1. 廣田 千穂, 長井 聡子, 小谷 愛, 緒方 泰子. 心血管疾患患者の服薬行動における意図的・非意図的ノンアドヒアランス:スコーピングレビュー. 第30回日本心臓リハビリテーション学会学術集会 2024.07.13 神戸

  2. Guanhua Chen;Yasuko Ogata;Miki Sasaki;Ayano Ito. Factors associated with burnout among foreign-educated nurses. The 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars(EAFONS) 2024.03.06 Hong Kong

  3. Ayano Ito, Kana Sato, Yasuko Ogata,. Nurse’s safety compliance and safety participation for patient safety: A scoping review. 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars Conference 2024.03.06 Hong Kong

  4. Mikiko Aoyama, Towako Katsuno, Yuko Degai, Makiko Morita, Yukino Maeda.. Coping Strategies in Family Caregivers of Persons with Young-Onset Dementia in Japan.. The 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars(EAFONS) 2024.03.06 HONGKONG

  5. Guanhua Chen, Yasuko Ogata, Miki Sasaki, Ayano Ito. Factors associated with burnout among foreign-educated nurses: A scoping review. The 27th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars(EAFONS) 2024.03.06 HONGKONG

  1. 青山美紀子,森田牧子,出貝裕子,勝野とわ子,前田優貴乃. 若年認知症家族介護者の介護中に経験している健康問題と症状. 第43回日本看護科学学会学術集会 2023.12.10

  2. 松井才紀, 湯本淑江, 前田優貴乃, 高田聖果, 緒方泰子. 認知症高齢者のACPを行う上での困難と、本人の意思を反映させるための対応・工夫. 日本老年看護学会 第28回学術集会 2023.06.16 横浜

  1. Ayano Ito, Yasuko Ogata, Satoko Nagai, Yuki Yonekura. The relationship between work engagement, organizational justice, and the interaction effect of fatigue in hospital nurses. 25th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars Conference 2022.04.21

  1. Yukino Mori, Kasane Matsuzaki, Mariko Oikawa,Towako Katsuno. What motivates nurses working in long-term care facilities in Japan?. 20thEast Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars 2017.03.09 HongKong

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