Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Medicine, 2005.03, Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Doctor's Course, 2013.03, Completed
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2020.04-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Cooperative Doctoral Course in Disaster Nursing, Associate Professor
2014.04-2017.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Cooperative Doctoral Course in Disaster Nursing, Project Assistant Professor
2021.04-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Nursing Innovation, Allied Field of Disaster and Critical Care Nursing, Department of Disaster and Critical Care Nursing, Associate Professor
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Leading Nursing System Development, Department of Disaster and Critical Care Nursing, Associate Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
2017.05-2020.03Yokohama City University, Adult Nursing, Nursing Course, School of Medicine, Junior Associate Professor
Qualification Acquired 【 display / non-display 】
Health Nurse
General Nurse
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Imazu Y, Kondo A, Ushikubo M, Kanbara S, Kawahara N, Kondo M. Anxiety among Japanese nursing researchers before and after dispatch for COVID-19 pandemic support: Effects of anxiety-enhancing and buffering factors. Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS. 2024.06; 21 (4): e12608. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yukari KAMOCHI, Yoko IMAZU and Yoshiko SASAKI. Factors and effects of natural disaster-related stress on local government employees who live in affected areas: A scoping review Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2024.01; 11 (1): 1-11. ( DOI )
Sasaki Y, Nakakuki K, Ikeda M, Sumi Y, Miura H, Imazu Y, Otomo Y. Undergraduate medical and dental science students’ interest and support needs in medical volunteer activities during times of disasters Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2022.04; 27 102-109. ( DOI )
佐々木 吉子, 中久木 康一, 池田 正臣, 角 勇樹, 三浦 英恵, 今津 陽子, 大友 康裕. 医療系大学学部学生の災害時の医療ボランティアへの関心とサポートニーズ(Undergraduate medical and dental science students' interest and support needs in medical volunteer activities during times of disasters) Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2022.04; 27 (1): 102-109. ( ichushi )
Suzuki K, Ochiai R, Opiyo RO, Tokunaga Y, Imazu Y, Watabe S. Gender differences in HIV testing service visits and its related factors among adults: a cross-sectional study in Homa Bay, Kenya. The Pan African medical journal. 2021; 40 217. ( PubMed, DOI )
Noguchi K, Ochiai R, Imazu Y, Tokunaga-Nakawatase Y, Watabe S. Incidence and Prevalence of Infectious Diseases and Their Risk Factors among Patients Who Use Visiting Nursing Services in Japan. Journal of community health nursing. 2020.07; 37 (3): 115-128. ( PubMed, DOI )
Imazu Y, Matsuyama N, Takebayashi S, Mori M, Watabe S. Experiences of patients with HIV/AIDS receiving mid- and long-term care in Japan: A qualitative study. International journal of nursing sciences. 2017.04; 4 (2): 99-104. ( PubMed, DOI )
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
Yoko Hamadate, Yukari Kamochi, Maiko Fujimura, Reiko Kamota, Yoko Imazu, Yoshiko Sasaki. Activity report on the project for strengthening disaster response of temporary shelters for stranded people in Tokyo at Tokyo Inland Earthquake. The 8th International Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) 2024.12.01 兵庫県神戸市
Yoko IMAZU,Yoshiko SASAKI, Akiko KONDO, Satoru YAMADA, Hiroko AZECHI, Chisato HAYASHI, Misako MIYAZAKI, Naho SATO, Makiko NOGUCHI, Ai OGATA, Sonoe MASHINO, Mari KINOSHITA. Achievement for Ten years in Cooperative Graduate Education Program: Disaster Nursing Global Leader Program (DNGL). The 8th International Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) 2024.11.30
Yoshiko Sasaki,Tomoko Komagata,Masaomi Ikeda,Kanae Tanaka, Yumiko Ogawa, Shigeru Miyamae, Yoko Hamadate, Yoko Imazu, Yutaka Ueki. Survey on CBRNE Disaster Casualty Acceptance Readiness and StaffEducation Needs at Regional Medical Care Support Hospitals. The 8th International Conference of World Society of Disaster Nursing (WSDN) 2024.11.30 Kobe
Yoko Imazu. Simulation education at TMDU. Joint seminar at NTNU 2024.06.04 Trondheim, Norway
Kumi Kanno, Yoko Imazu.. Qualitative Verification of an Educational Program to Improve Earthquake Preparedness Among Chemotherapy Nurses.. 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2024 2024.03.06 Hong Kong, China
Yoko Imazu, Kumi Kanno.. Effectiveness of an Educational Program to Improve Earthquake Preparedness Among Chemotherapy Nurses: A Pilot Study. 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2024 2024.03.06 Hong Kong, China
濱舘陽子,今津陽子,佐々木吉子,鴨田玲子. 災害時に帰宅困難者を受け入れる東京都立一時滞在施設の準備性と都立施設マニュアルの活用状況. 日本災害看護学会第25回年次大会 2023.09.03 兵庫県姫路市
濱舘陽子,今津陽子,鴨田玲子,佐々木吉子. 東京都内の帰宅困難者一時滞在施設の実態と施設運営や協定締結への障壁に関する文献検討. 第28回日本災害医学会総会・学術集会 2023.03.10 岩手県盛岡市
Sari Kanegae, Yoshiko Sasaki, Yoko Imazu.. The Effect of Community Engagement and Community Resilience by Community Health Workers’ Practices in Disaster-vulnerable Communities in Sierra Leone. 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2023 2023.03.10 Tokyo,Japan
Yukari Kamochi,Yoshiko Sasaki,Yoko Imazu. Factors and Effects of Natural Disaster-related Stress on Local Government Employees who Live in Affected Areas: A Scoping Review. 2023.03.10
Imazu Y, Kanno Y, Inoue T, Ookoso R, Iwai N, Watanabe M.. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND DISASTER EXPERIENCE IN DESIGNATED CANCER HOSPITALS IN JAPAN. International conference in Cancer Nursing 2021 2021.02.02 Virtual
Mori T , Ochiai R , Tokunaga-Nakawatase Y , Imazu Y , Watabe S. Development of a Paper Version of the Tuberculosis Implicit Association Test (IAT) and its Reliability and Validity. The 6th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science 2020.02.26 Osaka,Japan
Ochiai R , Imazu Y , Tokunaga-Nakawatase Y , Sasamoto-Tanaka K , Suzuki K , Watanabe K , Kanno Y , Aomori M , Kanoya Y , Watanabe M , Watabe S. International exchange program on infection control for undergraduate nursing students: Our experience and suggestions for future programs. The 10th international academic consortium for sustainable cities (IACSC) 2019 2019.08.27 Makassar, Indonesia.
Suzuki K , Opiyo R , Ochiai R , Tokunaga-Nakawatase Y , Imazu Y , Watabe S. comparative study of barriers and facilitators of HIV Testing Services Visits among male and female adults in Homa Bay, Kenya. The 14th Annual Tropical Institute of Community Health and Development Scientific Conference 2019.08.20 Nairobi,Kenya
Noguchi K , Ochiai R , Imazu Y , Tokunaga Y , Watabe S. Risk factor related to infectious diseases of home care patients who utilize visiting nursing agency.. The 22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2019.01.18 Singerpole
Noguchi K , Ochiai R , Imazu Y , Tokunaga Y , Watabe S. Infection rate and its risk factors among home care patients -a literature review-. The 22nd East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2019.01.18 Singerpole
谷本 美保子 , 佐々木 吉子 , 三浦 英恵 , 今津 陽子. 妊産婦の災害への備えの実態についての文献検討. 日本災害看護学会 2017.08
Yoko Imazu, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hanae Miura, Hiroki Fukahori, Rumi Maeda, Yuko Kawamoto, Kanae Tanaka, Yumiko Ogawa, Yoko Suzuki, Shigeru Miyamae, Chikako Sugawara. Survey on disaster preparedness and needs of health care workers of small and mid-sized hospitals in a ward of the Tokyo metropolitan area. 19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) 2016.03.15 Chiba,Japan
Kanae Tanaka, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hanae Miura, Yoko Imazu. Literature Review of the Concept of Resilience in Individuals: Towards the Application for Studies of Disaster Nursing. 19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2016.03.15 Chiba, Japan
Nao Matsuyama,Sanae Takebayashi,Yoko Imazu,Mizue Mori,Setsuko Watabe. Experiences of patients with HIV/AIDS receiving mid- and long- term care in Japan. 19th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) 2016.03.14 Chiba,Japan
Sonoe Mashino, Miwako Konishi, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hanae Miura, Yoko Imazu, Norimi Okawa, Hiroko Uryu, Izumi Usui. Development of a remote simulation training system for nurses responding to disaster. UNISDR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SENDAI FRAMEWORK FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION 2015-2030 2016.01.27 Geneva, Switzerland
Yumiko Ogawa, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hanae Miura, Yoko Imazu. Preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive disasters in Japan: A literature review. 18th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2015.02.06 Taipei, Taiwan
竹林 早苗 , 松山 奈央 , 今津 陽子 , 森 みずえ , 上田 敦久 , 渡部 節子. HIV/AIDS患者の中長期における療養体験と看護支援. 日本エイズ学会 2012.11.20 熊本県熊本市
Others 【 display / non-display 】
The DNGL International Seminar in the 2014 year "Considering Care for the people who support the disaster victims",2015.02