Our laboratory was established in April 2014 as the " Cooperative Doctoral Course in Disaster Nursing" under the "Global Leadership Program in Disaster Nursing" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Leading Program for Doctoral Programs in Education. We have been put emphases on post-disaster acute phase medicine, preparedness for big disasters, and the development of new educational methods. To contribute to the establishment of a healthy society and the safety, security, and self-reliance of the people by leveraging the experience and resources in disaster nursing accumulated by the constituent universities, and to foster global leaders in disaster nursing who can demonstrate interdisciplinary and international leadership skills to accurately respond to and resolve the many issues related to disaster nursing. By the end of March 2022, 52 students had enrolled and 21 had completed their studies at the five universities and are active in education and practice.
With the completion of this Ministry project, the program stopped accepting students after the 2019 academic year, and from the 2021 academic year, it was newly reorganized as the "Disaster and Critical Care Nursing" field in the Department of Nursing Innovation Science. In addition to organizing a five-university disaster nursing consortium and succeeding to the training of global leaders in disaster nursing, we are also involved in education and research in critical care nursing, and have received accreditation as an advanced practice nurse education program in critical care nursing from the Japan Association of Nursing Programs, and are offering courses, striving to develop human resources with advanced practical and research skills in each area.
Now we are engaging in
1. Disaster nursing
・Research on Nursing Support in the Acute Phase of Disaster
・Research on disaster preparedness support for those in need during disasters
・Research on disaster preparedness for cancer patients and their families
・Exploring the meaning of the experiences of people who have experienced catastrophic disasters
・Measures to prevent people from returning home after a major disaster
・Support for companies preparedness for large-scale disasters
・Development of educational materials for CBRNE disaster nursing response for clinical nurses
・Support for local government officials affected by the disaster
2. Critical care nursing
・Research on the experiences of patients and families in physical and mental crisis situations due to trauma, sudden onset or worsening of serious illness, or highly invasive treatments
・Research on the exploration of nursing needs and care of patients who are critically ill and have difficulty communicating
・Research on Critical Care of COVID-19
・Research on Rapid Response System and Early Warning System in the general wards
・Research on PICS-F
In undergraduate education, we are in charge of "Integration and Practice of Nursing", "Disaster Nursing", and "Graduation Thesis II". In 2023, we were in charge of "Integration and Practice of Nursing" in the second semester of the first year, "Integration and Practice of Nursing II (new curriculum)" in the first semester of the second year, "Disaster Nursing" in the second semester of the second year, "Integration and Practice of Nursing II (old curriculum)" in the first semester of the fourth year, and "Practical Nursing Integration and Practice".
In our undergraduate courses, such as "Integration and Practice of Nursing" and "Disaster Nursing", students will gain practical knowledge and skills through lectures and discussions led by experienced nursing professionals. This will equip them with the necessary tools to think critically about the nursing profession, develop their own unique perspectives, and plan for their future in the field. The "Disaster Nursing" course, for instance, provides a comprehensive understanding of medical care and nursing activities during disasters, preparing students for real-world scenarios. In the fourth year, the "Integration and Practice of Nursing II (former curriculum)" course deepens students' knowledge through lectures by experts in nursing ethics, management, and healthcare systems, fostering a well-rounded nursing perspective. The "Nursing Integration and Practice Practicum" offers a unique opportunity to experience the role of nursing in a hospital setting, further enhancing practical nursing skills.
In our graduate program, the "Joint Major in Disaster Nursing" and "Advanced Nursing Science" are designed to nurture advanced practitioners and researchers in disaster nursing and critical care nursing. The "Disaster Nursing" course, in particular, is part of a Joint Education Program and the Disaster Nursing Consortium, a collaboration of five universities. This unique setup aims to cultivate global leaders in disaster nursing, equipping students with the skills and knowledge to address diverse issues in the field. For those interested in critical care nursing, we offer the "Advanced Practice Nurse for Acute and Critical Care Nursing" educational course, accredited by the Japanese Association of Nursing Programs in Universities. This course is designed to prepare students for advanced roles in nursing, inspiring them to make a significant impact in the field.
Lectures & Courses
The goal of undergraduate education is to nurture practitioners with comprehensive clinical practice skills based on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the nursing profession and a view of nursing through four years of study by the students themselves. In two subjects for students in their final year of study, simulation education and practical training are arranged to cultivate comprehensive clinical practice skills based on the knowledge and skills already learned.
In the graduate school education, the goal is to train students to become independent practitioners or educational researchers in the field of disaster nursing or critical care nursing after completion of the program, and to foster individuals with high communication skills and leadership abilities who can play an active role in the international community. To this end, the program emphasizes students' independent study and research efforts, and supports a variety of learning opportunities.
Clinical Services & Other Works
1.Disaster Nursing
In order to cultivate the ability to respond to various disasters, the program promotes exchanges with Hirosaki University, which is involved in pioneering education and research in radiation exposure medicine, as well as with other universities that make up the Disaster Nursing Consortium. In addition, we actively participate in exchanges of opinions with disaster prevention departments of neighboring municipalities, activities of voluntary disaster prevention organizations in the suburbs of Tokyo Station, and disaster drills.
Regarding the countermeasures for stranded people who we are focusing on, it was adopted as a university proposal project by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in FY2021, and we are conducting a project to support for strengthening of responsiveness of private temporary accommodation facilities in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's General Disaster Prevention Department for three years from April of 2022.
2. Critical Care Nursing
We interact with intensive care units and ER centers at university hospitals and collaborate with them on clinical issues.