宮原 裕二(ミヤハラ ユウジ) MIYAHARA Yuji
経歴(学内) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2010年09月-2022年03月東京医科歯科大学 生体材料工学研究所 医療デバイス研究部門 バイオエレクトロニクス 教授
2010年09月-現在東京科学大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 生命理工学系専攻 生命理工学講座 バイオエレクトロニクス 教授
2010年09月-現在東京科学大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 生命理工学系専攻 生命理工学講座 バイオエレクトロニクス 教授
2022年04月-2024年09月東京医科歯科大学 生体材料工学研究所 医歯理工融合研究イノベーションセンター 特任教授
2024年10月-現在東京科学大学 教育研究組織 総合研究院 生材研・医歯理工融合研究イノベーションセンター 特任教授
経歴(学外) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
1985年4月 (株)日立製作所 中央研究所入社。
1998年 4月 日立製作所 中央研究所 バイオシステム研究センター
1999年 日立製作所 計測器事業部 バイオメディカルセンター 統括主任技師
2002年 物質・材料研究機構 生体材料研究センター
バイオエレクトロニクスグループ ディレクター
2006年4月-2010年3月 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科
マテリアル工学専攻 客員教授 兼務
物質・材料研究機構 生体材料研究センター センター長
同 国際ナノアーキテクトニクス研究拠点主任研究者兼務
2008年4月―現在 広島大学 ナノデバイス・バイオ融合科学研究所 客員教授
2010年9月―現在 東京医科歯科大学 生体材料工学研究所 教授
1985 Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
1988-1989 Visiting researcher at Dept. of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zürich
1994 Senior researcher, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
1998 Vice Department manager of Biosystem research department, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
2000 Senior researcher, Biomedical Center, Hitachi High-technologies
2002 Director of Bioelectronics group, National Institute for Materials Science
2006 - 2009
Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2008 - 2010.8
Managing Director, Biomaterials Center, NIMS
Principal Investigator, MANA, NIMS
2008 - present
Visiting professor at Research Institute for Nanodevice and Bio Systems, Hiroshima University
2010.9 - present
Professor at Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
委員歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
平成9年4月―平成11年3月 電子情報通信学会 和文論文誌 編集委員
平成10年 7月 電気学会E部門誌 編修委員
平成13年 8月 電気学会C部門 有機電子デバイス材料調査専門委員会 委員
平成13年 10月 日本医療機器協会、医療技術産業戦略コンソーシアム「医療ナノテクノロジー戦略分科会」委員
平成13年 10月 Member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) Working Group on Nanotechnology
平成14年 10月 2002 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
平成14年 5月 6th International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis System (μTAS2002) Local Organizing Committee
平成14年 11月 電気学会E部門 バイオ・ナノテクノロジー調査専門委員会 委員長
平成15年 1月 2003 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials(2003年国際固体素子・材料コンファレンス)サブコミッティーチェア
平成15年 1月 International Symposium on Fusion of Nano- and Bio- Technologies(2003)組織委員
平成16年1月 2004 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials(2004年国際固体素子・材料コンファレンス)サブコミッティーチェア
平成16年1月 電気学会C部門 フレキシブルデバイス用有機電子材料と評価技術調査専門委員会 委員
2001 Oct., Member of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) Working Group on Nanotechnology
2002 Oct., Sub-committee chair, 2002 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
2002 May, Local Organizing Committee, 6th International Conference on Miniaturized Chemical and Biochemical Analysis System (μTAS2002)
2003 Jan., 2003, Sub-committee chair, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
2003 Jan., Organizing committee, International Symposium on Fusion of Nano- and Bio- Technologies
2003. Nov. - 2004. Oct. Session chair at 2004 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference
2004 Jan., Sub-committee chair, 2004 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
2004. Nov. - 2005. Oct., Session chair at 2005 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference
2005 May, 4th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Program Chair (MMB 2005)
2005. Nov. - 2006. Oct., Session chair at 2006 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2006)
2006. Nov. - 2007. Oct., Session chair at 2007 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2007)
2015年-現在International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM 2015) 2015 technical subcommittee chair
研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示 】
An interdisciplinary area is explored and developed by integrating materials science and biological science. Novel biocompatible materials and functional bio-devices are developed for regenerative medicine, cell therapy, minimum-invasive surgery and clinical diagnostics. In the group of Yuji Miyahara, direct interaction between biomolecules and carriers in semiconductor materials has recently been investigated. For this purpose, an insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET) has been used in combination with functional membranes. ,,The FET is one of the most important and fundamental devices in the integrated circuit. In the case of FET type biochemical sensors, species to be detected and its selectivity can be determined by the materials coated on the surface of the gate insulator. Ion sensors, biosensors and oxygen sensor have been developed using polymer membranes, immobilized enzyme membranes and a solid electrolyte thin film, respectively. ,,Recently, we have been investigating electrostatic detection of bio-molecular recognition using a biologically coupled field effect transistor (bio-FET). The principle of bio-FET is based on potentiometric detection of charge density change which is induced at a gate insulator/solution interface by specific bio-molecular recognition. In this scheme, the charge density change is directly transduced into electrical signal by the field effect. Based on this principle, various types of bio-FETs have been developed for detection of biomolecules
競争的資金等の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示 】
文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2012年
文部科学省/日本学術振興会 : 2008年 - 2012年
論文・総説 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Chindanai Ratanaporncharoen, Miyuki Tabata, Natthapol Watanagool, Tatsuro Goda. Characterization and Optimization of Thermally Grown Iridium Oxide and Its Application to pH Sensors Sensors and Materials. 2018.05; 30 (5): 1175-1185. ( DOI )
Yukichi, Horiguchi, Tatsuro, Goda, Yuji, Miyahara. Simple functionalization method for single conical pores with a polydopamine layer. Applied Physics Express. 2018.04; 11 (4): 047001. ( DOI )
Chindanai Ratanaporncharoen, Miyuki Tabata, Yuichi Kitasako, Masaomi Ikeda, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Junji Tagami, Yuji Miyahara. pH Mapping on Tooth Surfaces for Quantitative Caries Diagnosis Using Micro Ir/IrOx pH Sensor. Anal. Chem.. 2018.03; ( PubMed, DOI )
Enrico Tenaglia, Yuki Imaizumi, Yuji Miyahara, Carlotta Guiducci. Isothermal Multiple Displacement Amplification of DNA Templates in Minimally Buffered Conditions using Phi29 Polymerase Chemical Communications. 2018.02; 17 (57): 2158-2161. ( DOI )
Yukichi Horiguchi, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Hiroaki Takeuchi, Shoji Yamaoka, Yuji Miyahara. Direct and Label-Free Influenza Virus Detection Based on Multisite Binding to Sialic Acid Receptors Biosens. Bioelectron.. 2017.06; 92 234-240.
Wenfeng Hai, Tatsuro Goda, Hiroaki Takeuchi, Shoji Yamaoka, Yukichi Horiguchi, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Specific Recognition of Human Influenza Virus with PEDOT Bearing Sialic Acid-Terminated Trisaccharides ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017.04; 9 14162-14170.
Akira Matsumoto, Shohei Sato, Tomoko Sakamaki, Mai Sanjo, Miyuki Tabata, Tatsuro Goda, Taka-aki Asoh, Akihiko Kikuchi, Yuji Miyahara. Demonstration of Thermo-Sensitive Tetra-Gel with Implication for Facile and Versatile Platform for a New Class of Smart Gels J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Ed.. 2017.04; 28 1000-1009.
Yuki Imaizumi, Tatsuro Goda, Daniel F. Schaffhauser, Jun-ichi Okada, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Proton-Sensing Transistor Systems for Detecting Ion Leakage from Plasma Membranes under Chemical Stimuli Acta Biomater.. 2017.03; 50 502-509.
Tatsuro Goda, Yuji Miyahara. Calcium-Independent Binding of Human C-Reactive Protein to Lysophosphatidylcholine in Supported Planar Phospholipid Monolayers Acta Biomater.. 2017.01; 48 206-214. ( DOI )
Miyuki Tabata, Chindanai Ratanaporncharoen, Aoi Asano, Yuichi Kitasako, Masaomi Ikeda, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Junji Tagami, Yuji Miyahara. Miniaturized Ir/IrOx pH Sensor for Quantitative Diagnosis of Dental Caries Procedia Eng.. 2016.11; 168 ( DOI )
Miyuki Tabata, Yurika Katayama, Fahmida Mannan, Ayaka Seichi, Koji Suzuki, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Label-free and Electrochemial Detection of Nucleic Acids Based on Isothermal Amplification in Combination with Solid-state pH Sensor Procedia Eng.. 2016.11; 168 419-422. ( DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Yuji Miyahara. Engineered Zwitterionic Phosphorylcholine Monolayers for Elucidating Multivalent Binding Kinetics of C-reactive Protein Acta Biomater.. 2016.08; 40 46-53. ( DOI )
Yuki Imaizumi, Tatsuro Goda, Yutaro Toya, Akira Matsumoto, Yuichi Miyahara. Oleyl Group-functionalized Insulating Gate Transistors for Measuring Extracellular pH of Floating Cells Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater.. 2016.07; 17 337-345. ( DOI )
Daniel Schaffhauser, Michael Fine, Miyuki Tabata, Tatsuro Goda, Yuji Miyahara. Measurement of Rapid Amiloride-Dependent pH Changes at the Cell Surface Using a Proton-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Biosensors. 2016.03; 6 (2): 11. ( DOI )
Ayaka Seichi, Nanami Kozuka, Yuko Kashima, Miyuki Tabata, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Naoko Iwasawa, Daniel Citterio, Yuji Miyahara, Koji Suzuki. Real-time Monitoring and Detection of Primer Generation-Rolling Circle Amplification of DNA using an Ethidium Ion-Selective Electrode Anal. Sci.. 2016.03; 32 (5): 505-510. ( DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Eriko Yamada, Yurika Katayama, Miyuki Tabata, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Potentiometric responses of ion-selective microelectrode with bovine serum albumin adsorption Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016.03; 77 208-214. ( DOI )
Akira Matsumoto, Mai Yuasa, Mai Sanjo, Miyuki Tabata, Tatsuro Goda, Toru Hoshi, Takao Aoyagi, Yuji Miyahara. Boronate Functionalized Polymer Gel Based Insulin Delivery System with Improved Stability in Performance: A Comparative Structure-Function Study 2016.02; 45 (4): 460-462. ( DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Masahiro Toya, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) bearing phosphorylcholine groups for metal-free, antibody-free, and low-impedance biosensors sspecific for C-reactive protein ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2015.11; 7 (49): 27440-27448. ( DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Daiki Higashi, Akira Matsumoto, Toru Hoshi, Takashi Sawaguchi, Yuji Miyahara. Dual aptamer-immobilized surfaces for improved affinity through multiple target binding in potentiometric thrombin biosensing Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015.11; 73 174-180. ( DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Yuji Miyahara. Critical Update on 2-Methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphorylcholine (MPC) Polymer Science Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015.01; 132 (16): 41766. ( DOI )
Mai Sanjoh, Daisuke Iizuka, Akira Matsumoto, Yuji Miyahara. Boronate Based Metal-Free Platform for Diphosphate-Specific Molecular Recognitions. Org Lett. 2015.01; 17 (3): 588-591. ( PubMed, DOI )
Tatsuro Goda, Peter Kjall, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Agneta Richter-Dahlfors and Yuji Miyahara,. Biomimetic interfaces reveal activation dynamics of C-reactive protein in local microenvironments. Adv Healthc Mater. 2014.11; 3 (11): 1733-1738. ( PubMed, DOI )
Bo Yao, Yichen Liu, Miyuki Tabata, Huangtianzhi Zhu and Yuji Miyahara. Sensitive detection of microRNA by chronocoulometry and rolling circle amplification on a gold electrode. Chem Commun . 2014.09; 50 (68): 9704-9706. ( PubMed, DOI )
Matsumoto Akira, Miyahara Yuji. Current and emerging challenges of field effect transistor based bio-sensing. Nanoscale. 2013.11; 5 (22): 10702-10718. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Tabata Miyuki, Sanjoh Mai, Uchimura Mai, Iwasaki Yasuhiko, Miyahara Yuji. Thiolated 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine for an antifouling biosensor platform. Chem Commun (Camb). 2013.10; 49 (77): 8683-8685. ( PubMed, DOI )
Deshayes Stephanie, Cabral Horacio, Ishii Takehiko, Miura Yutaka, Kobayashi Shutaro, Yamashita Takashi, Matsumoto Akira, Miyahara Yuji, Nishiyama Nobuhiro, Kataoka Kazunori. Phenylboronic acid-installed polymeric micelles for targeting sialylated epitopes in solid tumors. J Am Chem Soc. 2013.10; 135 (41): 15501-15507. ( PubMed, DOI )
Matsumoto Akira, Matsumoto Hiroko, Maeda Yasuhiro, Miyahara Yuji. Simple and robust strategy for potentiometric detection of glucose using fluorinated phenylboronic acid self-assembled monolayer. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013.09; 1830 (9): 4359-4364. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Miyahara Yuji. Label-free and reagent-less protein biosensing using aptamer-modified extended-gate field-effect transistors. Biosens Bioelectron. 2013.07; 45 89-94. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Singi Ankit Balram, Maeda Yasuhiro, Matsumoto Akira, Torimura Masaki, Aoki Hiroshi, Miyahara Yuji. Label-free potentiometry for detecting DNA hybridization using peptide nucleic acid and DNA probes. Sensors (Basel). 2013; 13 (2): 2267-2278. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Masuno Kozue, Nishida Junko, Kosaka Nobuyoshi, Ochiya Takahiro, Matsumoto Akira, Miyahara Yuji. A label-free electrical detection of exosomal microRNAs using microelectrode array. Chem Commun (Camb). 2012.12; 48 (98): 11942-11944. ( PubMed, DOI )
Naito Mitsuru, Ishii Takehiko, Matsumoto Akira, Miyata Kanjiro, Miyahara Yuji, Kataoka Kazunori. A phenylboronate-functionalized polyion complex micelle for ATP-triggered release of siRNA. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2012.10; 51 (43): 10751-10755. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Miyahara Yuji. Interpretation of protein adsorption through its intrinsic electric charges: a comparative study using a field-effect transistor, surface plasmon resonance, and quartz crystal microbalance. Langmuir. 2012.10; 28 (41): 14730-14738. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Maeda Yasuhiro, Miyahara Yuji. Simultaneous monitoring of protein adsorption kinetics using a quartz crystal microbalance and field-effect transistor integrated device. Anal Chem. 2012.09; 84 (17): 7308-7314. ( PubMed, DOI )
Matsumoto Akira, Ishii Takehiko, Nishida Junko, Matsumoto Hiroko, Kataoka Kazunori, Miyahara Yuji. A synthetic approach toward a self-regulated insulin delivery system. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2012.02; 51 (9): 2124-2128. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Miyahara Yuji. A hairpin DNA aptamer coupled with groove binders as a smart switch for a field-effect transistor biosensor. Biosens Bioelectron. 2012.02; 32 (1): 244-249. ( PubMed, DOI )
Maeda Yasuhiro, Matsumoto Akira, Miura Yoshiko, Miyahara Yuji. Preparation of alpha-mannoside hydrogel and electrical detection of saccharide-protein interactions using the smart gel-modified gate field effect transistor. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2012; 7 108. ( PubMed, DOI )
Schaffhauser Daniel Felix, Patti Monica, Goda Tatsuro, Miyahara Yuji, Forster Ian Cameron, Dittrich Petra Stephanie. An integrated field-effect microdevice for monitoring membrane transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes via lateral proton diffusion. PLoS One. 2012; 7 (7): e39238. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda Tatsuro, Miyahara Yuji. Thermo-responsive molecular switches for ATP using hairpin DNA aptamers. Biosens Bioelectron. 2011.05; 26 (9): 3949-3952. ( PubMed, DOI )
Bonanni Alessandra, Pumera Martin, Miyahara Yuji. Influence of gold nanoparticle size (2-50 nm) upon its electrochemical behavior: an electrochemical impedance spectroscopic and voltammetric study. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2011.03; 13 (11): 4980-4986. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda T, Miyahara Y. Molecularly Engineered Charge-Conversion of Proteins for Sensitive Biosensing Anal Chem. 2010.11; 82 (21): 8946-8953.
Sasaki Shigeo, Okabe Satoshi, Miyahara Yuji. Thermodynamic properties of N-isopropylacrylamide in water: solubility transition, phase separation of supersaturated solution, and glass formation. J Phys Chem B. 2010.11; 114 (46): 14995-15002. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kataoka-Hamai C, Higuchi M, Iwai H, Miyahara Y. Detergent-Mediated Formation of Polymer-Supported Phospholipid Bilayers Langmuir. 2010.09; 26 (18): 14600-14605.
Fortina P, Kricka LJ, Bonnell D, Kulkarni A, Wang J, Miyahara Y, Ure D. Nanotechnology: Improving Clinical Testing? Clin Chem. 2010.09; 56 (9): 1384-1389.
Matsumoto Akira, Cabral Horacio, Sato Naoko, Kataoka Kazunori, Miyahara Yuji. Assessment of tumor metastasis by the direct determination of cell-membrane sialic acid expression. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2010.07; 49 (32): 5494-5497. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kataoka-Hamai C, Miyahara Y. Field-effect detection using phospholipid membranes Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2010.06; 11 (3):
Bonanni A, Pumera M, Miyahara Y. Rapid, Sensitive, and Label-Free Impedimetric Detection of a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Correlated to Kidney Disease Anal Chem. 2010.05; 82 (9): 3772-3779.
Matsumoto Akira, Yamamoto Kazuya, Yoshida Ryo, Kataoka Kazunori, Aoyagi Takao, Miyahara Yuji. A totally synthetic glucose responsive gel operating in physiological aqueous conditions. Chem Commun (Camb). 2010.04; 46 (13): 2203-2205. ( PubMed, DOI )
Goda T, Miyahara Y. Detection of Microenvironmental Changes Induced by Protein Adsorption onto Self-Assembled Monolayers using an Extended Gate-Field Effect Transistor Anal Chem. 2010.03; 82 (5): 1803-1810.
Matsumoto A, Yamamoto K, Yoshida R, Kataoka K, Aoyagi T, Miyahara Y. A totally synthetic glucose responsive gel operating in physiological aqueous conditions Chem Commun. 2010; 46 (13): 2203-2205.
Kataoka-Hamai C, Miyahara Y. Mechanisms of supported bilayer detection using field-effect devices Analyst. 2010; 135 (1): 189-194.
Matsumoto A, Cabral H, Sato N, Kataoka K, Miyahara Y. Assessment of Tumor Metastasis by the Direct Determination of Cell-Membrane Sialic Acid Expression Angew Chem Int Edit. 2010; 49 (32): 5494-5497.
Matsumoto A, Sato N, Sakata T, Yoshida R, Kataoka K, Miyahara Y. Chemical-to-Electrical-Signal Transduction Synchronized with Smart Gel Volume Phase Transition Adv Mater. 2009.11; 21 (43): 4372-+.
Ihara M, Sakata T, Makino I, Miyahara Y, Ueda H. Open sandwich-based immuno-transistor for label-free and highly sensitive detection of low molecular weight antigens J Biosci Bioeng. 2009.11; 108 S158.
Pumera M, Miyahara Y. What amount of metallic impurities in carbon nanotubes is small enough not to dominate their redox properties? Nanoscale. 2009.11; 1 (2): 260-265.
Pumera M, Iwai H, Miyahara Y. Germanium-oxide-coated carbon nanotubes Nanotechnology. 2009.10; 20 (42):
Matsumoto Akira, Endo Takashi, Yoshida Ryo, Miyahara Yuji. Electrical visualization of chemo-mechanical signal transduction using a smart gel-modified gate field effect transistor. Chem Commun (Camb). 2009.10; (37): 5609-5611. ( PubMed, DOI )
Pumera Martin, Scipioni Roberto, Iwai Hideo, Ohno Takahisa, Miyahara Yuji, Boero Mauro. A mechanism of adsorption of beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide on graphene sheets: experiment and theory. Chemistry. 2009.10; 15 (41): 10851-10856. ( PubMed, DOI )
Pumera Martin, Iwai Hideo, Miyahara Yuji. Germanium-oxide-coated carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology. 2009.10; 20 (42): 425606. ( PubMed, DOI )
Matsumoto A, Sato N, Kataoka K, Miyahara Y. Noninvasive Sialic Acid Detection at Cell Membrane by Using Phenylboronic Acid Modified Self-Assembled Monolayer Gold Electrode J Am Chem Soc. 2009.09; 131 (34): 12022-+.
Sakata T, Ihara M, Makino I, Miyahara Y, Ueda H. Open Sandwich-Based Immuno-Transistor for Label-Free and Noncompetitive Detection of Low Molecular Weight Antigen Anal Chem. 2009.09; 81 (18): 7532-7537.
Matsumoto Akira, Sato Naoko, Kataoka Kazunori, Miyahara Yuji. Noninvasive sialic acid detection at cell membrane by using phenylboronic acid modified self-assembled monolayer gold electrode. J Am Chem Soc. 2009.09; 131 (34): 12022-12023. ( PubMed, DOI )
Pumera M, Iwai H, Miyahara Y. Bimetallic Nickel-Iron Impurities within Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Exhibit Redox Activity towards the Oxidation of Amino Acids Chemphyschem. 2009.08; 10 (11): 1770-1773.
Matsumoto A, Sato N, Miyahara Y. Label free carbohydrate detection by using phenylboronic acid gate-modified field effect transistor Current Applied Physics. 2009.07; 9 (4): E214-E217.
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Charged nanosphere-coupled biotransistor for highly sensitive genetic analysis Current Applied Physics. 2009.07; 9 (4): E210-E213.
Hulme JP, An SSA, Goddard N, Miyahara Y, Oki A. Fabrication of a flexible multi-referenced surface plasmon sensor using room temperature nanoimprint lithography Current Applied Physics. 2009.03; 9 (2): E185-E188.
Matsumoto A, Sato N, Sakata T, Kataoka K, Miyahara Y. Glucose-sensitive field effect transistor using totally synthetic compounds J Solid State Electr. 2009.01; 13 (1): 165-170.
Matsumoto A, Endo T, Yoshida R, Miyahara Y. Electrical visualization of chemo-mechanical signal transduction using a smart gel-modified gate field effect transistor Chem Commun. 2009; (37): 5609-5611.
Pumera M, Scipioni R, Iwai H, Ohno T, Miyahara Y, Boero M. A Mechanism of Adsorption of beta-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide on Graphene Sheets: Experiment and Theory Chemistry-a European Journal. 2009; 15 (41): 10851-10856.
Kataoka-Hamai C, Inoue H, Miyahara Y. Detection of supported lipid bilayers using their electric charge Langmuir. 2008.09; 24 (17): 9916-9920.
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Noninvasive monitoring of transporter-substrate interaction at cell membrane Anal Chem. 2008.03; 80 (5): 1493-1496.
Miyahara Yuji, Nishimura Emi, Sugimura Takashi. Unusual condensation of 3-Thia[5](1,1')ferrocenophane-1,5-dione with glyoxal. Formation of [1.1](2,3)thiopheno(1,1')ferrocenophane-1,7-dione. J Org Chem. 2008.03; 73 (5): 1783-1786. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Detection of molecular charges at cell membrane Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2008.01; 47 (1): 368-370.
Sakata T, Makino I, Kita S, Miyahara Y. Electrical detection of ovum membrane charges using biotransistor Microelectron Eng. 2008; 85 (5-6): 1337-1340.
Sakata T, Ueda A, Miyahara Y. Cell adhesion characteristics of chemically modified silicon nitride surfaces Ieej Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2007.05; 2 (3): 295-300.
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Direct transduction of allele-specific primer extension into electrical signal using genetic field effect transistor Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2007.02; 22 (7): 1311-1316.
Sakata T, Maruyama S, Ueda A, Otsuka H, Miyahara Y. Stable immobilization of an oligonucleotide probe on a gold substrate using tripodal thiol derivatives Langmuir. 2007.02; 23 (5): 2269-2272.
Sakata Toshiya, Miyahara Yuji. Direct transduction of allele-specific primer extension into electrical signal using genetic field effect transistor. Biosens Bioelectron. 2007.02; 22 (7): 1311-1316. ( PubMed, DOI )
Room Eva-Ingrid, Kutt Agnes, Kaljurand Ivari, Koppel Ivar, Leito Ivo, Koppel Ilmar A, Mishima Masaaki, Goto Kenta, Miyahara Yuji. Bronsted basicities of diamines in the gas phase, acetonitrile, and tetrahydrofuran. Chemistry. 2007; 13 (27): 7631-7643. ( PubMed, DOI )
Miyahara Yuji. A new general route to thiophenophanes: synthesis and properties of [n](2,5)thiophenophane-1,n-diones. J Org Chem. 2006.08; 71 (17): 6516-6521. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sakata Toshiya, Miyahara Yuji. DNA sequencing based on intrinsic molecular charges. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2006.03; 45 (14): 2225-2228. ( PubMed, DOI )
Hulme JP, Gwak J, Miyahara Y. Biomolecular embossing J Am Chem Soc. 2006.01; 128 (2): 390-391.
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. DNA sequencing based on intrinsic molecular charges Angew Chem Int Edit. 2006; 45 (14): 2225-2228.
Miyahara Y, Sakata T. Electrical Detection of Bio-molecular Recognition Using Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistors Hyomen Kagaku. 2006; 27 (1): 13-20. ( DOI )
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Detection of DNA recognition events using multi-well field effect devices Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2005.11; 21 (5): 827-832.
Sakata Toshiya, Miyahara Yuji. Detection of DNA recognition events using multi-well field effect devices. Biosens Bioelectron. 2005.11; 21 (5): 827-832. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sakata T, Miyahara Y. Potentiometric detection of single nucleotide polymorphism by using a genetic field-effect transistor Chembiochem. 2005.04; 6 (4): 703-710.
Sakata T, Kamahori M, Miyahara Y. DNA analysis chip based on field-effect transistors Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers. 2005.04; 44 (4B): 2854-2859.
Sakata T, Matsumoto S, Nakajima Y, Miyahara Y. Potential behavior of biochemically modified gold electrode for extended-gate field-effect transistor Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers. 2005.04; 44 (4B): 2860-2863.
Sakata T, Kamahori M, Miyahara Y. Immobilization of oligonucleotide probes on Si3N4 surface and its application to genetic field effect transistor Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems. 2004.12; 24 (6-8): 827-832.
Ozawa S, Sugano K, Sonehara T, Fukuzono S, Ichikawa A, Fukayama N, Taylor M, Miyahara Y, Irie T. High resolution for single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis by capillary electrophoresis Anal Chem. 2004.10; 76 (20): 6122-6129.
Miyahara Yuji, Goto Kenta, Oka Masakazu, Inazu Takahiko. Remarkably facile ring-size control in macrocyclization: synthesis of hemicucurbit[6]uril and hemicucurbit[12]uril. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2004.09; 43 (38): 5019-5022. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kajiyama T, Miyahara Y, Kricka LJ, Wilding P, Graves DJ, Surrey S, Fortina P. Genotyping on a thermal gradient DNA chip Genome Res. 2003.03; 13 (3): 467-475.
Miyahara Yuji, Abe Kazuaki, Inazu Takahiko. "Molecular" molecular sieves: lid-free decamethylcucurbit[5]uril absorbs and desorbs gases selectively. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2002.08; 41 (16): 3020-3023. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kajiyama T, Tomita H, Miyahara Y. Manipulation of micro air bubbles in a flow-through cell using US standing waves IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 1999.10; 119 (10): 464-469.
Miyahara Y. Intelligent and Micro Ion Sensors IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 1998.12; 118 (12): 548-551.
Fujii T, Miyahara Y. Infrared ATR spectroscopy of substrates in aqueous solution using cryoenrichment and its application in enzyme-activity assays Appl Spectrosc. 1998.01; 52 (1): 128-133.
Fujii T, Miyahara Y, Watanabe Y. Highly sensitive biochemical analysis using low-temperature infrared spectroscopy measurements Appl Spectrosc. 1997.11; 51 (11): 1682-1686.
Fujii T, Miyahara Y. Simultaneous Analyses of Biochemical Components in Blood Using Infrared Spectroscopy Combined with Partial Least Squares IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. 1997.05; 117 (6): 332-337.
Lee Geunsu, Oka Masakazu, Takemura Hiroyuki, Miyahara Yuji, Shimizu Nobujiro, Inazu Takahiko. Efficient Synthesis of 2,11,20-Triaza[3.3.3](2,6)pyridinophane. J Org Chem. 1996.11; 61 (23): 8304-8306. ( PubMed )
Miyahara Y, Yamashita K, Ozawa S, Watanabe Y. Shift and drift of electromotive forces of solid-state electrodes with ion-selective liquid membranes Anal Chim Acta. 1996.09; 331 (1-2): 85-95.
Miyahara Y. I. Integrated Biochemical Sensors IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems. 1996.07; 116 (8): 880-882.
Fujii T, Miyahara Y, Watanabe Y. Reduction of Glucose Interference in Biochemical Analyses Based on Infrared-Spectroscopy Bunseki Kagaku. 1995.06; 44 (6): 465-469.
Miyahara Y, Tsukada K, Watanabe Y. Long-Life Planar Oxygen Sensor Sensor Actuat B-Chem. 1994.06; 20 (2-3): 89-94.
Miyahara Y. Characterization of Sputtered Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin-Film and Its Application to a Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure J Appl Phys. 1992.03; 71 (5): 2309-2314.
Miyahara Y, Tsukada K, Miyagi H, Simon W. Urea Sensor Based on an Ammonium-Ion-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistor Sensor Actuat B-Chem. 1991.04; 3 (4): 287-293.
Miyahara Y, Simon W. Comparative-Studies between Ion-Selective Field-Effect Transistors and Ion-Selective Electrodes with Polymeric Membranes Electroanalysis. 1991; 3 (4-5): 287-292.
Tsukada K, Miyahara Y, Shibata Y, Miyagi H. An Integrated Chemical Sensor with Multiple Ion and Gas Sensors Sensor Actuat B-Chem. 1990.10; 2 (4): 291-295.
Durselen LFJ, Oesterle U, Schuppisser S, Pham HV, Miyahara Y, Morf WE, Simon W. New Solid-State Contact for Ion-Selective Liquid Membrane Electrodes Chimia. 1990.06; 44 (6): 214-215.
Manz A, Miyahara Y, Miura J, Watanabe Y, Miyagi H, Sato K. Design of an Open-Tubular Column Liquid Chromatograph Using Silicon Chip Technology Sensor Actuat B-Chem. 1990.01; 1 (1-6): 249-255.
Tsukada K, Miyahara Y, Miyagi H. Platinum-Platinum Oxide Gate Ph Isfet Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers. 1989.12; 28 (12): 2450-2453.
Tsukada K, Sebata M, Miyahara Y, Miyagi H. Long-Life Multiple-Isfets with Polymeric Gates Sensors and Actuators. 1989.07; 18 (3-4): 329-336.
Miyahara Y, Tsukada K, Miyagi H. Field-Effect Transistor Using a Solid Electrolyte as a New Oxygen Sensor J Appl Phys. 1988.04; 63 (7): 2431-2434.
Teravaninthorn U, Miyahara Y, Moriizumi T. The Suitability of Ta2o5 as a Solid-State Ion-Sensitive Membrane Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers. 1987.12; 26 (12): 2116-2120.
Teravaninthorn U, Miyahara Y, Moriizumi T. Influence of Reactive Gas-Pressure on the Properties of Thin-Film Ta2o5 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Short Notes & Review Papers. 1987.03; 26 (3): 347-351.
Miyahara Y. Biochemical FET Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. 1986.11; 25 (11): 996-997.
Moriizumi T, Miyahara Y. Proceeding to Biological-Systems .1. Application of Sensors to Biological-Systems Denki Kagaku. 1986.06; 54 (6): 454-458.
Moriizumi T, Miyahara Y, Shiokawa S. Biosensor OYOBUTURI. 1985.02; 54 (2): 98-114.
Miyahara Y, Moriizumi T, Ichimura K. Integrated Enzyme Fets for Simultaneous Detections of Urea and Glucose Sensors and Actuators. 1985; 7 (1): 1-10.
Miyahara Y, Moriizumi T, Shiokawa S, Matsuoka H, Karube I, Suzuki S. Micro Urea Sensor Using Semiconductor and Enzyme Immobilizing Technologies Nippon Kagaku Kaishi. 1983; (6): 823-830.
Matsuoka H, Karube I, Kawana Y, Suzuki S, Miyahara Y, Moriizumi T. Semiconductor Biosensor Modeled on Taste Cell Denki Kagaku. 1982; 50 (10): 856-857.
Yuji Miyahara, Akira Matsumoto, Tatsuro Goda, Yasuhiro Maeda, Miyuki Tabata, Mai Sanjoh. "機能性超分子界面を用いるバイオトランジスタ 超分子材料の設計と応用展開. 2014; 78-90.
講演・口頭発表等 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Yuji Miyahara. Medical and dental applications of solid-state electrochemical sensors. 3rd Japan-Thailand Joint Symposium on Advanced Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics and Photonics (JT-AND 2018) 2018.01.22 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Yuji Miyahara, Miyuki Tabata, Chindanai Ratanaporncharoen, Aoi Asano, Yuichi Kitasako, Masaomi Ikeda, Tatsuro Goda, Akira Matsumoto, Junji Tagami. Fabrication of needle type pH sensor for quantitative caries detection. European Advanced Materials Congress 2017 2017.08.22 Stockholm, Sweden
Yuji Miyahara. Functional gate-field effect transistors for electrically neutral molecules. Matrafured 2017 2017.06.13 Thermal Hotel Visegrad Superior, Budapest, Hungary
Yuji Miyahara. Exploring Fusion between Life Science and Electronics. 1st International Symposium on Precision Medicine and Biomedical Technologies 2017.06.03 Carp City Hotel, Quanzhou, China
Miyahara Y. Semiconductor devices for biomedical applications. The 3 rd Joint Symposium between IBB/TMDU and Chulalongkorn University on “Biomedical Materials and Engineering” 2016.12.15 Bangkok, Thai
Miyahara Y. Detection of biomolecular recognition using bio-transistors. International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2016.11.11 Tokyo,Japan
Naito M, Yoshinaga N, Ishii T, Matsumoto A, Miyahara Y, Miyata K, Kataoka K. Intracellular ATP-responsive release of siRNA from polyion complex micelles. 13th US-Japan Symposium on Drug Delivery Systems 2015.12.16 Hawaii, USA
Miyahara Y. Detection of Biomolecular Recognition and Cell Functions using Biotransistors. The 7th Takayanagi Kenjiro Memorial Symposium 2015.11.18 Shizuoka University
Miyahara Yuji. Detection of Biomolecular Recognition using Bio-transistors.. The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7) 2014.11.02 Matsue,Japan
Miyahara Yuji. Cell-based Field Effect Transistor for Functional Analyses of Cell Membrane. Matrafured international Conference on Electrochemical Sensors 2014 2014.06.19 Budapest, Hungary
Miyahara Y, Matsumoto A, Goda T, Maeda Y, Tabata M, Sanjoh M. Detection of Biomolecular Recognition Using Bio-Transistor. PITTCON2014 2014.03.02 Chicago,USA
宮原裕二. バイオエレクトロニクス:トランジスタによる細胞応答検出. 日本化学会 第98春季年会第98春季年会 2018.03.22 日本大学理工学部船橋キャンパス(千葉県船橋市)
宮原 裕二. 機能性界面の創製とバイオセンサへの応用. 2017年度印刷・情報・電子用材料研究会講座 次世代センシング材料・技術と高分子 -現状と課題- 2017.12.15 東京理科大学森戸記念館(東京都新宿区)
宮原裕二. ナノ・マイクロ技術を用いた生体分子認識及び細胞機能の検出. 神奈川県ヘルスケア•ニューフロンティア講座実施業務委託事業, 「次世代医療に向けた医理工学融合研究とその産業応用」 2016.12.13 東京工業大学
宮原裕二. 機能性界面の創出と医歯学領域への応用. 東京医科歯科大学 平成28年度特別経費 健康長寿社会の実現に寄与する先端医歯工学研究拠点形成 医歯工連携による医療イノベーション創出事業 ~生物学と工学を融合したバイアブルマテリアルの学術創成~ シンポジウム 2016.05.10 東京医科歯科大学
宮原裕二, 松元亮, 合田達郎, 田畑美幸. 機能性固/液界面の創製とバイオセンシングへの応用. 日本学術振興会 半導体界面制御技術第154委員会 第99回研究会 2016.04.14 キャンパス・イノベーションセンター(CIC)東京
内藤瑞,石井武彦,松元亮,宮原裕二,宮田完二郎,片岡一則. ATP応答性高分子ミセルによる細胞質内選択的siRNAデリバリー技術の開発. 第44回医用高分子シンポジウム 2015.07.27 産業技術総合研究所 臨海副都心センター
内藤瑞,石井武彦,松元亮,宮原裕二,宮田完二郎,片岡一則. コレステロール修飾siRNAを内包した細胞内ATP応答性ミセルの機能評価. 第31回日本DDS学会学術集会 2015.07.02 京王プラザホテル
内藤瑞,石井武彦,松元亮,宮田完二郎,宮原裕二,片岡一則. 細胞内ATP濃度応答性フェニルボロン酸修飾siRNAデリバリーミセルの機能評価. 第64回高分子年次大会 2015.05.27 札幌コンベンションセンター
宮原裕二. 機能性ナノ界面の創製とバイオセンシングへの応用. 第117回医工学フォーラム 2015.04.27 京都大学再生医科学研究所
宮原裕二,松元亮,合田達郎,田畑美幸. 電気化学的核酸定量検出デバイスの創製. 第3回COINS全体会議 2015.01.23 LiSE 川崎生命科学・環境研究センター(川崎)
宮原裕二. 機能性ナノ界面の創製とバイオトランジスタへの応用. 第10回医歯工融合セミナー 2014.12.17 つくば
東大樹,合田達郎,松元亮,星徹,澤口孝志,宮原裕二. 多点結合導入によるタンパク質/アプタマー相互作用の高感度電気検出. 第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 2014.12.06 日本大学理工学部駿河台校舎1号館(東京)
藤谷昌弘,合田達郎,松元亮,星徹,澤口孝志,宮原裕二. ホスホリルコリン基機能化導電性高分子の創製とバイオエレクトロニクス応用. 第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 2014.12.06 日本大学理工学部駿河台校舎1号館(東京)
宮原裕二. 機能性ナノ界面を有するバイオトランジスタ. 第31回医用高分子研究会講座 2014.11.10 東京
宮原裕二,松元亮,合田達郎,三條舞,田畑美幸. 機能性ナノ界面を用いたバイオトランジスタ. ナノ3領域合同公開シンポジウム 2014.10.01 東京
宮原 裕二. 固液界面の機能化とバイオセンシング. 先端・ナノデバイス・材料テクノロジー第151委員会ナノバイオフュージョン分科会合同研究会 2014.09.22 東京
宮原裕二. 機能性界面の設計とバイオトランジスタへの応用. 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会 第26回研究会 2014.05.23 東京,日本女子大学
宮原裕二. 生体センサデバイス及びセンシング技術の基礎. CRESTナノシステム領域第3回公開シンポジウム「ナノプロセス融合がもたらすグリーン&ライフイノベーション」 2014.01.29 東京ビックサイト
宮原裕二. 電界効果トランジスタを用いた生体分子認識検出デバイスの開発. CRESTナノシステム領域第3回公開シンポジウム「ナノプロセス融合がもたらすグリーン&ライフイノベーション」 2014.01.29 東京ビックサイト
特許 【 表示 / 非表示 】
特許番号: ZL 2019 8 0037079.6
特許番号: US 11819570
特許番号: 特許第7281659号
特許番号: 特許第6638913号
特許番号: 特許第6824527号
特許番号: CN ZL201680072480.X
特許番号: US11141486
特許番号: 特許第6784352号
特許番号: 5622188
受賞学術賞 【 表示 / 非表示 】
第6回(平成18年度)財団法人材料科学技術振興財団 山﨑貞一賞 「バイオトランジスタによる生体分子認識の電気的検出と遺伝子解析技術への応用」,2006年
その他業績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Transistors help identify cancer cell markers,2022年10月
AAAS EurekAlert! The Global Source for Science News
「 細胞トランジスタによる細胞膜タンパク質の検出 」 ― リキッドバイオプシーへ適用の可能性 ―,2022年09月
Journal of the American Chemical Society
「上皮組織のバリア機能を非侵襲かつ選択的に評価する新規手法を開発」― タイトジャンクションを標的とした薬剤開発や組織工学での評価応用に期待 ―,2019年01月
「 マイクロpHセンサによるう蝕定量マッピング 」 視診できないう蝕の簡便診断への応用の可能性 ―,2018年04月
ACS Analytical Chemistry
「インフルエンザウイルスを高感度かつ選択的に検出する導電性プラスチックの開発」― ウイルス感染をその場で診断するウエアラブルデバイスへの応用に期待 ―,2017年04月
ACS Applied Materials Interfaces
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東京科学大 あす発足 「医工連携」強化,読売新聞,読売新聞,2024年09月03日 - 2024年09月30日