Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Chuo University, Faculty of Law, 1996.03, Graduated
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2011.04-2013.08Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Research and Industry-University Alliance Organization, Industry Alliances Division, Associate Professor
2008.04-2010.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Research and Industry-University Alliance Organization, Project Assistant Professor
2010.04-2011.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Research and Industry-University Alliance Organization, Project Junior Associate Professor
2013.09-2017.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Research and Industry-University Alliance Organization, Professor
2017.04-2020.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Institute of Research, Professor
2020.04-2023.02Tokyo Medical and Dental University, , Research Center for Industry Alliances, Professor
2023.03-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, -, -, Professor
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, Institute-wide Support Centers, Center for Medical Innovation, Professor
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
New fields of law
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Kaori Iida,Norihiro Nishimura. 【YWRIS2020】Create Innovation and Risk Management Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop onRegional Innovation Studies(IWRIS2020) . 2020.10; 21-24.
飯田 香緒里. 【日刊工業新聞】大学:医療イノベーションの加速に向けて 日刊工業新聞. 2017.05;
Masaho Ishino , Iida K. . Copyright Protection of Tangible Research Materials AIPPI. 2012.09; 57 (9): 584-597.
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
飯田香緒里. 医学研究における利益相反マネジメント 鹿児島大学. 平成28年度第2回知財セミナー 2016.11.11 鹿児島大学桜が丘キャンパス 鶴陵会館中会議室
飯田香緒里. 医学研究利益相反マネジメントモデルの構築と普及に向けて 特定非営利活動法人産学連携学会. 産学連携学会第14回大会 2016.06.17 アクトシティ浜松