Mori, T; Moriwaki, Y; Sakurada, K; Lyu, S; Kadlcik, S; Janata, J; Mazumdar, A; Koberska, M; Terada, T; Kamenik, Z; Abe, I: Molecular basis for the diversification of lincosamide biosynthesis by pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes NATURE CHEMISTRY. 2025.02; 17 (2): 256-264. ( PubMed , DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Gun Deniz Akkoc, Sergio Pablo-García, Yang Cao, Han Hao, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: Does one need to polish electrodes in an eight pattern? Automation provides the answer Digital Discovery. 2025.01; 4 (2): 326-330. ( DOI )
Kim, G; Lee, S; Karin, EL; Kim, H; Moriwaki, Y; Ovchinnikov, S; Steinegger, M; Mirdita, M: Easy and accurate protein structure prediction using ColabFold NATURE PROTOCOLS. 2024.10; ( PubMed , DOI )
Sergio Pablo-García, Ángel García, Gun Deniz Akkoc, Malcolm Sim, Yang Cao, Maxine Somers, Chance Hattrick, Naruki Yoshikawa, Dominik Dworschak, Han Hao, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: An affordable platform for automated synthesis and electrochemical characterization Device. 2024.10; 3 (2): 100567. ( DOI )
Ishitani, R; Takemoto, M; Tomii, K: Protein ligand binding site prediction using graph transformer neural network PLOS ONE. 2024.08; 19 (8): e0308425. ( PubMed , DOI )
Gary Tom, Stefan P. Schmid, Sterling G. Baird, Yang Cao, Kourosh Darvish, Han Hao, Stanley Lo, Pablo-García S., Ella M. Rajaonson, Marta Skreta, Naruki Yoshikawa, Samantha Corapi, Gun Deniz Akkoc, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Martin Seifrid, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: Self-Driving Laboratories for Chemistry and Materials Science Chemical Reviews. 2024.08; 124 (16): 9633-9732. ( DOI )
Rama El-khawaldeh, Abhijoy Mandal, Naruki Yoshikawa, Wenyu Zhang, Ryan Corkery, Paloma Prieto, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Kourosh Darvish, Jason E. Hein: From eyes to cameras: Computer vision for high-throughput liquid-liquid separation Device. 2024.07; 2 (7): 100404. ( DOI )
Homma, M; Wakabayashi, T; Moriwaki, Y; Shiotani, N; Shigeta, T; Isobe, K; Okazawa, A; Ohta, D; Terada, T; Shimizu, K; Mizutani, M; Takikawa, H; Sugimoto, Y: Insights into stereoselective ring formation in canonical strigolactone: Identification of a dirigent domaincontaining enzyme catalyzing orobanchol synthesis PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2024.06; 121 (26): e2313683121. ( PubMed , DOI )
Martin Seifrid, Felix Strieth-Kalthoff, Mohammad Haddadnia, Tony C. Wu, Emre Alca, Leticia Bodo, Sebastian Arellano-Rubach, Naruki Yoshikawa, Marta Skreta, Rachel Keunen, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: Chemspyd: an open-source python interface for Chemspeed robotic chemistry and materials platforms Digital Discovery. 2024.05; 3 (7): 1319-1326. ( DOI )
Fan Zhao, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tomohiro Noguchi, Kentaro Shimizu, Tomohisa Kuzuyama, Tohru Terada: QM/MM Study of the Catalytic Mechanism and Substrate Specificity of the Aromatic Substrate C-Methyltransferase Fur6 Biochemistry. 2024.02; 63 (6): 806-814. ( DOI )
Tomoki Sawa, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Hanting Jiang, Kohji Murase, Seiji Takayama, Kentaro Shimizu, Tohru Terada: Comprehensive computational analysis of the SRK–SP11 molecular interaction underlying self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae using improved structure prediction for cysteine-rich proteins Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2023.10; 21 5228-5239. ( DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Kourosh Darvish, Mohammad Ghazi Vakili, Animesh Garg, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: Digital pipette: open hardware for liquid transfer in self-driving laboratories Digital Discovery. 2023.10; 2 (6): 1745-1751. ( DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Marta Skreta, Kourosh Darvish, Sebastian Arellano-Rubach, Zhi Ji, Lasse Bjørn Kristensen, Andrew Zou Li, Yuchi Zhao, Haoping Xu, Artur Kuramshin, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Florian Shkurti, Animesh Garg: Large language models for chemistry robotics Autonomous Robots. 2023.10; 47 (8): 1057-1086. ( DOI )
Kano Hasegawa, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tohru Terada, Cao Wei, Kentaro Shimizu: Feedback-AVPGAN: Feedback-guided generative adversarial network for generating antiviral peptides Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2022.12; 20 (06): ( DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Masato Sumita: Automatic Differentiation for the Direct Minimization Approach to the Hartree–Fock Method The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2022.11; 126 (45): 8487-8493. ( DOI )
Li Liu, Wen Song, Shijia Huang, Kai Jiang, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Yichuan Wang, Yongfan Men, Dan Zhang, Xing Wen, Zhifu Han, Jijie Chai, Hongwei Guo: Extracellular pH sensing by plant cell-surface peptide-receptor complexes Cell. 2022.09; 185 (18): 3341-3355.e13. ( DOI )
Molecular Design Method Using a Reversible Tree Representation of Chemical Compounds and Deep Reinforcement Learning. 2022.09; 62 (17): 4032-4048. ( PubMed , DOI )
Shohei Yamaguchi, Haruka Nakashima, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu: Prediction of protein mononucleotide binding sites using AlphaFold2 and machine learning Computational Biology and Chemistry. 2022.07; 107744. ( DOI )
Milot Mirdita, Konstantin Schütze, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Lim Heo, Sergey Ovchinnikov, Martin Steinegger: ColabFold: making protein folding accessible to all Nature Methods. 2022.05; 19 (6): 679-682. ( DOI )
Xiaoyu Yang, Natsuko I Kobayashi, Yoshiki Hayashi, Koichi Ito, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu, Motoyuki Hattori, Ren Iwata, Hisashi Suzuki, Tomoko M Nakanishi, Keitaro Tanoi: Mutagenesis Analysis of GMN Motif in Arabidopsis thaliana Mg2+ Transporter MRS2-1 Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2022.05; 86 (7): 870-874. ( PubMed , DOI )
Towards universal neural network potential for material discovery applicable to arbitrary combination of 45 elements. 2022.05; 13 (1): 2991. ( PubMed , DOI )
Hayama Tsutsumi, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu, Kazuo Shin‐ya, Yohei Katsuyama, Yasuo Ohnishi: Structural and Molecular Basis of the Catalytic Mechanism of Geranyl Pyrophosphate C6‐Methyltransferase: Creation of an Unprecedented Farnesyl Pyrophosphate C6‐Methyltransferase Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2022.01; 61 (1): e202111217. ( DOI )
Lateral access mechanism of LPA receptor probed by molecular dynamics simulation. 2022; 17 (2): e0263296. ( PubMed , DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Ryuichi Kubo, Kazuki Z. Yamamoto: Twitter integration of chemistry software tools Journal of Cheminformatics. 2021.07; 13 (1): 46. ( DOI )
Yanagisawa, K; Moriwaki, Y; Terada, T; Shimizu, K: EXPRORER: Rational Cosolvent Set Construction Method for Cosolvent Molecular Dynamics Using Large-Scale Computation JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING. 2021.06; 61 (6): 2744-2753. ( PubMed , DOI )
AkshatKumar Nigam, Robert Pollice, Matthew F. D. Hurley, Riley J. Hickman, Matteo Aldeghi, Naruki Yoshikawa, Seyone Chithrananda, Vincent A. Voelz, Alán Aspuru-Guzik: Assigning confidence to molecular property prediction Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. 2021.06; 16 (9): 1009-1023. ( DOI )
Masato Sumita, Naruki Yoshikawa: Augmented Lagrangian method for spin‐coupled wave function International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2021.05; 121 (18): e26746. ( DOI )
Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography reveals early structural changes in channelrhodopsin. 2021.03; 10 ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural biology of the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion superfamily transporters. 2020.12; 1862 (12): 183154. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kohji Murase, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tomoyuki Mori, Xiao Liu, Chiho Masaka, Yoshinobu Takada, Ryoko Maesaki, Masaki Mishima, Sota Fujii, Yoshinori Hirano, Zen Kawabe, Koji Nagata, Tohru Terada, Go Suzuki, Masao Watanabe, Kentaro Shimizu, Toshio Hakoshima, Seiji Takayama: Mechanism of self/nonself-discrimination in Brassica self-incompatibility Nature Communications. 2020.10; 11 (4916): ( DOI )
Miho Chikazawa, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Mari Uramoto, Yoshio Yamauchi, Makoto Shimizu, Kentaro Shimizu, Ryuichiro Sato: Functional effect of nobiletin as a food-derived allosteric modulator of mouse CRFR2β in skeletal muscle Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 2020.08; 529 (2): 328-334. ( PubMed , DOI )
Cryo-EM structure of the volume-regulated anion channel LRRC8D isoform identifies features important for substrate permeation. 2020.05; 3 (1): 240. ( PubMed , DOI )
Identification of Potent In Vivo Autotaxin Inhibitors that Bind to Both Hydrophobic Pockets and Channels in the Catalytic Domain. 2020.03; 63 (6): 3188-3204. ( PubMed , DOI )
Author Correction: Structural basis for the drug extrusion mechanism by a MATE multidrug transporter. 2020.02; 578 (7794): E19. ( PubMed , DOI )
Crystal structure of Drosophila Piwi. 2020.02; 11 (1): 858. ( PubMed , DOI )
Dissecting the stereocontrolled conversion of short-lived sulfenic acid by lachrymatory factor synthase 2020.01; 10 (1): 9-19. ( DOI )
Chiba, S; Ohue, M; Gryniukova, A; Borysko, P; Zozulya, S; Yasuo, N; Yoshino, R; Ikeda, K; Shin, WH; Kihara, D; Iwadate, M; Umeyama, H; Ichikawa, T; Teramoto, R; Hsin, KY; Gupta, V; Kitano, H; Sakamoto, M; Higuchi, A; Miura, N; Yura, K; Mochizuki, M; Ramakrishnan, C; Thangakani, AM; Velmurugan, D; Gromiha, MM; Nakane, I; Uchida, N; Hakariya, H; Tan, MD; Nakamura, HK; Suzuki, SD; Ito, T; Kawatani, M; Kudoh, K; Takashina, S; Yamamoto, KZ; Moriwaki, Y; Oda, K; Kobayashi, D; Okuno, T; Minami, S; Chikenji, G; Prathipati, P; Nagao, C; Mohsen, A; Ito, M; Mizuguchi, K; Honma, T; Ishida, T; Hirokawa, T; Akiyama, Y; Sekijima, M: A prospective compound screening contest identified broader inhibitors for Sirtuin 1 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2019.12; 9 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )
Peng Lu, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Mimin Zhang, Yukie Katayama, Yi Lu, Ken Okamoto, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu, Mengyao Wang, Takehiro Kamiya, Toru Fujiwara, Tomiko Asakura, Michio Suzuki, Etsuro Yoshimura, Koji Nagata: Functional characterisation of two ferric-ion coordination modes of TtFbpA, the periplasmic subunit of an ABC-type iron transporter from Thermus thermophilus HB8 Metallomics. 2019.10; 11 (12): 2078-2088. ( DOI )
Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Mirai Yato, Tohru Terada, Seiji Saito, Noriyuki Nukui, Takumi Iwasaki, Tatsunari Nishi, Yuko Kawaguchi, Ken Okamoto, Takatoshi Arakawa, Chihaya Yamada, Shinya Fushinobu, Kentaro Shimizu: Understanding the molecular mechanism underlying the high catalytic activity of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase mutants for producing gallic acid Biochemistry. 2019.10; 58 (45): 4543-4558. ( PubMed , DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Geoffrey R. Hutchison: Fast, efficient fragment-based coordinate generation for Open Babel Journal of Cheminformatics. 2019.08; 11 (1): 49. ( DOI )
Cryo-EM structure of the human L-type amino acid transporter 1 in complex with glycoprotein CD98hc. 2019.06; 26 (6): 510-517. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural basis for oligomerization of the prokaryotic peptide transporter PepTSo2. 2019.05; 75 (Pt 5): 348-358. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural basis for the promiscuous PAM recognition by Corynebacterium diphtheriae Cas9. 2019.04; 10 (1): 1968. ( PubMed , DOI )
Crystal structure of plant vacuolar iron transporter VIT1. 2019.03; 5 (3): 308-315. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural Basis of H+-Dependent Conformational Change in a Bacterial MATE Transporter. 2019.02; 27 (2): 293-301. ( PubMed , DOI )
Cap-specific terminal N 6-methylation of RNA by an RNA polymerase II-associated methyltransferase. 2019.01; 363 (6423): ( PubMed , DOI )
Crystal structure of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens type VI effector-immunity complex. 2018.12; 74 (Pt 12): 810-816. ( PubMed , DOI )
Chun Fang, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Aikui Tian, Caihong Li, Kentaro Shimizu: Identifying Short Disorder-to-Order Binding Regions in Disordered Proteins with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Method Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2018.11; 17 (1): 1950004. ( DOI )
Naruki Yoshikawa, Kei Terayama, Masato Sumita, Teruki Homma, Kenta Oono, Koji Tsuda: Population-based de novo molecule generation, using grammatical evolution Chemistry Letters. 2018.10; 47 (11): 1431-1434. ( DOI )
Vibrational and Molecular Properties of Mg2+ Binding and Ion Selectivity in the Magnesium Channel MgtE. 2018.10; 122 (42): 9681-9696. ( PubMed , DOI )
An Atomistic Model of a Precursor State of Light-Induced Channel Opening of Channelrhodopsin. 2018.10; 115 (7): 1281-1291. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kato K, Nishimasu H, Oikawa D, Hirano S, Hirano H, Kasuya G, Ishitani R, Tokunaga F, Nureki O: Structural insights into cGAMP degradation by Ecto-nucleotide pyrophosphatase phosphodiesterase 1. Nature communications. 2018.10; 9 (1): 4424. ( PubMed , DOI )
Engineered CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease with expanded targeting space. 2018.09; 361 (6408): 1259-1262. ( PubMed , DOI )
Free Energy Landscape for the Entire Transport Cycle of Triose-Phosphate/Phosphate Translocator. 2018.09; 26 (9): 1284-1296. ( PubMed , DOI )
Cryo-EM structures of the human volume-regulated anion channel LRRC8. 2018.09; 25 (9): 797-804. ( PubMed , DOI )
Anish M S Shrestha, Naruki Yoshikawa, Kiyoshi Asai: Combining probabilistic alignments with read pair information improves accuracy of split-alignments Bioinformatics. 2018.05; 34 (21): 3631-3637. ( DOI )
Functional roles of Mg2+ binding sites in ion-dependent gating of a Mg2+ channel, MgtE, revealed by solution NMR. 2018.04; 7 ( PubMed , DOI )
Identifying MoRFs in disordered proteins using enlarged conserved features 2018.03; 50-54. ( DOI )
Saeko Yanaka, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Kouhei Tsumoto, Kenji Sugase: Elucidation of potential sites for antibody engineering by fluctuation editing Scientific Reports. 2017.12; 7 (9597): ( DOI )
Structural basis for xenobiotic extrusion by eukaryotic MATE transporter. 2017.11; 8 (1): 1633. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural insights into the competitive inhibition of the ATP-gated P2X receptor channel. 2017.10; 8 (1): 876. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structure of the triose-phosphate/phosphate translocator reveals the basis of substrate specificity. 2017.10; 3 (10): 825-832. ( PubMed , DOI )
Chiba, S; Ishida, T; Ikeda, K; Mochizuki, M; Teramoto, R; Taguchi, Y; Iwadate, M; Umeyama, H; Ramakrishnan, C; Thangakani, AM; Velmurugan, D; Gromiha, MM; Okuno, T; Kato, K; Minami, S; Chikenji, G; Suzuki, SD; Yanagisawa, K; Shin, WH; Kihara, D; Yamamoto, KZ; Moriwaki, Y; Yasuo, N; Yoshino, R; Zozulya, S; Borysko, P; Stavniichuk, R; Honma, T; Hirokawa, T; Akiyama, Y; Sekijima, M: An iterative compound screening contest method for identifying target protein inhibitors using the tyrosine-protein kinase Yes SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2017.09; 7 12038. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural Basis for the Canonical and Non-canonical PAM Recognition by CRISPR-Cpf1. 2017.08; 67 (4): 633-645. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural insights into ligand recognition by the lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA6. 2017.08; 548 (7667): 356-360. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural Basis for the Altered PAM Recognition by Engineered CRISPR-Cpf1. 2017.07; 67 (1): 139-147. ( PubMed , DOI )
ATP-dependent modulation of MgtE in Mg2+ homeostasis. 2017.07; 8 (1): 148. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kato Kazuki, Omura Hiroki, Ishitani Ryuichiro, Nureki Osamu: Cyclic GMP-AMP as an Endogenous Second Messenger in Innate Immune Signaling by Cytosolic DNA. Annu Rev Biochem. 2017.06; 86 541-566. ( PubMed , DOI )
Structural insights into the nucleotide base specificity of P2X receptors. 2017.03; 7 45208. ( PubMed , DOI )
Crystal Structure of the Minimal Cas9 from Campylobacter jejuni Reveals the Molecular Diversity in the CRISPR-Cas9 Systems. 2017.03; 65 (6): 1109-1121. ( PubMed , DOI )
Correction: Breakpoint Cluster Region-Mediated Inflammation Is Dependent on Casein Kinase II. 2017.01; 198 (2): 971. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshitaka Moriwaki: The trajectories of protein structure prediction before AlphaFold2 and the future JSBi Bioinformatics Review. 2022.11; 3 (2): ( DOI )
Ishitani Ryuuitirou: Deep Learning for Drug Discovery Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society. 2019; 92 3-CS4-3. ( DOI )
若林孝俊, 若林孝俊, 本間大翔, 森脇由隆, 塩谷七洋, 茂田巧, 磯部一樹, 岡澤敦司, 太田大策, 寺田透, 清水謙多郎, 水谷正治, 滝川浩郷, 杉本幸裕: Stereoselective synthesis of orobanchol by a dirigent domain-containing protein 植物の生長調節. 2023; 58 (Supplement):
田中良樹, 氏原一哉, 坂井直樹, 山田悠介, 武本瑞貴, 森脇寛智, 佐藤匡史, STANFIELD Joshua Kyle, 梅本直, 平田邦生, 引田理英, 石谷隆一郎, 加藤龍一, 千田俊哉, 山本雅貴, 力丸健太郎, 西ヶ谷有輝: Structure Based Discovery of Novel ALS Inhibitors 日本農薬学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2023; 48th
田中良樹, 氏原一哉, 坂井直樹, 武本瑞貴, 森脇寛智, 佐藤匡史, STANFIELD JK, 平田邦生, 竹下浩平, 石谷隆一郎, 山本雅貴, 力丸健太郎, 西ヶ谷有輝: Structure Based Discovery of Novel ALS Inhibitors 日本農薬学会大会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2022; 47th
Ryosuke Miyata, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Tohru Terada, Kentaro Shimizu: Prediction and analysis of antifreeze proteins Heliyon. 2021.09; 7 (9): e07953. ( DOI )
小野田浩宜, 石谷隆一郎, 仙石徹, 森脇由隆: The Impact of AlphaFold on Molecular Biology 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2021; 44th
石谷隆一郎, 石谷隆一郎, 武本瑞貴: AlphaFold from the perspective of structural biology and deep learning 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2021; 44th
Taniguchi Reiya, Inoue Asuka, Sayama Misa, Yamashita Keitaro, Hirata Kunio, Yoshida Masahito, Nakada-Nakura Yoshiko, Otani Yuko, Kato Hideaki, Nishizawa Tomohiro, Doi Takayuki, Ohwada Tomohiko, Ishitani Ryuichiro, Aoki Junken, Nureki Osamu: Toward Structural Understanding of Ligand Recognition by Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor Lpa6 PROTEIN SCIENCE. 2018.11; 27 235-236.