Tatsuro Seike, Kazue Terasawa, Takanori Iwata, Jun-Lin Guan, Tetsuro Watabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Site-specific photo-crosslinking of Hsc70 with the KFERQ pentapeptide motif in a chaperone-mediated autophagy and microautophagy substrate in mammalian cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024.08; 736 150515. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kazue Terasawa, Tatsuro Seike, Kensaku Sakamoto, Kazumasa Ohtake, Tetsuro Watabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Protein-Protein Interface Identification by Site-Specific Photo-Cross-linking/Cleavage in Mammalian Cells. Curr Protoc. 2024.08; 4 (8): e1103. ( PubMed , DOI )
Ibi H, Takahashi K, Harada H, Watabe T, Podyma-Inoue KA: Transforming growth factor-β signals promote progression of squamous cell carcinoma by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition and angiogenesis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024.06; 714 149965. ( PubMed , DOI )
Haruko Watanabe-Takano, Katsuhiro Kato, Eri Oguri-Nakamura, Tomohiro Ishii, Koji Kobayashi, Takahisa Murata, Koichiro Tsujikawa, Takaki Miyata, Yoshiaki Kubota, Yasuyuki Hanada, Koichi Nishiyama, Tetsuro Watabe, Reinhard Fässler, Hirotaka Ishii, Naoki Mochizuki, Shigetomo Fukuhara: Endothelial cells regulate alveolar morphogenesis by constructing basement membranes acting as a scaffold for myofibroblasts. Nature Communications. 2024.03; 15 (1): 1622. ( PubMed , DOI )
Hiroki Inoue, Taku Kanda, Gakuto Hayashi, Ryota Munenaga, Masayuki Yoshida, Kana Hasegawa, Takuya Miyagawa, Yukiya Kurumada, Jumpei Hasegawa, Tomoyuki Wada, Motoi Horiuchi, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Fumiko Itoh, Yuki Maemoto, Kohei Arasaki, Yuichi Wakana, Tetsuro Watabe, Hiromichi Matsushita, Hironori Harada, Mitsuo Tagaya: A MAP1B-cortactin-Tks5 axis regulates TNBC invasion and tumorigenesis. Journal of Cell Biology. 2024.03; 223 (3): ( PubMed , DOI )
Kazuki Takahashi*, Miho Kobayashi*, Hisae Katsumata, Shiori Tokizaki, Tatsuhiko Anzai, Yukinori Ikeda, Daniel M. Alcaide, Kentaro Maeda, Makoto Ishihara, Katsutoshi Tahara, Yoshiaki Kubota, Fumiko Itoh, Jihwan Park, Kunihiko Takahashi, Yukiko T. Matsunaga, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue, Tetsuro Watabe (*: equally contribution): CD40 is expressed in the subsets of endothelial cells undergoing partial endothelial-mesenchymal transition in tumor microenvironment. Cancer Science. 2024.02; 115 (2): 490-506. ( PubMed , DOI )
Takahashi Kazuki, Kobayashi Miho, Katsumata Hisae, Tokizaki Shiori, Anzai Tatsuhiko, Ikeda Yukinori, Alcaide Daniel M., Maeda Kentaro, Ishihara Makoto, Tahara Katsutoshi, Kubota Yoshiaki, Itoh Fumiko, Park Jihwan, Takahashi Kunihiko, Matsunaga Yukiko T., Yoshimatsu Yasuhiro, Podyma-Inoue Katarzyna A., Watabe Tetsuro: 腫瘍微小環境内で部分的に内皮間葉転換を起こしつつある内皮細胞のサブセットではCD40が発現している(CD40 is expressed in the subsets of endothelial cells undergoing partial endothelial-mesenchymal transition in tumor microenvironment) Cancer Science. 2024.02; 115 (2): 490-506. ( ichushi )
Tokizaki Shiori, Podyma-Inoue Katarzyna A., Matsumoto Takehisa, Takahashi Kazuki, Kobayashi Miho, Ibi Haruka, Uchida Shizuka, Iwabuchi Sadahiro, Harada Hiroyuki, Hashimoto Shinichi, Miyazono Kohei, Shirouzu Mikako, Watabe Tetsuro: Inhibition of transforming growth factor-β signals suppresses tumor formation by regulation of tumor microenvironment networks(タイトル和訳中) Cancer Science. 2024.01; 115 (1): 211-226. ( ichushi )
Sangsuriyothai P, Watari I, Serirukchutarungsee S, Satrawaha S, Podyma-Inoue KA, Ono T: Expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide in the rat submandibular gland is influenced by pre- and post-natal high-fat diet exposure. Frontiers in physiology. 2024; 15 1357730. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kazue Terasawa, Tatsuro Seike, Kensaku Sakamoto, Kazumasa Ohtake, Tohru Terada, Takanori Iwata, Tetsuro Watabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Site-specific photo-crosslinking/cleavage for protein-protein interface identification reveals oligomeric assembly of lysosomal-associated membrane protein type 2A in mammalian cells. Protein Sci. 2023.12; 32 (12): e4823. ( PubMed , DOI )
Shiori Tokizaki, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Takehisa Matsumoto, Kazuki Takahashi, Miho Kobayashi, Haruka Ibi, Shizuka Uchida, Sadahiro Iwabuchi, Hiroyuki Harada, Shinichi Hashimoto, Kohei Miyazono, Mikako Shirouzu, Tetsuro Watabe: Inhibition of transforming growth factor-β signals suppresses tumor formation by regulation of tumor microenvironment networks. Cancer Sci. 2023.11; ( PubMed , DOI )
高橋和樹, 勝又寿枝, 小林美穂, 時崎詩織, 時崎詩織, 池田行徳, 前田健太郎, 井上カタジナアンナ, 松永行子, 吉松康裕, 吉松康裕, 渡部徹郎, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βによる内皮間葉移行(EndoMT)の段階的遷移をEndoMTレポーター内皮細胞は可視化した 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2023.09; 82回 466. ( ichushi )
井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 斎藤万樹, 榊谷振太郎, 飯田渓太, 岩淵禎弘, 鯉沼代造, 小西徹, 田中晋, 戒田篤志, 三浦雅彦, 橋本真一, 岡田眞里子, 内橋俊大, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βは,Slug/HMGA2非依存性EMTの誘導を介して,G1期に停止したがん細胞に高い運動性と転移能を与える 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2023.09; 82回 1712. ( ichushi )
TGF-βは、Slug/HMGA2非依存性EMTの誘導を介して、G1期に停止したがん細胞に高い運動性と転移能を与える(TGF-β confers cancer cells with the high motility and metastatic potential via induction of Slug/HMGA2-independent EMT) 2023.09; 82回 1712. ( ichushi )
時崎詩織, 時崎詩織, 井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 小林美穂, 松本武久, 白水美香子, 内田靖哉, 岩淵禎弘, 橋本真一, 原田浩之, 宮園浩平, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βシグナルの阻害はがん微小環境ネットワークを制御することで腫瘍形成を抑制する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2023.09; 82回 470. ( ichushi )
TGF-βシグナルの阻害はがん微小環境ネットワークを制御することで腫瘍形成を抑制する(Inhibition of TGF-β signaling suppresses tumorigenesis by regulating tumor microenvironment networks) 2023.09; 82回 470. ( ichushi )
Tetsuro Watabe, Kazuki Takahashi, Kristian Pietras, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu: Roles of TGF-β signals in tumor microenvironment via regulation of the formation and plasticity of vascular system. Seminars in Cancer Biology. 2023.07; 92 130-138. ( PubMed , DOI )
Saranya Serirukchutarungsee, Ippei Watari, Masataka Narukawa, Katarzyna Anna Podyma-Inoue, Pornchanok Sangsuriyothai, Takashi Ono: Two-generation exposure to a high-fat diet induces the change of salty taste preference in rats. Sci Rep. 2023.04; 13 (1): 5742. ( PubMed , DOI )
Inoue, KA; Takahashi, K; Sugauchi, A; Iida, K; Iwabuchi, S; Koinuma, D; Kurioka, K; Konishi, T; Tanaka, S; Kaida, A; Miura, M; Hashimoto, S; Okada, M; Uchihashi, T; Miyazono, K; Watabe, T: TGF-β enhances metastasis of oral cancer via generation of a population of cancer cells in G1 phase with high motility CANCER SCIENCE. 2023.02; 114 798.
Miho Kobayashi, Kashio Fujiwara, Kazuki Takahashi, Yusuke Yoshioka, Takahiro Ochiya, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue, Tetsuro Watabe: Transforming growth factor-β-induced secretion of extracellular vesicles from oral cancer cells evokes endothelial barrier instability via endothelial-mesenchymal transition Inflammation and Regeneration. 2022.09; 42 (1): 38. ( PubMed , DOI )
がん研究における女性研究者 TGF-βは増殖が低下して運動能が上昇したがん細胞集団を形成することで口腔がんの転移を亢進する(TGF-β enhances metastasis of oral cancer via generation of a population of cancer cells in G1 phase with high motility) 2022.09; 81回 SS1-5. ( ichushi )
時崎詩織, 時崎詩織, 井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 松本武久, 白水美香子, 原田浩之, 渡部徹郎: 全てのTGF-βアイソフォームを標的とした新規Fc融合タンパク質製剤の開発 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2022.09; 81回 J-1041. ( ichushi )
Kazuki Takahashi, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue, Maki Saito, Shintaro Sakakitan, Akinari Sugauchi, Keita Iida, Sadahiro Iwabuchi, Daizo Koinuma, Kyoko Kurioka, Toru Konishi, Susumu Tanaka, Atsushi Kaida, Masahiko Miura, Shinichi Hashimoto, Mariko Okada, Toshihiro Uchihashi, Kohei Miyazono, Tetsuro Watabe: TGF-β generates a population of cancer cells residing in G1 phase with high motility and metastatic potential via KRTAP2-3 Cell Reports. 2022.09; 40 111411. ( DOI )
井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 須河内昭成, 飯田渓太, 岩淵禎弘, 鯉沼代造, 栗岡恭子, 小西徹, 田中晋, 戒田篤志, 三浦雅彦, 橋本真一, 岡田眞里子, 内橋俊大, 内橋俊大, 内橋俊大, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βは増殖が低下して運動能が上昇したがん細胞集団を形成することで口腔がんの転移を亢進する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2022.09; 81回 SS1-5. ( ichushi )
Kobayashi Miho, Fujiwara Kashio, Takahashi Kazuki, Yoshioka Yusuke, Ochiya Takahiro, Podyma-Inoue Katarzyna A., Watabe Tetsuro: 口腔癌細胞からtransforming growth factor-βにより誘発される細胞外小胞分泌は内皮間葉移行を介して内皮バリア不安定性を惹起する(Transforming growth factor-β-induced secretion of extracellular vesicles from oral cancer cells evokes endothelial barrier instability via endothelial-mesenchymal transition) Inflammation and Regeneration. 2022.09; 42 1 of 12-12 of 12. ( ichushi )
Kei Takahashi, Ko Abe, Shimpei I Kubota, Noriaki Fukatsu, Yasuyuki Morishita, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Satoshi Hirakawa, Yoshiaki Kubota, Tetsuro Watabe, Shogo Ehata, Hiroki R Ueda, Teppei Shimamura, Kohei Miyazono: An analysis modality for vascular structures combining tissue-clearing technology and topological data analysis. Nat Commun. 2022.09; 13 (1): 5239. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yuta Ikami, Kazue Terasawa, Tetsuro Watabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: The two-domain architecture of LAMP2A within the lysosomal lumen regulates its interaction with HSPA8/Hsc70 Autophagy Reports. 2022.05; 1 (1): 205-209. ( DOI )
Kanako Nakayama, Taku Nishijo, Masaaki Miyazawa, Tetsuro Watabe, Miyuki Azuma, Hitoshi Sakaguchi: Hapten sensitization to vaginal mucosa induces less recruitment of dendritic cells accompanying TGF-β-expressing CD206 + cells compared with skin. Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. 2022.04; 10 (4): e605. ( PubMed , DOI )
Oral cancer cells under TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest exhibit motile phenotypes through induction of EMT 2022.02; 113 910.
Yuta Ikami, Kazue Terasawa, Kensaku Sakamoto, Kazumasa Ohtake, Hiroyuki Harada, Tetsuro Watabe, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: The two-domain architecture of LAMP2A regulates its interaction with Hsc70. Experimental Cell Research. 2022.02; 411 (1): 112986. ( PubMed , DOI )
Toshihiro Inubushi, Ayaka Fujiwara, Takumi Hirose, Gozo Aoyama, Toshihiro Uchihashi, Naoki Yoshida, Yuki Shiraishi, Yu Usami, Hiroshi Kurosaka, Satoru Toyosawa, Susumu Tanaka, Tetsuro Watabe, Mikihiko Kogo, Takashi Yamashiro: Ras signaling and RREB1 are required for the dissociation of medial edge epithelial cells in murine palatogenesis. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 2022.02; 15 (2): ( PubMed , DOI )
Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Tetsuro Watabe: Emerging roles of inflammation-mediated endothelial-mesenchymal transition in health and disease. Inflammation and Regeneration. 2022.02; 42 (1): 9. ( PubMed , DOI )
Shingo Kodama, Katarzyna Α Podyma-Inoue, Toshihiro Uchihashi, Kyoko Kurioka, Hitomi Takahashi, Akinari Sugauchi, Kazuki Takahashi, Toshihiro Inubushi, Mikihiko Kogo, Susumu Tanaka, Tetsuro Watabe: Progression of melanoma is suppressed by targeting all transforming growth factor‑β isoforms with an Fc chimeric receptor. Oncol Rep. 2021.09; 46 (3): ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshiya Asano, Daisuke Okano, Michiya Matsusaki, Tetsuro Watabe, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Mitsuru Akashi, Hiroshi Shimoda: Construction of transplantable artificial vascular tissue based on adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells by a cell coating and cryopreservation technique. Scientific Reports. 2021.09; 11 (1): 17989. ( PubMed , DOI )
吉松康裕, 吉松康裕, 前田健太郎, 高橋直也, 若林育海, 紀室志織, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 小林美穂, 井上カタジナアンナ, 平島正則, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: 内皮間葉移行で促進される上皮間葉移行におけるETSファミリー転写因子の役割 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2021.09; 80回 [E11-5]. ( ichushi )
高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 井上カタジナアンナ, 榊谷振太郎, 小西徹, 須河内昭成, 齋藤万樹, 戒田篤志, 鯉沼代造, 吉松康裕, 吉松康裕, 内橋俊大, 古郷幹彦, 三浦雅彦, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βにより細胞周期が静止した口腔扁平上皮がん細胞は上皮間葉移行の誘導を介して運動・転移能が亢進する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2021.09; 80回 [J13-6]. ( ichushi )
Terasawa K, Kato Y, Ikami Y, Sakamoto K, Ohtake K, Kusano S, Tomabechi Y, Kukimoto-Niino M, Shirouzu M, Guan JL, Kobayashi T, Iwata T, Watabe T, Yokoyama S, Hara-Yokoyama M: Direct homophilic interaction of LAMP2A with the two-domain architecture revealed by site-directed photo-crosslinks and steric hindrances in mammalian cells. Autophagy. 2021.04; 1-19. ( PubMed , DOI )
Fujimoto M, Kamiyama M, Fuse K, Ryuno H, Odawara T, Furukawa N, Yoshimatsu Y, Watabe T, Prchal-Murphy M, Sexl V, Tahara H, Hayakawa Y, Sato T, Takeda K, Naguro I, Ichijo H: ASK1 suppresses NK cell-mediated intravascular tumor cell clearance in lung metastasis. Cancer science. 2021.04; 112 (4): 1633-1643. ( PubMed , DOI )
Koichi Nishino, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Tomoki Muramatsu, Yasuhito Sekimoto, Keiko Mitani, Etsuko Kobayashi, Shouichi Okamoto, Hiroki Ebana, Yoshinori Okada, Masatoshi Kurihara, Kenji Suzuki, Johji Inazawa, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Tetsuro Watabe, Kuniaki Seyama: Isolation and characterisation of lymphatic endothelial cells from lung tissues affected by lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Sci Rep. 2021.04; 11 (1): 8406. ( PubMed , DOI )
TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest is associated with increased migration and metastasis of oral squamous carcinoma cells 2021.02; 112 418.
Kobayashi M, Wakabayashi I, Suzuki Y, Fujiwara K, Nakayama M, Watabe T, Sato Y: Tubulin carboxypeptidase activity of vasohibin-1 inhibits angiogenesis by interfering with endocytosis and trafficking of pro-angiogenic factor receptors Angiogenesis. 2021.02; 24 (1): 159-176. ( PubMed , DOI )
Sakakitani Shintaro, Podyma-Inoue Katarzyna A., Takayama Rina, Takahashi Kazuki, Ishigami-Yuasa Mari, Kagechika Hiroyuki, Harada Hiroyuki, Watabe Tetsuro: β2-アドレナリン受容体シグナルの活性化は口腔扁平上皮癌細胞の間葉系表現型を抑制する(Activation of β2-adrenergic receptor signals suppresses mesenchymal phenotypes of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells) Cancer Science. 2021.01; 112 (1): 155-167. ( ichushi )
Shintaro Sakakitani, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Rina Takayama, Kazuki Takahashi, Mari Ishigami-Yuasa, Hiroyuki Kagechika, Hiroyuki Harada, Tetsuro Watabe: Activation of β2-adrenergic receptor signals suppresses mesenchymal phenotypes of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Cancer Science. 2021.01; 112 (1): 155-167. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kengo Iwasaki, Keiko Akazawa, Mizuki Nagata, Motohiro Komaki, Yihao Peng, Makoto Umeda, Tetsuro Watabe, Ikuo Morita: Angiogenic Effects of Secreted Factors from Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells. Dent J (Basel). 2021.01; 9 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )
Oral squamous carcinoma cells under TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest represent highly motile and invasive population. 2020.11; 80 (21):
Sakakitani S, Podyma-Inoue KA, Takayama R, Takahashi K, Ishigami-Yuasa M, Kagechika H, Harada H, Watabe T: Activation of β2-adrenergic receptor signals suppresses mesenchymal phenotypes of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Cancer Science. 2020.10; ( PubMed , DOI )
榊谷 振太郎, 井上 カタジナアンナ, 高橋 和樹, 原田 浩之, 渡部 徹郎: β2-アドレナリン受容体シグナルは口腔扁平上皮癌の進行を阻害する 日本癌学会総会記事. 2020.10; 79回 OJ10-2. ( ichushi )
榊谷振太郎, 井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 原田浩之, 渡部徹郎: β2-アドレナリン受容体シグナルは口腔扁平上皮癌の進行を阻害する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2020.10; 79回 OJ10-3. ( ichushi )
井上カタジナアンナ, 榊谷振太郎, 高橋和樹, 原田浩之, 渡部徹郎: 口腔扁平上皮がんに対する新たな治療を目指して 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2020.10; 79回 IS9-2. ( ichushi )
高橋和樹, 井上カタジナアンナ, 戒田篤志, 須河内昭成, 内橋俊大, 内橋俊大, 吉松康裕, 田中晋, 三浦雅彦, 古郷幹彦, 渡部徹郎: TGF-βにより細胞周期が停止した口腔扁平上皮がん細胞の運動能ならびに転移能は亢進する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2020.10; 79回 OE13-3. ( ichushi )
吉松康裕, 若林育海, 紀室志織, 高橋直也, 高橋和樹, 小林美穂, 井上カタジナアンナ, 宮園浩平, 渡部徹郎: 内皮間葉移行によって活性化された内皮細胞由来のTGF-βシグナルは口腔がん細胞の上皮間葉移行を誘導する 日本癌学会学術総会抄録集(Web). 2020.10; 79回 OE13-1. ( ichushi )
Kazuki Takahashi, Yuichi Akatsu, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Takehisa Matsumoto, Hitomi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Daizo Koinuma, Mikako Shirouzu, Kohei Miyazono, Tetsuro Watabe: Targeting all transforming growth factor-β isoforms with an Fc chimeric receptor impairs tumor growth and angiogenesis of oral squamous cell cancer. J. Biol. Chem.. 2020.09; 295 (36): 12559-12572. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshimatsu Y, Wakabayashi I, Kimuro S, Takahashi N, Takahashi K, Kobayashi M, Maishi N, Podyma-Inoue KA, Hida K, Miyazono K, Watabe T: TNF-α enhances TGF-β-induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition via TGF-β signal augmentation. Cancer Science. 2020.07; 111 (7): 2385-2399. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshimatsu Yasuhiro, Wakabayashi Ikumi, Kimuro Shiori, Takahashi Naoya, Takahashi Kazuki, Kobayashi Miho, Maishi Nako, Podyma-Inoue Katarzyna A., Hida Kyoko, Miyazono Kohei, Watabe Tetsuro: TNF-αはTGF-βシグナル増強を介してTGF-β誘発性の上皮間葉転換を亢進させる(TNF-α enhances TGF-β-induced endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition via TGF-β signal augmentation) Cancer Science. 2020.07; 111 (7): 2385-2399. ( ichushi )
Ojima C, Noguchi Y, Miyamoto T, Saito Y, Orihashi H, Yoshimatsu Y, Watabe T, Takayama K, Hayashi Y, Itoh F: Peptide-2 from mouse myostatin precursor protein alleviates muscle wasting in cancer-associated cachexia. Cancer science. 2020.06; 111 (8): 2954-2964. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yoshimatsu Y, Kimuro S, Pauty J, Takagaki K, Nomiyama S, Inagawa A, Maeda K, Podyma-Inoue KA, Kajiya K, Matsunaga YT, Watabe T: TGF-beta and TNF-alpha cooperatively induce mesenchymal transition of lymphatic endothelial cells via activation of Activin signals. PloS One. 2020.05; 15 (5): e0232356. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yang W, Podyma-Inoue KA, Yonemitsu I, Watari I, Ikeda Y, Guo X, Watabe T, Ono T: Mechanoresponsive and lubricating changes of mandibular condylar cartilage associated with mandibular lateral shift and recovery in the growing rat. Clinical Oral Investigations. 2020.02; ( PubMed , DOI )
Yamamoto D, Kayamori K, Sakamoto K, Tsuchiya M, Ikeda T, Harada H, Yoda T, Watabe T, Hara-Yokoyama M: Intracellular claudin-1 at the invasive front of tongue squamous cell carcinoma is associated with lymph node metastasis. Cancer Sci. 2020.02; 111 (2): 700-712. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kato Y, Arakawa S, Terasawa K, Inokuchi JI, Iwata T, Shimizu S, Watabe T, Hara-Yokoyama M: The ceramide analogue N-(1-hydroxy-3-morpholino-1-phenylpropan-2-yl)decanamide induces large lipid droplet accumulation and highlights the effect of LAMP-2 deficiency on lipid droplet degradation. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters. 2019.12; 30 (3): 126891. ( PubMed , DOI )
Iwasaki K, Komaki M, Akazawa K, Nagata M, Yokoyama N, Watabe T, Morita I: Spontaneous differentiation of periodontal ligament stem cells into myofibroblast during ex vivo expansion. Journal of cellular physiology. 2019.11; 234 (11): 20377-20391. ( PubMed , DOI )
高橋 和樹, 井上 カタジナアンナ, 戒田 篤志, 高橋 恵生, 久保田 晋平, 須河内 昭成, 内橋 俊大, 田中 晋, 古郷 幹彦, 三浦 雅彦, 宮園 浩平, 渡部 徹郎: TGF-βにより細胞周期が停止した口腔扁平上皮がん細胞の運動能ならびに転移能は亢進する(TGF-β-induced cell cycle arrest is associated with increased migration and metastasis of oral squamous carcinoma cells) 日本癌学会総会記事. 2019.09; 78回 J-3010. ( ichushi )
TGF-βにより細胞周期が停止した口腔扁平上皮がん細胞の運動能ならびに転移能は亢進する(TGF-β-induced cell cycle arrest is associated with increased migration and metastasis of oral squamous carcinoma cells) 2019.09; 78回 J-3010. ( ichushi )
TGF-βにより細胞周期が停止した口腔扁平上皮がん細胞の運動能ならびに転移能は亢進する(TGF-β-induced cell cycle arrest is associated with increased migration and metastasis of oral squamous carcinoma cells) 2019.09; 78回 J-3010. ( ichushi )
Iwasaki K, Nagata M, Akazawa K, Watabe T, Morita I: Changes in characteristics of periodontal ligament stem cells in spheroid culture. Journal of periodontal research. 2019.08; 54 (4): 364-373. ( PubMed , DOI )
Miki Hara-Yokoyama, Hidetake Kurihara, Shozo Ichinose, Hironori Matsuda, Shizuko Ichinose, Masaru Kurosawa, Norihiro Tada, Chihiro Iwahara, Kazue Terasawa, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue, Koichi Furukawa and Kazuhisa Iwabuchi: KIF11 as a potential marker of spermatogenesis within mouse seminiferous tubule cross-sections. Journal Histochem Cytochem. 2019.08; 22155419871027. ( PubMed , DOI )
Akatsu Y, Takahashi N, Yoshimatsu Y, Kimuro S, Muramatsu T, Katsura A, Maishi N, Suzuki HI, Inazawa J, Hida K, Miyazono K, Watabe T: Fibroblast growth factor signals regulate transforming growth factor-β-induced endothelial-to-myofibroblast transition of tumor endothelial cells via Elk1. Mol. Oncol.. 2019.08; 13 (8): 1706-1724. ( PubMed , DOI )
Ren E, Watari I, Jui-Chin H, Mizumachi-Kubono M, Podyma-Inoue KA, Narukawa M, Misaka T, Watabe T, Ono T: Unilateral nasal obstruction alters sweet taste preference and sweet taste receptors in rat circumvallate papillae. Acta histochemica. 2019.02; 121 (2): 135-142. ( PubMed , DOI )
Hayato Okamoto, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Taishi Tomizawa, Akiko Kunita, Rina Takayama, Teppei Morikawa, Daisuke Komura, Kazuki Takahashi, Tsukasa Oshima, Moegi Sato, Mao Komai, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Hiroaki Uchida, Hirofumi Hamada, Katsuhito Fujiu, Shumpei Ishikawa, Masashi Fukayama, Takeshi Fukuhara and Tetsuro Watabe: Interleukin-13 receptor α2 is a novel marker and potential therapeutic target for human melanoma. Sci Rep. 2019.02; 9 (1): 1281. ( PubMed , DOI )
K. Iwasaki, K. Akazawa, M. Nagata, M. Komaki, I. Honda, C. Morioka, N. Yokoyama, H. Ayame, K. Yamaki, Y. Tanaka, T. Kimura, A. Kishida, T. Watabe, I. Morita: The fate of transplanted periodontal ligament stem cells in surgically created periodontal defects in rats Int J Mol Sci. 2019.01; 20 (1): 192. ( DOI )
Takahashi, K; Inoue, KA; Yoshimatsu, Y; Kaida, A; Miura, M; Watabe, T: Cell cycle arrest in oral squamous carcinoma cells undergoing TGF-β-induced migration CANCER SCIENCE. 2018.12; 109 1281.
口腔扁平上皮がん細胞のTGF-βによる細胞周期制御と運動能亢進は関連する(Cell cycle arrest in oral squamous carcinoma cells undergoing TGF-β-induced migration) 2018.09; 77回 2158. ( ichushi )
高橋 和樹, 井上 ポディマ カタジナ アンナ, 高尾 千紘, 吉松 康裕, 村松 智輝, 稲澤 譲治, 渡部 徹郎: 口腔扁平上皮がん細胞HOC313-LMの運動能と腫瘍形成能の制御におけるトランスフォーミング増殖因子βシグナルの役割(Regulatory Role of Transforming Growth Factor-β Signals in the Migration and Tumor Formation of HOC313-LM cells, an Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 口腔病学会雑誌. 2018.07; 85 (2): 52-61. ( ichushi )
Kazuki Takahashi, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue, Chihiro Takao, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu Y, Tomoki Muramatsu, Johji Inazawa and Tetsuro Watabe: Regulatory role of transforming growth factor-β signals in the migration and tumor formation of HOC313-LM cells, an oral squamous cell carcinoma Journal Stomatological Society, Jpn. 2018.07; 85 (2): 52-61.
高橋 和樹, 井上 ポディマ, カタジナ アンナ, 高尾 千紘, 吉松 康裕, 村松 智輝, 稲澤 譲治, 渡部 徹郎: 口腔扁平上皮がん細胞HOC313-LMの運動能と腫瘍形成能の制御におけるトランスフォーミング増殖因子βシグナルの役割(Regulatory Role of Transforming Growth Factor-β Signals in the Migration and Tumor Formation of HOC313-LM cells, an Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma) 口腔病学会雑誌. 2018.07; 85 (2): 52-61. ( ichushi )
井上 カタジナ・アンナ, 高橋 和樹, 松田 匠源, 吉松 康裕, 横山 三紀, 渡部 徹郎: TGF-β誘発性上皮間葉転換中の口腔扁平上皮癌細胞が分泌するエキソソーム(Exosomes secreted by oral squamous carcinoma cells undergoing TGF-β-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition) 生命科学系学会合同年次大会. 2017.12; 2017年度 [1P-0028]. ( ichushi )
TGF-β誘発性上皮間葉転換中の口腔扁平上皮癌細胞が分泌するエキソソーム(Exosomes secreted by oral squamous carcinoma cells undergoing TGF-β-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition) 2017.12; 2017年度 [1P-0028]. ( ichushi )
Takeshi Fukuhara, Jia Kim, Shintaro Hokaiwado, Makiko Nawa, Hayato Okamoto, Tomohiko Kogiso, Tetsuro Watabe, Nobutaka Hattori: A novel immunotoxin reveals a new role for CD321 in endothelial cells. PLoS ONE. 2017.09; 12 (10): e0181502. ( PubMed , DOI )
Rie Norita, Yasuhiro Suzuki, Yutaka Furutani, Kazuki Takahashi, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Tetsuro Watabe, Yasufumi Sato: Vasohibin-2 is required for epithelial-mesenchymal transition of ovarian cancer cells by modulating transforming growth factor-β signaling. Cancer Sci.. 2017.03; 108 (3): 419-426. ( PubMed , DOI )
Yuichi Akatsu, Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Taishi Tomizawa, Kazuki Takahashi, Akihiro Katsura, Kohei Miyazono, Tetsuro Watabe: Dual targeting of vascular endothelial growth factor and bone morphogenetic protein-9/10 impairs tumor growth through inhibition of angiogenesis. Cancer Sci.. 2017.01; 108 (1): 151-155. ( PubMed , DOI )
Takashi Ode, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Kazue Terasawa, Jin-Ichi Inokuchi, Toshihide Kobayashi, Tetsuro Watabe, Yuichi Izumi, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: PDMP, a ceramide analogue, acts as an inhibitor of mTORC1 by inducing its translocation from lysosome to endoplasmic reticulum. Exp. Cell Res.. 2017.01; 350 (1): 103-114. ( PubMed , DOI )
Akatsu Yuichi, Yoshimatsu Yasuhiro, Tomizawa Taishi, Takahashi Kazuki, Katsura Akihiro, Miyazono Kohei, Watabe Tetsuro: 血管内皮増殖因子と骨形成蛋白質-9/10の二重標的は血管新生の抑制を介して腫瘍増殖を阻害する(Dual targeting of vascular endothelial growth factor and bone morphogenetic protein-9/10 impairs tumor growth through inhibition of angiogenesis) Cancer Science. 2017.01; 108 (1): 151-155. ( ichushi )
Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Takuya Moriwaki, Anupama R Rajapakshe, Kazue Terasawa, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Characterization of Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan-positive Recycling Endosomes Isolated from Glioma Cells. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2016.12; 13 (6): 443-452. ( PubMed )
Kobayashi M, Suzuki Y, Sato Y.: The post‐translational modification of microtubules mediates The American Society th for Cell Biology 56th Annual Meeting. 2016.12; p383.
Kazue Terasawa, Yuri Tomabechi, Mariko Ikeda, Haruhiko Ehara, Mutsuko Kukimoto-Niino, Motoaki Wakiyama, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Anupama R Rajapakshe, Tetsuro Watabe, Mikako Shirouzu, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Lysosome-associated membrane proteins-1 and -2 (LAMP-1 and LAMP-2) assemble via distinct modes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 2016.10; 479 (3): 489-495. ( PubMed , DOI )
Phowichit S, Kobayashi M, Fujinoya Y, Sato Y, Sanphanya K, Vajragupta O, Chularojmontri L, Wattanapitayakul SK.: Antiangiogenic Effects of VH02, a Novel Urea Derivative: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies. Molecules. 2016.09; 21 (9): 1258.
Kyohei Muguruma, Fumika Yakushiji, Ryosuke Kawamata, Daichi Akiyama, Risako Arima, Takuya Shirasaka, Yamato Kikkawa, Akihiro Taguchi, Kentaro Takayama, Takeshi Fukuhara, Tetsuro Watabe, Yuji Ito, Yoshio Hayashi: Novel Hybrid Compound of a Plinabulin Prodrug with an IgG Binding Peptide for Generating a Tumor Selective Noncovalent-Type Antibody-Drug Conjugate. Bioconjug. Chem.. 2016.07; 27 (7): 1606-1613. ( PubMed , DOI )
Takenobu Katagiri, Tetsuro Watabe: Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2016.06; 8 (6): ( PubMed , DOI )
Horie S, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Kadonosono T, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Kodama T, Sato Y.: Distinctive role of vasohibin-1A and its splicing variant vasohibin-1B in tumor angiogenesis. Cancer Gene therapy. 2016.05; 23 (5): 133-141.
Yasuhiro Yoshimatsu, Hideki Miyazaki, Tetsuro Watabe: Roles of signaling and transcriptional networks in pathological lymphangiogenesis. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev.. 2016.04; 99 (Pt B): 161-171. ( PubMed , DOI )
Fusa Ogata, Katsuhito Fujiu, Sahohime Matsumoto, Yukiteru Nakayama, Munehiko Shibata, Yuichi Oike, Isao Koshima, Tetsuro Watabe, Ryozo Nagai, Ichiro Manabe: Excess Lymphangiogenesis Cooperatively Induced by Macrophages and CD4(+) T Cells Drives the Pathogenesis of Lymphedema. J. Invest. Dermatol.. 2016.03; 136 (3): 706-714. ( PubMed , DOI )
Masato Morikawa, Daizo Koinuma, Anna Mizutani, Natsumi Kawasaki, Katarina Holmborn, Anders Sundqvist, Shuichi Tsutsumi, Tetsuro Watabe, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Carl-Henrik Heldin, Kohei Miyazono: BMP Sustains Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal through Distinct Functions of Different Krüppel-like Factors. Stem Cell Reports. 2016.01; 6 (1): 64-73. ( PubMed , DOI )
Akihiro Katsura, Hiroshi I Suzuki, Toshihide Ueno, Hajime Mihira, Tomoko Yamazaki, Takahiko Yasuda, Tetsuro Watabe, Hiroyuki Mano, Yoshitsugu Yamada, Kohei Miyazono: MicroRNA-31 is a positive modulator of endothelial-mesenchymal transition and associated secretory phenotype induced by TGF-β. Genes Cells. 2016.01; 21 (1): 99-116. ( PubMed , DOI )
Kazue Terasawa, Anupama R Rajapakshe, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Chiemi Mishima-Tsumagari, Masaki Yanagishita, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Preferential recognition of isocitrate dehydrogenase by a rabbit monoclonal antibody (ab124797) against the C-terminal peptide of RANKL. J. Immunol. Methods. 2015.05; ( PubMed , DOI )
Anupama R Rajapakshe, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Kazue Terasawa, Katsuya Hasegawa, Toshimitsu Namba, Yasuhiro Kumei, Masaki Yanagishita, Miki Hara-Yokoyama: Lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) regulate intracellular positioning of mitochondria in MC3T3-E1 cells. Exp. Cell Res.. 2015.02; 331 (1): 211-222. ( PubMed , DOI )
Suenaga K, Kitahara S, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Horie S, Sugawara J, Yaegashi N, Sato Y.: The angiogenic factor, VASH2 regulate placental morphogenesis with the control of cell fusion. PLACENTA. 2014.10; 35 (10): A19.
Suenaga K, Kitahara S, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Horie S, Sugawara J, Yaegashi N, Sato Y.: Role of the vasohibin family in the regulation of fetoplacental vascularization and syncytiotrophoblast formation. PLoS One. 2014.09; 9 (9): e104728.
Emina Aoyama, Ippei Watari, Katarzyna Anna Podyma-Inoue, Masaki Yanagishita, Takashi Ono: Expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor is regulated by the glucose concentration in mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells. Int. J. Mol. Med.. 2014.08; 34 (2): 475-482. ( PubMed , DOI )
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Kasevayuth Kasekarn, Katarzyna A. Podyma-Inoue and Masaki Yanagishita: Effect of lipopolysaccharide from Porphyromonas gingivalis on expression of heparanase in human gingival epithelial cell line, Ca9-22 Chulalongkorn University Dental Journal. 2013.12; 36 (3): 143-152.
Ito S, Miyashita H, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi M, Satomi S, Sato Y.: Enhanced cancer metastasis in mice deficient in vasohibin-1 gene. PLoS One. 2013.09; 8 (9): e73931.
Sachiko Takehara, Masaki Yanagishita, Katarzyna Anna Podyma-Inoue, Yoko Kawaguchi: Degradation of MUC7 and MUC5B in human saliva. PLoS ONE. 2013.07; 8 (7): e69059. ( PubMed , DOI )
Miki Hara-Yokoyama, Kazue Terasawa, Shizuko Ichinose, Akihiko Watanabe, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Kazunari Akiyoshi, Yasuyuki Igarashi, Masaki Yanagishita: Sphingosine kinase 2 inhibitor SG-12 induces apoptosis via phosphorylation by sphingosine kinase 2. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.. 2013.04; 23 (7): 2220-2224. ( PubMed , DOI )
Miki Hara-Yokoyama, Mutsuko Kukimoto-Niino, Kazue Terasawa, Satoru Harumiya, Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Nobumasa Hino, Kensaku Sakamoto, Satsuki Itoh, Noritaka Hashii, Yoko Hiruta, Nana Kawasaki, Chiemi Mishima-Tsumagari, Yoko Kaitsu, Tomoko Matsumoto, Motoaki Wakiyama, Mikako Shirouzu, Takeshi Kasama, Hiroshi Takayanagi, Naoko Utsunomiya-Tate, Kiyoshi Takatsu, Toshiaki Katada, Yoshio Hirabayashi, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Masaki Yanagishita: Tetrameric interaction of the ectoenzyme CD38 on the cell surface enables its catalytic and raft-association activities. Structure. 2012.09; 20 (9): 1585-1595. ( PubMed , DOI )
Katarzyna A Podyma-Inoue, Miki Hara-Yokoyama, Tamayuki Shinomura, Tomoko Kimura, Masaki Yanagishita: Syndecans reside in sphingomyelin-enriched low-density fractions of the plasma membrane isolated from a parathyroid cell line. PLoS ONE. 2012.03; 7 (3): e32351. ( PubMed , DOI )
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Endothelial destabilization by tumor-derived exosome 2023.06; 46 (1): 7-12.
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Watari Ippei, Jutiporn Privatananupunt, Hsu Jui-Chin, Katarzyna Anna Podyma-Inoue, Emina Aoyama and Takashi Ono: The influence of gestational diabetes in craniofacial growth of newborn Journal of Society for Women's Health Science Research . 2014.05; 3 (1): 57-62.
Sachio Tsuchida, Katarzyna Anna Inoue, Miki Yokoyama, Kayoko Fukasawa, Akihiro Ishihara, Masaki Yanagishita, Nobuo Yoshinari: Use of proteomics in research on periodontal disease Journal of the Japanese Society of Periodontology. 2007.11; 49 (3): 257-263. ( DOI )
小林美穂, 小林美穂, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 勝又寿枝, 廣瀬穂香, 吉松康裕, 中山雅敬, 松永行子, 渡部徹郎: Relationship between vascular homeostasis and aging 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022; 45th
小林美穂, 藤原花汐, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 井上カタジナアンナ, 渡部徹郎: Endothelial destabilization by tumor-derived exosome リンパ学. 2022; 45 (Supplement):
時崎詩織, 時崎詩織, 井上カタジナアンナ, 高橋和樹, 原田浩之, 渡部徹郎: Development of novel Fc chimeric receptor targeting all TGF-β isoforms リンパ学. 2022; 45 (Supplement):
高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 勝又寿枝, 小林美穂, 池田行徳, 篠原満利恵, 前田健太郎, 吉松康裕, 吉松康裕, 松永行子, 渡部徹郎: Visualization of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) and intravasation of cancer cells using EndoMT reporter cells リンパ学. 2022; 45 (Supplement):
勝又寿枝, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 小林美穂, 前田健太郎, 紀室志織, 松永行子, 吉松康裕, 吉松康裕, 渡部徹郎: Analysis of various stages during endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) using EndoMT reporter cells リンパ学. 2022; 45 (Supplement):
勝又寿枝, 高橋和樹, 高橋和樹, 小林美穂, 前田健太郎, 吉松康裕, 松永行子, 渡部徹郎: Detection of partial endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT) states using EndoMT reporter endothelial cells 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022; 45th