Parallelization of Three Dimensional Cardiac Simulation on GPU 2024.09; ( DOI )
Linked color imaging with artificial intelligence improves the detection of early gastric cancer. 2024.08; 1-9. ( PubMed , DOI )
Bidirectional Copy-Paste Mamba for Enhanced Semi-Supervised Segmentation of Transvaginal Uterine Ultrasound Images. 2024.07; 14 (13): ( PubMed , DOI )
Yamagishi, M; Miyata, K; Kamatani, T; Kabata, H; Baba, R; Tanaka, Y; Suzuki, N; Matsusaka, M; Motomura, Y; Kiniwa, T; Koga, S; Goda, K; Ohara, O; Funatsu, T; Fukunaga, K; Moro, K; Uemura, S; Shirasaki, Y: Quantitative live-cell imaging of secretion activity reveals dynamic immune responses ISCIENCE. 2024.06; 27 (6): 109840. ( PubMed , DOI )
Development of high-quality artificial intelligence for computer-aided diagnosis in determining subtypes of colorectal cancer. 2024.06; ( PubMed , DOI )
Non-polypoid Colorectal Lesions Detection and False Positive Detection by Artificial Intelligence under Blue Laser Imaging and Linked Color Imaging. 2024; 8 (3): 212-220. ( PubMed , DOI )
中村啓二郎, 孫堯, 原英彦, 諸井雅男, 朱欣: 異なるベースラインインピーダンス下の低電力および長期バイポーラ高周波アブレーションの計算機シミュレーション【JST機械翻訳】||| 日本循環器学会学術集会(Web). 2024; 88th 104226. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yamada Yoshiki, Kamatani Takashi, Hamada Yusuke, Kitaguchi Kazuma, Kashii Masafumi: 長期酵素補充療法中のPompe病患者における脊柱後彎に対する脊椎後方固定術 症例報告(Posterior spinal fusion for kyphoscoliosis in patients with Pompe disease under long-term enzyme replacement therapy: A case report) JOS Case Reports. 2023.12; 2 (4): 169-173.
Evaluation of lesion characteristics and baseline impedance on high-power short-duration radiofrequency catheter ablation using computer simulation. 2023.12; 38 (12): 1459-1467. ( PubMed , DOI )
Tanaka Y, Yamagishi M, Motomura Y, Kamatani T, Oguchi Y, Suzuki N, Kiniwa T, Kabata H, Irie M, Tsunoda T, Miya F, Goda K, Ohara O, Funatsu T, Fukunaga K, Moro K, Uemura S, Shirasaki Y: Time-dependent cell-state selection identifies transiently expressed genes regulating ILC2 activation. Communications biology. 2023.09; 6 (1): 915. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kabata, H; Irie, M; Baba, R; Shirasaki, Y; Kamatani, T; Yamagishi, M; Fukunaga, K: Zinc plays an essential role in type 2 cytokine production from ILC2s in asthma EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 2023.09; 62 ( DOI )
1. Tanaka Y, Yamagishi M, Motomura Y, Kamatani T, Oguchi Y, Suzuki N, Kiniwa T, Kabata H, Tsunoda T, Miya F, Goda K, Ohara O, Funatsu T, Fukunaga K, Moro K, Uemura U and Shirasaki Y.: Time-Dependent Cell-State Selection identifies transiently expressed genes regulating ILC2 activation Communication Biology. 2023.08;
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Early-Stage Colorectal Cancer Using Non-Magnified Endoscopic White Light Images. 2023.02; ( PubMed , DOI )
A training pipeline of an arrhythmia classifier for atrial fibrillation detection using Photoplethysmography signal. 2023; 14 1084837. ( PubMed , DOI )
Expert-level aspiration and penetration detection during flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis. 2022.12; 12 (1): 21689. ( PubMed , DOI )
Sleep Staging Framework with Physiologically Harmonized Sub-Networks. 2022.11; 209 18-28. ( PubMed , DOI )
がん免疫相互作用の数理シミュレーションによる微小環境の動態の解明(Unraveling dynamics of the tumor-microenvironment through mathematical simulation of cancer immune interactions) 2022.09; 81回 P-3383. ( 医中誌 )
Estimation of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Using Cardiovascular Hemodynamic Parameters and Pulse Morphological Characteristics with Machine Learning Algorithms. 2022.09; 14 (19): ( PubMed , DOI )
Computer-aided diagnosis of serrated colorectal lesions using non-magnified white-light endoscopic images. 2022.08; 37 (8): 1875-1884. ( PubMed , DOI )
Sato Mototaka, Kashii Masafumi, Matsukawa Atsuki, Mizuno Ryoya, Akiyama Mai, Kamatani Takashi, Kamido Satoshi, Ueda Norichika, Nakayama Jiro, Tei Norihide, Yoshikawa Hideki, Miyake Osamu: 前立腺癌患者におけるCTによる腫瘍の病期分類を用いた骨の健康評価(Assessment of bone health in patients with prostate cancer using cancer staging computed tomography) Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 2022.07; 40 (4): 648-656. ( 医中誌 )
Sato Mototaka, Kashii Masafumi, Matsukawa Atsuki, Mizuno Ryoya, Akiyama Mai, Kamatani Takashi, Kamido Satoshi, Ueda Norichika, Nakayama Jiro, Tei Norihide, Yoshikawa Hideki, Miyake Osamu: 前立腺癌患者におけるCTによる腫瘍の病期分類を用いた骨の健康評価(Assessment of bone health in patients with prostate cancer using cancer staging computed tomography) Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 2022.07; 40 (4): 648-656.
Spectral interference contrast based non-contact photoacoustic microscopy realized by SDOCT. 2022.06; 47 (11): 2895-2898. ( PubMed , DOI )
Exploring and Identifying Prognostic Phenotypes of Patients with Heart Failure Guided by Explainable Machine Learning 2022.05; 12 (6): 776. ( PubMed , DOI )
Automated retinal boundary segmentation of optical coherence tomography images using an improved Canny operator. 2022.01; 12 (1): 1412. ( PubMed , DOI )
Toshitaka Sugawara, Fuyuki Miya, Toshiaki Ishikawa, Artem Lysenko, Jo Nishino, Takashi Kamatani, Akira Takemoto, Keith A Boroevich, Kazuhiro Kakimi, Yusuke Kinugasa, Minoru Tanabe, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda: Immune subtypes and neoantigen-related immune evasion in advanced colorectal cancer iScience. 2022.01; 25 (2): 103-740. ( DOI )
2. Baba R, Kabata H, Shirasaki Y, Kamatani T, Yamagishi M, Irie M, Watanabe R, Matsusaka M, Masaki K, Miyata J, Moro K, Uemura S, Fukunaga K: Upregulation of IL-4 receptor signaling pathway in circulating ILC2s from asthma patients The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global . 2022;
1. Kameyama N, Sato T, Arai D, Fujisawa D, Takeuchi M, Nakachi I, Kawada I, Yasuda H, Ikemura S, Terai H, Nukaga S, Nakano Y, Hirano T, Minematsu N, Asakura T, Kamatani T, Tanaka K, Suzuki S, Miyawaki M, Naoki K, Fukunaga K, Soejima K: Most important things and associated factors with prioritizing ‘daily life’ in patients with advanced lung cancer JCO Oncology Practice. 2022;
Automatic Measurement of Endometrial Thickness From Transvaginal Ultrasound Images. 2022; 10 853845. ( PubMed , DOI )
Prediction of Endometrial Carcinoma Using the Combination of Electronic Health Records and an Ensemble Machine Learning Method. 2022; 9 851890. ( PubMed , DOI )
Ran Du, Shiqi Xie, Yuxin Fang, Tae Igarashi-Yokoi, Muka Moriyama, Satoko Ogata, Tatsuhiko Tsunoda, Takashi Kamatani, Shinji Yamamoto, Ching-Yu Cheng, Seang-Mei Saw, Daniel Ting, Tien Y Wong, Ohno-Matsui K: Deep Learning Approach for Automated Detection of Myopic Maculopathy and Pathologic Myopia in Fundus Images. Ophthalmol Retina. 2021.12; ( PubMed , DOI )
Deep Learning-Based Recurrence Prediction of Atrial Fibrillation After Catheter Ablation. 2021.10; 86 (2): 299-308. ( PubMed , DOI )
An analysis about the function of a new artificial intelligence, CAD EYE with the lesion recognition and diagnosis for colorectal polyps in clinical practice. 2021.10; 36 (10): 2237-2245. ( PubMed , DOI )
Electrocardiogram Quality Assessment with a Generalized Deep Learning Model Assisted by Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks 2021.09; 11 (10): ( PubMed , DOI )
Theoretical Investigation of the Mechanism by which A Gain-of-Function Mutation of the TRPM4 Channel Causes Conduction Block 2021.08; 22 (16): 8513. ( PubMed , DOI )
Zhao Peipei, Yang Meng, Zhu Guoliang, Zhao Bo, Wang Hong, Liu Hairong, Wang Xinzhu, Qi Jun, Yin Xin, Yu Lumin, Meng Yiwei, Li Zhipu, Zhang Lixin, Xia Xuekui: モリセリンS~U Chaetomium brasiliense SD-596から単離した抗MRSA活性を持つ3種類の新規デプシドン類(Mollicellins S-U, three new depsidones from Chaetomium brasiliense SD-596 with anti-MRSA activities) The Journal of Antibiotics. 2021.05; 74 (5): 317-323. ( 医中誌 )
Femoral marrow MRI is a non-invasive, non-irradiated and useful tool for detecting bone marrow involvement in non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 2021.02; ( PubMed , DOI )
粘液型脂肪肉腫におけるがん微小環境の免疫学的解析 2020.10; 79回 OJ14-3. ( 医中誌 )
網羅的プロテオーム解析による粘液型脂肪肉腫の予後不良因子の探索 2020.10; 79回 OE14-4. ( 医中誌 )
Diagnostic performance of artificial intelligence to identify deeply invasive colorectal cancer on non-magnified plain endoscopic images 2020.10; 08 (10): E1341-E1348. ( PubMed , DOI )
Suetomi Risa, Ohta Yasuharu, Akiyama Masaru, Matsumura Takuro, Taguchi Akihiko, Yamamoto Kaoru, Kamatani Takashi, Tanizawa Yukio: アドレノメデュリンはオートクリンおよびパラクリン的に作用して小胞体ストレスから膵β細胞を保護する役割を果たす(Adrenomedullin has a cytoprotective role against endoplasmic reticulum stress for pancreatic β-cells in autocrine and paracrine manners) Journal of Diabetes Investigation. 2020.07; 11 (4): 823-833. ( 医中誌 )
Suetomi Risa, Ohta Yasuharu, Akiyama Masaru, Matsumura Takuro, Taguchi Akihiko, Yamamoto Kaoru, Kamatani Takashi, Tanizawa Yukio: アドレノメデュリンはオートクリンおよびパラクリン的に作用して小胞体ストレスから膵β細胞を保護する役割を果たす(Adrenomedullin has a cytoprotective role against endoplasmic reticulum stress for pancreatic β-cells in autocrine and paracrine manners) Journal of Diabetes Investigation. 2020.07; 11 (4): 823-833.
Masaki K, Miyata J, Kamatani T, Tanosaki T, Mochimaru T, Kabata H, Suzuki Y, Asano K, Betsuyaku T, Fukunaga K: Risk factors for poor adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in patients with moderate to severe asthma. Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology. 2020.06; 41 (2): 113-120. ( PubMed , DOI )
Nishino Jo, Watanabe Shuichi, Miya Fuyuki, Kamatani Takashi, Sugawara Toshitaka, Boroevich Keith A., Tsunoda Tatsuhiko: Quantification of multicellular colonization in tumor metastasis using exome-sequencing data INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2020.05; 146 (9): 2488-2497. ( PubMed , DOI )
Polyp detection algorithm can detect small polyps: Ex vivo reading test compared with endoscopists. 2020.03; 33 (1): 162-169. ( PubMed , DOI )
非侵襲検査と基礎医学・工学との融合 敵対的生成ネットワークによる心電図雑音評価効果の改善 2020.02; 40 (Suppl.2): S-30. ( 医中誌 )
自動体外式除細動器による除細動についてのコンピュータシミュレーションを用いた研究(Study on defibrillation of automatic external defibrillator using computer simulation) 2020.02; 40 (Suppl.2): S-54. ( 医中誌 )
過剰なTRPM4チャネルの活性が伝導速度とAP形状に変化を及ぼす可能性の検討 コンピュータシミュレーション研究(Excessive TRPM4 channel activity may change conduction velocities and AP shapes: a computer simulation study) 2020.02; 40 (Suppl.2): S-52. ( 医中誌 )
Sato Yasuyoshi, Wada Ikuo, Odaira Kosuke, Hosoi Akihiro, Kobayashi Yukari, Nagaoka Koji, Karasaki Takahiro, Matsushita Hirokazu, Yagi Koichi, Yamashita Hiroharu, Fujita Masashi, Watanabe Shuichi, Kamatani Takashi, Miya Fuyuki, Mineno Junichi, Nakagawa Hidewaki, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Takahashi Shunji, Seto Yasuyuki, Kakimi Kazuhiro: Integrative immunogenomic analysis of gastric cancer dictates novel immunological classification and the functional status of tumor-infiltrating cells CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY. 2020; 9 (10): e1194. ( PubMed , DOI )
Single-channel ECG suitable for ECG-derived respiration 2019.08; 5 (5): 055002. ( DOI )
深層学習による心房細動の検出(Detect Atrial Fibrillation Using Deep Learning) 2019.03; 39 (Suppl.1): S-14. ( 医中誌 )
Goto Shinichi, Kimura Mai, Katsumata Yoshinori, Goto Shinya, Kamatani Takashi, Ichihara Genki, Ko Seien, Sasaki Junichi, Fukuda Keiichi, Sano Motoaki: Artificial intelligence to predict needs for urgent revascularization from 12-leads electrocardiography in emergency patients PLOS ONE. 2019.01; 14 (1): e0210103. ( PubMed , DOI )
Premature Ventricular Contraction Detection from Ambulatory ECG Using Recurrent Neural Networks. 2018.07; 2018 2551-2554. ( PubMed , DOI )
Sakurai Kaori, Chubachi Shotaro, Irie Hidehiro, Tsutsumi Akihiro, Kameyama Naofumi, Kamatani Takashi, Koh Hidefumi, Terashima Takeshi, Nakamura Hidetoshi, Asano Koichiro, Betsuyaku Tomoko: Clinical utility of blood neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in Japanese COPD patients BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE. 2018.05; 18 (1): 65. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kuwae, M; Fukunaga, K; Kamatani, T; Watanabe, R; Okuzumi, S; Baba, R; Tanosaki, T; Matsuzaka, M; Mochimaru, T; Ueda, S; Suzuki, Y; Asano, K; Betsuyaku, T: Phenotype Classification Based on Risk Factors for Asthma Exacerbation Factors in Japanese Patients with Severe Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2018; 197
ECG Quality Assessment Using 1D-Convolutional Neural Network 2018; 2018-August 780-784. ( DOI )
Mochimaru T, Fukunaga K, Kuwae M, Watanabe R, Okuzumi S, Baba R, Kamatani T, Tanosaki T, Matsusaka M, Ueda S, Betsuyaku T: Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Is a Novel Predictor of Severe Exacerbation in Asthma Patients AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2018; 197
Kuwae, M, Fukunaga, K, Kamatani, T, Watanabe, R, Okuzumi, S, Baba, R, Tanosaki, T, Matsuzaka, M, Mochimaru, T, Ueda, S, Suzuki, Y, Asano, K, Betsuyaku, T: Phenotype Classification Based on Risk Factors for Asthma Exacerbation Factors in Japanese Patients with Severe Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2018; 197
Mochimaru T., Fukunaga K., Kuwae M., Watanabe R., Okuzumi S., Baba R., Kamatani T., Tanosaki T., Matsusaka M., Ueda S., Betsuyaku T.: Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Is a Novel Predictor of Severe Exacerbation in Asthma Patients AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2018; 197
Atrial Fibrillation Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks 2018; 84-89. ( DOI )
Kamatani Takashi, Fukunaga Koichi, Miyata Kaede, Shirasaki Yoshitaka, Tanaka Junji, Baba Rie, Matsusaka Masako, Kamatani Naoyuki, Moro Kazuyo, Betsuyaku Tomoko, Uemura Sotaro: Construction of a system using a deep learning algorithm to count cell numbers in nanoliter wells for viable single-cell experiments SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017.12; 7 (1): 16831. ( PubMed , DOI )
Katsunori Masaki, Koichi Fukunaga, Masako Matsusaka, Hiroki Kabata, Takae Tanosaki, Takao Mochimaru, Takashi Kamatani, Kengo Ohtsuka, Rie Baba, Soichiro Ueda, Yusuke Suzuki, Fumio Sakamaki, Yoshitaka Oyamada, Takashi Inoue, Tsuyoshi Oguma, Koichi Sayama, Hidefumi Koh, Morio Nakamura, Akira Umeda, Katsuhiko Kamei, Kenji Izuhara, Koichiro Asano, Tomoko Betsuyaku: Characteristics of severe asthma with fungal sensitization. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017.09; 119 (3): 253-257. ( PubMed , DOI )
Masaki, K; Fukunaga, K; Matsusaka, M; Kabata, H; Tanosaki, T; Mochimaru, T; Kamatani, T; Ohtsuka, K; Baba, R; Ueda, S; Suzuki, Y; Sakamaki, F; Oyamada, Y; Inoue, T; Oguma, T; Sayama, K; Koh, H; Nakamura, M; Umeda, A; Kamei, K; Asano, K; Betsuyaku, T: Characteristics Of Moderate To Severe Asthma With Fungal Sensitization AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
Mochimaru, T; Fukunaga, K; Masaki, K; Matsusaka, M; Okuzumi, S; Baba, R; Tanosaki, T; Suzuki, Y; Kamatani, T; Betsuyaku, T: The Relationship Between Anxiety And Serum Inflammatory Cytokines In Patients With Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
Baba, R; Fukunaga, K; Tanosaki, T; Chubachi, S; Kamatani, T; Otsuka, K; Matsusaka, M; Mochimaru, T; Ueda, S; Suzuki, Y; Betsuyaku, T: Effect Of Aspergillus Sensitization On Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Without Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
Masaki, K, Fukunaga, K, Matsusaka, M, Kabata, H, Tanosaki, T, Mochimaru, T, Kamatani, T, Ohtsuka, K, Baba, R, Ueda, S, Suzuki, Y, Sakamaki, F, Oyamada, Y, Inoue, T, Oguma, T, Sayama, K, Koh, H, Nakamura, M, Umeda, A, Kamei, K, Asano, K, Betsuyaku, T: Characteristics Of Moderate To Severe Asthma With Fungal Sensitization AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
Baba, R, Fukunaga, K, Tanosaki, T, Chubachi, S, Kamatani, T, Otsuka, K, Matsusaka, M, Mochimaru, T, Ueda, S, Suzuki, Y, Betsuyaku, T: Effect Of Aspergillus Sensitization On Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Without Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
Mochimaru, T, Fukunaga, K, Masaki, K, Matsusaka, M, Okuzumi, S, Baba, R, Tanosaki, T, Suzuki, Y, Kamatani, T, Betsuyaku, T: The Relationship Between Anxiety And Serum Inflammatory Cytokines In Patients With Asthma AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2017; 195
鎌谷高志, 福永興壱: 重症喘息の診断基準と病型分類 最新医学. 2017; 72 (7):
Takashi Kamatani, Hiroyoshi Iguchi, Takemichi Okada, Hitoshi Yamazaki, Hidekazu Tsunoda, Masaaki Watanabe, Masaya Oda, Makoto Ohbu, Hiroaki Yokomori: Co-registered positron emission tomography/computed tomography and gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid magnetic resonance imaging features of multiple angiosarcoma of the liver. Hepatol Res. 2014.10; 44 (10): E297-E303. ( PubMed , DOI )
入江 美聡, 加畑 宏樹, 正木 克宜, 山岸 舞, 鎌谷 高志, 鈴川 真穂, 原田 紀宏, 宮崎 泰成, 桂 秀樹, 放生 雅章, 杉本 直也, 河野 雄太, 權 寧博, 宮田 純, 上村 想太郎, 白崎 善隆, 福永 興壱: 重症喘息におけるベンラリズマブ投与前後のリンパ球解析 多施設共同特定臨床研究 Tokyo Asthma Study(TOAST) 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2024.03; 13 (増刊): 274. ( 医中誌 )
中村 啓二郎, 朱 欣, 原 英彦, 葉山 裕真, 諸井 雅男, 廣井 透雄: 循環器診療におけるAIの役割 Real World Data分析におけるAIの役割 多施設心不全データベースから検討 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録. 2023.09; 71回 S2-4. ( 医中誌 )
中村 啓二郎, 朱 欣, 原 英彦, 葉山 裕真, 諸井 雅男, 廣井 透雄: 循環器診療におけるAIの役割 Real World Data分析におけるAIの役割 多施設心不全データベースから検討 日本心臓病学会学術集会抄録. 2023.09; 71回 S2-4. ( 医中誌 )
Yoshimura Takuma, Chiyoda Tatsuyuki, Kamatani Takashi, Takahashi Mio, Sakai Kensuke, Yoshihama Tomoko, Yamagami Wataru, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Aoki Daisuke: Proteasome inhibitors are promising novel therapeutic candidates for ovarian clear cell carcinoma BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. 2023.06; 130 44-45.
Irie Misato, Kabata Hiroki, Sasahara Kotaro, Kurihara Momoko, Shirasaki Yoshitaka, Kamatani Takashi, Baba Rie, Matsusaka Masako, Koga Satoshi, Masaki Katsunori, Miyata Jun, Araki Yasutomo, Kikawada Toru, Kabe Yasuaki, Suematsu Makoto, Yamagishi Mai, Uemura Sotaro, Moro Kazuyo, Fukunaga Koichi: Annexin A1 is a cell-intrinsic metalloregulator of zinc in human ILC2s CELL REPORTS. 2023.06; 42 (6): 112610. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshimura Takuma, Chiyoda Tatsuyuki, Kamatani Takashi, Takahashi Mio, Sakai Kensuke, Yoshihama Tomoko, Yamagami Wataru, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Aoki Daisuke: Proteasome inhibitors are promising novel therapeutic candidates for ovarian clear cell carcinoma BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY. 2023.06; 130 44-45.
Hamba Yu, Kamatani Takashi, Miya Fuyuki, Boroevich Keith A., Tsunoda Tatsuhiko: Topologically associating domain underlies tissue specific expression of long intergenic non-coding RNAs ISCIENCE. 2023.05; 26 (5): 106640. ( PubMed , DOI )
Ikeda Naoki, Kubota Hiroaki, Suzuki Risa, Morita Mitsuki, Yoshimura Ayana, Osada Yuya, Kishida Keigo, Kitamura Daiki, Iwata Ayaka, Yotsumoto Satoshi, Kurotaki Daisuke, Nishimura Koutarou, Nishiyama Akira, Tamura Tomohiko, Kamatani Takashi, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Murakawa Miyako, Asahina Yasuhiro, Hayashi Yoshihiro, Harada Hironori, Harada Yuka, Yokota Asumi, Hirai Hideyo, Seki Takao, Kuwahara Makoto, Yamashta Masakatsu, Shichino Shigeyuki, Tanaka Masato, Asano Kenichi: The early neutrophil-committed progenitors aberrantly differentiate into immunoregulatory monocytes during emergency myelopoiesis CELL REPORTS. 2023.03; 42 (3): 112165. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kameyama Naofumi, Sato Takashi, Arai Daisuke, Fujisawa Daisuke, Takeuchi Mari, Nakachi Ichiro, Kawada Ichiro, Yasuda Hiroyuki, Ikemura Shinnosuke, Terai Hideki, Nukaga Shigenari, Nakano Yasushi, Hirano Toshiyuki, Minematsu Naoto, Asakura Takanori, Kamatani Takashi, Tanaka Kyuto, Suzuki Shoji, Miyawaki Masayoshi, Naoki Katsuhiko, Fukunaga Koichi, Soejima Kenzo: Most Important Things and Associated Factors With Prioritizing Daily Life in Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer JCO ONCOLOGY PRACTICE. 2022.12; 18 (12): 851-+. ( PubMed , DOI )
入江 美聡, 加畑 宏樹, 松坂 雅子, 馬塲 里英, 鎌谷 高志, 正木 克宜, 白崎 善隆, 福永 興壱: 気管支喘息(成人):病態生理 ヒト2型自然リンパ球における内因性活性化制御機構の解明 アレルギー. 2022.08; 71 (6-7): 832. ( 医中誌 )
入江 美聡, 加畑 宏樹, 松坂 雅子, 馬塲 里英, 鎌谷 高志, 正木 克宜, 白崎 善隆, 福永 興壱: 気管支喘息(成人):病態生理 ヒト2型自然リンパ球における内因性活性化制御機構の解明 アレルギー. 2022.08; 71 (6-7): 832. ( 医中誌 )
馬塲 里英, 加畑 宏樹, 入江 美聡, 渡辺 理沙, 鎌谷 高志, 白崎 善隆, 山岸 舞, 福永 興壱: 気管支喘息(成人):病態生理 喘息患者の末梢血由来2型自然リンパ球のシングルセル解析 アレルギー. 2022.08; 71 (6-7): 832. ( 医中誌 )
鎌谷 高志, 福永 興壱: 医師主体のAI解析を成功させるために 呼吸器疾患を中心に アレルギー. 2022.08; 71 (6-7): 696. ( 医中誌 )
Matsuo Hitoshi, Kamatani Takashi, Hamba Yu, Boroevich Keith A., Tsunoda Tatsuhiko: Association between high immune activity and worse prognosis in uveal melanoma and low-grade glioma in TCGA transcriptomic data BMC GENOMICS. 2022.05; 23 (1): 351. ( PubMed , DOI )
正木 克宜, 舘野 博喜, 亀山 直史, 鎌谷 高志, 福永 興壱: 本邦初の保険適用デジタル治療である禁煙治療スマホアプリの開発から社会実装まで 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 131. ( 医中誌 )
正木 克宜, 舘野 博喜, 亀山 直史, 鎌谷 高志, 福永 興壱: 本邦初の保険適用デジタル治療である禁煙治療スマホアプリの開発から社会実装まで 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 131. ( 医中誌 )
入江 美聡, 加畑 宏樹, 松坂 雅子, 馬塲 里英, 鎌谷 高志, 正木 克宜, 宮田 純, 白崎 善隆, 福永 興壱: LCI-Sを用いた2型自然リンパ球の新規制御機構の解明 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 129. ( 医中誌 )
入江 美聡, 加畑 宏樹, 松坂 雅子, 馬塲 里英, 鎌谷 高志, 正木 克宜, 宮田 純, 白崎 善隆, 福永 興壱: LCI-Sを用いた2型自然リンパ球の新規制御機構の解明 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 129. ( 医中誌 )
砂田 啓英也, 加畑 宏樹, 鎌谷 高志, 入江 美聡, 正木 克宜, 宮田 純, 福永 興壱: スタチンによるILC2を介した2型気道炎症の抑制機序の解明 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 129. ( 医中誌 )
砂田 啓英也, 加畑 宏樹, 鎌谷 高志, 入江 美聡, 正木 克宜, 宮田 純, 福永 興壱: スタチンによるILC2を介した2型気道炎症の抑制機序の解明 日本呼吸器学会誌. 2022.04; 11 (増刊): 129. ( 医中誌 )
箱崎 恭平, 田中 伸之, 高松 公晴, 高橋 遼平, 三上 修治, 篠島 利明, 垣見 和宏, 鎌谷 高志, 宮 冬樹, 角田 達彦, 西原 広史, 水野 隆一, 大家 基嗣: 腎細胞癌におけるAXL/GAS6発現の臨床的意義とがん免疫ゲノミクス解析 日本泌尿器科学会総会. 2021.12; 109回 AOP03-06. ( 医中誌 )
Hakozaki Kyohei, Tanaka Nobuyuki, Takamatsu Kimiharu, Takahashi Ryohei, Yasumizu Yota, Mikami Shuji, Shinojima Toshiaki, Kakimi Kazuhiro, Kamatani Takashi, Miya Fuyuki, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Aimono Eriko, Nishihara Hiroshi, Mizuno Ryuichi, Oya Mototsugu: Landscape of prognostic signatures and immunogenomics of the AXL/GAS6 axis in renal cell carcinoma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2021.11; 125 (11): 1533-1543. ( PubMed , DOI )
Takamatsu Kimiharu, Tanaka Nobuyuki, Hakozaki Kyohei, Takahashi Ryohei, Teranishi Yu, Murakami Tetsushi, Kufukihara Ryohei, Niwa Naoya, Mikami Shuji, Shinojima Toshiaki, Sasaki Takashi, Sato Yusuke, Kume Haruki, Ogawa Seishi, Kakimi Kazuhiro, Kamatani Takashi, Miya Fuyuki, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Aimono Eriko, Nishihara Hiroshi, Sawada Kazuaki, Imamura Takeshi, Mizuno Ryuichi, Oya Mototsugu: Profiling the inhibitory receptors LAG-3, TIM-3, and TIGIT in renal cell carcinoma reveals malignancy NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2021.09; 12 (1): 5547. ( PubMed , DOI )
Ishioka Kota, Yasuda Hiroyuki, Hamamoto Junko, Terai Hideki, Emoto Katsura, Kim Tae-Jung, Hirose Shigemichi, Kamatani Takashi, Mimaki Sachiyo, Arai Daisuke, Ohgino Keiko, Tani Tetsuo, Masuzawa Keita, Manabe Tadashi, Shinozaki Taro, Mitsuishi Akifumi, Ebisudani Toshiki, Fukushima Takahiro, Ozaki Mari, Ikemura Shinnosuke, Kawada Ichiro, Naoki Katsuhiko, Nakamura Morio, Ohtsuka Takashi, Asamura Hisao, Tsuchihara Katsuya, Hayashi Yuichiro, Hegab Ahmed E., Kobayashi Susumu S., Kohno Takashi, Watanabe Hideo, Ornitz David M., Betsuyaku Tomoko, Soejima Kenzo, Fukunaga Koichi: Upregulation of FGF9 in Lung Adenocarcinoma Transdifferentiation to Small Cell Lung Cancer CANCER RESEARCH. 2021.07; 81 (14): 3916-3929. ( PubMed , DOI )
中島 勇貴, 根本 大樹, 勝木 伸一, 林 芳和, 愛澤 正人, 歌野 健一, 竹澤 敬人, 相良 裕一, 朱 欣, 澁川 悟朗, 山本 博徳, 冨樫 一智: AIは何をみて大腸pT1bを診断しているか? Class Activation Mappingからみた検討 Gastroenterological Endoscopy. 2021.06; 63 (6): 1232-1240. ( 医中誌 )
Nishiguchi Koji M., Miya Fuyuki, Mori Yuka, Fujita Kosuke, Akiyama Masato, Kamatani Takashi, Koyanagi Yoshito, Sato Kota, Takigawa Toru, Ueno Shinji, Tsugita Misato, Kunikata Hiroshi, Cisarova Katarina, Nishino Jo, Murakami Akira, Abe Toshiaki, Momozawa Yukihide, Terasaki Hiroko, Wada Yuko, Sonoda Koh-Hei, Rivolta Carlo, Tsunoda Tatsuhiko, Tsujikawa Motokazu, Ikeda Yasuhiro, Nakazawa Toru: A hypomorphic variant in EYS detected by genome-wide association study contributes toward retinitis pigmentosa COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY. 2021.01; 4 (1): 140. ( PubMed , DOI )
高橋 遼平, 田中 伸之, 宮 冬樹, 鎌谷 高志, 武田 利和, 松本 一宏, 森田 伸也, 小坂 威雄, 水野 隆一, 三上 修治, 垣見 和宏, 角田 達彦, 大家 基嗣: 透析患者に発生する腎細胞癌のOmics解析と腫瘍免疫微小環境の統合的理解 日本泌尿器科学会総会. 2020.12; 108回 805. ( 医中誌 )
高橋 遼平, 田中 伸之, 宮 冬樹, 鎌谷 高志, 武田 利和, 松本 一宏, 森田 伸也, 小坂 威雄, 水野 隆一, 三上 修治, 垣見 和宏, 角田 達彦, 大家 基嗣: 透析患者に発生する腎細胞癌のOmics解析と腫瘍免疫微小環境の統合的理解 日本泌尿器科学会総会. 2020.12; 108回 805. ( 医中誌 )
杉野 敏志, 吉田 直久, 朱 欣: AIを用いた次世代の内視鏡診療 人工知能によるBLIおよびLCIを用いた大腸観察によるポリープ検出能の向上 Gastroenterological Endoscopy. 2020.08; 62 (Suppl.1): 1125. ( 医中誌 )
Kameyama N., Masaki K., Kamatani T., Fukunaga K., Tateno H.: The Factors Associated with Successful Induction of Smoking Cessation Using a Novel Smartphone Application System AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2020; 201
Kameyama N, Masaki K, Kamatani T, Fukunaga K, Tateno H: The Factors Associated with Successful Induction of Smoking Cessation Using a Novel Smartphone Application System AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2020; 201
吉田 直久, 朱 欣, 根本 大樹, 山本 博徳, 伊藤 義人: 【AIが切り拓く医療の未来】Artificial IntelligenceによるComputer-Aided Diagnosisを用いた大腸内視鏡診療への期待 京都府立医科大学雑誌. 2019.06; 128 (6): 421-429. ( 医中誌 )
吉田 直久, 朱 欣, 根本 大樹, 山本 博徳, 伊藤 義人: 【AIが切り拓く医療の未来】Artificial IntelligenceによるComputer-Aided Diagnosisを用いた大腸内視鏡診療への期待 京都府立医科大学雑誌. 2019.06; 128 (6): 421-429. ( 医中誌 )
朱 欣, 八木 透, 片山 統裕, 塩澤 成弘, 内山 孝憲: 巻頭言:特集号「LE2018シンポジウム特集号」について 計測自動制御学会論文集. 2019; 55 (9): 519. ( DOI )
鎌谷高志: 医学、医療におけるAIのインパクト 日本産婦人科医会報. 2019; (8・9合併):
Kuwae M, Matsusaka M, Yamagishi M, Koga S, Miyata K, Kamatani T, Tanaka Y, Araki Y, Kikawada T, Moro K, Moro S, Shirasaki Y, Fukunaga K: Gene Expression Analysis of Activated Human ILC2s Based on "Single Cell Secretion Activity Analysis System (LCI-S)" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2019; 199
Kuwae M., Matsusaka M., Yamagishi M., Koga S., Miyata K., Kamatani T., Tanaka Y., Araki Y., Kikawada T., Moro K., Moro S., Shirasaki Y., Fukunaga K.: Gene Expression Analysis of Activated Human ILC2s Based on "Single Cell Secretion Activity Analysis System (LCI-S)" AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2019; 199
鎌谷高志: 医学、医療におけるAIのインパクト 日本産婦人科医会報. 2019; (8・9合併):
朱 欣, 中村 啓二郎, 周 雪, 野呂 眞人: 診断から更なるリスク評価へ-心電情報の深化と統合- 深層学習による心電図の自動解析プログラムに関する研究 一次報告 心電図. 2018.03; 38 (Suppl.1): S-42. ( 医中誌 )
鎌谷 高志, 福永 興壱: 【重症喘息-基礎から臨床まで-】 重症喘息の診断基準と病型分類 最新医学. 2017.07; 72 (7): 943-949. ( 医中誌 )
朱欣: AIによる形態解析 日本骨形態計測学会雑誌. 2024; 34 (1):
朱欣: AI医療:歴史,現在,これからの挑戦 福島医学雑誌(Web). 2024; 74 (1):
Effectiveness of FEES with artificial intelligence-assisted computer-aided diagnosis 2023.11; ( DOI )
Sex Difference in Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence After Catheter Ablation 2023.11; ( DOI )
An Internet of Things-Based Home Telehealth System for Smart Healthcare by Monitoring Sleep and Water Usage: A Preliminary Study 2023.08; 12 (17): 3652. ( DOI )
A Wearable Assistant Device for the Hearing Impaired to Recognize Emergency Vehicle Sirens with Edge Computing 2023.08; ( DOI )
Signal Quality Analysis of Single-Arm Electrocardiography 2023.06; ( DOI )
Automated Detection of Endometrial Polyps from Hysteroscopic Videos Using Deep Learning 2023.04; ( DOI )
Attention Mechanism Trained with Small Datasets for Biomedical Image Segmentation 2023.01; ( DOI )
朱欣: 植込み型除細動器除細動効果の推定システム 会津大学シーズ集. 2023; 2023
朱欣: 深層学習を用いた大腸ポリープ検出・解析支援システム 会津大学シーズ集. 2023; 2023
朱欣: 心電図を用いた呼吸検出方法 会津大学シーズ集. 2023; 2023
中村啓二郎, 朱欣, 榎本善成, 原英彦, 諸井雅男, 杉薫, 中村正人: 実診療データの解析に対して人工知能は完全に汎用的方法か 日本循環器学会学術集会(Web). 2023; 87th
朱欣: センサーネットワークを用いた携帯型イベント心電計 会津大学シーズ集. 2023; 2023
土肥統, 吉田直久, 朱欣: 人工知能によるLinked Color Imaging下での早期胃癌検出能の向上 Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web). 2023; 65 (Supplement1):
中島勇貴, 中島勇貴, 根本大樹, 根本大樹, 勝木伸一, 竹澤敬人, 林芳和, 郭哲, 張ルイヤオ, 趙又申, 朱欣, 冨樫一智, 冨樫一智: p-T1b大腸癌の内視鏡診断におけるAIの特徴:IoUによる定量的検討 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌(Web). 2023; 76 (9):
中島勇貴, 根本大樹, 勝木伸一, 竹澤敬人, 林芳和, 郭哲, 張ルイヤオ, 趙又申, 朱欣, 冨樫一智: p-T1b大腸癌の内視鏡診断における関心領域:AIと内視鏡医の相違点に関する検討 Gastroenterological Endoscopy (Web). 2023; 65 (Supplement1):
Automatic Edge Detection in Echocardiographic Doppler Images Using an Improved Canny Algorithm. 2023; 210-215. ( DOI )
中村啓二郎, 朱欣, 豊田康剛, 榎本善成, 原英彦, 諸井雅男, 野呂眞人, 杉薫, 中村正人: 深層学習を用いた心不全患者に対する時変共変量を伴う死亡率予測のリスク 日本循環器学会学術集会(Web). 2022.11; 12 (12): 2947. ( DOI )
Baba R, Kabata H, Shirasaki Y, Kamatani T, Yamagishi M, Irie M, Watanabe R, Matsusaka M, Masaki K, Miyata J, Moro K, Uemura S, Fukunaga K: Upregulation of IL-4 receptor signaling pathway in circulating ILC2s from asthma patients The journal of allergy and clinical immunology. Global. 2022.11; 1 (4): 299-304. ( PubMed , DOI )
High-speed all-optic optical coherence tomography and photoacoustic microscopy dual-modal system for microcirculation evaluation 2022.07; 15 (4): ( DOI )
Automatic segmentation of foveal avascular zone based on adaptive watershed algorithm in retinal optical coherence tomography angiography images 2022.01; 15 (1): ( DOI )
Prediction of Hospitalization Cost and Length of Stay for Patients with Heart Failure Using Deep Learning 2022; 158-161. ( DOI )
Gender Difference in Prognosis of Patients with Heart Failure: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis 2022; ( DOI )
Femoral segmentation of MRI images using PP-LiteSeg 2022; ( DOI )
A fused-image-based approach to detect obstructive sleep apnea using a single-lead ECG and a 2D convolutional neural network 2021.04; 16 (4 April): ( PubMed , DOI )
Detection of Hysteroscopic Hysteromyoma in Real-Time Based on Deep Learning 2021.04; 1861 (1): ( DOI )
An Arrhythmic Mutation E7K Facilitates TRPM4 Channel Activation via Enhanced PIP2 Interaction 2021.04; 10 (5): ( PubMed , DOI )
Automatic combination strategy search in segmentation of Cardiac T1 mapping image 2021.03; 811-816. ( DOI )
Which region does artificial intelligence look at to predict t1b colorectal cancer? analysis based on class activation mapping 2021; 63 (6): 1232-1240. ( DOI )
INet: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation 2021; 9 16591-16603. ( DOI )
Semantic segmentation of femur bone from MRI images of patients with hematologic malignancies 2020.11; 2020-November 1090-1094. ( DOI )
Effects of myocardial fat's thickness and myocardial impedance on bipolar radiofrequency cathode ablation 2020.11; 2020-November 47-51. ( DOI )
Determination of T Wave End by Multi-input Deep Learning Model 2020.10; 898-902. ( DOI )
An Integrated Design of Multi-Channel ECG Sensor on Smart Garment 2020.09; 316-320. ( DOI )
Reduce False-Positive Rate by Active Learning for Automatic Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Videos 2020.04; 2020-April 1655-1658. ( DOI )
Sleep Stage Classification Based on EEG, EOG, and CNN-GRU Deep Learning Model 2019.10; ( DOI )
Integrating intra-And intercellular simulation of a 2d hl-1 cardiac model based on embedded gpus 2019.10; 236-240. ( DOI )
Accelerate Mini-batch Machine Learning Training With Dynamic Batch Size Fitting 2019.07; 2019-July ( DOI )
Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks 2019.03; 275-276. ( DOI )
Detect the Premature Ventricular Contraction Using Recurrent Neural Networks 2019.03; 53 e4-e5. ( DOI )
Automatic polyp recognition from Colonoscopy images based on bag of visual words 2019; 16 (1): 69-81. ( DOI )
Parallel acceleration on simulation of a 2D Takeuchi electrophysiology cardiac model using GPUs 2018.03; 2018-January 2665-2668. ( DOI )
A study on the simulation of HL-1 unicellular model based on numerical methods 2018.02; 2018-January 1-5. ( DOI )
Energy efficient simulation computing of electrocardiogram with TK1 Board 2018.02; 45 (1): 177-187.
奥隅真一, 福永興壱, 宮田純, 持丸貴生, 渡辺理沙, 松坂雅子, 田野崎貴絵, 鎌谷高志, 馬塲里英, 桑江美聡, 上田壮一郎, 有田誠, 別役智子: ヒト好酸球における自然免疫応答を介したシステイニルロイコトリエン(CysLTs)産生への影響 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2018; 7
桑江美聡, 福永興壱, 鎌谷高志, 渡辺理沙, 奥隅真一, 馬塲里英, 田野崎貴絵, 松坂雅子, 持丸貴生, 上田壮一郎, 鈴木雄介, 浅野浩一郎, 別役智子: 日本人重症喘息群における増悪因子に基づいたフェノタイプ分類 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2018; 7
渡辺理沙, 福永興壱, 馬塲里英, 鎌谷高志, 桑江美聡, 奥隅真一, 田野崎貴絵, 松坂雅子, 持丸貴生, 加畑宏樹, 上田壮一郎, 鈴木雄介, 浅野浩一郎, 別役智子: 日本人重症喘息患者における難治化因子数が病態コントロールに与える影響 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2018; 7
馬塲里英, 福永興壱, 白崎善隆, 宮田楓, 松坂雅子, 加畑宏樹, 鎌谷高志, 奥隅真一, 田野崎貴絵, 持丸貴生, 上田壮一郎, 茂呂和世, 上村想太郎, 別役智子: 1細胞分泌実時間イメージング法を用いたヒト末梢血2型自然リンパ球の検討 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2017; 6
松坂雅子, 福永興壱, 加畑宏樹, 加川志津子, 持丸貴生, 田野崎貴絵, 鎌谷高志, 馬塲里英, 奥隅真一, 上田壮一郎, 別役智子: Group2 innate lumphoid cell(ILC2)に対する嫌酒薬による抑制効果の検討 日本呼吸器学会誌(Web). 2017; 6