Personnel Information



Job title

Assistant Professor

Laboratory Address

Orofacial pain clinic, Dental Hospital, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Mail Address

The inquiry by e-mail is 《here

Research Areas, Keywords

pain, ACiontophoresis, neuropathic pain

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • PhD, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • 2009.01
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Hospital Departments, Clinics for Conservation of Oral and Maxillofacial Function, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Assistant Professor
  • 2015.12
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Assistant Professor
  • 2017.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Hospital Departments, Clinics for Conservation of Oral and Maxillofacial Function, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Assistant Professor
  • 2020.04
    Institute of Science Tokyo, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Assistant Professor
  • 2021.10
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Psychosomatic Dentistry, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Assistant Professor
  • 2022.04
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Assistant Professor
  • 2024.07
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor
  • 2024.10
    Institute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor

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Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • International Association for the Study of Pain(IASP)

  • Japanese dental society of anesthesiology

  • Japan society of pain clinicians

  • Japanese Society of the study of chronic Pain

  • Japanese society for disability and oral health

  • Japanese society of orofacial pain

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Surgical dentistry

Qualification Acquired 【 display / non-display

  • Dentist


Research Theme 【 display / non-display

  • Altered brain volume in neuropathic pain patients, 2016.04 - 2020.03

Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display

  1. Ayuse Takao, Okayasu Ichiro, Tachi-Yoshida Mizuki, Sato Jun, Saisu Hironori, Shimada Masahiko, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Hosogaya Naoki, Nakashima Sawako. Examination of pain relief effect of Goreisan for glossodynia MEDICINE. 2020.08; 99 (33): e21536. ( PubMed, DOI )

  2. Akiko Shimada, Shoichi Ishigaki, Yoshizo Matsuka, Osamu Komiyama, Tetsurou Torisu, Yuka Oono, Hitoshi Sato, Takuya Naganawa, Atsushi Mine, Yoko Yamazaki, Kazuo Okura, Yasushi Sakuma, Keiichi Sasaki. Effects of exercise therapy on painful temporomandibular disorders. J Oral Rehabil. 2019.05; 46 (5): 475-481. ( PubMed, DOI )

  3. Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko,Yoshino Norio, Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. Altered Grey Matter Volume in Trigeminal Neuralgia The Journal of the Stomatological Society . 2017.07; 84 (2): 73-83.

  4. Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, 山崎 陽子, 吉野 教夫, 泰羅 雅登, 倉林 亨, 嶋田 昌彦. 三叉神経痛患者の脳容積変化について(Altered Grey Matter Volume in Trigeminal Neuralgia) 口腔病学会雑誌. 2017.07; 84 (2): 73-83. ( ichushi )

  5. Yoko Yamazaki, Maya Sakamoto, Hiroko Imura, Masahiko Shimada. Pre-Trigeminal Neuralgia Similar to Atypical Odontalgia: A Case Report Journal of Pain & Relief. 2017.05; 63 (3): 291.

  6. Imura Hiroko, Shimada Masahiko, Yamazaki Yoko, Sugimoto Kumiko. Characteristic changes of saliva and taste in burning mouth syndrome patients Jouranal of Oral Pathology and Medicine. 2016.03; 45 (3): 231-236. ( DOI )

  7. Tomoko Niimi, Yoko Yamazaki and Masahiko Shimada. Effectiveness of Rikkosan for intractable intraoral pain 2015.03; 2 (1): 27-29.

  8. Yamazaki Y, Niimi T, Ando Y, Tomizawa D. and Shimada M.. Necessity of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using an appropriate sequence for diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia associated with intracranial tumor. Open Journal of Stomatology. 2013.12; 3 510-514.

  9. Yamazaki Y, Umino M, Fukayama H, Shimada M.. The effect of alternating current iontophoresis on rats with the chronic constriction injury to the infraorbital nerve. 2012.05; ( DOI )

  10. Yoko Yamazaki, Ke Ren, Masahiko shimada, Koichi Iwata. Modulation of paratrigeminal nociceptive neurons following temporomandibular joint inflammation in rats. Experimental Neurology. 2008.08; 214 (2): 209-218.

  11. Yoshiyuki Tsuboi,Mamoru Takeda,Takeshi Tanimoto,Mizuho Ikeda,Shigeji Matsumoto,Junichi Kitagawa,Kohei Teramoto,Kohei Simizu,Yoko Yamazaki,Asako Shima,Ke Ren,Koichi Iwata. Alteration of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve activity following inferior alveolar nerve transection in rats. Pain. 2004.12; 111 (3): 323-334.

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Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display

  1. Ryoko Kurisu, Yoko Yamazaki, Shigeru Maeda. Involvement of Lysophosphatidic acid in mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain of orofacial region. IASP 2024 World Congress on Pain 2024.08.06 Amsterdam

  2. Ryoko KURISU, Yoko YAMAZAKI, Shigeru MAEDA. Involvement of Lysophosphatidic acid in mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain of orofacial region. IASP 20th World congress on Pain 2024.08.06 Amsterdam

  3. Ryoko Kurisku, Yoko Yamazaki, Shigeru Maeda. Involvement of Lysophospholipids in trigeminal ganglion in neuropathic pain of orofacial region. Neuroscience 2023 2023.11.14 Washington DC

  4. Kurisu Ryoko, Shinoda Masamichi, Yamazaki Yoko, Shimada Masahiko, Iwata Koichi. Involvement of Pannexin in the trigeminal ganglion in trigeminal neuropathic pain(和訳中). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2020.03.01

  5. Kurisu Ryoko, Shinoda Masamichi, Yamazaki Yoko, Shimada Masahiko, Iwata Koichi. 三叉神経障害性疼痛に対する三叉神経節内パネキシンの関与(Involvement of Pannexin in the trigeminal ganglion in trigeminal neuropathic pain). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2020.03.01

  6. Kurisu Ryoko, Shinoda Masamichi, Yamazaki Yoko, Shimada Masahiko, Iwata Koichi. 三叉神経障害性疼痛に対する三叉神経節内パネキシンの関与(Involvement of Pannexin in the trigeminal ganglion in trigeminal neuropathic pain). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2020.03.01

  7. Kurisu Ryoko, Shinoda Masamichi, Yamazaki Yoko, Shimada Masahiko, Iwata Koichi. 三叉神経障害性疼痛に対する三叉神経節内パネキシンの関与(Involvement of Pannexin in the trigeminal ganglion in trigeminal neuropathic pain). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2020.03.01

  8. Kurisu Ryoko, Shinoda Masamichi, Yamazaki Yoko, Shimada Masahiko, Iwata Koichi. 三叉神経障害性疼痛に対する三叉神経節内パネキシンの関与(Involvement of Pannexin in the trigeminal ganglion in trigeminal neuropathic pain). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2020.03.01

  9. Q. Nguyen Ho, Y. Yamazaki, M. Shimada. Does grey matter really change in classical trigeminal neuralgia?. The 32nd IADR-SEA,The 29th South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) 2018.09.14 Da Nang, Viet Nam

  10. Quynh Anh Nguyen Ho, Y. Yamazaki, H. Imura, N. Yoshino,M. Taira, T. Kurabayashi, M. Shimada. Trigeminal Neuropathy and Brain Plasticity. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition 2017.03.22

  11. Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Norio Yoshino ,Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA AND THE BRAIN PLASTICITY. 第81回口腔病学会学術大会 2016.11.26 東京

  12. Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. ERIPHERAL INJURIES MAY LEAD TO GREY MATTER VOLUME REDUCTION IN POST TRAUMATIC TRIGEMINAL NEUROPATHIC PAIN. IASP 2016.09.28 横浜

  13. Tomoko Niimi, Yoko Yamazaki, Masato Kawashima, Daisuke Tomizawa, HIroko Imura, Akitoshi Hosoda, Masahiko Shimada. Effectiveness of Rikkosan for Intraoral Intractable Pain. IASP 2016.09.27 Yokohama

  14. Yoshida N, Sugimoto K, Yamazaki Y, Imura H, Kono Y, Yamanaka S, Sakamaki H, Kimura A. Subjective evaluation of oral health in menopausal stage. 93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR 2015.03.11 Boston, USA

  15. Hiroko Imura, Naomi Yoshida, Yoko Yamazaki, Masahiko Shimada and Kumiko Sugimoto. Does salivary antioxidant capacity reflect that of blood serum?. 2013 FDI Istanbul Annual World Dental Congress 2013.08.29 Istanbul

  16. 山崎陽子, 新美知子, 安藤祐子, 冨澤大佑, 井村紘子, 細田明利, 川島正人, 嶋田昌彦. 直流および交流電流を用いたイオントフォレーシスのラットの三叉神経核におけるFos用タンパク陽性細胞発現数の比較. 第40回日本歯科麻酔学会総会・学術集会 2012.10.05 福岡

  17. Yoko Yamazaki, Junichi Kitagawa, Asako Shima, Yoshiyuki Oi, Koichi Iwata. Vagal afferent modulates paratrigeminal neuronal activity in relation to trigeminal nociception. 11th World Congress on Pain 2005.08.25 Sydney, Australia

  18. Yoko Yamazaki,Junichi Kitagawa,Asako Shima,Hiroshi Kamo,Yoshiyuki Oi,Koichi Iwata. Modulation of paratrigeminal neuronal activety following temporomandibular joint inflammation. International Workshop on the Neural Mechanism of Musculoskeletal Pain 2004.12.04 Nagoya, Japan

  19. Y.Yamazaki,J.Kitagawa , Y.Tuboi ,A.Shima ,Y.Oi ,K.Iwata . Multiple Functions of the Paratrigeminal Nucleus for Trigeminal Pain. A symposium of the Orofacial Pain Special Interest Group of the International Association of the Study of Pain 2004.05.04 Vancouver, Canada

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