Graduating School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Dentistry, Dentistry, 1996, Graduated
Graduate School 【 display / non-display 】
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School, Division of Dental Research, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Doctor's Course, 2000.03, Completed
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
Ph D., Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
2018.04-2022.06Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Oral Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor
2011.04-2018.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Oral Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor
2003.04-2011.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Oral Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Assistant Professor
2000.04-2003.03Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Oral Health Sciences, Oral Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Dental Resident
2022.07-2024.09Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Medical and Dental Sciences, Division of Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor
2024.10-NowInstitute of Science Tokyo, -, Graduate Schools, Oral Health Sciences, Department of Dental Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Associate Professor
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
2019.04-2023.03, Visiting Lecturer
2021.06-2021.09, Honorary Associate Professor
2006.04-2017.03, Visiting Lecturer
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Radiological sciences
Oral pathobiological science
Qualification Acquired 【 display / non-display 】
Chief Person of Radiation Handling (first and second kind)
Usual Car License (first kind)
Published Papers & Misc 【 display / non-display 】
Shinya Kotaki, Hiroshi Watanabe, Junichiro Sakamoto, Ami Kuribayashi, Marino Araragi, Hironori Akiyama, Yoshiko Ariji. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of teeth and periodontal tissues using a microscopy coil. Imaging Sci Dent. 2024.09; 54 (3): 276-282. ( PubMed, DOI )
Andy Wai Kan Yeung, Abeer AlHadidi, Rutvi Vyas, Michael M Bornstein, Hiroshi Watanabe, Ray Tanaka. Nonionizing diagnostic imaging modalities for visualizing health and pathology of periodontal and peri-implant tissues. Periodontol 2000. 2024.07; ( PubMed, DOI )
Supasith Yomtako, Hiroshi Watanabe, Ami Kuribayashi, Junichiro Sakamoto, Masahiko Miura. Differentiation of radicular cysts and radicular granulomas via texture analysis of multi-slice computed tomography images. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2024.04; ( PubMed, DOI )
Wamasing N, Nakamura S, Watanabe H, Kuribayashi A, Miura M. Potential of preoperative fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography to diagnose contralateral lymph node metastases in patients with oral cancer. Nucl Med Commun. 2023.12; 44 (12): 1168-1175. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakamura S, Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T, Miura M. Risk factors for posttreatment mastoid cellulitis in patients with oral malignancy Oral Radiology. 2023.07; 39 (3): 528-535. ( DOI )
Yoshikazu Nomura, Hiroshi Watanabe, Hiroshi Tomisato, Sakurako Kawashima, Masahiko Miura. Gumbel distribution-based technique enables quantitative comparison between streak metal artifacts of multidetector row CT and cone-beam CT: a phantom study. Phys Eng Sci Med. 2023.06; 46 (2): 801-812. ( PubMed, DOI )
Natnicha Wamasing, Supasith Yomtako, Hiroshi Watanabe, Junichiro Sakamoto, Kou Kayamori, Tohru Kurabayashi. The magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of radicular cysts and granulomas Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2023.02; 52 (3): 20220336. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kuribayashi Ami, Kawashima Sakurako, Kayamori Kou, Sakamoto Junichiro, Tomisato Hiroshi, Watanabe Hiroshi, Kurabayashi Tohru. Magnetic resonance imaging of methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorder with a chief complaint of oral symptoms ORAL RADIOLOGY. 2022.06; ( PubMed, DOI )
Natnicha Wamasing, Hiroshi Watanabe, Junichiro Sakamoto, Hiroshi Tomisato, Tohru Kurabayashi. Differentiation of cystic lesions in the jaw by conventional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2022.01; 51 (1): 20210212. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H. Editorial for "Integrating postradiotherapy MRI-detected lymph node necrosis and pre- and posttreatment Epstein-Barr virus DNA for risk stratification in nasopharyngeal carcinoma" Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2022;
Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T. Letters to the Editor. Effects of differences in pixel size on image characteristics of digital intraoral radiographic systems: A physical and visual evaluation. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2021.12; 50 20210093.
Ryo-Ichi Yoshimura, Kazuma Toda, Hiroshi Watanabe, Atsushi Kaida, Hiroyuki Harada, Takahiro Asakage, Masahiko Miura. Efficacy and Safety of Induction Chemotherapy and/or External Beam Radiotherapy Followed by Brachytherapy in Patients With Tongue Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2021.12; 41 (12): 6259-6266. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ozaki Y, Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T. Effective dose estimation in cone-beam computed tomography for dental use by Monte Carlo simulation optimizing calculation numbers using a step and shoot method Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2021.10; 50 (7): 20210084. ( PubMed, DOI )
Taguchi M, Wamasing P, Watanabe H, Sakamoto J, Kurabayashi T. Applying the paralleling technique in periapical radiographs for Japanese patients by analyzing CT images. Oral Radiology. 2021.04; 37 (2): 311-320. ( PubMed, DOI )
Adel S, Wada T, Kawashima N, Abdou A, Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T, Okiji T, Uo M. Preparation and properties of tristrontium aluminate as an alternative component of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) cement Dental Materials Journal. 2021.01; 40 (1): 184-190. ( DOI )
Yoshikazu Nomura, Hiroshi Watanabe, Nisha Gowri Manila, Sakurako Asai, Tohru Kurabayashi. Evaluation of streak metal artifacts in cone beam computed tomography by using the Gumbel distribution: a phantom study Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. 2020.08; ( DOI )
Tran LTX, Sakamoto J, Kuribayashi A, Watanabe H, Tomisato H, Kurabayashi T. Quantitative evaluation of artefact reduction from metallic dental materials in short tau inversion recovery imaging: efficacy of <i>syngo</i> WARP at 3.0 tesla. Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2019.07; 20190036. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yumi Tsuchida, Hidekazu Takahashi, Hiroshi Watanabe, Meiko Oki, Maho Shiozawa, Tohru Kurabayashi, Tetsuya Suzuki. Effects of number of metal restorations and mandibular position during computed tomography imaging on accuracy of maxillofacial models. Journal of Prosthodontic Research. 2019.04; 63 (2): 239-244.
Wamasing P, Watanabe H, Tsuchida Y, Ohbayashi N, Suzuki T, Kurabayashi T. The development of new image receptor-holding instruments with appropriate horizontal X-ray beam angulation for periapical radiographs Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2019.01; 48 20180354. ( PubMed, DOI )
Suzuki N, Kuribayashi A, Sakamoto K, Sakamoto J, Nakamura S, Watanabe H, Harada H, Kurabayashi T. Diagnostic abilities of 3T MRI for assessing mandibular invasion of squamous cell carcinoma in the oral cavity: comparison with 64-row multidetector CT. Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2019.01; ( PubMed, DOI )
Wamasing P, Deepho C, Watanabe H, Hayashi Y, Sakamoto J, Kurabayashi T. Imaging the bifid mandibular canal using high resolution MRI Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2018.10; 47 20180305. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Kuribayashi A, Kurabayashi T. Spatial resolution measurements using Radia diagnostic software with SEDENTEXCT Image Quality phantom in cone beam CT for dental use. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2018.03; 47 (3): 20170307. ( PubMed, DOI )
Deepho C, Watanabe H, Sakamoto J, Kurabayashi T. Mandible canal visibility using a plain volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination sequence in MRI. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2018.01; 47 (1): 20170245. ( PubMed, DOI )
Sato M, Saitoh Y, Takayama T, Omata T, Watanabe H, Yoshimura R, Miura M.. Remote radioactive seed-loading device for permanent brachytherapy of oral cancer with Au-198 grains. Robomech Journal. 2017.09; 4 23.
Kaida A, Watanabe H, Toda K, Yuasa-Nakagawa K, Yoshimur R, Miura M. Effects of dose rate on early and late complications in low dose rate brachytherapy for mobile tongue carcinoma using Ir-192 sources Oral Radiology. 2017.09; 33 (3): 187-192.
Chie Watanabe, Junichiro Wada, Koji Mizutani, Hiroshi Watanabe, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Chronological grey scale changes in supporting alveolar bone by removable partial denture placement on patients with periodontal disease: A 6-month follow-up study using digital subtraction analysis. J Dent. 2017.05; 63 8-13. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Kuribayashi A, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Resolution characteristics of optical coherence tomography for dental use. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2017.03; 46 (3): 20160358. ( PubMed, DOI )
Deepho C, Watanabe H, Kotaki S, Sakamoto J, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Utility of fusion volumetric images from computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for localizing the mandibular canal. Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. 2017.03; 46 (3): 20160383. ( DOI )
Ozaki Y, Watanabe H, Kaida A, Miura M, Nakagawa K, Toda K, Yoshimura R, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Estimation of whole-body radiation exposure from brachytherapy for oral cancer using Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Radiation Research. 2017.02; 58 (4): 523-528. ( PubMed, DOI )
Atsushi Kaida, Hiroshi Watanabe, Kazuma Toda, Keiko Yuasa-Nakagawa, Ryoichi Yoshimura, Masahiko Miura. Effects of dose rate on early and late complications in low dose rate brachytherapy for mobile tongue carcinoma using Ir-192 sources. Oral Radiol. 2016.12; published online ( DOI )
Kuppusamy M, Watanabe H, Kasugai S, Kuroda S. Effects of abutment removal and reconnection on inflammatory cytokine production around dental implants. Implant Dentistry. 2015.12; 24 730-734.
Eslami A, Miyaguchi K, Mogushi K, Watanabe H, Okada N, Shibuya H, Mizushima H, Miura M, Tanaka H.. PARVB overexertion increased cell migration capability and defines high risk for endophytic growth and metastasis in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. British Journal of Cancer. 2014.11; 112 (2): 338-344. ( DOI )
Nomura Y, Watanabe H, Kamiyama Y, Kurabayashi T. Physical quality evaluation of voxel values in cone-beam computed tomography for dental use: three-dimensional fluctuation of voxel values in uniform materials placed inside a phantom Oral Radiol. 2014.09; 30 (3): 226-235. ( DOI )
Ozaki Y, Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Location dependency of the spatial resolution of cone beam computed tomography for dental use. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2013.11; 116 (5): 648-655. ( PubMed, DOI )
Takahashi A, Watanabe H, Kamiyama Y, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Localizing the mandibular canal on dental CT reformatted images: usefulness of panoramic views. Surg Radiol Anat. 2013.11; 35 (9): 803-809. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nomura Y, Watanabe H, Shirotsu K, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayshi T. Stability of voxel values from cone-beam computed tomography for dental use in evaluating bone mineral content. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013.05; 24 (5): 543-548. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yuasa-Nakagawa K, Shibuya H, Yoshimura R, Miura M, Watanabe H, Kishimoto S, Omura K. Cervical lymph node metastasis from early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue. Acta Otolaryngol. 2013.05; 133 (5): 544-551. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kamrun N, Tetsumura A, Nomura Y, Yamaguchi S, Baba O, Nakamura S, Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T. Visualization of the superior and inferior borders of the mandibular canal: a comparative study using digital panoramic radiographs and cross-sectional computed tomography images. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2013.04; 115 (4): 550-557. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakamura S, Toriihara A, Okochi K, Watanabe H, Shibuya H, Kurabayashi T. Optimal timing of post-treatment [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/CT for patients with head and neck malignancy. Nucl Med Commun. 2013.02; 34 (2): 162-167. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kamiyama Y, Nakamura S, Abe T, Munakata M, Nomura Y, Watanabe H, Akiyama M, Kurabayashi T. Linear measurement accuracy of dental CT images obtained by 64-slice multidetector row CT: the effects of mandibular positioning and pitch factor at CT scanning. Implant Dent. 2012.12; 21 (6): 496-501. ( PubMed, DOI )
Imaizumi A, Kuribayashi A, Watanabe H, Ohbayashi N, Nakamura S, Sumi Y, Sano T, Kurabayashi T. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving the mandible: imaging findings. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012.05; 113 (5): e33-9. ( PubMed, DOI )
Tetsumura A, Nakamura S, Yoshino N, Watanabe H, Kuribayashi A, Nagumo K, Okada N, Sasaki T, Kurabayashi T. USPIO-enhanced MRI of highly invasive and highly metastasizing transplanted human squamous cell carcinoma: an experimental study. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2012.01; 41 (1): 55-63. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yoshimura RI, Shibuya H, Hayashi K, Nakagawa K, Toda K, Watanabe H, Kaida A, Miura M. Repeat Brachytherapy for Patients with Residual or Recurrent Tumors of Oral Cavity. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011.11; ( PubMed, DOI )
Yoshimura R, Shibuya H, Hayashi K, Toda K, Watanabe H, Miura M. Disease control using low-dose-rate brachytherapy is unaffected by comorbid severity in oral cancer patients. Br J Radiol. 2011.10; 84 (1006): 930-938. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Honda E, Tetsumura A, Kurabayashi T. A comparative study for spatial resolution and subjective image characteristics of a multi-slice CT and a cone-beam CT for dental use. Eur J Radiol. 2011.03; 77 (3): 397-402. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nomura Y, Watanabe H, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. Reliability of voxel values from cone-beam computed tomography for dental use in evaluating bone mineral density. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2010.05; 21 (5): 558-562. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kuribayashi A, Watanabe H, Imaizumi A, Tantanapornkul W, Katakami K, Kurabayashi T. Bifid mandibular canals: cone beam computed tomography evaluation. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2010.05; 39 (4): 235-239. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Mohammad Abdul M, Kurabayashi T, Aoki H. Mandible size and morphology determined with CT on a premise of dental implant operation Surgical and radiologic anatomy. 2010.04; ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. Modulation transfer function evaluation of cone beam computed tomography for dental use with the oversampling method. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2010.01; 39 (1): 28-32. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Wagatsuma T, Nomura Y, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. Spatial resolution of FineCube, a newly developed cone-beam computed tomography system Oral Radiology. 2010; 26 56-60.
Momin MA, Okochi K, Watanabe H, Imaizumi A, Omura K, Amagasa T, Okada N, Ohbayashi N, Kurabayashi T. Diagnostic accuracy of cone-beam CT in the assessment of mandibular invasion of lower gingival carcinoma: Comparison with conventional panoramic radiography European journal of radiology. 2009.10; ( PubMed, DOI )
Yoshimura R, Shibuya H, Miura M, Watanabe H, Ayukawa F, Hayashi K, Toda K. Quality of life of oral cancer patients after low-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2009.03; 73 (3): 772-778. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Mogushi K, Miura M, Yoshimura R, Kurabayashi T, Shibuya H, Tanaka H, Noda S, Iwakawa M, Imai T. Prediction of lymphatic metastasis based on gene expression profile analysis after brachytherapy for early-stage oral tongue carcinoma Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2008.05; 87 (2): 237-242. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ayukawa F, Shibuya H, Yoshimura R, Watanabe H, Miura M. Curative brachytherapy for recurrent/residual tongue cancer Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al]. 2007; 183 (3): 133-137. ( PubMed, DOI )
Kishino M, Shibuya H, Yoshimura R, Miura M, Watanabe H. A retrospective analysis of the use of brachytherapy in relation to early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx and its relationship to second primary respiratory and upper digestive tract cancers The British journal of radiology. 2006.07; 80 (950): 121-125. ( PubMed, DOI )
Oota S, Shibuya H, Yoshimura R, Watanabe H, Miura M. Brachytherapy of stage II mobile tongue carcinoma. Prediction of local control and QOL Radiation oncology (London, England). 2006.07; 1 21. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ida M, Watanabe H, Tetsumura A, Kurabayashi T. CT findings as a significant predictive factor for the curability of mandibular osteomyelitis: multivariate analysis Dento maxillo facial radiology. 2005.03; 34 (2): 86-90. ( PubMed, DOI )
Ihara N, Shibuya H, Yoshimura R, Oota S, Miura M, Watanabe H. Interstitial brachytherapy and neck dissection for Stage III squamous cell carcinoma of the mobile tongue Acta Oncol. 2004.10; 44 (7): 709-716. ( PubMed, DOI )
Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T, Miura M. Inhibition of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway and the induction of radioresistance in rat 3Y1 cells Int J Radiat Biol. 2004.06; 80 (6): 451-457. ( PubMed, DOI )
Yu D, Watanabe H, Shibuya H, Miura M. Redundancy of radioresistant signaling pathways originating from insulin-like growth factor I receptor J Biol Chem. 2003.02; 278 (9): 6702-6709. ( PubMed, DOI )
Dong Y, Watanabe H, Shibuya H, Miura M. The phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase pathway is not essential for insulin-like growth factor I receptor-mediated clonogenic radioresistance J Radiat Res. 2002.09; 43 (3): 325-329. ( PubMed )
Watanabe H, Yu D, Sasaki T, Shibuya H, Hosoi Y, Asada M, Komatsu K, Miura M. Insulin-like growth factor I receptor is expressed at normal levels in Nijmegen breakage syndrome cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002.08; 296 (1): 62-66. ( PubMed )
Tezuka M, Watanabe H, Nakamura S, Yu D, Aung W, Sasaki T, Shibuya H, Miura M. Antiapoptotic activity is dispensable for insulin-like growth factor I receptor-mediated clonogenic radioresistance after gamma-irradiation Clin Cancer Res. 2001.10; 7 (10): 3206-3214. ( PubMed )
Miura M, Watanabe H, Sasaki T, Tatsumi K, Muto M. Dynamic changes in subnuclear NP95 location during the cell cycle and its spatial relationship with DNA replication foci Exp Cell Res. 2001.02; 263 (2): 202-208. ( PubMed, DOI )
Miura M, Watanabe H, Okochi K, Sasaki T, Shibuya H. Biological response to ionizing radiation in mouse embryo fibroblasts with a targeted disruption of the DNA polymerase beta gene Radiat Res. 2000.06; 153 (6): 773-780. ( PubMed )
Watanabe H, Miura M, Sasaki T. Differential effects of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor on radiosensitivity and spontaneous necrosis formation of human glioblastoma cells grown in multicellular spheroids Exp Cell Res. 1999.07; 250 (1): 99-111. ( PubMed, DOI )
Nakamura S, Watanabe H, Miura M, Sasaki T. Effect of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor on ionizing radiation-induced cell death in mouse embryo fibroblasts Exp Cell Res. 1997.08; 235 (1): 287-294. ( PubMed, DOI )
Conference Activities & Talks 【 display / non-display 】
Supasith Yomtako, Hiroshi Watanabe, Ami Kuribayashi, Junichiro Sakamoto, Masahiko Miura,. Differentiation of radicular cysts and radicular granuloma via texture analyisis of multi-slice computed tomography images. 89th Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society 2024.12.06 Tokyo
Watanabe H.. Imaging of the mandibular canal. The 14th Asian Congress of Oral Maxillo-Facial Radiology 2024.06.13 Kaohsiumg, Taiwan
Arisa Oki, Shin Nakamura, Junichiro Sakamoto, Hiroshi Watanabe, Masahiko Miura. Relationship between Nodal Metastasis and MRI Radiomic Features in Patients with Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 2024.06.13 Taiwan, Kaohsiung
Watanabe H.. Image characteristics of the mandibular canal. The 40th scientific and technical conference and The 46th annual scientific conference of dental research 2024.04.02 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnum
Wamasing N, Nakamura S,, Watanabe H, Kuribayashi A, Miura M. PET.CT diagnosing contralateral lymph node metastasis in oral cancer patients. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, International Summer Program 2023.08.02 Tokyo
Yomtako S, Watamabe H, Kuribayashi A, Miura M. Differentiation of radicular cysts and granulomas by texture analysis on computed tomography images.. Tokyo Medical and Dental University, International Summer Program 2023.08.02 Tokyo
Natnicha Wamasing, 中村伸, 渡邊裕, 栗林亜実, 三浦雅彦. 口腔癌患者のPET/CT画像における健側頸部リンパ節へのFDG集積に関する検討. 日本歯科放射線学会第63回学術大会 2023.05.28 福岡
Natnicha W, Yomtako S, Watanabe H, Sakamoto J, Kayamori K, Kurabayashi T. The MRI characteristics of radicular cysts and granulomas. American Academy of Oral Maxillofacial Radiology 2022 annual sessions 2022.09.10 Portland, USA.
Taguchi M, Watanabe H, Sakamoto J, Kurabayashi T. Could the paralleling technique in intraoral periapical radiographs be applied to Japanese patients?. The 13th Asian congress of oral and maxillo-facial radiology and the 62nd general assembly and annual congress of Japanese society for oral and maxillo-facial radiology 2022.06.03
Natnicha W, Yomtako S, Watanabe H, Sakamoto J, Kayamori K, Kurabayashi T. The MRI characteristics of radicular cysts and granulomas. The 13th Asian congress of oral and maxillo-facial radiology and the 62nd general assembly and annual congress of Japanese society for oral and maxillo-facial radiology 2022.06.03
Watanabe H, Ozaki Y, Kurabayashi T. Effective dose estimation in cone-beam computed tomography for dental use (CBCT) by Monte Carlo simulation employing a step and shoot method. The 23rd International Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2021.04.28 Web
Taguchi M, Sakamoto J, Watanabe H, Kurabayashi T.. Application of texture analysis to odontogenic lesions. The 23rd International Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology 2021.04.28 Web
Watanabe H, Wamasing P, Deepho C, Sakamoto J, Kurabayashi T. Imaging of the bifid mandibular canal using MRI. 2019 Joint Conference of IADMFR/AAOMR 2019.08.24 Philadelphia, USA
Chie Watanabe, Junichiro Wada, Koji Mizutani, Hiroshi Watanabe, Noriyuki Wakabayashi. Chronological changes in supporting alveolar bone by RPD placement. IADR 86th General Session & Exhibition 2018.07.24 London
能村嘉一,渡邊 裕,神山洋介,倉林 亨. 歯科用コーンビームCTにおけるリングアーチファクトに対する新たな定量的評価. 第82回口腔病学会学術大会 2017.11.20 東京
Watanabe H, Kuribayashi A, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Developing a chart device for measuring spatial resolution of optical coherence tomography for dental use. The 21th International Congress of Dent-Maxillofacial Radiology 2017.04.27 Kaohsiung, Taiwan
能村嘉一, 渡邊裕, 神山洋介, 倉林亨. 歯科用コーンビームCTにおいて不可避であるリングアーチファクトに対する定量的評価. 第81回口腔病学会学術大会 2016.11.26
Watanabe H, Ozaki Y, Miura M, Yoshimura R, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Estimation of whole body radiation exposure induced by oral cancer brachytherapy using Monte Carlo simulation. The 11th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2016.11.12 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Deepho C, Watanabe H, Kotaki K, Sakamoto J, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Utility of CT/MRI fusion volumetric images for localizing the mandibular canal. The 11th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2016.11.12 Chiang Mai, Thailand
Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Sumi Y, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. An experience of using SEDENTEXCT IQ phantom and Radia software to analyze the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 20th International Congress of Dento-maxillo-facial Radiology 2015.08.26 Santiago, Chile
Watanabe H, Ozaki Y, Nomura Y, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Location dependency of the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2014.11.22 Bali, Indonesia
Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Takahashi A, Sumi Y, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. Variance of the spatial resolution dependent on the locations in cone-beam CT.. The 18th International Congress of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology and 52nd Annual Congress of Japanese Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2011
Patents 【 display / non-display 】
Method of Predicting Metastasis of Oral Cavity Cancer into Cervical Lymph Node and Diagnostic Kit to be used in the Prediction
Patent Number: 8129122 United States Patent
Awards & Honors 【 display / non-display 】
Robomech Journal,The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers,2018.06
Hiroshi Watanabe. Excellence in Research 2016,Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Faculty of Dentistry,2017.02
Campus class subject 【 display / non-display 】
Radiation Physics,2003 - Now
Radiation Oncology, Radiation Therapeutics.,2011 - 2014
Performance of duties 【 display / non-display 】
,2021.10 - Now
,2011.04 - 2021.09
,2009.04 - 2019.03