Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science, Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Tokyo, Doctor's Course, Completed
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2014.01-2018.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Molecular Craniofacial Embryology, Assistant Professor
2018.04-2018.12Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Molecular Craniofacial Embryology, Assistant Professor
2019.01-2020.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Molecular Craniofacial Embryology, Assistant Professor
2020.10-2021.12Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Maxillofacial Anatomy, Junior Associate Professor
2022.01-2022.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, -, Visiting Lecturer
2022.05-2022.07Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, -, Visiting Lecturer
2022.08-2023.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, -, Visiting Lecturer
2023.05-2024.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Department of Molecular Craniofacial Embryology and Oral Histology, Visiting Lecturer
2024.05-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Maxillofacial and Neck Reconstruction, Department of Molecular Craniofacial Embryology and Oral Histology, Visiting Lecturer
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, Visiting Lecturer
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
2011.04-2013.12, Assistant Professor
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Guo L, Iida A, Bhavani GS, Gowrishankar K, Wang Z, Xue J, Wang J, Miyake N, Matsumoto N, Hasegawa T, Iizuka Y, Matsuda M, Nakashima T, Takechi M, Iseki S, Yambe S, Nishimura G, Koseki H, Shukunami C, Girisha KM, Ikegawa S. Deficiency of TMEM53 causes a previously unknown sclerosing bone disorder by dysregulation of BMP-SMAD signaling. Nature Communications. 2021.04; 12 (1): 2046. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takenoshita M, Takechi M (Co-first), Vu TH, Furutera T, Akagawa C, Namangkalakul W, Aoto K Kume T, Miyashin M, Iwamoto T, Iseki S. Cell lineage- and expression-based inference of the roles of forkhead box transcription factor Foxc2 in craniofacial development. Developmental Dynamics. 2021.03; ( PubMed, DOI )
Vu TH, Takechi M (Co-first), Shimizu M, Kitazawa T, Higashiyama H, Iwase A, Kurihara H, Iseki S. Dlx5-augmentation in neural crest cells reveals early development and differentiation potential of mouse apical head mesenchyme. Scientific Reports. 2021.01; 11 (1): 2092. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yamada, T, Takechi M (Co-first), Yokoyama N, Hiraoka Y, Ishikubo H, Usami T, Furutera T, Taga Y, Hirate Y, Kanai-Azuma M, Yoda T, Ogawa-Goto K, Iseki S. Heterozygous mutation of the splicing factor Sf3b4 affects development of the axial skeleton and forebrain in mouse. Developmental Dynamics. 2020.01; ( PubMed, DOI )
Mya, N., Furutera, T., Okuhara, S., Kume, T., Takechi, M., Iseki, S. Transcription factor Foxc1 is involved in anterior part of cranial base formation. Congenital Anomalies. 2018.09; 58 (5): 158-166. ( PubMed, DOI )
Charoenlarp, P, Rajendrana, AK, Fujihara, R, Kojima T, Nakahama K, Sasaki, Y, Akiyoshi K, Takechi M, Iseki S. The improvement of calvarial bone healing by durable nanogel-crosslinked materials Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. 2018.08; ( PubMed, DOI )
Furutera, T., Takechi, M. (Co-first, Corresponding author), Kitazawa, T., Takei, J., Yamada, T., Vu Hoang, T., Rijli, F. M., Kurihara, H., Kuratani, S., Iseki, S.. Differing contributions of the first and second pharyngeal arches to tympanic membrane formation in the mouse and chick. Development. 2017.09; 144 (18): 3315-3324. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takechi, M., Kitazawa, T., Hirasawa, T., Hirai, T., Iseki, S., Kurihara, H., Kuratani, S.. Developmental mechanisms of the tympanic membrane in mammals and non-mammalian amniotes. Congenital Anomalies. 2016.01; 56 (1): 12-17. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nagashima, H., Sugahara, F., Takechi, M., Sato, N., Kuratani, S.. On the homology of the shoulder girdle in turtles. J. Exp. Zool. B Mol. Dev. Evol.. 2015.05; 324 (3): 244-254. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kitazawa, T., Takechi, M. (Co-first), Hirasawa, T., Adachi, N., Narboux-Nême, N., Kume, H., Maeda, K., Hirai, T., Miyagawa-Tomita, S., Kurihara, Y., Hitomi, J., Levi, G., Kuratani, S., Kurihara, H.. Developmental genetic bases behind the independent origin of the tympanic membrane in mammals and diapsids. Nat Commun. 2015.04; 6 6853. ( PubMed, DOI )
Said, SAM., Nijhuis, RLG., op den Akker, JW., Takechi, M., Slart, RHJA., Bos, JS., Hoorntje, CR., Houwelingen, KG., Bakker-de Boo, M., Braam, RL., Vet, MWJ.. Unilateral and multilateral congenital coronary-pulmonary fistulas in adults: clinical presentation, diagnostic modalities, and management with a brief review of the literature. Clinical Cardiology. 2014.09; 37 (9): 536-545. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nagashima, H., Hirasawa,T., Sugahara, F., Takechi, M., Usuda, R., Sato, N., Kuratani, S. . Origin of the unique morphology of the shoulder girdle in turtles. Journal of Anatomy. 2013.12; 223 (6): 547-556. ( PubMed, DOI )
Suzuki S., Bleckert, A., Williams, P., Takechi, M., Kawamura, S., Wong. R.. Cone photoreceptor types in zebrafish are generated by symmetric terminal divisions of dedicated precursors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2013.09; 110 (37): 15109-15114. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takechi, M., Adachi N., Hirai, T., Kuratani, S., Kuraku, S.. The Dlx genes as clues to vertebrate genomics and craniofacial evolution. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2013.02; 24 (2): 110-118. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takechi, M., Yan, J., Hitomi, J. . Rare coronary anastomoses between the aorta, pulmonary trunk, left coronary artery, and subclavian artery. Clinical Anatomy. 2012.08; 25 (8): 969-972.
Adachi, N., Takechi M., Hirai T., Kuratani, S.. Development of the head and trunk mesoderm in the dogfish Scyliorhinus torazame. II. Comparison of gene expression between the head mesoderm and somites with reference to the origin of the vertebrate head. Evolution and Development. 2012.05; 14 257-276.
Takechi, M., Takeuchi, M., Ota, K. G., Nishimura, O., Mochii, M., Itomi, K., Adachi, N., Takahashi, M., Fujimoto, S., Tarui, H., Okabe, M., Kuratani, S., Aizawa, S.. Overview of transcriptome profiles identified in hagfish, shark and bichir: Current issues arising from some non-model vertebrate taxa. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.). 2011.11; 316B 526-546.
Allison, W. T., Barthel, L. K., Skebo, K. M., Takechi, M., Kawamura, S., Raymond, P. A. . Ontogeny of cone photoreceptor mosaics in zebrafish. Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2010.10; 518 (20): 4182-4195.
Takechi, M., and Kuratani, S.. History of studies on mammalian middle ear evolution: A comparative morphological and developmental biology perspective Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.). 2010.09; 314B 417-433.
Kuraku, S., Takio Y., Sugahara, F., Takechi, M., Kuratani, S.. Evolution of oropharyngeal patterning mechanisms involving Dlx and endothelins in vertebrates Developmental Biology. 2010.05; 341 315-323.
Nagashima, H., Sugahara, F., Takechi, M., Ericsson, R., Kawashima-Ohya, Y., Narita, Y., Kuratani, S.. Evolution of the turtle body plan by the folding and creation of new muscle connections. Science. 2009.07; 325 (5937): 193-196.
Takechi, M., Seno, S., Kawamura, S.. Identification of cis-acting elements repressing blue opsin expression in zebrafish UV cones and pineal cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2008.11; 283 (46): 31625-31632.
Wei, X., Zou, J,. Takechi, M., Kawamura, S., Li, L. Nok plays an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the outer nuclear layer in the zebrafish retina. Experimental Eye Research. 2006.07; 83 (1): 31-34.
Takechi, M. and Kawamura, S.. Temporal and spatial changes in the expression pattern of multiple red and green subtype opsin genes during zebrafish development. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 2005.04; 208 (7): 1337-1345.
Kusakabe, R., Takechi, M., Tochinai, S., Kuratani, S. Lamprey contractile protein genes mark different populations of skeletal muscles during development. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.). 2004.03; 302B 121-133.
Takechi, M., Hamaoka, T., Kawamura, S.. Fluorescence visualization of ultraviolet-sensitive cone photoreceptor development in living zebrafish. FEBS Letters. 2003.10; 553 (1-2): 90-94.
Hamaoka, T.✝, Takechi, M.✝ (equally contributed), Chinen, A., Nishiwaki, Y., Kawamura, S. . Visualization of rod photoreceptor development using GFP-transgenic zebrafish. Genesis. 2002.11; 34 (3): 215-220.
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
(発表予定)武智正樹, 星野裕紀子, Mehran Moazen, 小薮大輔, 井関祥子. 頭蓋縫合早期癒合症モデルマウスにおける頭蓋成長の幾何学的形態解析. 第44回日本分子生物学会年会 2021.12.01 パシフィコ横浜
Namangkalakul W, Nagai S, Nakahama K, Takechi M, Iseki S. Fibroblast Growth Factor 18 Activity on Calvarial Bone Regeneration. 2021 Internal Assosiation for Dental Research 2021.07.21 Web開催
武智正樹, Vu Hoang Tri, 清水美希, 北沢太郎, 東山大毅, 岩瀬晃康, 栗原裕基, 井関祥子. Forced expression of Dlx5 in mouse neural crest cells reveals differentiation potential of bone and cartilage in early apical cranial mesenchyme. 第126回日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会(ポスター発表・Web開催) 2021.03.28
井関祥子, 柳澤昇平, Arun Kumar Rajendran, 有坂慶紀, 塗隆志, 原田敦子, 小林真司, 上田晃一, 武智正樹, 由井伸彦. 臨床応用を目指した骨芽細胞分化のコントロール . 第29回日本形成外科学会基礎学術集会 2020.10.08
Takechi M. Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo) of the middle ear in amniotes. 第6回生物音響学会年次研究発表会(シンポジウム講演) 2019.11.22
Takeoshita, M, Takechi M, Aoto K, Kume T, Miyashin M, Iseki S. Cell lineage- and expression-based inference of molecular function of fork head box transcription factor Foxc2 in craniofacial development. 4th Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research Asia Pacific Region 2019.11
Hoang TV, Takechi M, Shimizu M, Kitazawa T, Higashiyama H, Iwase A, Kurihara H, Iseki S. Dlx5-augmentation in neural crest cells induces ectopic calvarial cartilages. 第59回日本先天異常学会学術集会 2019.07.28 愛知学院大学 名城公園キャンパス
Takechi M, Furutera T, Kitazawa T, Kurihara H, Rijli FM, Kuratani S, Iseki S.. Similarities and differences of tympanic membrane development in mammals and diapsids. . International Congress of Vertebrate Morpology 12 2019.07.21 Prague, Czech Republic
Hoang, TV, Takechi, M, Shimizu, M, Kitazawa, T, Higashiyama, H, Kurihara, H, Iseki, S. Dlx5-Augmentation in Neural Crest Cells Induced Calvarial Ectopic Cartilage. International Association for Dental Research, Southeast Asian division 2018.09.11 Da nang, Vietnam
Yokoyama N, Takechi M, Iseki S. Expression and functional analysis of type X collagen during osteogenesis in amniotes. Joint Annual Meeting of JSDB 51st and JSCB 70th 2018.06.08 Tower Hall Funabori
Takechi M, Furutera T, Kitazawa T, Rijli F, Kurihara H, Kuratani S, Iseki S.. Differing contributions of the first and second pharyngeal arches to tympanic membrane formation in the mouse and chick. Gordon Research Conference, Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration 2018.02.11 Il Ciocco, Italy
Takechi M. Evolution and Development of the mammalian middle ear. Helsinki university Institute of biotechnology seminar 2018.02.09 Helsinki, Finland
Takechi, M, Kitazawa, T, Takei, J, Kurihara, Y, Iseki, S, Kurihara, H, Kuratani, S. Comparative developmental analysis of middle ear formation in mouse and chicken embryos. The 120th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists 2015.03.22 Kobe
Awards & Honors 【 display / non-display 】
Poster Prize (Masaki Takechi),Japanese Teratology Society,2015.07
Others 【 display / non-display 】
Get your head in the game -- One gene's role in cranial development,2021.04