Rumi Tsukinoki, Yoshitaka Murakami , Takehito Hayakawa, Aya Kadota , Akiko Harada , Yoshikuni Kita , Akira Okayama , Katsuyuki Miur, Tomonori Okamura , and Hirotsugu Ueshima for the NIPPON DATA90 Research Group: Comprehensive assessment of the impact of blood pressure, body mass index, smoking, and diabetes on healthy life expectancy in Japan: NIPPON DATA90 Journal of Epidemiology. 2024.12;
Kayo Maruyama , Kumiko Morita: Effectiveness of a Social-Media-Based Diet and Physical Activity Programme for Fathers in Japan: A Randomised Controlled Trial International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024.08; 21 (8): ( DOI )
呉代 華容, 川原 瑞希, 志摩 梓, 田中 英夫, 岡村 智教, 目片 英治, 松村 祥恵, 辰巳 友佳子, 西川 智文, 木村 隆, 河津 雄一郎, 宮松 直美: 乳がん検診受診経験のない女性従業員に対する情動的受診勧奨ツールの乳がん検診受診啓発効果 クラスターランダム化比較試験(Effect of Emotional Information on Breast Cancer Screening Attendance among Never-Screened Female Japanese Employees: a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial) 滋賀医科大学雑誌. 2024.03; 37 (1): 20-27. ( ichushi )
Kayoko Ishii, Hiroko Sumita, Hitomi Nagamine, Kumiko Morita: Mixed-methods research of motivational processes in workers' adoption of healthy behavior BMC Public Health. 2024.03;
Ishii K, Sumita H, Nagamine H, Morita K: Mixed-methods research of motivational processes in workers' adoption of healthy behavior. BMC public health. 2024.02; 24 (1): 537. ( PubMed , DOI )
Fumi Ohtake, Maiko Noguchi-Watanabe, Kumiko Morita: the process of home-visiting nurse supporting people with mental disorders International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023.10; 20 ( DOI )
Tsukinoki Rumi: Importance of a Community-Based Approach to Accelerate Referral to Physicians for Individiuals with a High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease) Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 2023.10; 30 (10): 1315-1316. ( DOI , ichushi )
Shima Azusa, Tanaka Hideo, Okamura Tomonori, Nishikawa Tomofumi, Morino Ayumi, Godai Kayo, Tatsumi Yukako, Kawahara Mizuki, Kiyohara Maiko, Kawatsu Yuichiro, Kimura Takashi, Miyamatsu Naomi: 職場でのマンモグラフィー提供による受診率の改善 クラスター無作為化対照試験(Offering on-site mammography in workplaces improved screening rates: Cluster randomized controlled trial) Journal of Occupational Health. 2023.02; 65 (1): 1 of 9-9 of 9. ( ichushi )
Kayoko Ishii, Kumiko Morita, Hiroko Sumita: Reliability and validity of the Japanese treatment self-regulation questopnnaire for Japanese workers BMC Public Health. 2022.10;
Junko Honda, Akiko Sasaki, Shio Tsuda, Machiko Matsuyama, Kumiko Morita: Aspects of emotional labor of public health nurse engaged in interpersonal support Nursing Open. 2022.09; ( DOI )
Tsukinoki Rumi, Murakami Yoshitaka, Imamura Haruhiko, Okamura Tomonori: Reliable Information from Health Professionals Encourages Urban Japanese Mothers' Continued Participation in Health Checkups Healthcare. 2022.08; 10 (8): ( PubMed , DOI )
Rumi Tsukinoki, Takehito Hayakawa, Aya Kadota, Yoshitaka Murakami, Katsuyuki Miura, Akira Okayama, Tomonori Okamura, Hirotsugu Ueshima, the NIPPON DATA90 Research Group: Smoking, blood pressure, and body mass index to estimate healthy life expectancy: NIPPON DATA90 International Journal of Epidemiology. 2021.09; 50 i236. ( DOI )
Kumiko Morita, Minako Kobayashi, Rieko Aoki, Hitomi Nagamine, Harumi Yamamoto, Fumi Ohtake, Mika Hoki, Hiroko Sumita, Kayo Maruyama, Kayoko Mitssuhashi, Akiko Sasaki: Factors that facilitate multigenerational exchanges in regional locations: a cross‐sectional study in Niigata City, Japan Archives of Public Health. 2021.03; 79 (41): ( DOI )
Morita K, Kobayashi M, Aoki R, Nagamine H, Yamamoto H, Ohtake F, Hoki M, Sumita H, Maruyama K, Mitsuhashi K, Sasaki A: Factors that facilitate multigenerational exchanges in regional locations: a cross-sectional study in Niigata City, Japan. Archives of public health = Archives belges de sante publique. 2021.03; 79 (1): 41. ( PubMed , DOI )
Xiaowei Lyu, Kumiko Morita, Hitomi Nagamine, Kayo Maruyama: Effectiveness of health education programme of primary school-aged children in the urban area of China Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2021.01; 68 63-74.
Yoshinaga S, Shiomitsu T, Kamohara M, Fujii Y, Chosa E, Tsuruta K: Lifestyle-related signs of locomotive syndrome in the general Japanese population: A cross-sectional study. Journal of orthopaedic science : official journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association. 2019.11; 24 (6): 1105-1109. ( PubMed , DOI )
Mai Itai, Akiko Sasaki, Makiko Mori, Shio Tsuda, Ayumi Matsumoto-Murakoso: The Changing Process of Women's Smoking Status Triggered by Pregnancy International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019.11; 16 (22): 4424. ( PubMed , DOI )
Tsuruta K, Shiomitsu T, Hombu A, Fujii Y: Relationship between social capital and happiness in a Japanese community: A cross-sectional study. Nursing & health sciences. 2019.06; 21 (2): 245-252. ( PubMed , DOI )
Tsukinoki Rumi, Okamura Tomonori, Okuda Nagako, Kadota Aya, Murakami Yoshitaka, Yanagita Masahiko, Miyamatsu Naomi, Miura Katsuyuki, Ueshima Hirotsugu: One-year weight loss maintenance outcomes following a worksite-based weight reduction program among Japanese men with cardiovascular risk factors Journal of Occupational Health. 2019.03; 61 (2): 189-196. ( PubMed , DOI , ichushi )
Hitomi Nagamine, Xiaowei Lyu, Kayo Maruyama, Kumiko Morita: Implementation and evaluation of a primary diabetes prevention programme for young adult employees in Japan: A non‐randomized controlled trial Nursing Open. 2019; ( DOI )
Tsukinoki Rumi, Murakami Yoshitaka, Kawado Miyuki, Hashimoto Shuji: Comparison of standardised mortality ratios for renal failure before and after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: an analysis of national vital statistics BMJ OPEN. 2018.12; 8 (12): e023435. ( PubMed , DOI )
Y. Murakami, R. Tsukinoki, K. Miura, T. Okamura, A. Kadota, A. Okayama, H. Ueshima: Comparison of methods for calculating healthy life expectancy in a Japanese population: An analysis of Nippon Data90 Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique. 2018.07; 66 S329-S330. ( DOI )
Mana Doi, Hiroki Fukahori, Yumiko Oyama, Kumiko Morita: Factors associatee with depressive symptoms in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention:A prospective cohort study Nursing Open. 2018.05; ( DOI )
Sekinaga Nobuko, Hirota Mikiko, Takemi Yayoko, Tatsumi Yuki: HMV exercise for nursing students AINO JOURNAL. 2018.03; 16 47-52.
土手 友太郎, 中山 紳, 林 江美, 池原 賢代, 新田 明美, 吉田 久美子, 草野 恵美子, 月野木 ルミ, 山埜 ふみ恵, 玉置 淳子: 性、年齢、BMI、腹囲、体型に関連した高尿酸血症の検討 私立大学における特定健康診断結果の調査(Examining Hyperuricemia as Associated with Gender, Age, BMI Waist Circumference, and Body Type: Survey of Data Obtained in Specific Health Checkups at a Private University) 大阪医科大学看護研究雑誌. 2017.03; 7 14-20. ( ichushi )
土手 友太郎 , 中山 紳 , 草開 俊之 , 三井 剛 , 藤田 愛子 , 小林 利寛 , 池原 里代 , 林 江美 , 玉置 淳子 , 瀧井 道明 , 吉田 久美子 , 草野 恵美子 , 月野木 ルミ , 横山 浩誉: 私立大学の教職員における健康管理および特定保健指導への要望状況に対する意識調査 大阪医科大学看護研究雑誌. 2015.03; 5 6-14. ( ichushi )
Dote T, Takii M, Yoshida K, Kusano E, Tsukinoki R, Yokoyama H, Yamano F: Comparison of specific health checkup results between individuals with municipal national insurance and those with mutual insurance: focusing on stage of change and application to counseling from 2009 to 2011. Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. 2015; 61 (1):
Rumi Tsukinoki, Tomonori Okamura, Makoto Watanabe, Yoshihiro Kokubo, Aya Higashiyama, Kunihiro Nishimura, Misa Takegami, Yoshitaka Murakami, Akira Okayama, Yoshihiro Miyamoto: Blood Pressure, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, and Incidences of Coronary Artery Disease and Ischemic Stroke in Japanese: The Suita Study AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. 2014.11; 27 (11): 1362-1369. ( PubMed , DOI )
土手 友太郎 , 谷本 芳美 , 林 江美 , 中山 紳 , 玉置 淳子 , 瀧井 道明 , 吉田 久美子 , 草野 恵美子 , 月野木 ルミ , 横山 浩誉: 特健階層と腹部肥満区分別の保健指導の要望内容と拒否理由および生活習慣改善の有効要因の検討 人間ドック. 2014.07; 29 (2): 419. ( ichushi )
土手 友太郎 , 谷本 芳美 , 中山 紳 , 林 江美 , 黒川 博史 , 横山 浩誉 , 瀧井 道明 , 吉田 久美子 , 草野 恵美子 , 月野木 ルミ: 保健指導の希望、行動変容ステージ、メタボリックシンドロームおよび内臓脂肪の状況による特定保健指導の優先順位の検討 大阪医科大学看護研究雑誌. 2014.03; 4 32-40. ( ichushi )
DOTE Tomotaro, TANIMOTO Yoshimi, NAKAYAMA Shin, TAMAKI Junko, TAKII Michiaki, YOSHIDA Kumiko, KUSANO Emiko, TSUKINOKI Rumi, YOKOYAMA Hirotaka: 未治療従業員を対象にした,4年間の特定健康診断の追跡調査および特定健康ガイダンスの効果 Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. 2014; 60 (1): 19-25.
Tsukinoki R, Murakami Y: Association between single-person households and ambulatory treatment of endocrine and metabolic disease in Japan: analysis of the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions. [Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health. 2014; 61 (6): 299-305. ( PubMed )
Kumiko Morita, Minako Kobayashi: Interactive programs with preschool children bring smiles and conversation to older adults: time-sampling study BMC Geriatrics. 2013.10; ( DOI )
Association between request for health counseling and mandatory routine health checkup parameters in middle-aged Japanese men with metabolic syndrome Bulletin of Osaka Medical College. 2013;
Rumi Tsukinoki, Yoshitaka Murakami, Rachel Huxley, Takayoshi Ohkubo, Xianghua Fang, Il Suh, Hirotsugu Ueshima, Tai-Hing Lam, Mark Woodward: Does Body Mass Index Impact on the Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Disease? Meta-Analysis of 419 488 Individuals From the Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration STROKE. 2012.06; 43 (6): 1478-1483. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshitaka Murakami, Rachel R. Huxley, Tai-Hing Lam, Rumi Tsukinoki, Xianghua Fang, Hyeon Chang Kim, Mark Woodward: Diabetes, body mass index and the excess risk of coronary heart disease, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in the Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 2012.01; 54 (1): 38-41. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yumi Chiba, Akiko Sasaki, Kumiko Morita, Yoichi Otsuka, Takahide Nakayama, Kayo Teraoka, Kyoko Yamasaki: Effectiveness of Care Intervention Related to Ingestion and Deglutition for the Elderly Using Day Services in the Community. International Medical Journal. 2009; 16 (4): 293-303.
Kumiko Morita, Akiko Sasaki, Tomoko Tanuma: Personality traits affect individual interests in day service activities. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2009; 6 (2): 133-143.
Naoko Tomoyasu, Setsu Shimanouchi, Kumiko Morita: Relationship between the Management System and Care Precess at Visiting Burse Stations Japan Hospitals. 2003.07; 22 19-24.
Akiko Kubo;Kazue Kuno;Koutatsu Maruyama;Rumi Tsukinoki;Hiroyuki Noda;Ken'ichi Egawa;Izumi Shibuya;Masako Sei;Mieko Chihara;Kazue Nishina;Hiroshi Yatsuya : Impact on the national health and nutrition surveys in prefectural due to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic:A report by the Monitoring Report Committee of the Japanese Society of Public Health 2022.08; 69 (8): 586-594. ( PubMed , DOI , ichushi )
Kayo Maruyama, Hitomi Nagamine, Kumiko Morita: Factors Affecting Dietary Behavior Among Parents of Primary School Children Journal of Japan Health Medicine Association. 2021.01; 29 (4): 417-424. ( ichushi )
Harumi Yamamoto, Kumiko Morita, Hitomi Nagamine, Rieko Aoki, Minako Kobayashi, Xiaowei Lyu, Akiko Sasaki: The current situation and future implementation of intergenerational program between children and elderly in after-school care by city size. Japanese Journal of Gerontology. 2020.01; 41 (4): 391-399.
Xiaowei LU, Kumiko Morita, Harumi Yamamoto, Hitomi Nagamine: The influence of cohabitation ezperiences between older adults and elementary school students on intimacy and images of older adults in an urban area of China Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies. 2019.10; 9 (1): 23-30.
Akane Nakamura, Rumi Tsukinoki: Practice of Home-Visit Nurses for Promoting Community Development Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science. 2019; 39 (0): 366-372. ( DOI )
Rieco Aoki, Kumiko Morita, Minako Kobayashi, Harumi Yamamoto, Xiaowei Lu, Hitomi Nagamine, Akiko Sasaki: Challenges in Community-specific Intergenerational Program in afterschool childcare system Journal of Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies. 2018.02; 7 (1): 23-32.
Kumiko Morita, Rieko Aoki, Minako Kobayashi, Harumi Yamamoto, Xiaowei Lu, Hitomi Nagamine, Akiko Sasaki: Current situation of the intergenerational programs with the elderly at after-school care of schoolchildren on the nationwaide survey in Japan Journal od Japan Society for Intergenerational Studies. 2017.01; 6 (1): 27-36.
Masaharu SHIBAYAMA, Shio TSUDA, Masaharu KOMIYA: Research on the Maximum Depths of Commercial Diving Operations before the Revision of the Ordinance on Safety and Health of Work under High Pressure The Faculty Journal of Komazawa Women's University. 2015.12; 22 (1): 167-172.
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Tsukinoki Rumi, Matsuda Tomoko, Kawamoto Masako, Yamamoto Akiko, Ito Mikiko, Nakamura Yasuhide: A health care survey for NGO/NPO volunteers overseas Journal of volunteer studies. 2003; 4 85-98.