Outline Research Education
Home page URL http://www.tmd.ac.jp/ohe/teachers/dept02/index.html


Oral Health Information Technology educates deepen understanding of the production of the dental prosthesis using the latest computer science and cultivate basics power to new technology development. This course cultivates the ability to offer high quality medical technology taking advantage of expertise or knowledge.
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1) The advanced technology which utilized a CADCAM system.
2) The education of dental technician which utilized computer simulation training.
3) Relation of "medical care to support life" and the dental technician.
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Introduction of Oral Health Engineering, Practice of Occlusion, Fixed Prosthodontics Practice, CAD/CAM System Technology, CAD/CAM System Technology Practice, Advanced Technology for Oral Health, Ceramic Processing Technology Practice, Digital Imate Processing Practice, Comprehensive Oral Rehabilitation Engineering Practice, Graduation Product
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