Tomiga Y, Tanaka K, Kusuyama J, Takano A, Higaki Y, Anzai K, Takahashi H: Exercise training ameliorates carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis and anxiety-like behaviors. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. 2024.12; 327 (6): G850-G860-G860. ( PubMed , DOI )
Xu Y, Alves-Wagner AB, Inada H, Firouzjah SD, Osana S, Amir MS, Conlin RH, Hirshman MF, Nozik ES, Goodyear LJ, Nagatomi R, Kusuyama J: Placenta-derived SOD3 deletion impairs maternal behavior via alterations in FGF/FGFR-prolactin signaling axis. Cell reports. 2024.09; 43 (10): 114789. ( PubMed , DOI )
Choisez A, Ishihara S, Ishii T, Xu Y, Firouzjah SD, Haga H, Nagatomi R, Kusuyama J: Matrix stiffness regulates the triad communication of adipocytes/macrophages/endothelial cells through CXCL13. Journal of lipid research. 2024.08; 65 (9): 100620. ( PubMed , DOI )
Zhang, JH; Tam, WWS; Hounsri, K; Kusuyama, J; Wu, VX: Effectiveness of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Cognition, Metabolic Health, Physical Function, and Health-related Quality of Life in Middle-aged and Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION. 2024.08; 105 (8): 1585-1599. ( PubMed , DOI )
Zhang J, Tam WWS, Hounsri K, Kusuyama J, Wu VX: Response to Letter to the Editor on "Effectiveness of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Cognition, Metabolic Health, Physical Function, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2024.05; 105 (5): 1023-1024. ( PubMed , DOI )
Handedness did not affect motor skill acquisition by the dominant hand or interlimb transfer to the non-dominant hand regardless of task complexity level. 2022.10; 12 (1): 18181. ( PubMed , DOI )
Grandmaternal exercise improves metabolic health of second-generation offspring. 2022.06; 60 101490. ( PubMed , DOI )
Brown adipose tissue-derived MaR2 contributes to cold-induced resolution of inflammation. 2022.06; 4 (6): 775-790. ( PubMed , DOI )
Joji Kusuyama, Nathan S Makarewicz, Brent G Albertson, Ana Barbara Alves-Wagner, Royce H Conlin, Noah B Prince, Christiano R R Alves, Krithika Ramachandran, Chisayo Kozuka, Yang Xiudong, Yang Xia, Michael F Hirshman, Toshihisa Hatta, Ryoichi Nagatomi, Eva S Nozik, Laurie J Goodyear: Maternal Exercise-Induced SOD3 Reverses the Deleterious Effects of Maternal High-Fat Diet on Offspring Metabolism Through Stabilization of H3K4me3 and Protection Against WDR82 Carbonylation. Diabetes. 2022.06; 71 (6): 1170-1181. ( PubMed , DOI )
Effect of Aerobic and Resistant Exercise Intervention on Inflammaging of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2022.05; 23 (5): 823-830. ( PubMed , DOI )
Bromodomain Inhibition Reveals FGF15/19 As a Target of Epigenetic Regulation and Metabolic Control. 2022.05; 71 (5): 1023-1033. ( PubMed , DOI )
HIF-1α plays an essential role in BMP9-mediated osteoblast differentiation through the induction of a glycolytic enzyme, PDK1. 2022.04; 237 (4): 2183-2197. ( PubMed , DOI )
Joji Kusuyama, Ana Barbara Alves-Wagner, Royce H Conlin, Nathan S Makarewicz, Brent G Albertson, Noah B Prince, Shio Kobayashi, Chisayo Kozuka, Magnus Møller, Mette Bjerre, Jens Fuglsang, Emily Miele, Roeland J W Middelbeek, Yang Xiudong, Yang Xia, Léa Garneau, Jayonta Bhattacharjee, Céline Aguer, Mary Elizabeth Patti, Michael F Hirshman, Niels Jessen, Toshihisa Hatta, Per Glud Ovesen, Kristi B Adamo, Eva Nozik-Grayck, Laurie J Goodyear: Placental superoxide dismutase 3 mediates benefits of maternal exercise on offspring health. Cell metabolism. 2021.05; 33 (5): 939-956. ( PubMed , DOI )
Tomokazu Ohnishi, Mitsuhiro Hisadome, Kusuyama Joji, Norika Chiba, Muhammad Subhan Amir, Takuro Kanekura, Tetsuya Matsuguchi: Ultraviolet B irradiation decreases CXCL10 expression in keratinocytes through endoplasmic reticulum stress. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 2021.04; ( PubMed , DOI )
Chang-Hwan Seong, Norika Chiba, Joji Kusuyama, Muhammad Subhan Amir, Nahoko Eiraku, Sachiko Yamashita, Tomokazu Ohnishi, Norifumi Nakamura, Tetsuya Matsuguchi: Bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9) directly induces Notch effector molecule Hes1 through the SMAD signaling pathway in osteoblasts. FEBS letters. 2021.02; 595 (3): 389-403. ( PubMed , DOI )
CXCL13 is a differentiation- and hypoxia-induced adipocytokine that exacerbates the inflammatory phenotype of adipocytes through PHLPP1 induction. 2019.11; 476 (22): 3533-3548. ( PubMed , DOI )
BMP9 prevents induction of osteopontin in JNK-inactivated osteoblasts via Hey1-Id4 interaction. 2019.11; 116 105614. ( PubMed , DOI )
Nahoko Eiraku, Norika Chiba, Toshiaki Nakamura, Muhammad Subhan Amir, Chang-Hwan Seong, Tomokazu Ohnishi, Joji Kusuyama, Kazuyuki Noguchi, Tetsuya Matsuguchi: BMP9 directly induces rapid GSK3-β phosphorylation in a Wnt-independent manner through class I PI3K-Akt axis in osteoblasts. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2019.11; 33 (11): 12124-12134. ( PubMed , DOI )
Low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) maintains osteogenic potency by the increased expression and stability of Nanog through spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) activation. 2019.10; 62 109345. ( PubMed , DOI )
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound promotes bone morphogenic protein 9-induced osteogenesis and suppresses inhibitory effects of inflammatory cytokines on cellular responses via Rho-associated kinase 1 in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. 2019.09; 120 (9): 14657-14669. ( PubMed , DOI )
JNK inactivation suppresses osteogenic differentiation, but robustly induces osteopontin expression in osteoblasts through the induction of inhibitor of DNA binding 4 (Id4). 2019.06; 33 (6): 7331-7347. ( PubMed , DOI )
Joji Kusuyama, Tomokazu Ohnishi, Kenjiro Bandow, Muhammad Subhan Amir, Kaori Shima, Ichiro Semba, Tetsuya Matsuguchi: Constitutive activation of p46JNK2 is indispensable for C/EBPδ induction in the initial stage of adipogenic differentiation. The Biochemical journal. 2017.10; 474 (20): 3421-3437. ( PubMed , DOI )
Higashi Yuko, Yoshioka Takako, Kawai Kazuhiro, Fujii Kazuyasu, Yoshimitsu Makoto, Kusuyama Joji, Shima Kaori, Tanimoto Akihide, Kanekura Takuro: 肺病変を伴わず潰瘍形成性皮下病変および筋病変を初期病変としたリンパ腫様肉芽腫症(Lymphomatoid granulomatosis initially presenting as ulcerated subcutaneous and muscle lesions without pulmonary involvement) The Journal of Dermatology. 2017.05; 44 (5): e107-e108. ( 医中誌 )
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis initially presenting as ulcerated subcutaneous and muscle lesions without pulmonary involvement. 2017.05; 44 (5): e107-e108-e108. ( PubMed , DOI )
Osteopontin inhibits osteoblast responsiveness through the down-regulation of focal adhesion kinase mediated by the induction of low-molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatase. 2017.05; 28 (10): 1326-1336. ( PubMed , DOI )
楠山 譲二: 【胎盤の母児支援機構とその評価】胎盤を介した妊娠期運動による肥満予防効果の胎仔伝播 細胞. 2024.03; 56 (3): 175-178. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二: 【運動適応におけるエピジェネティクス】胎盤に着目した運動による代謝改善効果の次世代伝播機構 体育の科学. 2022.12; 72 (12): 843-848. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二: 運動変数と胎盤解析による妊娠期運動の次世代効能予測 上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集. 2022.12; 36 1-4. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二: 【肥満症の基礎・臨床・社会医学統合的アプローチup-to-date】妊娠期運動が肥満症・代謝疾患に与える影響アップデート 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科. 2022.11; 55 (5): 547-553. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二, Makarewitz Nathan, Albertson Brent, Jensen Niels, Aguer Celine, Goodyear Laurie: 子の代謝機能を改善する運動誘発性胎盤由来サイトカインの生理動態の解明と運動プログラムの立案 若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書. 2022.04; (36): 1-6. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二: 【健康寿命の鍵を握る骨格筋 代謝・内分泌を介した全身性制御の分子基盤から運動による抗老化まで】(第6章)骨格筋と運動の新たな関係の顕在化 妊娠期の運動効果が次世代に伝わる分子生理メカニズム 実験医学. 2022.02; 40 (2): 322-329. ( 医中誌 )
楠山 譲二: 【肥満とやせの臨床 病態の解明と新たな治療法をめぐって】最新の実地診療のためのポイントの整理と活用 子の肥満を防ぐ親世代の食事・運動 Medical Practice. 2021.07; 38 (7): 1037-1041. ( 医中誌 )
久留 光博, 大西 智和, 柿元 協子, 楠山 譲二, 坂東 健二郎, 金蔵 拓郎, 松口 徹也: Hepatocyte growth factorはケラチノサイトにおいてCXCL10発現を抑制する(Hepatocyte growth factor reduces CXCL10 expression in keratinocytes) 西日本皮膚科. 2017.08; 79 (4): 430-431. ( 医中誌 )
楠山譲二: 低出力超音波(LIPUS)を用いた間葉系幹細胞の分化制御と細胞応答修飾メカニズム 超音波TECHNO. 2017.07; 29 (4): 24-26.
Seong CH, Chiba N, Fredy M, Kusuyama J, Ishihata K, Kibe T, Amir MS, Tada R, Ohnishi T, Nakamura N, Matsuguchi T: Early induction of Hes1 by bone morphogenetic protein 9 plays a regulatory role in osteoblastic differentiation of a mesenchymal stem cell line. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 2023.08; 124 (9): 1366-1378. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kusuyama J, Nakamura T, Ohnishi N, Eiraku K, Noguchi T, Matsuguchi T: Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) Promotes BMP9-Induced Osteogenesis and Suppresses Inflammatory Responses in Human Periodontal Ligament-Derived Stem Cells Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2017.06; 31 (7): S4.