Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2015.10-2016.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Trainee Resident
2016.04-2020.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Pulp Biology and Endodontics, Graduate Student
2022.04-2023.08Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Project Assistant Professor
2023.09-NowTokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Assistant Professor
2023.09-NowTokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Pulp Biology and Endodontics, Assistant Professor
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Moe SK, Ebihara A, Iino Y, Thu M, Maki K, Kimura S, Htun PH, Okiji T. Effect of repetitive up-and-down movements on torque/force generation, surface defects and shaping ability of nickel-titanium rotary instruments: An ex vivo study BMC Oral Health. 2024.07; in press
Moe SK , Ebihara A, Thu M, Maki K, Kimura S, Htun PH, Okiji T. Effect of preset torque setting on torque/force generation, shaping ability and surface changes of nickel titanium rotary instrument in different root canal curvature locations: an ex vivo study Dental Materials Journal. 2024.01; in press
Kasuga Y, Kimura S, Maki K, Unno H, Omori S, Hirano K, Ebihara A, Okiji T. Phase transformation and mechanical properties of heat-treated nickel-titanium rotary endodontic instruments at room and body temperatures. BMC Oral Health. 2023.10; 23 (1): 825. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kimura S, Ebihara A, Maki K, Kyaw MS, Kasuga Y, Omori S, Okiji T. Phase transformation behavior and mechanical properties of HyFlex EDM nickel-titanium endodontic rotary instrument: Evaluation at body temperature Journal of Dental Sciences. 2023.08;
Thu M, Ebihara A, Maki K, Nishijo M, Kimura S, Nakatsukasa T, Kyaw MS, Okiji T. Effect of different axial speed patterns on cyclic fatigue resistance of rotary nickel-titanium instruments BMC Oral Health. 2022.12; 22 (1): 617.
Unno H, Ebihara A, Hirano K, Kasuga Y, Omori S, Nakatsukasa T, Kimura S, Maki K, Okiji T. Mechanical Properties and Root Canal Shaping Ability of a Nickel–Titanium Rotary System for Minimally Invasive Endodontic Treatment: A Comparative In Vitro Study Materials. 2022.11; 15 (22): 7929. ( PubMed, DOI )
Omori S, Ebihara A, Hirano K, Kasuga Y, Unno H, Nakatsukasa T, Kimura S, Maki K, Hanawa T, Okiji T. Effect of rotational modes on torque/force generation and canal centering ability during rotary root canal instrumentation with differently heat-treated nickel–titanium instruments Materials. 2022.10; 15 (19): 6850. ( PubMed, DOI )
Keiichiro Maki, Arata Ebihara, Hayate Unno, Satoshi Omori, Taro Nakatsukasa, Shunsuke Kimura, Takashi Okiji. Effect of Different Downward Loads on Canal Centering Ability, Vertical Force, and Torque Generation during Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instrumentation Materials. 2022.04; 7 (15): 2724. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakatsukasa T, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Maki K, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Impact of radial lands on the reduction of torque/force generation of a heat-treated nickel-titanium rotary instrument Applied Sciences. 2022.03; 12 (5): 2620.
Moe Sandar Kyaw, Ebihara A, Kasuga Y, Maki K, Kimura S, Pyae Hein Htun, Nakatsukasa T, Okiji T. Influence of rotational speed on torque/force generation and shaping ability during root canal instrumentation of extracted teeth with continuous rotation and optimum torque reverse motion International Endodontic Journal. 2021.09; 54 (9): 1614-1622.
Nakatsukasa T, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Maki K, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Comparative evaluation of mechanical properties and shaping performance of heat-treated nickel titanium rotary instruments used in the single-length technique(和訳中) Dental Materials Journal. 2021.05; 40 (3): 743-749. ( ichushi )
Htun PH, Ebihara A, Maki K, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Kyaw MS, Okiji T. Comparison of torque, screw-in force and shaping ability of glide path instruments in Continuous rotation and optimum glide path motion Journal of Endodontics. 2021.01; 47 (1): 94-99. ( PubMed, DOI )
Htun PH, Ebihara A, Maki K, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Comparison of torque, force generation and canal shaping ability between manual and nickel-titanium glide path instruments in rotary and optimum glide path motion. Odontology. 2020.04; 108 188-193. ( DOI )
Maki K, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Miyara K, Okiji T. Enhanced root canal-centering ability and reduced screw-in force generation of reciprocating nickel-titanium instruments with a post-machining thermal treatment. Dental Materials Journal. 2020.03; 39 (2): 251-255. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kimura S, Ebihara A, Maki K, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Effect of optimum torque reverse motion on torque and force generation during root canal instrumentation with crown-down and single-length techniques Journal of Endodontics. 2020.02; 46 (2): 232-237. ( PubMed, DOI )
Tong F, Maki K, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Ebihara A, Okiji T. Assessment of mechanical properties of WaveOne Gold Primary reciprocating instruments Dental Materials Journal. 2019.06; 38 (3): 490-495. ( DOI )
Maki K, Ebihara A, Kimura S, Nishijo M, Tokita D, Okiji T. Effect of Different Speeds of Up-and-down Motion on Canal Centering Ability and Vertical Force and Torque Generation of Nickel-titanium Rotary Instruments. Journal of Endodontics. 2019.01; 45 (1): 68-72.e1. ( PubMed, DOI )
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
春日柚香, 木村俊介, 牧圭一郎, 雲野颯, 大森智史, 海老原新, 興地隆史. 熱処理加工されたNiTi製ロータリーファイルの機械的性質の評価. 第87回口腔病学会学術大会 2022.12.02 東京
Pyae Hein Htun,牧圭一郎,木村俊介,西条美紀,海老原新,興地隆史. ジェントルファイルの根管形成能および根管壁の清掃能について. 第41回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 2020.06.27
Maki K,Ebihara A,Kimura S,Nishijo M,Tokita D,Okiji T. Effect of up-and-down speeds on canal centering ability and stress generation of NiTi rotary instruments. IFEA 11th World Endodontic Congress 2018 2018.10.04 Soul
Pyae Hein Htun,牧圭一郎,木村俊介,西条美紀、時田大輔、海老原新、興地隆史. グライドパス形成中の垂直荷重、トルク、形成量の検討:手用切削と回転切削の比較. 日本歯科保存学会2018年度春季学術大会(第148回) 2018.06.14 神奈川県横浜市
牧圭一郎, 時田大輔, 木村俊介, 西条美紀, 宮良香菜, 海老原新, 興地隆史. 各種根管形成法における根管形成能の比較 学生による形成に対する評価. 第38回日本歯内療法学会学術大会 2017.07.22