SHIMADA Masahiko
Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, 1980, Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School, Division of Dental Research, Dental Anesthesiology, Doctor's Course, 1984, Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Ph D, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2006.04-2015.11Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2015.12-2018.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2008.04-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Director
2018.04-2020.01Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2020.02Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2020.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2020.04-2021.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, (Old Organization)Dental Hospital, Project Professor
2021.10-2022.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Project Professor
2022.04-2023.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Orofacial Pain Management, Visiting Lecturer
2023.05-2023.06Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Visiting Lecturer
2023.07-2024.04Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Psychosomatic Dentistry, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Visiting Lecturer
2024.05-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Division of Clinical Dentistry, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Psychosomatic Dentistry, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Visiting Lecturer
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, -, Institute of Science Tokyo Hospital, Department of Dental Anesthesiology and Psychosomatic Dentistry, Orofacial Pain Clinic, Visiting Lecturer
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
1984.04-1984.05Tokyo Medical and Dental University , University Dental Hospital, Dental Resident
1984.06-1992.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University Faculty of Dentistry, Dept. of Dental Anesthesiology, Assistant Professor
1990.02-1992.03Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dept.of Anesthesialorgy and Critical Care Medicine, Project Researcher
1992.04-1993.09Okayama Univesity School of Dentistry , Dept.of Dental Anesthesiology, Junior Associate Professor
1993.10-2001.03Okayama Univesity Shool of Dentistry, Dept. of Dental Anesthesiology, Professor
2001.04-2006.03Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry , Dept. of Dental Anesthesiology, Professor
2004.04-2006.03Okayama University , Okayama University Hospital, Vice Director
2006.04-NowTokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School, Dept. of Orofacial Pain Management, Professor
2008.04-NowTokyo Medical and Dental University , University Dental Hospital, Director
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology
Japanese Society of Orofacial Pain
The Stomatological Society, Japan
Society of Detistry for Medically Compromised Patient
Academic Activity 【 display / non-display 】
2009-2013Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology President
2009.10-2013.10Japanese Dental Society of Anesthesiology President
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Surgical dentistry
Pathophysiologic neuroscience
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Ngan Gia Kieu Nguyen, Akira Nishiyama, Masahiko Shimada. A rat model for inducing temporomandibular anterior disc displacement experimentally Journal of Oral Science. 2019.12; 62 (1): 70-74.
S. Liang, A. Nishiyama, M. Shimada. Changes in Sensory Thresholds of the Pulp and Periodontal Ligaments after Standardized Tooth Clenching Int J Dent Oral Health . 2018.11; 4 (5): 1-7. ( DOI )
Nguyen Gia Kieu Ngan, Akira Nishiyama, Masahiko Shimada. Inducing temporomandibular anterior disc displacement experimentally? A model on rats J. Jpn Soc T.M.J.. 2018.07; 30 (Suppl.): 121. ( ichushi )
Rena Nakayama, Akira Nishiyama, Masahiko Shimada. Bruxism-Related Signs and Periodontal Disease: A Preliminary Study The Open Dentistry Journal. 2018.05; 12 400-405. ( DOI )
Nakayama R., Nishiyama A., Matsuda C., Nakayama Y., Hakuta C., Shimada M.. Oral health status of hospitalized amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2017.12; 76 open access. ( DOI )
Tsukagoshi K., Nishiyama A., Shimada M.. Association between Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders and Duration of Computer Use in a Working Population in Japan Int J Dent Oral Health. 2017.10; 3 (5): open access.
Rena Nakayama, Akira Nishiyama and Masahiko Shimada. Creating a Quality of Life Index for Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders Int J Dent Oral Health . 2017.09; 3 (5): ( DOI )
Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko,Yoshino Norio, Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. Altered Grey Matter Volume in Trigeminal Neuralgia The Journal of the Stomatological Society . 2017.07; 84 (2): 73-83.
Yoko Yamazaki, Maya Sakamoto, Hiroko Imura, Masahiko Shimada. Pre-Trigeminal Neuralgia Similar to Atypical Odontalgia: A Case Report Journal of Pain & Relief. 2017.05; 63 (3): 291.
Imura Hiroko, Shimada Masahiko, Yamazaki Yoko, Sugimoto Kumiko. Characteristic changes of saliva and taste in burning mouth syndrome patients Jouranal of Oral Pathology and Medicine. 2016.03; 45 (3): 231-236. ( DOI )
H. Imura, M. Shimada, Y. Yamazaki, K. Sugimoto. Characteristic changes in saliva and taste in burning mouth syndrome patients Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine. 2015.08; online (DOI: 10.1111/jop.12350): DOI: 10.1111/jop.12350.
Niimi, T.; Yamazaki, Y.; Shimada, M.. Effectiveness of Rikkosan for Intractable Intraoral Pain: a case report Traditional & Kampo Medicine. 2015.03; 2 (1): 27-29.
Suzuki M, Yoshino N, Shimada M, Tetsumura A, Matsumura T, Fukayama H, Kurabayashi T.. Trigeminal neuralgia: differences in MRI characteristics of neurovascular compression between symptomatic and asymptomatic nerves Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol.. 2015.01; 119 (1): 113-118.
Yumiko Tomoyasu, Hitoshi Higuchi, Megumi Mori, Kumiko Takaya, Yuka Honda, Ayaka Yamane, Akiko Yabuki, Tomoko Hayashi, Minako Ishii-Maruhama, Ayako Jinzenji, Shigeru Maeda, Atsushi Kohjitani, Masahiko Shimada, and Takuya Miyawaki. Chronic Orofacial Pain in Dental Patients: Retrospective Investigation over 12 Years Acta medica okayama. 2014; 68 (5): 269-275.
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, M. Shimada, K. Sugiyama. Features of Lateral Cephalograms Associated With Difficult Laryngoscopy in Japanese Children Undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Pediatric Anesthesia. 2013; 23 (11): 994-1001.
Yamazaki Y, Niimi T, Ando Y, Tomizawa D. and Shimada M.. Necessity of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using an appropriate sequence for diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia associated with intracranial tumor. Open Journal of Stomatology Open Journal of Stomatology. 2013; 3 510-514.
Arai Y, Maeda S, Higuchi H, Tomoyasu Y, Shimada M, Miyawaki T. Effects of midazolam and phenobarbital on brain oxidative reactions induced by pentylenetetrazole in a convulsion model Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol.. 2012; 34 216-221.
T.Miyawaki, A.Kohjitani, S.Maeda, M. Shimada. Combination of midazolam and a cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor inhibits Immunopharmacol.Immunotoxicol.. 2012; 34 216-221.
新美知子、川島正人、山﨑陽子、安藤祐子、嶋田昌彦. 柴胡桂枝湯および柴胡桂枝湯と附子の併用が有効であった三叉神経痛の一症例 漢方研究. 2012; 10 (10): 3-5.
Y.Yamazaki, M.Umino, H.Fukayama, M.Shimada. The Effect of Alternating Current Iontophoresis on Rats with the Chronic Constriction Injury to the Infraorbital Nerve International Journal of Dentistry. 2012; 2012 (Article ID 405292): 7.
Jun Ohmori, Shigeru Maeda, Hitoshi Higuchi, Minako Ishii, Yukiko Arai, Yumiko Tomoyasu, Atsushi Kohjitani, Masahiko Shimada and Takuya Miyawaki. Propofol increases the rate of albumin-unbound free midazolam in serum albumin solution J Anesth.. 2011; 25 (4): 618-620.
冨澤大佑、井村紘子、細田明利、川島正人、嶋田昌彦. 難治性の口腔粘膜の痛みに立効散が奏効した一症例 2011; 4 (1): 57-61.
Yoko Yamazaki, Ke Ren, Masahiko Shimada, Koichi Iwata.. Modulation of paratrigeminal nociceptive neurons following temporomandibular joint inflammation in rats. Experimental Neurology.. 2008; 214 209-218.
Shigeru Maeda, Takuya Miyawaki, Hitoshi Higuchi, Masahiko Shimada. Effect of flumazenil on disturbance of equilibrium function induced by midazolam. Anesth Prog.. 2008; 55 (3): 73-77.
A. Kohjitani, M. Egusa, M. Shimada, T. Miyawaki. Accumulated oropharyngeal water increases coughing during dental treatment with intravenous sedation. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2008; 35 203-208.
A. Kohjitani, H. Higuchi, M. Shimada, T. Miyawaki. Oral midazolam for sedation in minor oral operation in children : A retrospective study. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.. 2008; 46 (4): 330-331.
Shigeru Maeda, Ichiro Nakatsuka, Yukiko Hayashi, Hitoshi Higuchi, Masahiko Shimada, Takuya Miyawaki. Heme oxygenase-1 induction in the brain during lipopolysaccharide-induced acute inflammation. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat.. 2008; 4 663-667.
Tatsushi Yoshitomi, Atsushi Kohjitani, Shigeru Maeda, Hitoshi Higuchi, Masahiko Shimada, Takuya Miyawaki. Dexmedetomidine Enhances the Local Anesthetic Action of Lidocaine via an -2A Adrenoceptor. Anesth Analg.. 2008; 107 96-101.
H.Higuchi, S.Maeda, T.Miyawaki,A.Kohjitani, T.Mori, R.Ishida, M.Egusa, M.Shimada. Dental management of a patient with takotsubo cardiomyopathy:a case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patho Oral Radiol Endod.. 2007; 103 e26-e29.
S.Yamazaki, T.Shibaji, M.Nakano, A.Maeda, M.Sakamoto, S.Mashu, M.Shimada, Y.Ikeda, M. Umino, K.Toda, N.Suzuki. A Retrospective Study of 217 Patients with Dysgeusia. Dentistry in Japan. 2007; 43 135-138.
S.Maeda, I. Nakatsuka, T.Miyawaki, T.Kuboki, M.Shimada. Stress induces changes of internal standard genes of amygdale. Molecular Brain Research. 2005; 140 133-137.
S.Maeda, F.Kita, T.Miyawaki, K.Takeuchi, R.Ishida, M.Egusa, M.Shimada. Assessment of patients with intellectual disability using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to evaluate dental treatment Tolerability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2005; 49 253-259.
Kohjitani A, Funahashi M, Miyawaki T, Hanazaki M, Matsuo R, Shimada M.. Peripheral NMDA receptors modulate nonadrenergic noncholinergic lower esophageal sphincter relaxation in rabbits. Anesth.&Analg.. 2005; 101 1681-1688.
M.Shimada, T.Miyawaki, K.Takada, T.Misaki, S.Oka S.Yoshimura, T.Ayuse, K.Oi, K. Seo, G.Someya, T.Ichinohe, Y.Kaneko, K. Ichihara, H.Ito, M.Umino. Clinical Usefulness 3% Mepivacaine Hydrochloride(Scandonest) in Infiltration Anesthesia and Block Anesthesia. Dentistry in Japan. 2004; 40 129-131.
T.Miyawaki, A.Kojitani, S.Maeda, F.Kita, H.Higuchi, M.Shimada. Serum cortisol level and depth of propofol-induced sedation. Acta Anesthesia Scand.. 2004; 48 384-385.
T.Miyawaki, S.Maeda, M.Egusa, T.Mori, H.Higuchi, F.Kita, M.Shimada. Intravenous sedation for dental patients with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2004; 48 764-768.
T.Miyawaki, A.Kohjitani, S.Maeda, H.Higuchi, M.Shimada. Effects of Isoflurane-Induced and Prostaglandin E1-Induced Hypotension on Cytokine Responses to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2004; 16 168-172.
T.Miyawaki, F.Nishimura, A.Kohjitani, S.Maeda, H.Higuchi, F.Kita, M.Shimada. Prevalence of blood pressure levels and hypertension-related diseases in Japan dental patients. Community Dental Health. 2004; 21 134-137.
S.Maeda,T.Miyawaki, S.Nomura, T.Yagi, M.Shimada. Management of oral surgery in patients with hereditary or acquired angioedemas:review and case report Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology. 2003; 96 (5): 540-543.
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, M. Funahashi, Hi. Higuchi, R. Matsuo, M.Shimada. Ketamine and Midazolam Differentially Inhibit Nonadrenergic Noncholinergic Lower Esophageal Sphincter Relaxation in Rabbits. Anesthesiology. 2003; 98 449-458.
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, M. Funahashi, Y. Mitoh, R. Matsuo, M. Shimada. Mexiletine inhibits nonadrenergic noncholinergic lower oesochageal sphincter relaxation in rabbits. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2003; 465 145-151.
H. Higuchi, M. Funahashi, T. Miyawaki, Y. Mitoh, A. Kohjitani, M. Shimada, R. Matsuo. Suppression of the hyperpolarization-activated inward current contributes to the inhibitory actions of propofol on rat CAI and CA3 pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience Research. 2003; 45 459-472.
M.Shimada, T.Miyawaki, K.Takada, T.Misaki, S.Oka S.Yoshimura, T.Ayuse, K.Oi, K. Seo, G.Someya, T.Ichinohe, Y.Kaneko, K. Ichihara, H.Ito, M.Umino. The Clinical Anesthetic Efficacy of 3% Mepivacaine in Infiltration and Block Anesthesia:A Comparative Double Blind Study with 2% Lidocaine Hydrochloride containing 1:80,000 Epinephrine. Anesth Prog. 2003; 50 (2): 88-90.
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, K. Kasuya, M. Shimada. Sympathetic Activity - Mediated Neuropathic Facial Pain Following Simple Tooth Extraction:A Case Report. The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice. 2002; 20 135-138.
Atsushi Kohjitani, Takuya Miyawaki, Masahiko Shimada. Anesthetic Management for Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Acquired Micrognathia Undergoing Temporomandibular Joint. JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. 2002; 60 559-566.
Miyawaki T., Sogawa N., Maeda S., Kohjitani A., Shimada M.. Effect of midazolam on interleukin-6 mRNA expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the absence of lipopolysaccharide. Cytokine. 2001; 15 (6): 320-327.
Shigeru Maeda, Takuya Miyawaki, Takuo Kuboki, Masahiko Shimada. A Trigeminal Neuralgia-like Paroxysmal Pain Condition Presumably Due to Buccal Nerve Compression in the Temporalis Muscle. The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice. 2001; 19 56-60.
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, M. Funahashi, Y. Mitoh, R. Matsuo, M. Shimada. Intravenous Anesthetics inhibit Nonadrenergic Noncholinergic Lower Esophageal Sphincter Relaxation via Nitric Oxide - Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate Pathway Modulation in Rabbits. Anesthesiology. 2001; 95 176-183.
M. Funahashi, H. Higuchi, T. Miyawaki, M. Shimada, R. Matsuo. Propofol suppresses a hyperpolarization-activated inward current in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. 2001; 311 177-180.
K. Maekawa, T. Kuboki, T. Miyawaki, M. Shimada, A. Yamashita, G.T. Clark. Effect of intravenous infusion of an β-adrenergic blocking agent on the haemodynamic changes in human masseter muscle induced by cold pressor stimulation. Archives of Oral Biology. 1999; 44 475-483.
K. Maekawa, T. Kuboki, T. Miyawaki, M. Shimada, A. Yamashita, G. T. Clark. Effect of intravenous infusion of an α-adrenergic blocking agent on the haemodynamic changes in human masseter muscle induced by cold pressor stimulation. Archives of Oral Biology. 1999; 44 319-327.
S. Maeda, T. Miyawaki, T. Nakanishi, M. Takigawa, M. Shimada. Peripheral Type Benzodiazepine Receptor in T lymphocyte Rich Preparation. Life Sciences. 1998; 63 (16): 1423-1430.
T. MIYAWAKI, S. MAEDA, Y. KOYAMA, R. FUKUOKA, M. SHIMADA. Elevation of plasma interleukin-6 levels is involved in postoperative fever following major oral and maxillofacial surgery. 1998; 85 (2): 146-152.
Takuya MIYAWAAKI, Shigeru MAEDA, Masahiko SHIMADA. Elevation of plasma interleukin-6 level in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. Oral Surgery Oral Medcine Oral Pathology. 1996; 81 (1): 15-20.
K.Maeda, L.O.Schoeniger, M. Shimada, R.A.Winchurch, J. L.Robotham. Regulation of acute phase gene expression following surgery and endotoxin administration in the anesthetized pig. Anesthesiology. 1993; 79 (6): 1324-1337.
Masahiko Shimada, R. A. Winchurch, S.Beloucif, James L.Robotham. Effect of anesthesia and surgery on plasma cytokine levels. Journal of Critical Care. 1993; 8 (2): 109-116.
Sadek Beloucif, Masahiko Shimada, James L. Robotham. Influence of pericardial constraint on atrioventricular interactions. American Journal of Physiology. 1992; 263 H125-H134.
Masao Takata, Sadek Beloucif, Masahiko Shimada, James, L. Robotham. Superior and inferior vena caval flows during respiration. American Journal of Physiology. 1992; 262 H125-H134.
Fukayama,H.,Ito,H.,Shimada,M., Kubota,Y., Fukunaga,A.,F.. Effects of hypotensive anesthesia on endocrine systems in oral surgery Anesthesia Progress. 1989; 36 175-177.
Kokubu,M., Shimada,M.,Suzuki,N., Kubota,Y., Shinya,N. General anesthesia and surgical stress increase plasma immunoreactive β- endorphin like substances The Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. 1985; 32 49-55.
Umino M., Shimada,M., Kubota, Y.. Effect of acupuncture anesthesia on the pituitary gland The Bulletin of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. 1984; 31 93-98.
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
Q. Nguyen Ho, Y. Yamazaki, M. Shimada. Does grey matter really change in classical trigeminal neuralgia?. The 32nd IADR-SEA,The 29th South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE) 2018.09.14 Da Nang, Viet Nam
NGUYEN G.K.Ngan, Akira NISHIYAMA , Masahiko SHIMADA . Inducing Temporomandibular Anterior Disc Displacement Experimentally – A model on Rats. The 31st Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Temporomandibular Joint 2018.07.08 Kokura
Masahiko Shimada. The combination of western medicine and oriental medicine in the treatment of orofacial pain in Japan. THE 40th DENTAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2018.04.02 Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
Masahiko Shimada. Orofacial Pain Management in Japan. The 1st China-Japan Friendship Oral Medicine Symposium 2017.06.10 Beijing
Quynh Anh Nguyen Ho, Y. Yamazaki, H. Imura, N. Yoshino,M. Taira, T. Kurabayashi, M. Shimada. Trigeminal Neuropathy and Brain Plasticity. IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition 2017.03.22 USA,San Francisco
Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Norio Yoshino ,Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA AND THE BRAIN PLASTICITY. The 81th Annual Meeting of The Stomatological Society 2016.11.26 Tokyo
Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. ERIPHERAL INJURIES MAY LEAD TO GREY MATTER VOLUME REDUCTION IN POST TRAUMATIC TRIGEMINAL NEUROPATHIC PAIN. IASP 2016.09.28 Yokohama
Tomoko Niimi, Yoko Yamazaki, Masato Kawashima, Daisuke Tomizawa, HIroko Imura, Akitoshi Hosoda, Masahiko Shimada. Effectiveness of Rikkosan for Intraoral Intractable Pain. IASP 2016.09.27 Yokohama
Nguyen Ho Quynh Anh, Yamazaki Yoko, Imura Hiroko, Taira Masato, Kurabayashi Tohru, Shimada Masahiko. GREY MATTER VOLUME CHANGES IN TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA. The 80th Annual Meeting of The Stomatological Society 2015.12.26 Tokyo
Hiroko Imura, Masahiko Shimada, Yoko Yamazaki,Kumiko Sugimoto. Saliva and taste in burning mouth syndrome patients. International Association for Dental Research 2015.03.12
M.Shimada. Contemporary Orofacial Pain Management in Japan. The 11th biennial Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care conference, Myanmar society of Anaesthesiologist 2015.02.07 Yangon, Myanmar
M. Shimada. Orofacial Pain Management in Japan. Special Lecture, University of Dental Medicine, Yangon 2015.02.06 Yangon, Myanmar
H.Imura, M. Shimada, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Kono, N. Yoshida, K. Sugimoto. Does salivary antioxidant capacity reflect that of blood serum?. FDI 2013.08.28 イスタンブール
嶋田昌彦. Contemporary Orofacial Pain Management in Japan. 国際サマープログラム2012 2012.08.27 東京
嶋田昌彦. Contemporary Orofacial Pain Management and Dental Anesthesiology in Japan. 34th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Researh and Continuing Education 2012.04.07 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
T.Matsumura, K. Kubota, K. Sakamoto, Y. Suzuki, M. Shimada, A. Yamaguchi, H. Fukayama. Lidocaine promotes NGF mRNA expression in cultured human skin fibroblasts. Pain in Europe VII, 7th Congress of the European Federation of IASP(R) Chapters (EFIC(R)) 2011.09.21 HAMBURG
嶋田昌彦. Contemporary Orofacial Pain Management and Dental Anesthesiology in Japan. The 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China 2010.11.27 Taipei, Taiwan
嶋田昌彦. 歯科領域の疼痛管理. 2009.01.18 徳島
高橋知子、芝地貴夫、鈴木長明、山下靖雄、嶋田昌彦. 高齢者における舌尖部と舌背部の構造変化の比較. 第36回日本歯科麻酔学会総会 2008.10.09 大阪
Takao Shibaji, Masahiko Shimada, Masahiro Umino. AC Iontophoresis for Neuropathic Pain Caused by Orofacial Surgery. World Congress of WIP 2007.09.26 Budapest
S. Maeda, I. Nakatsuka, T. Andoh, Y. Yamaai, H. Higuchi, T. Miyawaki, M. Shimada. Brain Reactions to oxidative stress caused by intraperitoneal injeciton of ferric nitrirotriacetate (Fe-NTA) in rats. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta 2006.10.14 米国
Maeda S, Higuchi H, Watanabe Y, Hayashi Y, Yoshida K, Kohjitani A, Egusa M, Miyawaki T, Shimada M. Clinical experience of general anesthesia using laryngeal mask airway for ambulatory dental treatment on patients with intellectual disability. 第11回国際歯科麻酔学会 2006.10.06 横浜
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, S. Maeda and M. Shimada. Anesthetic management for children with syndromes accompanying congenital anomalies undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. 第11回国際歯科麻酔学会 2006.10.06 横浜
T.Shibaji, M.Kawashima, S.Mashu, A.Maeda, S.Jinno, T.Miyamoto, C.Ooe, N.Suzuki, M.Umino, M.Shimada. AC IONTOPHRESIS FOR OROFACIAL PAIN AND ABNORMAL SENSATIONS. 第11回国際歯科麻酔学会 2006.10.06 横浜
A. Kohjitani, T. Miyawaki, S. Maeda, H. Higuchi, K. Yoshida and M. Shimada. Requirement of Oral Midazolam for Sedation in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Minor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Retrospective Analysis in Relevance to Age. 第11回国際歯科麻酔学会 2006.10.06 横浜
T.Shibaji, C.Kato, Y.Yamazaki, Y.Ando, N.Suzuki, M.Umino, M.Shimada. Effect of Pretreatment of the Skin for AC Iontophoresis. 5th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters 2006.09.13 イスタンブール
N.Suzuki, T.Shibaji, M. Kawashima, S. Mashu, M. Shimada, S. Jinno2, M. Umino. A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 915 CASES WITH ATYPICAL FACIAL PAIN. 5th Congress of the European Federation of IASP Chapters 2006.09.13 イスタンブール
Others 【 display / non-display 】
Developmennto of the method of treatment for neuropathic pain- Basic study of the effect of iontoforesis ,2014
The study aimed to compare the effect of alternating iontophoresis(AC IOP)with direct current iontophoresis(DC IOP). As a result behavior and immunohistological experiment, DC IOP have fast onset time and a short effect time, while AC IOP have a slow onset time and a long effect time. According to the result of the blood cocentration of lidocaine, we confirmed that those effects were not caused by systemic administration of lidocaine. Additionally, those electrical powers we applied did not lead to extravascular of Evans Blue in the skins under the electrodes.
Thus, these finding of this study suggest that AC IOP is useful for patients suffering from chronic pain because of its long time.(Masahiko Shimada, Yoko Yamazaki)
Campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
Orofacial Pain Management,2015 - Now
Orofacial Pain Management,2006 - Now
Dental Anesthesiology,2006 - Now