Leading Nursing System Development

130  articles.  
* There may be some overlapped articles listed due to the difference of format.
  1. Akiko Kondo, Congcong Wang, Kazuko Naruse, Kosuke Niitsu, Dingyi Long : Factors associated with cultural sensitivity and global nursing education among nurse educators: A cross-sectional study International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances. 2025.06; 8 (100271): 1-14. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Congcong Wang, Akiko Kondo, Kazuko Naruse, Kosuke Niitsu, Dingyi Long: Intercultural sensitivity among nursing educators: Comparison between Japan and China Nurse Education Today. 2025.04; 147 106592. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Chen Guanhua, Ogata Yasuko, Sasaki Miki.: Factors associated with burnout among internationally educated nurses: A scoping review. International Nursing Review. 2024.12; 72 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Keiko Hatanaka, Yoshiko Sasaki, Makoto Tanaka: Adjusting to living with chronic liver disease among patients who continue regular healthcare visits for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance: A grounded theory study Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2024.08; 21 (4): ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Akiko Kondo, Congcong Wang, Kazuko Naruse, Kosuke Niitsu, Dingyi Long : Comparison of global nursing education and necessary supports for nurse educators between Japan and four English-speaking countries: An international cross-sectional study Nurse Education in Practice. 2024.08; 79 1-11. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Akiko Kondo, Tomomi Oki, Ann L. Eckhardt: Factors related to resilience and attitudes towards care of the dying among critical care nurses Nursing in Critical Care. 2024.08; online (ahead of print): 1-9. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Jing Hua, Akiko Kondo, Congcong Wang, Sambuu Ganchulun : Language confidence and job satisfaction among foreign-born nurses in Japan: mediating effect of workplace discrimination and moderating effect of immigration duration BMC Nursing. 2024.07; 23 (450): 1-10. ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Imazu Y, Kondo A, Ushikubo M, Kanbara S, Kawahara N, Kondo M: Anxiety among Japanese nursing researchers before and after dispatch for COVID-19 pandemic support: Effects of anxiety-enhancing and buffering factors. Japan journal of nursing science : JJNS. 2024.06; 21 (4): e12608. ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. Moriwaki, M; Tanaka, M; Toba, M; Ozasa, Y; Ogata, Y; Obayashi, S: Relationship Between Unit Characteristics and Fall Incidence: A Cross-Sectional Survey Using Administrative Data in Japan JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH. 2024.06; 32 (3): e333. ( PubMed , DOI )

  8. Akiko Kondo & Mai Noguchi: Change of motivation and need to study English among nursing students:A prospective two-year comparison Journal of Japanese Society for International Nursing. 2024.04; 7 (2): 12-20. ( DOI )

  9. Ogata Y, Sasaki M, Morioka N, Moriwaki M, Yonekura Y, Lake ET: Influence of nurse work environment and psychological distress on resignation from hospitals: a prospective study. Industrial health. 2024.04; ( PubMed , DOI )

  10. Rina Shoki, Erika Ota, Renaguli Abuliezi, Akiko Kondo: Factors Associated with the Resilience of St. Luke’s International University Nursing Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic St. Luke's International University Repository. 2024.03; 10 31-39. ( DOI )

  11. Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, Kosuke Niitsu, Kazuko Naruse, Tomomi Oki, Erika Ota, Mabel C. Ezeonwu: Comparing factors related to perceived control and preventive behaviors from COVID-19 between Japanese and American nursing students: A cross-sectional study Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2024.02; e12585 ( PubMed , DOI )

  12. Yukari KAMOCHI, Yoko IMAZU and Yoshiko SASAKI: Factors and effects of natural disaster-related stress on local government employees who live in affected areas: A scoping review Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2024.01; 11 (1): 1-11. ( DOI )

  13. Meihui PIAO, Akiko KONDO, Huilin QIAN: Factors related to immigrants’ disaster preparedness: A scoping review Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2024; ( DOI )

  14. Moriwaki, M;Takae, A;Toba, M;Sasaki, M;Ogata, Y;Obayashi, S;Fushimi, K: Factors associated with proximal femoral fractures in older adults during hospital stay: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Qual Saf.. 2024; ( DOI )

  1. Kida, R., Ogata, Y., & Nagai, S.: Uneven distribution of stressful working conditions among Japanese nurses: a secondary analysis of nurses with and without children Industrial health. 2023.12; (advance publication) ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, Erika Ota, Tomomi Oki, Kazuko Naruse: Cross-sectional study of factors related to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among university healthcare students Frontiers in Public Health. 2023.12; 11 1-11. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Jing Hua, Akiko Kondo, Congcong Wang,and Sambuu Ganchuluun: Job Satisfaction, Intention to Leave, and Related Factors among Foreign-Educated Nurses in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Nursing Management. 2023.10; 2023 ( DOI )

  4. Sambuu Ganchuluun, Akiko Kondo, Megumi Ukuda, Hiroki Hirai and Jieru Wen: Factors Related to Nurses’ Professional Autonomy When Caring for Patients with COVID-19 in a University Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal of Nursing Management. 2023.10; ( DOI )

  5. Jing Hua, Akiko Kondo, Janelle Moross: Enhancing intercultural sensitivity in Japanese nursing students through international online nursing courses: A quasi-experimental study Nurse Education Today. 2023.09; 128 ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Kida, R; Yumoto, Y; Ogata, Y: Workplace social capital mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and three dimensions of organizational commitment of hospital nurses: A cross-sectional study JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE. 2023.07; 20 (3): e12526. ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. Ayano Ito, Miki Sasaki, Yuki Yonekura, Yasuko Ogata: Impact of organizational justice and manager's mental health on staff nurses’ affective commitment: A multilevel analysis of the work environment of hospital nurses in Japan-Part II (WENS-J-II) International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances. 2023.06; 5 100137. ( DOI )

  8. Kida Ryohei, Fujinami Keiko, Yumoto Yoshie, Togari Taisuke, Ogata Yasuko: The association between burnout and multiple roles at work and in the family among female Japanese nurses: a cross-sectional study Industrial Health. 2023.05; 61 (3): 195-202. ( ichushi )

  9. Moriwaki M, Hayashida K, Ogata Y: Factors associated with non-home discharge of patients hospitalized for hip fracture: A nationwide retrospective study using the Japanese diagnostic procedure combination database. Medicine. 2023.03; 102 (9): e33138. ( PubMed , DOI )

  10. Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, Kosuke Niitsu, Kazuko Naruse, Tomomi Oki, Erika Ota, Mabel Ezeonwu: Factors related to mental health effect among nursing students in Japan and the United States during the coronavirus pandemic: A cross‐sectional study International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2023.01; 32 (1): 186-198. ( PubMed , DOI )

  11. Nagai, S; Ogata, Y; Yamamoto, T; Fedyk, M; Bell, JF: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Personal and Professional Resources on Nurses' Work Engagement: A Comparison of Early-Career and Mid-Later-Career Nurses HEALTHCARE. 2023.01; 11 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )

  12. Mori Y, Sasaki M, Ogata Y, Togari T: Development and psychometric validation of an educational support assessment scale for novice home healthcare nurses BMC Medical Education. 2023; 23 (1): 326.

  1. Kosuke Niitsu, Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, & Natalia Dyba: The Impact of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) on Intercultural Sensitivity among Nursing Students in the United States and Japan Nursing Education Perspectives. 2022.12; ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Renaguli Abuliezi, Akiko Kondo, Kosuke Niitsu and Erika Ota: Healthcare graduate students' perceived control and preventive behavior for COVID-19 in Japan and the United States: A cross-sectional study Frontiers in Public Health. 2022.10; ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Miki Sasaki,Yasuko Ogata,Keiko Fujinami,Yuki Yonekura: Development of a Shortened Version of the Nurse Managers’ Empowering Behavioral Scale for Staff Nurses Healthcare. 2022.10;

  4. Yasuko Ogata,Kana Sato,Miki Sasaki,Keiko Fujinami,Taisuke Togari: Association between nursing practice environment and sense of coherence among staff nurses: A cross-sectional study in Japan Journal of Nursing Management. 2022.07; 30 (7): 3149-3159. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Ryohei Kida, Keiko Fujinami, Yoshie Yumoto, Taisuke Togari, Yasuko Ogata: The association between burnout and multiple roles atwork and in the family among female Japanese nurses: a cross-sectional study. Industrial Health. 2022.05; ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Sasaki Y, Nakakuki K, Ikeda M, Sumi Y, Miura H, Imazu Y, Otomo Y: Undergraduate medical and dental science students’ interest and support needs in medical volunteer activities during times of disasters Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2022.04; 27 102-109. ( DOI )

  7. Mayuka Isoda & Akiko Kondo: Japanese nursing students’ motivations and learning needs regarding studying English: A cross-sectional study SAGE Open. 2022.04; April-June 1-13. ( DOI )

  8. 佐々木 吉子, 中久木 康一, 池田 正臣, 角 勇樹, 三浦 英恵, 今津 陽子, 大友 康裕: 医療系大学学部学生の災害時の医療ボランティアへの関心とサポートニーズ(Undergraduate medical and dental science students' interest and support needs in medical volunteer activities during times of disasters) Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2022.04; 27 (1): 102-109. ( ichushi )

  9. Kosuke Niitsu, Akiko Kondo, Jing Hua, Natalia Dyba: A Case Report of Collaborative Online International Learning in Nursing and Health Studies Between the United States and Japan. Nursing education perspectives. 2022.04; 1-2. ( PubMed , DOI )

  10. Yumoto Yoshie, Hiroyama Natsuko, Sasaki Miki, Fujinami Keiko, Otsuka Saki, Togari Taisuke, Edvardsson David, Ogata Yasuko: 日本語版Person-Centered Care Assessment Toolの信頼性および妥当性(Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Person-Centered Care Assessment Tool) Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2022.04; 22 (4): 344-349. ( ichushi )

  11. Akiko Kondo, Tomomi Oki, Amane Otaki, Renaguli Abuliezi, Ann L. Eckhardt: Relationship between resilience and perceived control after acute coronary syndrome: A prospective study Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing . 2022.03; 38 (1): E20-E30. ( PubMed , DOI )

  12. Jing Hua, Akiko Kondo: Factors Related to the Participation or Non-Participation in the University Study Abroad Program among Japanese Nursing Students Journal of Japanese Society for International Nursing . 2022.03; 5 (2): 1-9. ( DOI )

  13. Itoh S, Tan HP, Kudo K, Ogata Y: Comparison of the Mental Burden on Nursing Care Providers With and Without Mat-Type Sleep State Sensors at a Nursing Home in Tokyo, Japan: Quasi-Experimental Study. JMIR aging. 2022.03; 5 (1): e19641. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Seira Takada, Yasuko Ogata, Yoshie Yumoto, Masaomi Ikeda: Implementation of an Advance Care Planning Inventory and Its Possible Effect on Quality of Dying: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study in Group Homes for Persons with Dementia in Japan Healthcare. 2021.12; ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, Kazuko Naruse, Tomomi Oki, Kosuke Niitsu, Mabel C Ezeonwu: Perceived Control, Preventative Health Behaviors, and the Mental Health of Nursing Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing. 2021.12; 58 1-11. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Keiichi Shimatani, Mayuko T Komada, Jun Sato: Impact of the Changes in the Frequency of Social Participation on All-Cause Mortality in Japanese Older Adults: A Nationwide Longitudinal Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021.12; 19 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Ayano Ito, Kana Sato, Yoshie Yumoto, Miki Sasaki, Yasuko Ogata: A concept analysis of psychological safety: Further understanding for application to health care. Nurs Open. 2021.10; ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Ogata Yasuko, Sato Kana, Kodama Yoshimi, Morioka Noriko, Taketomi Kikuko, Yonekura Yuki, Katsuyama Kimiko, Tanaka Sachiko, Nagano Midori, Ito Yoichi M., Kanda Katsuya: Work environment for hospital nurses in Japan: The relationships between nurses' perceptions of their work environment and nursing outcomes NURSING OPEN. 2021.09; 8 (5): 2470-2487. ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Akiko Kondo, Chika Kambayashi, Mami Koizumi, Akane Futami: Factors related to difficulty in caring for foreign patients among nurses in Japanese hospitals Journal of International Health. 2021.08; 36 (2): 39-47. ( DOI )

  7. Ogata Yasuko, Fujinami Keiko, Itoh Sakiko, Kashiwagi Masayo, Lapreziosa Nobuko, Yonekura Yuki: Developing the nursing practice environment scale for home health care: A trial study in Japan NURSING OPEN. 2021.07; 8 (6): 3593-3605. ( PubMed , DOI )

  8. Nishikawa Yuri, Sato Kana, Mizuno Atsushi, Sasano Tetsuo, Yoshikawa Shunji, Ogata Yasuko: Realization and personalization by facing fatality: A grounded theory of developing the view of dying in people with heart failure JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING. 2021.06; 77 (6): 2796-2806. ( PubMed , DOI )

  9. 横山 玲, 栗原 博之, 伊藤 絢乃: 「介護事故防止チェックリスト(案)」の策定に関する検討 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 長寿科学政策研究事業 在宅・介護施設等における医療的ケアに関連する事故予防のための研究 (H30-長寿-一般-004) 分担研究報告書. 2021.05;

  10. Unoki T, Sakuramoto H, Sato R, Ouchi A, Kuribara T, Furumaya T, Tatsuno J, Wakabayashi Y, Tado A, Hashimoto N, Inagaki N, Sasaki Y: Adverse Effects of Personal Protective Equipment Among Intensive Care Unit Healthcare Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review SAGE Open Nursing. 2021.05; 6 1-14. ( PubMed , DOI )

  11. Noriko Morioka, Mutsuko Moriwaki, Jun Tomio, Kiyohide Fushimi, Yasuko Ogata: Dementia and patient outcomes after hip surgery in older patients: A retrospective observational study using nationwide administrative data in Japan. PLoS One. 2021.04; 16 (4): e0249364. ( PubMed , DOI )

  12. Masumi Soneta, Akiko Kondo, Renaguli Abuliezi, and Aya Kimura: International Students’ Experience With Health Care in Japan SAGE Open. 2021.04; April-June 1-14. ( DOI )

  13. Akiko Kondo, Ann L. Eckhardt, Renaguli Abuliezi, Tomomi Oki, Amane Otaki: A Pilot Study on Perceived Control and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Japan and the United States Journal of Japanese Society for International Nursing . 2021.03; 4 (2): 35-46. ( DOI )

  14. Renaguli Abuliezi, Akiko Kondo, Huilin Qian: The experiences of foreign‐educated nurses in Japan: a systematic review International Nursing Review. 2021.03; 68 (1): 99-107. ( PubMed , DOI )

  15. Itoh Sakiko, Mori Takahiro, Jeon Boyoung, Morioka Noriko, Ito Tomoko, Jin Xueying, Ogata Yasuko, Tamiya Nanako: Comparison of progression of care-need levels among long-term care recipients with and without advanced care management in a rural municipality of Japan: A population-based observational study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES. 2021.01; 113 ( DOI )

  16. Akiko Kondo, Tomomi Oki, Amane Otaki, Renaguli Abuliezi, Ann L. Eckhardt: Factors related to perceived control and health‐related quality of life of patients after acute coronary syndrome during admission and after discharge Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2021.01; ( DOI )

  17. Suzuki K, Ochiai R, Opiyo RO, Tokunaga Y, Imazu Y, Watabe S: Gender differences in HIV testing service visits and its related factors among adults: a cross-sectional study in Homa Bay, Kenya. The Pan African medical journal. 2021; 40 217. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Sasaki M, Ogata Y,Morioka N,Yonekura Y,Yumoto Y,Kei Matsuura,Shinobu Nomura,Robert C. Liden: Reliability and validity of the Multidimensional Measure of Leader-Member Exchange Japanese version for staff nurses Journal of Nursing Management. 2020.10; 28 (7): ( DOI )

  2. Kida R, Togari T, Yumoto Y, Ogata Y: The association between workplace social capital and authentic leadership, structural empowerment, and forms of communication as antecedent factors in hospital nurses: a cross-sectional multilevel approach Journal of Nursing Management. 2020.10; ( DOI )

  3. Noguchi K, Ochiai R, Imazu Y, Tokunaga-Nakawatase Y, Watabe S: Incidence and Prevalence of Infectious Diseases and Their Risk Factors among Patients Who Use Visiting Nursing Services in Japan. Journal of community health nursing. 2020.07; 37 (3): 115-128. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Shiori MIURA, Akiko KONDO and Yuki TAKAMURA: Practices and challenges of disaster nursing for Japanese nurses sent to Nepal following the 2015 earthquake Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2020.04; 7 (1): 46-54. ( DOI )

  5. Sasaki Miki, Ogata Yasuko, Morioka Noriko, Yumoto Yoshie, Yonekura Yuki: Development and validation of Nurse Managers' Empowering Behavioral Scale for staff nurses NURSING OPEN. 2020.03; 7 (2): 512-522. ( DOI )

  1. Morioka N, Moriwaki M, Tomio J, Kashiwagi M, Fushimi K, Ogata Y: Structure and process of dementia care and patient outcomes after hip surgery in elderly people with dementia: A retrospective observational study in Japan. International journal of nursing studies. 2019.11; 102 103470. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Noriko Morioka, Suguru Okubo, Yoshie Yumoto, Yasuko Ogata: Training opportunities and the increase in the number of nurses in home-visit nursing agencies in Japan: a panel data analysis. BMC health services research. 2019.06; 19 (1): 398. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Nagano, Midori; Ogata, Yasuko; Ikeda, Masaomi; Tsukada, Kunio; Tokunaga, Keiko; Iida, Satoru: Peristomal Moisture-Associated Skin Damage and Independence in Pouching System Changes in Persons With New Fecal Ostomies Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing. 2019.03; 46 (2): 137-142.

  4. Yoshie Yumoto, W George Kernohan, Noriko Morioka, Yasuko Ogata: International reflections on caring for people with advanced dementia. Public Health Nurs. 2019.03; 36 (2): 192-198. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Noriko Morioka, Jun Tomio, Toshikazu Seto, Yoshie Yumoto, Yasuko Ogata, Yasuki Kobayashi: Association between local-level resources for home care and home deaths: A nationwide spatial analysis in Japan. PLoS ONE. 2018.09; 13 (8): e0201649. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Itoh S, Hikichi H, Murayama H, Ishimaru M, Ogata Y, Yasunaga H: Association between advanced care management and progression of care need level in long-term care recipients: retrospective cohort study. JMIR Aging. 2018.07; 1 (2): e11117. ( DOI )

  3. Yasuko Ogata, Miki Sasaki, Yoshie Yumoto, Yuki Yonekura, Midori Nagano, Katsuya Kanda: Reliability and validity of the practice environment scale of the nursing work index for Japanese hospital nurses. Nursing Open. 2018.07; 5 (3): 362-369. ( PubMed , DOI )


  1. Takako Iwasaki, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, Kana Sato, Yoshie Yumoto, Maiko Noguchi-Watanabe, Yasuko Ogata: A purposeful Yet Nonimposing Approach: How Japanese Home Care Nurses Establish Relationships With Older Clients and Their Families. J Fam Nurs. 2017.11; 23 (4): 534-561. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Kentaro Sugimoto, Yasuko Ogata, Masayo Kashiwagi, Haruka Ueno, Yoshie Yumoto, Yuki Yonekura: Factors associated with deaths in 'Elderly Housing with Care Services' in Japan: a cross-sectional study. BMC Palliat Care. 2017.11; 16 (1): 58. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Imazu Y, Matsuyama N, Takebayashi S, Mori M, Watabe S: Experiences of patients with HIV/AIDS receiving mid- and long-term care in Japan: A qualitative study. International journal of nursing sciences. 2017.04; 4 (2): 99-104. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Yumiko Oyama, Masayo Kashiwagi, Yasuko Ogata and Yumiko Hoshishiba: Factors Associated With the Use of the Reactive Approach to Preventing Patient Safety Events Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2016.12; ( DOI )

  2. Kentaro Sugimoto, Yasuko Ogata, Masayo Kashiwagi: Factors promoting resident deaths at aged care facilities in Japan: a review. Health Soc Care Community. 2016.10; ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Mayuko Tsujimura, Kazuko Ishigaki, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, Junko Fujita, Naoko Katakura, Yasuko Ogata, Yuki Mochizuki, Yuko Okamoto, Yuko Shinohara: Cultural characteristics of nursing practice in Japan. Int J Nurs Pract. 2016.04; 22 Suppl 1 56-64. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Sato K, Yumoto Y, Fukahori H.: How nurse managers in Japanese hospital wards manage patient violence toward their staff. Journal of Nursing Management. 2016.03; 24 (2): 164-173. ( DOI )

  1. Shima Sakai, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, Yukari Takai, Hiroki Fukahori and Yasuko Ogata: Developing an instrument to self-evaluate the Discharge Planning of Ward Nurses Nursing Open. 2015.09; ( DOI )

  2. Kanae TANAKA, Yumiko OGAWA, Yoko SUZUKI: The need to clarify the multiple roles played by nurses in the face of challenges posed by terrorist attacks Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. 2015; 2 (1): 28-29.

  3. Yasuko Torimoto-Sasai, Ayumi Igarashi, Takashi Wada, Yasuko Ogata, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani: Female family caregivers face a higher risk of hypertension and lowered estimated glomerular filtration rates: a cross-sectional, comparative study. BMC Public Health. 2015; 15 177. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Akiko Kondo, Chikae Yamaguchi, Etsuko Fujimoto: Relationship between admission day and timing of surgery for patients with hip fracture. Jpn J Nurs Sci. 2014.10; 11 (4): 248-258. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Akiko Kondo, Keiko Sada, Yayoi Ito, Chikae Yamaguchi, Naoko Horii, Harue Adachi and Etsuko Fujimoto: Difficulties in Life after Hip Fracture and Expected Hospital Supports for Patients and Their Families International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. 2014.10; 18 191-204. ( DOI )

  3. Akiko Kondo, Naoko Horii, Miki Miwa, Harue Adachi: The Relationship between Self-efficacy prior to the Practicum of Adult Nursing for Chronic Illness and the Grades Received for the Practicum Journal of Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care. 2014; 16 (2): 22-28.

  1. Mariko Kaneko, Kumi Tamasato, Akiko Kondo: Current status and issues in nurse’s roles in counseling cancer patients: perception of certified nurse specialists in cancer nursing Journal of Tokyo Women’s Medical University. 2013; 83 (2): 79-85.

  1. Akiko Kondo, Koichi Kawabuchi: Evaluation of the introduction of a diagnosis procedure combination system for patient outcome and hospitalisation charges for patients with hip fracture or lung cancer in Japan. Health Policy. 2012.10; 107 (2-3): 184-193. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Akiko Kondo, Keiko Sada, Chikae Yamaguchi, Etsuko Fujimoto: Nursing Care after Hip Fracture Surgery Predicts Patient Ambulatory Ability at 3 Months after Surgery Journal of Nursing and Care. 2012.10;

  3. 近藤暁子: 米国における研究者育成の質保証の現状と課題‐ワシントン大学を中心に考える‐ 看護研究. 2012; 45 (1): 23-31.

  4. Naoko Horii, Akiko Kondo, Harumi Ejiri, Atsuko Maekawa: Structure of Life Adjustments by Lung Cancer Patients with Decreased Performance Status. Journal of Nursing and Care Journal of Nursing and Care. 2012; ( DOI )

  5. Akiko Kondo, Brenda K. Zierler, & Hiroshi Hagino: Comparison of Care Process and Patient Outcomes after Hip-Fracture Surgery in Acute-Care Hospitals in Japan and the United States International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing. 2012; 16 195-205.

  1. Akiko Kondo, Brenda K Zierler, Hiroshi Hagino: The timing of hip fracture surgery and mortality within 1 year: a comparison between the United States and Japan. Orthop Nurs. 2011.01; 30 (1): 54-61. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Akiko Kondo, Brenda K. Zierler, Yayoi Isokawa, Hiroshi Hagino, Yayoi Ito: The relationship between the lengths of hospital stay after hip fracture surgery and ambulatory ability or mortality after discharge in Japan Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2010; 7 (1): 96-107.

  2. Akiko Kondo, Hiroshi Hagino, & Brenda K. Zierler: Determinants of ambulatory ability after hip fracture surgery in Japan and United States Nursing and Health Sciences. 2010; 12 (3): 336-344.

  3. Akiko Kondo, Brenda K. Zierler, Yayoi Isokawa, Hiroshi Hagino, Yayoi Ito, & Michael Richerson: Comparison of Lengths of Hospital Stay after Surgery and Mortality in Elderly Hip Fracture Patients between Japan and the United States-the Relationship between the Lengths of Hospital Stay after Surgery and Mortality– Disability and Rehabilitation. 2010; 32 (10): 826-835.

  1. Akiko Kondo, Brenda K. Zierler, Yayoi Isokawa, Hiroshi Hagino, Yayoi Ito: Comparison of Outcomes and costs after hip fracture surgery in three hospitals that have different care systems in Japan Health Policy. 2009; 91 (2): 204-210.

  1. Akiko Kondo,Kazumi Nishibayashi,Rieko Kadowaki,Kuniko Anai,Katsuya Kanda: The relationship between living with family and discharging to home after hip fracture surgery in Japan The journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management. 2008; 8 (4): 534-542.

  1. Akiko Kondo: Literature review: The relationship between length of hospital stay and long term outcomes after surgery for hip fracture in Japan, Annual report of research institute of life and health sciences Annual report of research institute of life and health sciences. 2007; 3 21-28.

  1. Akiko Kondo: Effect of critical pathway for hip fracture: a literature review The journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management. 2006; 7 (2): 294-298.

  1. Akiko Kondo,Katsuya Kanda,Yayoi Isokawa,Kazumi Nishibayashi,Sachiyo Nanpo,Rieko Kadowaki,Kuniko Anai: The relationship in hip fracture patients of post-operative days to initial rehabilitation activities and their ambulatory ability on post-operative day 20 Journal Of Orthopaedic Nursing. 2005; 9 146-155.

  1. Young Members Association of Japan Society for Healthcare Administration Project: First hospital tour report Journal of the Japan Society for Healthcare administration. 2024.04; 61 (2): 37-44. ( DOI )

  1. Itsumi Matsumura, Mutsuko Moriwaki et al.: Visualization and Consideration of Relevant Facility Factors of ADL Recovery Processes in Patients with Hip Fracture —Exploratory Analysis Utilizing DPC Data— The Japan Academy of Nursing Administration and Polcies. 2023; 27 (1): 208-217. ( DOI )

  1. Yoko Imazu, Kumi Kanno, Yukiko Nakayama, Kumi Hasegawa, Harue Arao: A report on disaster management committee training session at the 36th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing: Beyond responses of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022.06; 36 98-100. ( DOI )

  1. The Significance of Living as Child Survivors of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995: Focus on People Who Had Been Affected When They Were in the Higher Grades of Elementary School and Have Lived Since Then without Medical Intervention Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science. 2021.12; 41 494-502.

  2. Sasaki Y.: 10 years of activities of disaster relief nurses The Japanese journal of acute medicine. 2021.03; 45 (3): 296-301.

  3. Actual conditions survey and issues of emergency nursing for new coronavirus infection (COVID-19); Fact-finding survey by the Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing Journal of Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing . 2021.03; 23 37-47. ( DOI )

  4. MAEDA Yukino ,KATSUNO Towako: Factors Related to Nursing Practice for Elderly Patients with Cognitive Impairment with the Aim of Person-centered Care on Acute Wards Journal of Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing . 2021.01; 25 (2): 71-79.

  1. Yamazaki T, Kidoguchi C, Kubo K, Sasaki Y, Nishigami A, Fukaya M, Yamashita R: Japan Society of Disaster Nursing Network Activity Committee activity report Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing. 2020.12; 22 (2): 138-144.

  2. Furuya Y, Miyamae S, Tanaka K, Hamadate Y, Ozone K, Sugawara C, Tanimoto M, Kanegae S, Ogawa Y, kamota R, Fujimura M, Komagata T, Sasaki Y: The learnings of nursing students through hybrid style disaster nursing practicum focused on acute response at the hospital Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing. 2020.12; 22 (2): 63-74.

  3. Chika Kambayashi, Akiko Kondo,Mami Koizumi , Akane Futami: Needs and motivation of hospital nurses regarding training on how to care for foreign patients in Japan Journal of International Health. 2020.04; 35 (1): 27-38. ( DOI )

  1. Kazuko Naruse, Keiko Sugimoto, Satoko Yanagisawa, Sakiko Kanbara, Mari Kondo, Akiko Kondo, Junko Tashiro, Hiroko Minami, Yoko Nakayama: Current Status of the Globalization in Nursing Graduate Schools in Japan Japan Academy of Nursing Science. 2019; 39 254-260.

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  1. Yukari Tanaka, Mitsue Maru, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hiroki Fukahori, Yuko Kawamoto, Rumi Maeda, Yasuhiro Ootomo: Survey of disaster preparedness and related support desired by health care providers at medical clinics in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2017.07; 22 (1): 30-37.

  2. Yoko Imazu, Yoshiko Sasaki, Hanae Miura, Hiroki Fukahori, Rumi Maeda, Yuko Kawamoto, Kanae Tanaka, Yoko Hamadate, Shigeru Miyamae, Chikako Sugawara : Survey on disaster preparedness and needs of small and mid-sized hospitals on Chiyoda city, Tokyo: A cross-sectional questinnare study Journal of Japan Society of Disaster Nursing. 2017.05; 18 (3): 13-23.

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  1. OGATA Yasuko: Magnet Hospital Journal of Healthcare Engineering Association of Japan. 2014.09; 56 (5): 86-90.

  2. Yoshiko Sasaki, Miyoko Hayashi, Koji Egawa, Yuji Koga, Eriko Kato, Yoshiko Kinoshita, Akemi Utsunomiya, Junko Onishi, Yuko Kurida: For development of a guideline for post-operative delirium care; The current status of post-operative delirium and nursing care of ICU and surgery unit patients. Journal of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing. 2014.02; 10 (1): 51-62.

  3. NAGANO Midori, OGATA Yasuko, TOKUNAGA Keiko, ISHIKUBO Yukie, ISHIDA Yoko: Effective pressure ulcer measures at hospital as determined from certified wound, ostomy, and continence nurses' perception of influence on quality control and the incidence of pressure ulcers Journal of Japanese Society of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Management . 2014; 18 (3): 293-304.

  4. TAMANE Sachie, IGARASHI Ayumi, OGATA Yasuko, OKAMOTO Yuko, YAMAMOTO Munetaka: Actual situations involving the use of clinical pathways for cerebral infarction in acute care wards and early rehabilitation by nurses: A cross-sectional survey across Japan Journal of Japanese Society for Clinical Pathway . 2014; 16 (3): 239-246.

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  1. Chie Takiguchi, Tomoko Inoue, Yoshiko Sasaki: The Structure of Nurses' Function to Coordinate a Multi-professional Team in the Management of Patients with an Artificial Ventilator Journal of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing. 2013.09; 9 (3): 1-12. ( DOI )

  2. Tomohide Fukuda, Tomoko Inoue, Yoshiko Sasaki, Etsuko Moro: Research on the Actual Condition of the Memories and Experiences of Patients who Have been in an Intensive Care Unit Journal of Japan Academy of Critical Care Nursing. 2013.02; 9 (1): 29-38. ( DOI )

  1. Junko Yokobori, Tomoko Inoue, Yoshiko Sasaki: Experience of patient's families and recognitions among healthcare providers who make decisions for withhold of life-sustaining treatments in the emergent critical care unit Journal of Japanese Association for Emergency Nursing. 2012.03; 14 (1): 10-20.

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