Outline Research Education Lectures & Courses Clinical Services & Other Works


The Vision of department of Oral Health Sciences for Community Welfare is:
To establish the basis of human resource development where dental professionals can manage the needs of older adults who have various characteristics.
We engage in the activities with the Mission below:
To conduct practice, research and education to nurture human resources who act vigorously as oral health professional, working together with the other health professionals in acute care to community welfare

Please contact us if you are interested in the graduate school or collaborative research (matsuo.ohcw at tmd.ac.jp)
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1. Invention of oral frail preventive program for community dwelling older adults
2. Invention of monitoring system for eating behavior in dependent older adults
3. Innovative food technology systems for independent senior living
4. Establishment of oral management system during stroke recovery
5. Invention of peri-operative oral management system for cancer patients
6. Multidisciplinary Oral management system
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Under-graduate course
Gerodontology/Welfare for older adults/Nursing-care for older adults/Prosthodontics/Home visiting dentistry/Community dental care/ Social work

Post-graduate course
Welfare and Oral Health Care for older adults
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Lectures & Courses

The education policy of our department is:
To educate dental professionals who will acquire the competency below:
Knowledge, skill and experience to work in medical and health care fields
Communication skill to educate the other health professionals
Activities with self-intent
Interest in international academic activities with positive research mind
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Clinical Services & Other Works

Japanese Society of Gerodontology: Specialist, Instructor, Executive Board Member (International Affair)
Japanese Association of Dentistry and Oral Health: Specialist, Instructor, Board Member (International Affair)
Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation
Japanese Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism

Asian Association of Dentistry and Oral Health: Board member
International Association of Dentistry and Oral Health: Councilor,International Advisory Committee
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