tsuda, Satoshi Horiuchi, Euiyeon Kim, Terumi Matsuda, Satomi Doi, Aki Tsuchiyagaito, Hisanori Kobayashi, Kwangshik Hong. Development of a Korean Version of Pro-Change’s Processes of Change Measure for Effective Stress Management Open Journal of Social Sciences. 2014; 2 41-48.

  49. 金澤潤一郎, 土井理美, 筒井明日香, 近藤清美. 発達上の気がかりをもつ小学校低学年児童に対する集団社会的スキル訓練における成果と問題(その3)標的行動における効果 北海道医療大学心理科学部心理臨床・発達支援センター研究. 2014; 10 (1): 15-20.

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Satomi Doi, Takeo Fujiwara. Combined effect of adverse childhood experiences and young age on self-harm ideation after birth. 12th European Public Health Conference 2019.11.22 Marseille, France

  2. Kanade Ito, Aya Isumi, Satomi Doi, Manami Ochi, Takeo Fujiwara. The association between eating vegetables at start of meal and dental caries among Japanese children. 12th European Public Health Conference 2019.11.20 Marseille, France

  3. Matsuyama Yusuke, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Fujiwara Takeo. 6歳児の養育法の悪さと齲蝕の関係性(Poor Parenting Types and Dental Caries of 6 year-old children). 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 2019.10.01

  4. Funakoshi Yu, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Ochi Manami, Fujiwara Takeo. 日本の小児における社会資本と行動問題の関連性(The association of social capital with behavior problems among children in Japan). 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 2019.10.01

  5. Funakoshi Yu, Isumi Aya, Doi Satomi, Ochi Manami, Fujiwara Takeo. 日本の小児における社会資本と行動問題の関連性(The association of social capital with behavior problems among children in Japan). 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集 2019.10.01

  6. Takeo Fujiwara, Aya Isumi, Satomi Doi. Development of supporting system for pregnant women using digital devise during home-visit by public health nurse to prevent child maltreatment. 2018.09.02

  7. Satomi Doi, Takeo Fujiwara. Association between adverse childhood experiences and thoughts of self-harm among postpartum women. ISPCAN XXII International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect 2018.09.02

  8. Doi. S, Fujiwara, T., Ochi. M., Isumi. A., Kato. T. Relationships between sleep habits and mental health among Japanese 6 to 7-year-old children: Results from the A-CHILD study. The 21st International Epidemiological Association World Congress of Epidemiology 2018.08.20 Saitama, Japan

  9. Takeo Fujiwara, Satomi Doi, Aya Isumi. Prediction of intimate partner violence using administrative data on pregnancy. European Congress of Epidemiology 2018.06.04

  10. Satomi Doi, Kengo Yokomitsu, Koki Takagaki et al.. The effect of values intervention in behavioral activation in college students: Randomized controlled trial. The 8th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2016.06.24

  11. Satomi Doi, Takeo Fujiwara. The association between leaving children home alone and mental health: Result from A-CHILD study.. The 8th Annual Meeting International Society for Social Capital research 2016.05.30

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Campus class subject 【 display / non-display

  • Behavioral Science,2019 - Now