Nishi D., Ito Y., Sasaki N., Watanabe K., Matsunaga A., Imamura K.. Prevention of Perinatal Depression symptoms Using Online Peer Community and Metaverse Peer Support: a protocol for a pilot trial. The International Marce Society for Perinatal Mental Health Conference 2024.09.01
Yuko Ishizaki, Minako Iwasaki, Tomokatsu Yamazaki, Ryo Kadoya, Takahiro Tahara, Emi Furukawa, Maki Taniguchi. Questionnaire Survey Regarding Immunization Implementation Status in Infant Homes in Japan. The 18th Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research 2023.11.11 Online
Nanami Hiratani, Makoto Tokushige, Koki Ono, Hiroki Asaoka, Yuki Miyamoto, Masaru Tateno, Ayumi Takano. Correlation between mental health status and game-use problems among adolescent and young adult outpatients in Japan. The 26th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference 2023.03.10 Tokyo
平谷七美,森岡典子,佐々木美樹,湯本淑江,緒方泰子. 介護保険施設における身体拘束の廃止に関する都道府県の取り組みの実態―インターネット公開資料から―. 第9回日本看護評価学会学術集会 2019.03.12
栗原淳子、近藤暁子. A literature review of factors related to nurses’ stigmatization of patients with schizophrenia . 第38回日本看護科学学会 2018.12 松山