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unedited HAYASHI Shin
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1.Identification of genes responsible for intractable diseases including cancer and genomic disorders through integrative genomics and epigenomics.
2.Discovery of molecular mechanisms of cancer-related genes, including microRNAs, in the multistep processes of carcinogenesis and cancer progression, such as cancer stem cell, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), invasion and metastasis using systems biology.
3.Establishment of autophagy-based diagnosis and therapy in human cancers by understanding cellular context-dependent role of autophagy.
4.Multiple genomic analyses of genetic disorders of unknown etiology, e.g. mental retardation or epilepsy, to detect causative genes and clarify the etiology. Also, an array chip for diagnosis of known congenital disorders, ‘Genome Disorder Array’, was developed and released for a practical use at 2009.
5.Development of innovative techniques for genomics and epigenomics in medical science.
6.Development of practically useful tools for molecular diagnosis of intractable diseases.
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Lectures & Courses

The principal aim of the Department of Molecular Cytogenetics(MCG) is to understand the molecular mechanism underlying intractable diseases, such as cancer and uncharacterized genetic diseases. Main objective of MCG in the graduate course is to provide students opportunity to study molecular cytogenetic approach for intractable diseases, identify genes responsible for those diseases, and develop innovative techniques/ practically useful tools for detection of genomic and epigenomic aberrations in those diseases. It is our goal to bridge the gap between basic and clinical research for the benefit of each of the patients.
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