
196  件  
※ 登録方法の違いにより重複して表示されている場合があります。
  1. Alain Rios, Usui Minori, Yoshikazu Isomura: Modulation of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples by behavioral states and body movements in head-fixed rodents bioRxiv. 2025.01; 2024.12.26.630363.

  1. Tomomi Sakairi, Masanori Kawabata, Alain Rios, Yutaka Sakai, Yoshikazu Isomura: Hippocampal sharp-wave ripples decrease during physical actions including consummatory behavior in immobile rodents bioRxiv. 2024.12; 2024.12.26.630368. ( DOI )

  2. Alain Rios, Kyohei Fujita, Yoshikazu Isomura, Nobuya Sato: Adaptive circuits for action and value information in rodent operant learning Neuroscience Research. 2024.09; ( DOI )

  3. Hikaru Sugino, Sho Tanno, Tatsumi Yoshida, Yoshikazu Isomura, Riichiro Hira: Functional segregation and dynamic integration of the corticotectal descending signal in rat. Neuroscience research. 2024.09; 210 38-50. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Tatsumi Yoshida , Hikaru Sugino , Hinako Yamamoto , Sho Tanno , Mikihide Tamura , Jun Igarashi , Yoshikazu Isomura , Riichiro Hira: Synergistic reinforcement learning by cooperation of the cerebellum and basal ganglia. bioRxiv (preprint). 2024.07; ( DOI )

  5. Hikaru Sugino , Sho Tanno , Tatsumi Yoshida , Yoshikazu Isomura , Riichiro Hira: Dynamic integration of cortical activity in the deep layer of the anterolateral superior colliculus. bioRxiv (preprint). 2024.07; ( DOI )

  6. Riichiro Hira: Closed-loop experiments and brain machine interfaces with multiphoton microscopy Neurophotonics. 2024.02;

  1. Koji Ikezoe, Naoki Hidaka, Satoshi Manita, Masayoshi Murakami, Shinichiro Tsutsumi, Yoshikazu Isomura, Masanobu Kano, Kazuo Kitamura: Cerebellar climbing fibers multiplex movement and reward signals during a voluntary movement task in mice. Commun Biol. 2023.09; 6 (1): 924. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Rios A, Nonomura S, Kato S, Yoshida J, Matsushita N, Nambu A, Takada M, Hira R, Kobayashi K, Sakai Y, Kimura M, Isomura Y: Reward expectation enhances action-related activity of nigral dopaminergic and two striatal output pathways Commun Biol. 2023.09; 6 (1): 914. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Riichiro Hira, Leah B. Townsend, Ikuko T. Smith, Che-Hang Yu, Jeffrey N. Stirman, Yiyi Yu, Spencer LaVere Smith: Mesoscale functional architecture in medial posterior parietal cortex bioRxiv (preprint). 2023.08; ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Shogo Soma, Shinya Ohara, Satoshi Nonomura, Naofumi Suematsu, Junichi Yoshida, Eva Pastalkova, Yutaka Sakai, Ken-Ichiro Tsutsui, Yoshikazu Isomura: Rat hippocampal CA1 region represents learning-related action and reward events with shorter latency than the lateral entorhinal cortex. Commun Biol. 2023.05; 6 (1): 584. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Tomohiko Yoshizawa , Yuuto Miyamura , Yuta Ochi , Riichiro Hira , Makoto Funahashi , Yutaka Sakai , Yilong Cui , Yoshikazu Isomura: Working memory-based and -free reward prediction in a dual dopamine system in the basal ganglia bioRxiv (preprint). 2023.03; ( DOI )

  1. Keita Mitani, Masanori Kawabata, Yoshikazu Isomura, Yutaka Sakai: Automated and parallelized spike collision tests to identify spike signal projections iScience. 2022.09; 25 (10): 105071. ( DOI )

  2. Koji Ikezoe, Naoki Hidaka, Satoshi Manita, Masayoshi Murakami, Shinichiro Tsutsumi, Yoshikazu Isomura, Masanobu Kano, Kazuo Kitamura: Cerebellar climbing fibers convey behavioral information of multiplex modalities and form functional modules bioRxiv. 2022.08; (preprint).

  3. Soma S, Ohara S, Nonomura S, Yoshida J, Suematsu N, Pastalkova E, Sakai Y, Tsutsui K-I, Isomura Y: Hippocampal CA1 represents action and reward events instantly compared to the superficial and deep layers of the lateral entorhinal cortex bioRxiv. 2022.04; (preprint). ( DOI )

  1. CH Yu, JN Stirman, Y Yu, R Hira, SL Smith: Diesel2p mesoscope with dual independent scan engines for flexible capture of dynamics in distributed neural circuitry Nature Communications. 2021.11; 12 (1): 6639. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Kazuhiko Ishigaki, Keiki Kumano, Kyohei Fujita, Hiroo Ueno: Cellular basis of omentum activation and expansion revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing using a parabiosis model. Sci Rep. 2021.07; 11 (1): 13958. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Motoki Kajiwara, Ritsuki Nomura, Felix Goetze, Masanori Kawabata, Yoshikazu Isomura, Tatsuya Akutsu, Masanori Shimono: Inhibitory neurons exhibit high controlling ability in the cortical microconnectome. PLoS Comput Biol. 2021.04; 17 (4): e1008846. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Shun Hamada, Masashi Nagase, Tomohiko Yoshizawa, Akari Hagiwara, Yoshikazu Isomura, Ayako M Watabe, Toshihisa Ohtsuka: An engineered channelrhodopsin optimized for axon terminal activation and circuit mapping. Commun Biol. 2021.04; 4 (1): 461. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Masanori Kawabata, Shogo Soma, Akiko Saiki-Ishikawa, Satoshi Nonomura, Junichi Yoshida, Alain Ríos, Yutaka Sakai, Yoshikazu Isomura: A spike analysis method for characterizing neurons based on phase locking and scaling to the interval between two behavioral events. J Neurophysiol. 2020.12; 124 (6): 1923-1941. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. 田中 慧介, 田中 準一, 相澤 怜, 吉田 真子, 松浦 徹, 藤田 恭平, 田中 麻友, 上野 博夫, 美島 健二, 山本 松男: 多色細胞系譜追跡法を用いた歯肉接合上皮細胞のクローナリティ解析 日本歯周病学会会誌. 2020.10; 62 108. ( 医中誌 )

  3. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki: Suppressive Control of Optokinetic and Vestibular Nystagmus by the Primate Frontal Eye Field. J. Neurophysiol.. 2020.09; 124 (3): 691-702. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Saegusa Hironao, Li Xu, Wang Xinshuang, Kayakiri Midori, Tanabe Tsutomu: Knockdown of microglial Cav2.2 N-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+)channel ameliorates behavioral deficits in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease FEBS LETTERS. 2020.06; ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Tomoko Tanaka, Yoshikazu Isomura, Kazuto Kobayashi, Takashi Hanakawa, Satoshi Tanaka, Manabu Honda: Electrophysiological effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on neural activity in the rat motor cortex Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020.06; 14 article 495. ( DOI )

  6. Kato Daisuke, Wake Hiroaki, Lee Philip, Tachibana Yoshihisa, Ono Riho, Sugio Shouta, Tsuji Yukio, Tanaka Yasuyo, Tanaka Yasuhiro, Masamizu Yoshito, Hira Riichiro, Moorhouse Andrew, Tamamaki Nobuaki, Ikenaka Kazuhiro, Matsukawa Noriyuki, Fields Douglas, Nabekura Junichi, Matsuzaki Masanori: 学習障害を引き起こす髄鞘機能障害の神経回路基盤(Illumination of abnormal neural activities caused by myelin impairment suggests possible contribution to learning deficits) The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2020.03; 70 (Suppl.1): S172. ( 医中誌 )

  7. Soma Shogo, Saiki Akiko, Yoshida Junichi, Kato Shigeki, Takahashi Yukari, Nonomura Satoshi, Sugimura Yae K., Rios Alain, Kawabata Masanori, Kobayashi Kazuto, Kato Fusao, Sakai Yutaka, Isomura Yoshikazu: ラット運動野および頭頂連合野における前肢運動の対側・同側情報表現 The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2020.03; 70 (Suppl.1): S75. ( 医中誌 )

  8. Daisuke Kato, Hiroaki Wake, Philip R Lee, Yoshihisa Tachibana, Riho Ono, Shouta Sugio, Yukio Tsuji, Yasuyo H Tanaka, Yasuhiro R Tanaka, Yoshito Masamizu, Riichiro Hira, Andrew J Moorhouse, Nobuaki Tamamaki, Kazuhiro Ikenaka, Noriyuki Matsukawa, R Douglas Fields, Junichi Nabekura, Masanori Matsuzaki: Motor learning requires myelination to reduce asynchrony and spontaneity in neural activity. Glia. 2020.01; 68 (1): 193-210. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Tsutsumi S, Hidaka N, Isomura Y, Matsuzaki M, Sakimura K, Kano M, Kitamura K: Modular organization of cerebellar climbing fiber inputs during goal-directed behavior. eLife. 2019.10; 8 e47021. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Huntula, S., Wang, X., Saegusa, H. and Tanabe, T.: Involvement of N-type Ca2+ channel in microglial activation and its implications to aging-induced exaggerated cytokine response. Cell Calcium. 2019.07; 82 102059. ( DOI )

  3. Rios A, Soma S, Yoshida J, Nonomura S, Kawabata M, Sakai Y, *Isomura Y: Differential changes in the lateralized activity of identified projection neurons of motor cortex in hemiparkinsonian rats. eNeuro. 2019.06; 6 (4): ENEURO.0110-19. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Soma Shogo, Yoshida Junichi, Kato Shigeki, Nonomura Satoshi, Sugimura Yae K., Rios Alain, Kawabata Masanori, Kobayashi Kazuto, Kato Fusao, Sakai Yutaka, Isomura Yoshikazu: げっ歯類後頭頂皮質は同側と同様に対側の運動も制御する The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2019.06; 69 (Suppl.1): S250. ( 医中誌 )

  5. Wang, X., Saegusa, H., Huntula, S. and Tanabe, T. : Blockade of microglial Cav1.2 Ca2+ channel exacerbates the symptoms in a Parkinson’s disease model. Scientific Reports . 2019.06; 9 (9138): ( DOI )

  6. Hori Y, Ihara N, Sugai C, Ogura J, Honda M, Kato K, Isomura Y, *Hanakawa T: Ventral striatum links motivational and motor networks during operant-conditioned movement in rats. NeuroImage. 2019.01; 184 943-953. ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. *Soma S, Yoshida J, Kato S, Takahashi Y, Nonomura S, Sugimura YK, Ríos A, Kawabata M, Kobayashi K, Kato F, Sakai Y, Isomura Y: Ipsilateral-dominant control of limb movements in rodent posterior parietal cortex. The Journal of neuroscience. 2019.01; 39 (3): 485-502. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Teppei Ebina, Yoshito Masamizu, Yasuhiro R Tanaka, Akiya Watakabe, Reiko Hirakawa, Yuka Hirayama, Riichiro Hira, Shin-Ichiro Terada, Daisuke Koketsu, Kazuo Hikosaka, Hiroaki Mizukami, Atsushi Nambu, Erika Sasaki, Tetsuo Yamamori, Masanori Matsuzaki: Two-photon imaging of neuronal activity in motor cortex of marmosets during upper-limb movement tasks. Nat Commun. 2018.12; 9 (1): 1879. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Nonomura S, Nishizawa K, Sakai Y, Kawaguchi Y, Kato S, Uchigashima M, Watanabe M, Yamanaka K, Enomoto K, Chiken S, Sano H, Soma S, Yoshida J, Samejima K, Ogawa M, Kobayashi K, Nambu A, *Isomura Y, *Kimura M: Monitoring and Updating of Action Selection for Goal-Directed Behavior through the Striatal Direct and Indirect Pathways. Neuron. 2018.09; 99 (6): 1302-1314. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Yoshida J, Saiki A, Soma S, Yamanaka K, Nonomura S, Ríos A, Kawabata M, Kimura M, Sakai Y, *Isomura Y: Area-specific modulation of functional cortical activity during block-based and trial-based proactive inhibition. Neuroscience. 2018.08; 388 297-316. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki: Motor Action of the Frontal Eye Field on the Eyes and Neck in the Monkey. J. Neurophysiol.. 2018.06; 119 (6): 2082-2090. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. G. Martín-Vázquez, T. Asabuki, Y. Isomura, T. *Fukai: Learning Task-Related Activities From Independent Local-Field-Potential Components Across Motor Cortex Layers Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2018.06; 12 Article 429. ( DOI )

  6. Daisuke Kondo, Hironao Saegusa, Tsutomu Tanabe: Involvement of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ pathway for induction and maintenance of neuropathic pain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 2018.05; 499 (2): 253-259. ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. Saiki A, Sakai Y, Fukabori R, Soma S, Yoshida J, Kawabata M, Yawo H, Kobayashi K, Kimura M, *Isomura Y: In Vivo Spiking Dynamics of Intra- and Extratelencephalic Projection Neurons in Rat Motor Cortex. Cerebral cortex. 2018.03; 28 (3): 1024-1038. ( PubMed , DOI )

  8. Yiyi Yu, Riichiro Hira, Jeffrey N Stirman, Waylin Yu, Ikuko T Smith, Spencer L Smith: Mice use robust and common strategies to discriminate natural scenes. Sci Rep. 2018.01; 8 (1): 1379. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. *Soma S, Saiki A, Yoshida J, Ríos A, Kawabata M, Sakai Y, Isomura Y: Distinct laterality in forelimb-movement representations of rat primary and secondary motor cortical neurons with intratelencephalic and pyramidal tract projections. The Journal of neuroscience. 2017.10; 37 (45): 10904-10916. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Handa T, Takekawa T, Harukuni R, Isomura Y, *Fukai T: Medial Frontal Circuit Dynamics Represents Probabilistic Choices for Unfamiliar Sensory Experience. Cerebral cortex. 2017.07; 27 (7): 3818-3831. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Ryuhei Ogawa, Kyohei Fujita, Kazuo Ito: Mouse embryonic dorsal root ganglia contain pluripotent stem cells that show features similar to embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. Biol Open. 2017.05; 6 (5): 602-618. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Nonomura S#, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y#, Kajihara T, Fujiyama F, *Isomura Y: Continuous membrane potential fluctuations in motor cortex and striatum neurons during voluntary forelimb movements and pauses. Neuroscience research. 2017.03; 120 53-59. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Kawabata Masanori, Soma Shogo, Saiki Akiko, Yoshida Junichi, Sakai Yutaka, Isomura Yoshikazu: ラットの多感覚促進を伴う行動に関連する大脳皮質の神経活動 The Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2017.03; 67 (Suppl.1): S184. ( 医中誌 )

  6. *Kimura R, Saiki A, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, Isomura Y: Large-scale analysis reveals populational contributions of cortical spike rate and synchrony to behavioral functions. The Journal of physiology. 2017.01; 595 (1): 385-413. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Kyohei Fujita, Ryuhei Ogawa, Kazuo Ito: CHD7, Oct3/4, Sox2, and Nanog control FoxD3 expression during mouse neural crest-derived stem cell formation. FEBS J. 2016.10; 283 (20): 3791-3806. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Takeuchi S, Murai R, Shimazu H, Isomura Y, Mima T, *Tsujimoto T: Spatiotemporal Organization and Cross-Frequency Coupling of Sleep Spindles in Primate Cerebral Cortex. Sleep. 2016.07; 39 (9): 1719-1735. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Mochizuki Y, Onaga T, Shimazaki H, Shimokawa T, Tsubo Y, Kimura R, Saiki A, Sakai Y, Isomura Y, Fujisawa S, Shibata K, Hirai D, Furuta T, Kaneko T, Takahashi S, Nakazono T, Ishino S, Sakurai Y, Kitsukawa T, Lee JW, Lee H, Jung MW, Babul C, Maldonado PE, Takahashi K, Arce-McShane FI, Ross CF, Sessle BJ, Hatsopoulos NG, Brochier T, Riehle A, Chorley P, Grün S, Nishijo H, Ichihara-Takeda S, Funahashi S, Shima K, Mushiake H, Yamane Y, Tamura H, Fujita I, Inaba N, Kawano K, Kurkin S, Fukushima K, Kurata K, Taira M, Tsutsui K, Ogawa T, Komatsu H, Koida K, Toyama K, Richmond BJ, *Shinomoto S(著者54名中9番目): Similarity in Neuronal Firing Regimes across Mammalian Species. The Journal of neuroscience. 2016.05; 36 (21): 5736-5747. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Riichiro Hira, Shin-Ichiro Terada, Masashi Kondo, Masanori Matsuzaki: Distinct Functional Modules for Discrete and Rhythmic Forelimb Movements in the Mouse Motor Cortex. J. Neurosci.. 2015.09; 35 (39): 13311-13322. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Takeuchi S, Mima T, Murai R, Shimazu H, Isomura Y, *Tsujimoto T: Gamma Oscillations and Their Cross-frequency Coupling in the Primate Hippocampus During Sleep. Sleep. 2015.07; 38 (7): 1085-1091. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Cui W, Mizukami H, Yanagisawa M, Aida T, Nomura M, Isomura Y, Takayanagi R, Ozawa K, Tanaka K, *Aizawa H: Glial dysfunction in the mouse habenula causes depressive-like behaviors and sleep disturbance. The Journal of neuroscience. 2014.12; 34 16273-16285. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Riichiro Hira, Fuki Ohkubo, Yoshito Masamizu, Masamichi Ohkura, Junichi Nakai, Takashi Okada, Masanori Matsuzaki: Reward-timing-dependent bidirectional modulation of cortical microcircuits during optical single-neuron operant conditioning. Nat Commun. 2014.11; 5 5551. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Kyohei Fujita, Ryuhei Ogawa, Syunsaku Kawawaki, Kazuo Ito: Roles of chromatin remodelers in maintenance mechanisms of multipotency of mouse trunk neural crest cells in the formation of neural crest-derived stem cells. Mech Dev. 2014.08; 133 126-145. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki: Activity of fixation neurons in the monkey frontal eye field during smooth pursuit eye movements. J. Neurophysiol.. 2014.07; 112 (2): 249-262. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Masamizu Y, Tanaka YR, Tanaka YH, Hira R, Ohkubo F, Kitamura K, Isomura Y, Okada T, *Matsuzaki M: Two distinct layer-specific dynamics of cortical ensembles during learning of a motor task. Nature Neuroscience. 2014.07; 17 (7): 987-994. ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Hironao Saegusa, Tsutomu Tanabe: N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel in non-excitable microglial cells in mice is involved in the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 2014.07; 450 (1): 142-147. ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. Saiki A, Kimura R, Samura T, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Sakai Y, *Isomura Y: Different modulation of common motor information in rat primary and secondary motor cortices. PLoS ONE. 2014.06; 9 (6): e98662. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Brent Asrican, George J Augustine, Ken Berglund, Susu Chen, Nick Chow, Karl Deisseroth, Guoping Feng, Bernd Gloss, Riichiro Hira, Carolin Hoffmann, Haruo Kasai, Malvika Katarya, Jinsook Kim, John Kudolo, Li Ming Lee, Shun Qiang Lo, James Mancuso, Masanori Matsuzaki, Ryuichi Nakajima, Li Qiu, Gregory Tan, Yanxia Tang, Jonathan T Ting, Sachiko Tsuda, Lei Wen, Xuying Zhang, Shengli Zhao: Next-generation transgenic mice for optogenetic analysis of neural circuits. Front Neural Circuits. 2013.11; 7 160. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Igarashi J, Isomura Y, Arai K, Harukuni R, *Fukai T: A θ-γ Oscillation Code for Neuronal Coordination during Motor Behavior. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2013.11; 33 18515-18530. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Oyama K#, Ohara S#, Sato S, Karube F, Fujiyama F, Isomura Y, Mushiake H, Iijima T, *Tsutsui KI: Long-lasting single-neuron labeling by in vivo electroporation without microscopic guidance. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2013.09; 218 (2): 139-147. ( DOI )

  4. Riichiro Hira, Fuki Ohkubo, Yasuhiro R Tanaka, Yoshito Masamizu, George J Augustine, Haruo Kasai, Masanori Matsuzaki: In vivo optogenetic tracing of functional corticocortical connections between motor forelimb areas. Front Neural Circuits. 2013.04; 7 55. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. *Tsubo Y, Isomura Y, Fukai T: Passage-time coding with timing kernel inferred from irregular cortical spike sequences. J Stat Mech Theor Exp (JSTAT). 2013.03; 2013 (3): P03004. ( DOI )

  6. Hira R, Ohkubo F, Ozawa K, Isomura Y, Kitamura K, Kano M, Kasai H, *Matsuzaki M: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Functional Clusters of Neurons in the Mouse Motor Cortex during a Voluntary Movement. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2013.01; 33 (4): 1377-1390. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. *Tsubo Y, Isomura Y, Fukai T: Power-law inter-spike interval distributions infer a conditional maximization of entropy in cortical neurons. PLoS Computational Biology. 2012.04; 8 (4): e1002461. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Takekawa T, Isomura Y, *Fukai T: Spike sorting of heterogeneous neuron types by multimodality-weighted PCA and explicit robust variational Bayes. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 2012.03; 6 article 5. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y: Suppression of smooth pursuit eye movements induced by electrical stimulation of the monkey frontal eye field. J Neurophysiol. 2011.11; 106 (5): 2675-2687. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Rie Ako, Mayu Wakimoto, Haruka Ebisu, Kaori Tanno, Riichiro Hira, Haruo Kasai, Masanori Matsuzaki, Hiroshi Kawasaki: Simultaneous visualization of multiple neuronal properties with single-cell resolution in the living rodent brain. Mol. Cell. Neurosci.. 2011.11; 48 (3): 246-257. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Shinoda Y, Sugiuchi Y, Takahashi M, Izawa Y: Neural substrate for suppression of omnipause neurons at the onset of saccades. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011.09; 1233 100-106. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Kazuo Ito, Kyohei Fujita: In vitro analysis of mouse mesencephalic neural crest development. Curr Protoc Neurosci. 2011.07; Chapter 3 Unit 3.23. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Kyohei Fujita, Saki Yasui, Takeshi Shinohara, Kazuo Ito: Interaction between NF-κB signaling and Notch signaling in gliogenesis of mouse mesencephalic neural crest cells. Mech Dev. 2011; 128 (7-10): 496-509. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, *Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Ninomiya T, Tsukada M, Yanagawa Y, Fukai T, Takada M: Prototypic seizure activity driven by mature hippocampal fast-spiking interneurons. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2010.10; 30 (41): 13679-13689. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Li L, Saegusa H, Tanabe T: Deficit of heat shock transcription factor 1-heat shock 70 kDa protein 1A axis determines the cell death vulnerability in a model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. Genes Cells. 2009.11; 14 (11): 1253-1269. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Kondo D, Saegusa H, Yabe R, Takasaki I, Kurihara T, Zong S, Tanabe T: Peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor antagonist is effective in relieving neuropathic pain in mice. J Pharmacol Sci. 2009.05; 110 (1): 55-63. ( PubMed )

  3. Riichiro Hira, Naoki Honkura, Jun Noguchi, Yoshio Maruyama, George J Augustine, Haruo Kasai, Masanori Matsuzaki: Transcranial optogenetic stimulation for functional mapping of the motor cortex. J. Neurosci. Methods. 2009.05; 179 (2): 258-263. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Okamoto N, Yamanaka N, Satake H, Saegusa H, Kataoka H, Mizoguchi A: An ecdysteroid-inducible insulin-like growth factor-like peptide regulates adult development of the silkmoth Bombyx mori. FEBS J. 2009.03; 276 (5): 1221-1232. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y: Response properties of fixation neurons and their location in the frontal eye field in the monkey J Neurophysiol. 2009; 102 (4): 2410-2422. ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Sakurai E, Kurihara T, Kouchi K, Saegusa H, Zong S, Tanabe T: Upregulation of casein kinase 1epsilon in dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord after mouse spinal nerve injury contributes to neuropathic pain. Mol Pain. 2009; 5 74. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Atsushi Ohsaga, Yoshimichi Murata, Yoshiaki Kondo, Riichiro Hira, Yoshio Maruyama: Asymmetry of Rb+ conduction emerged under bi-ionic conditions in epithelial maxi-K+ channels. J Physiol Sci. 2008.12; 58 (6): 363-369. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Mariko Itoh, Kyohei Fujita, Kohei Hatta: A sleep disorder in zebrafish: analysis of a population that spawn before dawn Reports of graduate school of material science and graduate school of life science. 2008; (19): 19-28.

  3. Shinoda Y, Sugiuchi Y, Izawa Y, Takahashi M: Neural circuits for triggering saccades in the brainstem Prog Brain Res. 2008; 171 79-85. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Saegusa H, Wakamori M, Matsuda Y, Wang J, Mori Y, Zong S, Tanabe T: Properties of human Cav2.1 channel with a spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 mutation expressed in Purkinje cells. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2007.02; 34 (2): 261-270. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., Takahashi, M., Na, J. and Shinoda, Y.: Controversy on "fixation zone" of the superior colliculus. Neuro-Ophthalmol.. 2007; 31 147-155.

  3. Izawa, Y., Sugiuchi, Y. and Shinoda, Y.: Neural pathways for vertical saccades: from the superior colliculus to trochlear motoneurons. Neuro-Ophthalmol.. 2007; 31 141-146.

  4. Izawa, Y., Sugiuchi, Y. and Shinoda, Y.: Neural organization of the pathways from the superior colliculus to trochlear motoneurons. J. Neurophysiol.. 2007; 97 3696-3712.

  1. Kondo D, Yabe R, Kurihara T, Saegusa H, Zong S, Tanabe T: Progesterone receptor antagonist is effective in relieving neuropathic pain. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006.07; 541 (1-2): 44-48. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Osanai M, Saegusa H, Kazuno AA, Nagayama S, Hu Q, Zong S, Murakoshi T, Tanabe T: Altered cerebellar function in mice lacking CaV2.3 Ca2+ channel. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006.06; 344 (3): 920-925. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Shinoda, Y., Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y. and Hata, Y.: Long descending motor tract axons and their control of neck and axial muscles. Prog. Brain Res.. 2006; 151 533-569.

  1. Takasaki I, Kurihara T, Saegusa H, Zong S, Tanabe T: Effects of glucocorticoid receptor antagonists on allodynia and hyperalgesia in mouse model of neuropathic pain. Eur J Pharmacol. 2005.11; 524 (1-3): 80-83. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Hu Q, Saegusa H, Hayashi Y, Tanabe T: The carboxy-terminal tail region of human Cav2.1 (P/Q-type) channel is not an essential determinant for its subcellular localization in cultured neurones. Genes Cells. 2005.02; 10 (2): 87-96. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., Ebata, S. and Shinoda, Y.: Vestibular projection to the periarcuate cortex and its relation to pursuit-related area in the monkey. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.. 2005; 1039 111-123.

  4. Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y., Takahashi, M., Na, J. and Shinoda, Y.: Physiological characterization of synaptic inputs to inhibitory burst neurons from the rostral and caudal superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol.. 2005; 93 697-712.

  5. Takahashi, M., Sugiuchi, Y., Izawa, Y. and Shinoda, Y.: Commissural excitation and inhibition by the superior colliculus in tectoreticular neurons projecting to omnipause neuron and inhibitory burst neuron regions. J. Neurophysiol.. 2005; 94 1707-1726.

  6. Izawa, Y., Suzuki, H. and Shinoda, Y.: Initiation and suppression of saccades by the frontal eye field in the monkey. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.. 2005; 1039 220-231.

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  5. Toriyama H, Wang L, Saegusa H, Zong S, Osanai M, Murakoshi T, Noda T, Ohno K, Tanabe T: Role of Ca(v) 2.3 (alpha1E ) Ca2+ channel in ischemic neuronal injury. Neuroreport. 2002.02; 13 (2): 261-265. ( PubMed )

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  3. Saegusa H, Kurihara T, Zong S, Kazuno A, Matsuda Y, Nonaka T, Han W, Toriyama H, Tanabe T: Suppression of inflammatory and neuropathic pain symptoms in mice lacking the N-type Ca2+ channel. EMBO J. 2001.05; 20 (10): 2349-2356. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Kubota M, Murakoshi T, Saegusa H, Kazuno A, Zong S, Hu Q, Noda T, Tanabe T: Intact LTP and fear memory but impaired spatial memory in mice lacking Ca(v)2.3 (alpha(IE)) channel. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001.03; 282 (1): 242-248. ( PubMed , DOI )

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  1. 礒村 宜和: 大脳皮質・皮質下回路機構に迫る多領域間マルチリンク解析法の洗練化 生体の科学. 2022.10; 73 (5): 444-445.

  2. 川端 政則: Phase−Scaling analysisを用いた大脳皮質における感覚・運動関連情報の分布の解明 玉川大学脳科学研究所紀要. 2022.03; (15): 28-29.

  3. 平 理一郎: 学術変革領域研究 (B)「大規模計測・シミュレーションによる脳の全体性の理解」(略称:脳の全体性)のご紹介 Neuroscience News. 2022.01; 229 25-27.

  1. 平 理一郎: 高次元神経活動から眺めるシステム神経科学 日本神経回路学会誌. 2020.12; 27 (3-4): 152-164. ( 医中誌 )

  2. 平 理一郎: 高次元神経活動から眺めるシステム神経科学 日本神経回路学会誌. 2020.12; 27 (3,4): 152-164.

  3. 川端政則: 感覚・運動情報処理の神経回路機構 玉川大学. 2020.12;

  1. 平 理一郎: 圏論による意識のモデル化と定義 認知科学. 2019.12; 26 (4): 492-495.

  2. 平 理一郎: 圏論による意識のモデル化と定義 認知科学. 2019.12; 26 (4): 492-495.

  1. 日高 昇平, 平 理一郎: 神経細胞の情報論的結合を推定する非線形時系列解析法 細胞. 2018.12; 50 (14): 755-758. ( 医中誌 )

  2. 日髙 昇平, 平 理一郎: Topics from special edition 神経細胞の情報論的結合を推定する非線形時系列解析法 細胞. 2018.12; 50 (14): 755-758.

  3. 日髙昇平, 平理一郎: 神経細胞の情報論的結合を推定する非線形時系列解析法 細胞. 2018.12; 50 (14): 755-758.

  4. 川端政則, 礒村宜和: げっ歯類における機能と構造を繋ぐ運動野研究の最前線 バイオメカニクス研究. 2018.09; 22 (2): 56-64.

  5. 川端 政則, 礒村 宜和: げっ歯類における機能と構造を繋ぐ運動野研究の最前線 バイオメカニクス研究. 2018.09; 22 (2): 56-64.

  6. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した2光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開[II・完] 2光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングデータの情報処理技術 電子情報通信学会誌. 2018.09; 101 (9): 926-931. ( 医中誌 )

  7. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した2光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開(2・完)2光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングデータの情報処理技術 電子情報通信学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. 2018.09; 101 (9): 926-931.

  8. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した 2 光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開 (2・完) 2 光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングデータの情報処理技術 電子情報通信学会誌. 2018.09; 101 (9): 926-931.

  9. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した2光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開 2光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングの技術的展開 電子情報通信学会誌. 2018.08; 101 (8): 850-856. ( 医中誌 )

  10. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した2光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開(1)2光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングの技術的展開 電子情報通信学会誌 = The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. 2018.08; 101 (8): 850-856.

  11. 平 理一郎: 脳神経計算原理の解明を目指した 2 光子多細胞イメージングの情報技術展開 (1) 2 光子多細胞カルシウムイメージングの技術的展開 電子情報通信学会誌. 2018.08; 101 (8): 850-856.

  12. 川端 政則: 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学の対照と融合」若手サマースクール参加記(2) 新学術領域研究「人工知能と脳科学の対照と融合」ニュースレター. 2018.03; (3):

  1. 川端 政則: 第4回ラボ見学レポート 適応回路シフト若手の会 News Letter. 2017.03; (4):

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  3. 相馬祥吾、川端政則、礒村宜和: オペラント条件づけで脳を探る 生体の科学. 2016.02; 67 (1): 42-46.

  1. 吉田 純一,礒村 宜和: 習慣の神経メカニズム 生体の科学. 2015.02; 66 (1): 14-18. ( DOI )

  1. 小谷俊博, 平理一郎: 脳と道徳的責任論: オキシトシンを中心とした 「制御下」 概念の展開 (特集 生物としての人間と哲学・ 地球惑星科学の科学史 (続)) Nagoya journal of philosophy. 2014; 11 21-38.

  1. 礒村 宜和,木村 梨絵,齊木 愛希子, 塚元 葉子: 解説:傍細胞(ジャクスタセルラー)記録法. 玉川大学脳科学研究所紀要. 2012.03; 5 27-30.

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  1. 礒村 宜和,木村 梨絵,高橋 宗良: 解説:マルチニューロン記録実験の実用プロトコール. 日本神経回路学会誌. 2011.03; 18 (1): 14-21. ( DOI )

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  1. 吉澤知彦, 吉澤知彦, 吉澤知彦, 吉澤知彦, 宮村裕人, 宮村裕人, 越智祐太, 平理一郎, 舩橋誠, 酒井裕, 崔翼龍, 礒村宜和, 礒村宜和, 礒村宜和: 非明示的な課題ルールに基づいた報酬予測を実現するための神経基盤 日本神経化学会大会抄録集(Web). 2022; 65th

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  1. *Isomura Y, Takekawa T, Harukuni R, Handa T, Aizawa H, Takada M, Fukai T: Reward-modulated motor information in identified striatum neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience. 2013.06; 33 10209-10220. ( PubMed , DOI )

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  3. Takekawa T, Isomura Y, *Fukai T: Accurate spike sorting for multi-unit recordings. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 2010.01; 31 263-272. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. *Isomura Y, Harukuni R, Takekawa T, Aizawa H, Fukai T: Microcircuitry coordination of cortical motor information in self-initiation of voluntary movements. Nature Neuroscience. 2009.12; 12 (12): 1586-1593. ( PubMed , DOI )

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  2. *Isomura Y, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Takada M: A network mechanism underlying hippocampal seizure-like synchronous oscillations. Neuroscience research. 2008.07; 61 (3): 227-233. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Okamoto H, Isomura Y, Takada M, Fukai T: Temporal integration by stochastic recurrent network dynamics with bimodal neurons. Journal of neurophysiology. 2007.06; 97 3859-3867. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Imanishi M, Fukai T, Takada M: Distinct types of ionic modulation of GABA actions in pyramidal cells and interneurons during electrical induction of hippocampal seizure-like network activity. The European journal of neuroscience. 2007.05; 25 2713-2725. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Isomura Y, Sirota A, Ozen S, Montgomery S, Mizuseki K, Henze DA, Buzsáki G: Integration and segregation of activity in entorhinal-hippocampal subregions by neocortical slow oscillations. Neuron. 2006.12; 52 (5): 871-882. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Tsujimoto T, Shimazu H, Isomura Y: Direct recording of theta oscillations in primate prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices. Journal of neurophysiology. 2006.05; 95 2987-3000. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Takada M: Comparable GABAergic mechanisms of hippocampal seizurelike activity in posttetanic and low-Mg2+ conditions. Journal of neurophysiology. 2006.03; 95 2013-2019. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Kaneda K, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Takada M: Region-specific modulation of electrically induced synchronous oscillations in the rat hippocampus and cerebral cortex. Neuroscience research. 2005.05; 52 (1): 83-94. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Isomura Y, Kaneda K, Takada M: Synaptic interactions between pyramidal cells and interneurone subtypes during seizure-like activity in the rat hippocampus. The Journal of physiology. 2004.06; 557 961-979. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Isomura Y, Takada M: Neural mechanisms of versatile functions in primate anterior cingulate cortex. Reviews in the neurosciences. 2004; 15 279-291. ( PubMed )

  1. Tsujimoto T, Shimazu H, Isomura Y, Sasaki K: Prefrontal theta oscillations associated with hand movements triggered by warning and imperative stimuli in the monkey. Neuroscience letters. 2003.11; 351 103-106. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Isomura Y, Sugimoto M, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Yamamoto-Muraki S, Yamada J, Fukuda A: Synaptically activated Cl- accumulation responsible for depolarizing GABAergic responses in mature hippocampal neurons. Journal of neurophysiology. 2003.10; 90 2752-2756. ( PubMed , DOI )

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  4. Isomura Y, Ito Y, Akazawa T, Nambu A, Takada M: Neural coding of "attention for action" and "response selection" in primate anterior cingulate cortex. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2003.09; 23 8002-8012. ( PubMed )

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  1. Isomura Y, Fujiwara-Tsukamoto Y, Imanishi M, Nambu A, Takada M: Distance-dependent Ni(2+)-sensitivity of synaptic plasticity in apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. Journal of neurophysiology. 2002.02; 87 1169-1174. ( PubMed )

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