1. 柳下 和慶. 軟部組織損傷の浮腫軽減に及ぼす高圧酸素の影響. 【第5回】アジア太平洋潜水・高気圧環境医学会 2024.08.24 台湾

  2. Yukihisa MATSUMOTO. Parental ages affect the memory formation ability of the offspring in crickets. Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems (NTrMS) 2 2024.08.22 Tokyo, Japan

  3. T. Matsushitaa, A. A. Temurjonova, Y. Miyauchia, Y. Kobayashia, M. Hiedab, and N. Wada. Exploring Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid of the 1D 3He using NMR. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2024 2024.07

  4. A. A. Temurjonova, T. Matsushitaa, M. Hiedab, and N. Wada. Thermal Relaxation Effect in the Nanopore Heat Exchanger for Dilution Refrigerator. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2024 2024.07

  5. Shimpei Goto, Kazuki Koshino. Displaced Frame Approach for Simulating High-Power Dispersive Readout. APS March Meeting 2024 2024.03.05

  6. Katsuta Sakai, Kazuki Koshino. Efficient numerical simulation of microwave-optical quantum transducers. APS March Meeting 2024 2024.03.05 Minneapolis Convention Center

  1. Yukihisa Matsumoto . Melatonin eliminates the negative effects of parental age on the memory formation ability of offspring in crickets. 日本比較生理生化学会第45回大会 2023.12.03 大阪(大阪大学)

  2. Kanta Terao, Beatriz Álvarez, Shun Fujimaki, Yutaka Kosaki, Yukihisa Matsumto, Makoto Mizunami. Extinction and renewal in classical conditioning in an insect. 日本比較生理生化学会第45回大会 2023.12.03 大阪(大阪大学)

  3. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. ATR-FTIR analysis pf the Ca2+-binding site III of rabbit skeletal muscle troponin C: Effect of amino-acid replacement on the Ca2+ coordination structure. 第60回ペプチド討論会 2023.11.08 大津

  4. Hisayuki Morii, Masayuki Nara. Characteristic tyrosine-rich region of silk fibroin reveals dual propensity to converge with different types of secondary structures. 第60回ペプチド討論会 2023.11.08 大津

  5. Kazuki Koshino. Swapping between superconducting and microwave-photon qubits by single reflection. 1st International Workshop on Quantum Information Engineering 2023.10.12 沖縄科学技術大学院大学

  6. Azimjon A. Temurjonov, 宮内雄也, 清水康弘, 伊藤正行, 小林義明, 檜枝光憲, 和田信雄, 松下琢. ナノトンネル中に形成した1次元3He流体のスピン拡散II. 第78回年次大会(2023年) 2023.09

  7. Azimjon A. Temurjonov, 松下琢, 檜枝光憲, 和田信雄. ナノ多孔体熱交換器の性能評価II. 第78回年次大会(2023年) 2023.09

  8. Kanta TERAO, Yutaka KOSAKI, Yusuke Maruyama, Kazuki WATANABE, Kosuke KATAOKA, Atushiko HATTORI, Yukihisa MATSUMOTO. Social contexts mediate reward systems in a cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. Non-Traditional Arthropod Model Systems: Studying Form and Function (NTrMS) 2023.08.04 Brunswick, USA

  9. Azimjon Temurjonov, Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori Hieda, Nobuo Wada. Performance Evaluation of the Nanopore Heat Exchanger. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2023 2023.07

  10. Azimjon Temurjonov, Yuya Miyauchi, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Masayuki Itoh, Yoshiaki Kobayashi1, Mitsunori Hieda, Nobuo Wada, Taku Matsushita. Spin diffusion of dilute 3He fluid in 4He-precoated 1D nanochannels. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2023 2023.07

  11. 酒井勝太,越野和樹. 共振器系-短導波路系クロスオーバー領域におけるTime-bin式もつれ生成の評価. ムーンショット目標6内部全体会議 2023.03.29 ベルサール秋葉原

  12. 越野和樹,猪股邦弘. Demonstration of deterministic SWAP gate between superconducting and frequency-encoded microwave-photon qubits. ムーンショット目標6内部全体会議 2023.03.29 ベルサール秋葉原

  13. 後藤慎平,越野和樹. 強光度分散読み出しの効率的数値シミュレート手法の提案. ムーンショット目標6内部全体会議 2023.03.29 ベルサール秋葉原

  14. Kazuki Koshino. Demonstration of SWAP gate between superconducting and microwave-photon qubits. Research Workshop on Superconductivity and Quantum Technology 2023.03.14 シーサイドホテル舞子ビラ神戸

  15. Tomohiro Shitara and Kazuki Koshino. Coupling-type-dependent selection rule in the deep strong-coupling regime. APS March Meeting 2023 2023.03.09 Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

  16. Shimpei Goto, Ryui Kaneko, Ippei Danshita. Efficient Sampling Scheme with Trotter Gates for Evaluating Thermal Expectation Values on Quantum Computers. American Physical Society March Meeting 2023 2023.03.09

  17. Kazuki Koshino and Kunihiro Inomata. Demonstration of SWAP gate between superconducting and microwave-photon qubits. APS March Meeting 2023 2023.03.06 Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

  1. Kanta Terao、Yutaka Kosaki、Yusuke Maruyama、Atsuhiko Hattori、Yukihisa Matsumoto. Effects of social isolation in crickets Gryllus bimaculatus. 日本動物心理学会第82回大会 2022.10.16 東京(早稲田大学)

  2. Junko Taniguchi, Airi Kaneko, Masato Kuribara, Masaru Suzuki, and Mitsunori Hieda. Superfluid measurements of 4He confined in a nanochannel by a 100 kHz tuning fork. International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics (ULT2022) 2022.08.25

  3. Taku Matsushita, Azimjon A. Temurjonov, Ryosuke Shibatsuji, Yasuhiro Shimizu1, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Masayuki Itoh, Mitsunori Hieda, and Nobuo Wada. NMR study of 1D 3He in nanochannels. International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics (ULT2022) 2022.08.25

  4. Azimjon A. Temurjonov, Taku Matsushita, Kazunori Amaike, Ryoichi Inagaki, Mitsunori Hieda, Nobuo Wada, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Masayuki Itoh. Influence of Precoated 4He layer on the 3He Dimerization in Nanopores. 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29) 2022.08.18

  5. Airi Kaneko, Yamato Ota, Junko Taniguchi, Masaru Suzuki, Mitsunori Hieda. Simultaneous measurements of 4He confined in an oriented porous membrane by 32- and 100-kHz tuning forks. 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29) 2022.08.18

  6. Taku Matsushita, Azimjon A. Temurjonov, Ryosuke Shibatsuji, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Yoshiaki Kobayashi, Masayuki Itoh, Mitsunori Hieda, and Nobuo Wada. Examination of Possible Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid Behavior for 1D 3He Formed in Nanochannels. 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29) 2022.08.18

  7. Nobuo Wada, Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori Hieda. Heat Flow Resistance of Compact Nanopore Heat Exchanger. 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29) 2022.08.18

  8. Rui Asaoka, Julio Gea-Banacloche, Yuuki Tokunaga, and Kazuki Koshino. Stimulated emission from superradiant atoms in waveguide QED. CLEO 2022 2022.05.17 San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA

  9. Nishino Hiroshi, Domae Mana, Matsumoto Yukihisa, Takanashi Takuma. コオロギの聴覚器官の比較研究から明らかになった耳小骨様の構造と鼓膜の変化(Comparative study of cricket auditory organs highlights modification of ossicles-like structures and tympanal membranes). 比較生理生化学 2022.04.01

  10. Ivan Iakoupov and Kazuki Koshino. Saturable Purcell filter for circuit QED. APS March Meeting 2022 2022.03.15 online

  1. Z. Ao, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, T. Aoki, K. Koshino, K. Semba. Parameter Analysis towards to Deterministic Photon Down-conversion in Ultra-strong Coupling Regime. ISNTT 2021 2021.12.16 online

  2. Tomohiro Shitara, Kazuki Koshino. Coupling-type-dependent selection rule in the deep-strong-coupling regime. ISNTT 2021 2021.12.16 online

  3. R. Asaoka, Y. Tokunaga, J. Gea-Banacloche, and K. Koshino. Stimulated emission of superradiant atoms in waveguide QED. ISNTT 2021 2021.12.15 online

  4. Ivan Iakoupov and Kazuki Koshino. Saturable Purcell filter for circuit QED. ISNTT 2021 2021.12.15 online

  5. Nishino Hiroshi, Domae Mana, Matsumoto Yukihisa, Takanashi Takuma. Comparative study of cricket auditory organs highlights modification of ossicles-like structures and tympanal membranes(和訳中). 日本比較生理生化学会第43回大会 2021.12.05

  6. Kanta Terao, Yukihisa Matsumoto, Yutaka Kosaki. Extinction learning in crickets. 日本比較生理生化学会第43回大会 2021.12.04 札幌(オンライン)

  7. Matsumoto Yukihisa. Parental ages affect the memory formation ability of offspring in crickets. 日本比較生理生化学会第43回大会 2021.12.04 札幌(オンライン)

  8. Hisayuki Morii, Masayuki Nara. Fragment-matching survey for amyloid-core region of amyloid beta (1-42) . 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2021.10.20 online

  9. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. ATR-FTIR Study of Synthetic Peptide Analogs of the Calcium-Binding Site III of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Troponin C: Effects of Amino-Acid Replacement. 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2021.10.20 online

  10. Airi Kaneko, Junko Taniguchi, Masaru Suzuki, Mistunori Hieda. Tuning fork measurements of 4He confined in an oriented porous membrane. QFS2021 2021.08.13

  11. K. Koshino, K. Semba. Theory of deterministic three-photon down-conversion in ultrastrong cavity QED. APS March Meeting 2021 2021.03.15

  1. Hisayuki Morii, Masayuki Nara. Exploration on amyloid-forming region in a-synuclein as a causative protein of Parkinson’s disease. The 57th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2020.11.09

  2. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. FTIR Study of the Ca2+-Coordination Structure of Akazara Scallop Troponin C: Effect on Glu at the 12th Position by an Amino-Acid Replacement. The 57th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2020.11.09

  3. 猪熊恵子、佐々木徹、阿部公彦、板倉厳一郎. 「今に生きるディケンズ」. 日本ディケンズフェロウシップ、作家没後150年記念大会 2020.10.03

  1. Naoki Yamamoto, Takuya Oyaizu, Masaki Horie, Mitsuhiro Enomoto, Masato Yuasa, Ryohei Takada, Kazuyoshi Yagishita. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy promotes muscle regeneration via angiogenesis by reactive nitrogen species in muscle contusion injury of rat.. The 4th conference of Asia-pasific Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 2019.10.25 nakatsu, Oita Japan

  2. Hyperbaric oxygen for sports medicine. The 4th conference of Asia-pasific Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society 2019.10.25 中津市

  3. Hisayuki Morii, Masayuki Nara. Infrared Analyses on Amyloid-forming Oligopeptides of Alanine. 第56回ペプチド討論会 2019.10.23 Tokyo

  4. Oyaizu Takuya, Enomoto Mitsuhiro, Yamamoto Naoki, Horie Masaki, Yagishita Kazuyoshi. 高気圧酸素はマクロファージおよび衛星細胞の活性化を介して炎症を軽減し損傷した筋肉に酸素を送り込み骨格筋を再生する(Hyperbaric Oxygen Reduces Inflammation, Oxygenates Injured Muscle, and Regenerates Skeletal Muscle Via Macrophage and Satellite Cell Activation). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  5. Oyaizu Takuya, Enomoto Mitsuhiro, Yamamoto Naoki, Horie Masaki, Yagishita Kazuyoshi. 高気圧酸素はマクロファージおよび衛星細胞の活性化を介して炎症を軽減し損傷した筋肉に酸素を送り込み骨格筋を再生する(Hyperbaric Oxygen Reduces Inflammation, Oxygenates Injured Muscle, and Regenerates Skeletal Muscle Via Macrophage and Satellite Cell Activation). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  6. Yamamoto Naoki, Oyaizu Takuya, Enomoto Mitsuhiro, Horie Masaki, Kojima Yasushi, Okawa Atsushi, Yagishita Kazuyoshi. ラット筋挫傷において高気圧酸素療法は活性窒素種による血管新生を介して筋肉再生を促進する(Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Promotes Muscle Regeneration Via Angiogenesis by Reactive Nitrogen Species in Muscle Contusion Injury of Rat). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  7. Yagishita Kazuyoshi, Ohara Toshiyuki, Shioda Mikio, Kojima Yasushi, Niizeki Yumi, Oyaizu Takuya, Okawa Atsushi. スポーツ医学における高気圧酸素療法(Hyperbaric Oxygen for Sports Medicine). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  8. Yagishita Kazuyoshi, Ohara Toshiyuki, Shioda Mikio, Kojima Yasushi, Niizeki Yumi, Oyaizu Takuya, Okawa Atsushi. スポーツ医学における高気圧酸素療法(Hyperbaric Oxygen for Sports Medicine). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  9. Yamamoto Naoki, Oyaizu Takuya, Enomoto Mitsuhiro, Horie Masaki, Kojima Yasushi, Okawa Atsushi, Yagishita Kazuyoshi. ラット筋挫傷において高気圧酸素療法は活性窒素種による血管新生を介して筋肉再生を促進する(Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Promotes Muscle Regeneration Via Angiogenesis by Reactive Nitrogen Species in Muscle Contusion Injury of Rat). 日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会雑誌 2019.09.01

  10. Taku Matsushitaa, Ryoichi Inagakia, Masayuki Itoha,Kazunori Amaikea,Mitsunori Hieda,and NobuoWada. Dimer Bound State and 3D Fermi liquid of 3He Film in 3D Nanopore. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2019 2019.08.10 University of Alberta, campus in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

  11. Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori Hieda, Ryo Toda,and Nobuo Wada. Short-Range and Long-Range Orderings of Bose4He Films Adsorbed in Nanopores. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2019 2019.08.10 University of Alberta, campus in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

  12. Y. Matsumoto. Olfactory memory in the crickets. The 10th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Symposium 2019.08.05 Ottawa, Canada

  13. S. Kagami, T. Yamaji, T. Sato, H. Goto, K. Koshino, Z. Lin, Y. Nakamura, and T. Yamamoto. Dynamics of Josephson Parametric Oscillator with Large Kerr Nonlinearity. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  14. Z. Lin, S. Masuda, K. Inomata, K. Koshino, T. Yamamoto, Y. Nakamura. Real-time detection of an itinerant microwave photon using dressed-state engineering. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  15. T. Shitara, M. Bamba, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, K. Semba, and K. Koshino. Ground state of a circuit QED system in the deep-strong coupling regime coupled to an environment. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  16. S. Masuda and K. Koshino. Theoretical study of on-chip single microwave photon source based on adiabatic population transfer and shortcuts to adiabaticity. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  17. Z. Ao, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, S. Kim, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T. Shitara, K. Koshino, T. Aoki, K. Semba. Observation of forbidden transitions using coupled superconducting flux qubit-coplanar waveguide resonator circuit in ultra-strong coupling regime. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  18. S. Kono, K. Koshino, Y. Tabuchi, A. Noguchi, D. Lachance-Quirion, Y. Nakamura. Breaking the trade-off between gate and relaxation times of a superconducting qubit with a Josephson quantum filter: Experiment. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  19. K. Koshino, S. Kono, Y. Tabuchi, A. Noguchi, D. Lachance-Quirion, Y. Nakamura. Theory of Josephson Quantum Filter. SQ20th 2019.05.13 Tsukuba International Congress Center

  20. Shumpei Masuda, Shingo Kono, Keishi Suzuki, Yuuki Tokunaga, Yasunobu Nakamura, Kazuki Koshino. Theoretical study of nonreciprocal microwave transmission based on Gebhard-Ruckenstein hopping. APS March Meeting 2019 2019.03.04 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  21. Jesper Ilves, Shota Yamazaki, Shingo Kono, Yoshiki Sunada, Minkyu Kim, Kazuki Koshino, Yasunobu Nakamura. Generation of a microwave time-bin qubit with a superconducting qubit. APS March Meeting 2019 2019.03.04 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  22. Zhirong Lin, Shumpei Masuda, Kunihiro Inomata, Kazuki Koshino, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Yasunobu Nakamura. Real-time detection of an itinerant microwave photon using dressed-state engineering. APS March Meeting 2019 2019.03.04 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  23. Shingo Kono, Kazuki Koshino, Yutaka Tabuchi, Atsushi Noguchi, Dany Lachance-Quirion, Yasunobu Nakamura. Breaking the trade-off between gate and relaxation times of a superconducting qubit with a Josephson quantum filter: Experiment. APS March Meeting 2019 2019.03.04 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  24. Kazuki Koshino, Shingo Kono, Yutaka Tabuchi, Atsushi Noguchi, Dany Lachance-Quirion, Yasunobu Nakamura. Breaking the trade-off between gate and relaxation times of a superconducting qubit with a Josephson quantum filter: Theory. APS March Meeting 2019 2019.03.04 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  1. Masayuki Nara, Wataru Hirachi, Hisayuki Morii, Nobuyuki Uozumi, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. Ca2+-bound coordination structural analysis of tobacco K+ channel (NtTPK1) by infrared spectroscopy in combination with synthetic peptide analogues. The 10th International Peptide Symposium / the 55th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2018.12.03 Kyoto, Japan

  2. 小柳津 卓哉, 榎本 光裕, 堀江 正樹, 山本 尚輝, 柳下 和慶. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment accelerates skeletal muscle regeneration via activation of the IL-6/STAT3 pathway and suppression of NFκB in rat contused muscle. 第44回日本整形外科スポーツ医学会学術集会 2018.09.07 徳島市

  3. Oyaizu Takuya, 榎本 光裕, 堀江 正樹, 山本 尚輝, 柳下 和慶. 筋挫傷ラットにおける高圧酸素治療はIL-6/STAT3経路の活性化とNFkBの抑制を介して骨格筋再生を促進する(Hyperbaric oxygen treatment accelerates skeletal muscle regeneration via activation of the IL-6/STAT3 pathway and suppression of NFκB in rat contused muscle). 日本整形外科スポーツ医学会雑誌 2018.08.01

  4. Oyaizu Takuya, 榎本 光裕, 堀江 正樹, 山本 尚輝, 柳下 和慶. 筋挫傷ラットにおける高圧酸素治療はIL-6/STAT3経路の活性化とNFkBの抑制を介して骨格筋再生を促進する(Hyperbaric oxygen treatment accelerates skeletal muscle regeneration via activation of the IL-6/STAT3 pathway and suppression of NFκB in rat contused muscle). 日本整形外科スポーツ医学会雑誌 2018.08.01

  5. T. Matsushita, K. Amaike, M. Hieda, and N. Wada. Singlet Dimer Bound State of 3He in Nanopore Suggested by NMR. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2018 Tokyo 2018.07.26 the University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan

  6. M. Hieda, H. Yamaguchi, T. Matsushita, and N. Wada. Kosterlitz-Thouless Superfluid Transition of 4He Films on Planar Gold. International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids, QFS2018 Tokyo 2018.07.26 the University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan

  7. Y Kojima, S Suzuki, Y Niizeki, A Kojima, H Kawaguchi, K Yagishita. Recreational diving related injuries among insured Divers Alert Network Japan members: Retrospective analysis of 321 cases from 2010 to 2014.. 51th Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018.06.29 Orlando, USA

  8. Shunsuke Ohji, Jyunya Aizawa, Kenji Hirohata, Takehiro Ohmi, Kazuyoshi Yagishita. Correlation Between Kinesiophobia and Vastus Medialis Activation Prior to Landing During Single-Leg Jump Landing in Athletes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.. AOA & APKASS Combined Meeting 2018.05.31

  1. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. Characterization of the Ca2+-coordination structures of T- and L-plastins by infrared spectroscopy in combination with synthetic peptide analogues. The 54th Japanese Peptide Symposium 2017.11.20 Osaka, Japan

  2. 前田 卓馬, 宮本 聡子, 大久保 淳, 後藤 啓吾, 山内 大輔, 山本 素希, 山本 尚輝, 高田 亮平, 小島 泰史, 柳下 和慶. 模擬血流を用いた高気圧環境下におけるレーザ血流計の測定機能評価. 第52回日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会学術総会 2017.11.11 沖縄県中頭郡

  3. 小柳津 卓哉, 榎本 光裕, 堀江 正樹, 大川 淳, 柳下 和慶. 高気圧酸素治療は圧挫損傷骨格筋内のIL-6/STAT3 pathwayを活性化させ、MyoDを介して筋再生を促進する. 第52回日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会学術総会 2017.11.11 沖縄県中頭郡

  4. 大久保 淳, 宮本 聡子, 前田 卓馬, 山本 素希, 後藤 啓吾, 山内 大輔, 山本 尚輝, 高田 亮平, 小島 泰史, 柳下 和慶. 足関節捻挫1症例におけるHBO施行中の末梢血流量と経皮酸素分圧動態. 第52回日本高気圧環境・潜水医学会学術総会 2017.11.11 沖縄県中頭郡

  5. Masayuki Nara, Yusuke Maruyama, Atsuhiko Hattori . Characterization of goldfish scales by vibrational spectroscopic analyses. The 14th International Symposium on Biomineralization (BIOMIN XIV) 2017.10.09 Tsukuba, Japan

  6. T. Matsushita, K. Amaike, R. Shibatsuji, M. Hieda, N. Wada. Essentially Different 3He Fluid States in 4He-preplated 1D and 3D Nanopores Revealed by NMR. International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics, ULT 2017 2017.08.18 Gothenburg, Sweden

  7. T. Matsushita, N. Wada, T. Suzuki, S. Urano, T. Murai, R. Toda, M. Hieda. One- and Three-Dimensional Transitions of 4He Superfluid Films Formed in Nanopores. International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics, ULT 2017 2017.08.18 Gothenburg, Sweden

  8. N. Wada, T. Matsushita, T. Suzuki, S. Urano, T. Murai, R. Toda, M. Hieda. One- and Three-Dimensional Transitions of 4He Superfluid Films Formed in Nanopores. 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics 2017.08.10 Gothenburg, Sweden

  9. T. Matsushita, R. Shibatsuji, K. Kurebayashi, M. Hieda, N. Wada. Possible Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state of 3He adsorbed in 1D nanochannels. 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics 2017.08.10 Gothenburg, Sweden

  10. T. Matsushita, K. Amaike, T. Yoshimura, M. Kuno, M. Hieda, N. Wada. 3He fluid states adsorbed in 4He-preplated nanopores with 3D connection. 28th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics 2017.08.10 Gothenburg, Sweden

  11. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. Coordination to divalent cations by calcium-binding proteins studied by infrared spectroscopy. BIT’s 10th Anniversary of Protein & Peptide Conference-2017 2017.03.21 Fukuoka

  1. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Kazuyuki Kuchitsu, Takuya Miyakawa, and Masaru Tanokura. Infrared Studies on the Ca2+-bound Coordination Structure of Calmodulin. Japan-Taiwan Medical Spectroscopy International Symposium (JTMSIS) 2016.12.04 Awaji

  2. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. Infrared study of the Ca2+-coordination structures of Ca2+-binding proteins: the Problem of aggregation of synthetic peptide analogues . The 54th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japn 2016.11.26 Tsukuba

  3. Y.Matsumoto, Y. Maruyama, S.C. Matsumoto, A. Iwashita, A. Chiba, A. Hattori. Melatonin metabolites rescue age-related memory impairment in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. The 22th International Congress of Zoology 2016.11.16 Okinawa

  4. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. ATR-FTIR Study on Synthetic Peptide Analogues of the Ca2+-binding Sites of Ca2+-Binding Proteins. The 53rd Japanese Peptde Symposium 2016.10.26 Kyoto

  5. T. Muraki, A. Shinohara, M. Hieda, T. Matsushita, N. Wada. Superfulid of 4He nanotube in 1D nanopores and dissipation peak. IGER International Symposium on Science of Molecular 2016 2016.09.29 Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University

  6. T. Nishida, T. Yoshimura, M. Hieda, T. Matsushita, N. Wada. Specific heat of 3He adsorbed in new 3D nanoporous MCM-48. IGER International Symposium on Science of Molecular 2016 2016.09.29 Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya University

  7. 土屋雄太,原佑樹,西田竹潔,檜枝光憲,松下琢,和田信雄. 3次元ナノ多孔体HMM-2中3Heの巨大なフェルミ液体および非フェルミ液体比熱. 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会 2016.09.15 金沢大学(角間キャンパス)

  8. 天池一憲,柴辻亮介,松下琢,檜枝光憲,和田信雄. 3次元ナノ多孔体HMM-2に吸着した4He薄膜上3HeのNMRによる観測. 日本物理学会2016年秋季大会 2016.09.15 金沢大学(角間キャンパス)

  9. Takahashi N, Suzuki N, Itoh MT, ishizuka B. The involvement of neurofilament heavy chain phosphorylation in the maturation and degeneration of rat oocytes.. The 22nd International Congress of Zoology Joint Events The 87th meeting of Zoological Society of Japan 2016.09.08 那覇

  10. T. Matsushita, R. Shibatsuji, K. Amaike, M. Hieda, N. Wada. NMR for 3He in the 1D state in nanochannels -possible Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid 3He-. International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2016, QFS 2016 2016.08.10 Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic

  11. N. Wada, T. Matsushita, T. Nishida, Y. Tsuchiya, Y. Hara, M. Hieda. Huge Fermi liquid and non-Fermi liquid heat capacities of 3He films formed in 3D nanopore. International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2016, QFS 2016 2016.08.10 Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic

  12. N. Wada, T. Matsushita, M. Hieda. Superfluid transitions of 4He films under new dimensional and topological conditions of nanopores. International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2016, QFS 2016 2016.08.10 Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic

  1. Hisayuki Morii, Masayuki Nara . Novel Aspects of IR spectroscopic analyses of beta-structures of amyloids. The 52rd Japanese Peptide Symposium 2015.11.16 Hiratsuka

  2. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Akira Sakamoto, Takuya Miyakawa, Masaru Tanokura. Infrared study on 13C-labeled synthetic peptide analogues of the Ca2+-binding site III of troponin C. The 52nd Japanese Peptide Symposium 2015.11.16 Hiratsuka

  3. Hisayuki Morii, Takashi Shimizu, Masayuki Nara. Revealing the structural rules of insulin amyloid by infrared spectroscopy. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2015.09.13 Kanazawa, Ishikawa

  4. OYAIZU Takuya, ENOMOTO Mitsuhiro, YAGISHITA Kazuyoshi. Acceleration of muscle volume reduction and recovery from hypoxia of injured skeletal muscle by hyperbaric oxygen.. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2015 2015.06.18 Montreal, Canada

  5. Masayuki Nara, Hisayuki Morii, Takashi Shimizu, Kazuyuki Kuchitsu, T. Miyakawa, Msasaru Tanokura. Infrared studies on the Ca2+-bound coordination structure of synthetic peptide analogues of the Ca2+-binding site. CaBP19 2015.05.30 Nashville

  1. M. Hieda. Nanoscale superfluid transition of two-dimensional 4He revealed by MHz frequencies. Workshop on New Perspectives in Quantum Turbulence 2014.12.11 Toyoda Auditorium, Nagoya University

  2. N. Wada, D. Tokioka, R. Toda, M. Hieda, and T. Matsushita. Possible Superfuid Transition from 2D Bose Fluid to 3D Long-Range-Ordered State of 4He Film Formed in 3D Nanopore. The 27th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, LT27 2014.08.06

  1. Analysis and modeling of sensory preconditioning in crickets.. The 10th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Maryland, USA) 2012, August 2012

  2. Systemic RNA interference for the study of learning and memory in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.. The 2nd International Conference on the Cricket (Tokushima, Japan) 2012, March 2012

  3. NO-cGMP signaling is involved in age-related memory impairment in the cricket.. The 2nd International Conference on the Cricket (Tokushima, Japan) 2012, March 2012

  4. Memory molecules in insects: from behavioral pharmacological studies of olfactory learning in crickets Gryllus bimaculatus.. The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society Symposium: Potential of Insect Neuroscience -Beyond the Drosophila- (Nagoya, Japan) 2012, September 2012

  1. Age-related memory impairment and its pharmacological rescue in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.. The 1st International Conference on the Cricket (Tokushima, Japan) 2011, March 2011

  2. Sensory preconditioning in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus: Associations between neutral sensory stimuli.. The 8th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (Nagoya, Japan) 2011, June 2011

  3. Habit formation by extended Pavlovian training in crickets. The 8th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (Nagoya, Japan) 2011, June 2011

  1. NO-cGMP signaling is involved in age-related memory impairment in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.. Neuro2010 (Kobe, Japan) 2010, September 2010

  2. Age-related memory impairment and its pharmacological rescue in the cricket.. The 9th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Salamanca, Spain) 2010, August 2010

  3. Effect of epinastine on acquisition and retrieval of appetitive olfactory memory in the cockroach.. The 9th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Salamanca, Spain) 2010, August 2010

  4. Infrared study on synthetic peptide analogues of the EF-hand motif of tobacco calmodulin. 5th International Peptide Symposium 2010

  5. "Cognitive" aspects of insect classical conditioning revealed by studying the roles of aminergic neurons in associative memory recall.. The 9th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Salamanca, Spain) 2010, August 2010

  1. Systemic RNAi for long-term memory in an insect. ZAO Conference, the 1st International Conference of Tohoku Neuroscience GCOE; "from GENES to development and behavior" (Sendai, Japan) 2008, January 2008

  1. CNG channel, calmodulin and CaMKII underlie olfactory long-term memory formation in the honeybee.. Neuro2007 (Yokohama, Japan) 2007, September 2007

  2. Context-dependent olfactory conditioning in cockroaches.. Neuro2007 (Yokohama, Japan) 2007, September 2007

  3. Context-dependent learning in cockroaches.. The 8th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Vancouver, Canada) 2007, July 2007

  4. Nitric oxide synthase dsRNA interfere with long-term memory formation in an insect.. Neuro2007 (Yokohama, Japan) 2007, September 2007

  1. Cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels and calmodulin underlie olfactory long-term memory in the honeybee Apis mellifera.. The 5th Congress of the Forum of European Neuroscience (Vienna, Austria) 2006, July 2006

  1. 宗田 大、柳下和慶、原憲司、関矢一郎. 人工膝関節置換術の軟部バランスに与える大腿骨切除量の影響. 第35回日本人工関節学会 2005.02.03 沖縄

  1. 宗田 大、柳下和慶、関矢一郎. シンポジウム私のACL再建術:この10年の進歩. 第29回日本膝関節学会 2004.02.13 広島

  2. A mechanism of long-term memory formation in the cricket.. Japanese-French Postdoc Meeting on Insect Neuroethology (Toulouse, France) 2004, March 2004

  3. Different memory dynamics in appetitive learning and aversive learning in the cricket.. The 14th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, and the 38th Japanese Association for Taste and Smell (ISOT/JASTS 2004) (Kyoto, Japan) Symposium 2004, July 2004

  4. Different memory dynamics in appetitive learning and aversive learning in the cricket.. Symposium on Chemical Sense and Insect Behavior (Kyoto, Japan) Symposium 2004, July 2004

  5. Formation of long-term olfactory memory in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus.. The 14th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, and the 38th Japanese Association for Taste and Smell (ISOT/JASTS 2004) (Kyoto, Japan) Symposium 2004, July 2004

  6. Different memory dynamics of, and neurotransmitters involved in, appetitive learning and aversive learning in the cricket.. The 7th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Nyborg, Denmark) 2004, August 2004

  7. Nitric oxide-cGMP pathway is critical for cAMP-dependent long-term memory formation in the cricket.. The 7th Congress of the International Society for Neuroethology (Nyborg, Denmark) 2004, August 2004

  1. 宗田 大、柳下和慶、八木啓介、関矢一郎. 私の2束ACL再建術の反省と現在の試み. 日本リウマチ・関節外科学会 2003.11.08

  2. 宗田 大、柳下和慶、関矢一郎. 多重折半腱様筋腱による前十字靭帯再建術の中長期成績:1ルート法と2ルート法の比較 パネル「ここまできた前十字靭帯再建術」. 第76回日整会 2003.05.24 金沢

  1. 宗田 大、池田浩夫、柳下 和慶. 複合靱帯損傷におけるACLの位置づけと治療. 日整会 2002.04.18

  2. 宗田 大、柳下 和慶、池田浩夫. TKA シンポジウム. 日整会 2002.04.16

  3. NO-cGMP signaling mediates medium-term memory in the crickets.. The 3th Congress of the Forum of European Neuroscience (Paris, France) 2002, July 2002

  1. Elementary and context-dependent olfactory learning in crickets.. The 6th International Congress of Neuroethology (Bonn, Germany) Symposium 2001

  2. Olfactory memory phases in the crickets Gryllus bimachlatus.. The 6th International Congress of Neuroethology (Bonn, Germany) 2001, August 2001

  1. 宗田大、池田浩夫、柳下和慶、加藤剛、四宮謙一. 膝蓋腱炎に対するヒアルロン酸局所注射療法の試み. 臨床スポーツ 2000.10.28 宮崎

  2. 宗田 大,池田浩夫,柳下和慶、関矢一郎,浅野浩司,四宮謙一. 「前十字靭帯再建膝における損傷半月板の治癒能力」ACL再建膝における半月板治癒能力. 日整会 2000.04.09

  3. 宗田 大,柳下和慶,池田浩夫,四宮謙一. 人工膝関節置換術における手術操作ステップごとの軟部バランスの変化. 第30回日本人工関節学会 2000.02.10

  4. Olfactory learning in crickets.. The 18th Tsukuba Insect Science Symposium: Learning in Insect Foraging (Tsukuba, Japan) 2000

  1. 宗田 大,柳下和慶,大久保治修,八木啓介,長瀬 寅,四宮謙一. morselized骨軟骨片に成長因子を添加した軟骨欠損治療の実験的検討. 日整会基礎 1999.10.08 奈良

  2. 宗田 大, 関矢一郎, 柳下和慶, 長谷川元信, 浅野浩司, 立石智彦, 大久保治修, 山本晴康, 四宮謙一. 膝前十字靭帯再建術後早期スポーツ復帰における問題. 第25回日整会スポーツ 1999.05.28

  3. 宗田 大,荻内隆司,関矢一郎,長谷川元信,栗原良暁*,柳下和慶,山本晴康 四宮謙一. Endobuttonによる移植腱の固定ー特にACL再建に対する2ルート法ー. JOA 1999.04.09 横浜

  4. 宗田 大,柳下和慶,関矢一郎,長谷川元信,山本晴康,四宮謙一. 透視像による各種人工膝関節の最大屈曲位の検討. 第29回日本人工関節学会 1999.01.29 倉敷

  5. Olfactory learning in cockroaches and crickets.. The 1st RIES-Hokudai Symposium (Sapporo, Japan) 1999, December 1999

  1. 宗田 大,関矢一郎,荻内隆司,柳下和慶,山本晴康,四宮謙一. 前十字靭帯再建術の自覚的回復に影響を与える因子の分析. 第71回日整会 1998.04.20 徳島

  2. Takeshi Muneta, Ichiro Sekiya, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Takashi Ogiuchi and Haruyasu Yamamoto. Two-bundle anatomic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using semitendinosus tendon with Endobuttons: A preliminary report. presented at the 65th annual meeting of AAOS 1998.03.26 New Orleans

  3. 宗田 大,柳下和慶,荻内隆司,山本晴康,四宮謙一. 側面最大屈曲位レントゲン像による人工膝関節の屈曲についての検討. 第28回人工関節学会 1998.03.06 金沢

  4. 宗田 大,柳下和慶,長谷川元信,山本晴康,四宮謙一. 膝の支持台を用いたラックマンテスト変法の意義. 第34回日本膝関節研究会 1998 日本教育会館 一ツ橋ホール

  5. 宗田 大,宮尾康平,三森甲宇,柳下和慶,長谷川元信,四宮謙一. ラットの皮下移植膝蓋腱の早期治癒過程における引っ張り刺激強度の影響. 第25回日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会 1998 宮崎

  1. 宗田 大,荻内隆司,柳下和慶,関矢一郎,山本晴康,四宮謙一. 前十字靭帯再建後3ヶ月の臨床像からみた術後2年の成績. 第33回日本膝関節研究会 1997.12.05 東京

  2. 宗田 大,荻内隆司,関矢一郎,栗原良暁,柳下和慶,山本晴康. 半腱様筋腱を多重折りで用いた2重束2ルート前十字靭帯再建術の短期成績. 第70回日本整形外科学会総会 1997.06.19 札幌

  1. 宗田 大、伊藤聰一郎、荻内隆司、関矢一郎、柳下和慶、山本晴康. 再建前十字靭帯の部位別にみた成熟過程の電子顕微鏡的検討. 第11回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会 1996.10.18 鹿児島

  2. 宗田 大、荻内隆司、柳下和慶、山本晴康. 異なる自家腱による前十字靭帯再建術の短期成績の比較ー骨付き膝蓋腱と多重折り半腱様筋腱のー. 第69回日本整形外科学会 1996.04.14

  1. The brain facilitates copulatory action using octopamine in the male cricket.. The 4th International Congress of Neuroethology (Cambridge, U. K.) 1995, May 1995

  1. BAO MIN. Current status of digital divide in elderly people in Japan. The 18th International Conference on Social Security 2024.09.07 China Guangzhou

  1. Hiroshi Churei, Hiromi Yoshida, Maya Sugii, Kouta Tsuge, Yuko Sase, Masashi Nagata, Kairi Hayashi, Kaito Togawa, Sachiko Fujino, Kazuyoshi Yagishita. Imformation sharing on the intraoral local use of glucocorticoids. 34th congress of Japan Academy of Sports Dentitry 2023.11.19

  2. Kaito Togawa, Hiroshi Churei, Kairi Hayashi, Yumi Takahashi, Shintaro Shimizu, Yoko Hotta, Takahisa Haraguchi, Tomohiko Tateishi, Kazuyoshi Yagishita, Gen Tanabe, Toshiaki Ueno. An case of a professional futsal player who is able to continue competitive life by using a custom-made faceguard. 34th congress of Japanese society of clinical sports medicine 2023.11.11

  3. BAO MIN. Importance of the prevention of elderly abuse method establishment in the large care era - An approach of Japan for an example - -. The 17th International Conference on Social Security 2023.08.26 China Xi'an

  1. Results of a survey to develop a data analysis system to support institutional research. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education 2022.08.05 Gunma

  2. The future of the service for Chinese elderly people reading it from "development of the national elderly person business in the 14th five years (2021 through 2025) plan period and the plan about the Yoro service system". 2022.06.04

  1. Kazuki Koshino. Elliptical rotation of a bosonic oscillator in ultrastrong waveguide QED . 2021.09.21

  2. K. Koshino, K. Semba. Deterministic three-photon down-conversion by a passive ultrastrong cavity QED system. 2021.09.21

  3. BAO Min. Issues on the Long-Term Care Insurance at present in Japan. 16th International Conference on Social Security 2021.08.28 Zoom

  4. Development of Excel macro to automatically output files showing questionnaire data graphically. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Medical Education 2021.07.30

  5. Kazuki Koshino. Cavity/waveguide QED and their application to quantum devices. Quantum information salon at Tsukuba 2021.06.10

  6. Kazuki Koshino. Cavity QED and its application to quantum devices. Q-LEAP quantum computer seminar 2021.03.23

  1. Ohara Toshiyuki, Yagishita Kazuyoshi, Shioda Mikio, Yamamoto Naoki. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on fatigue fractures of lower limbs. The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine. 2019.11.17

  2. Evaluation of optical selectivity in pressure-induced oligomerization reaction of alanine: A comparision with solid-phase peptide synthesis. 2019.09.17

  3. Ohara Toshiyuki, Yagishita Kazuyoshi, Shioda Mikio, Yamamoto Naoki. Examination of sham treatment for clinical research of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 19th The Japanese Society of Hyperbaric and Undersea Medicine, Kanto Association 2019.06.22

  1. Masayuki Nara, Yusuke Maruyama and Atsuhiko Hattori. Characterization of bony fish scales by vibrational spectroscopy. 2018.11.21 HokkaidoUniversity

  2. Initiatives of International Divers Alert Network (IDAN) for creation of guideline for pre-hospital management of decompression illness.. 2018.07.22

  1. Infrared spectroscopic studies on Ca2+-binding function of Ca2+-binding proteins. 2017.11.29

  2. Conformational preferences of bicyclic proline blocked α-amino acid peptides. 2017.10.26

  1. OYAIZU Takuya, ENOMOTO Mitsuhiro, YAGISHITA Kazuyoshi. Hyperbaric and high-oxygen environment reduce swelling and maintain oxygen tension in skeletal muscle contusion injury.. 2015.10.22

  2. Tomomasa Nakamura. Comparison of short-term results between 3 approaches for femoral tunnel creation in remnant-preserved double bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. 2015.06.19

  3. NARA, Masayuki; FURUTA, Yuka; MIYAZONO, Ken-ichi; SHINOMIYA, Hiroto; MORII, Hisayuki; SHIMIZU, Takashi; MIYAKAWA, Takuya; TANOKURA, Masaru. Characterization of the Ca2+-coordination Structures of Plastins by FTIR Spectroscopy. The Chemical Society of Japan 2015.03.26 Funabashi, Chiba, Japan

  1. Yagishita K, Enomoto M, Kato T, Horie M, Oyaizu T, Kojima Y, Koga H, Mano Y. . Quantitative Evaluation for Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Patients with Ankle Sprain at an Acute Phase. . Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2014 2014.06.23 St. Louis, USA

  1. Personnel training in senior citizen welfare in east-Asia(Japan,China,and South-Korea. Fukuoka Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific 2010 2010.10.30

  1. Shimpei Goto, Kazuki Koshino. Labeling eigenstates of qubit-cavity systems based on the continuity of qubit occupancy. JPS 79th Annual Meeting 2024.09.17

  1. Shimpei Goto, Koki Ono, Toshiya Higomoto, Ippei Danshita, Yoshiro Takahashi. Towards Quantum Simulation of Kondo Effects with Ultracold Alkali-Earth-Like Fermi Gases. International Symposium on Quantum Technology 2019.12

  2. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Kondo dynamics in ultracold alkaline-earth0like atoms at finite temperatures. The Fourth Kyoto-Beijing-Tokyo Workshop on Ultracold Atomic Gases 2019.10

  3. MIN BAO. Suggestions from a preventive policy in the Japanese nursing-care insurance system to the making of Chinese long-term nursing-care insurance system. The 15th International Conference on Social Security 2019.09.07 Wonju,Korea

  4. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Diagnosing Kondo effects of alkaline-earth atoms through a dipole oscillation. Quantum Simulation of Novel Phenomena with Ultracold Atoms 2019.05

  5. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Finite Temperature Dynamics of the Kondo Model in Ultracold Alkaline-Earth Atoms. DAMOP 2019 2019.05

  1. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Kondo Dynamics in Fermionic Alkaline-Earth Atoms at Finite Temperatures. Quantum Phases of Fermions in Optical Lattices: The Low-Temperature Frontier 2018.10

  2. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Cooling schemes for two-component fermions in bilayer optical lattices. C3QS 2018 2018.04

  3. Shimpei Goto, Ippei Danshita. Dynamical Cooling Schemes for Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices. FINESS 2018 2018.02

  1. The Current Situation and Problems of Chinese nursing staff Based on the Survey. The 13th International Conference on Social Security 2017.09.17

  2. Shimpei Goto, Susumu Kurihara, Daisuke Yamamoto. Incommensurate spiral magnetic order in the Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattice. LT 28 2017.08

  1. Shimpei Goto, Keisuke Masuda, Susumu Kurihara. Topological Mott insulating phases in the simple Hubbard model. SCES 2014 2014.07

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