Research Education Clinical Services & Other Works Clinical Performances


1.Development of the evaluation system for the efficacy of oral appliances on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
2.Development of Non-contact polysomnograph system.
3.The association between OSA and short term blood-pressure variability.
4.The association between OSA and interstitial pneumonia.
5. Snore sound analysis for detecting OSA severity
6. The effect of Tongue Exercise on OSA
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Education of sleep medicine for students, residents and technicians
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Clinical Services & Other Works

Clinical Center for Pleasant Sleep provides a variety of medical service for sleep disorder especially for sleep apnea syndrome.

・Out-patient Clinic
Monday: AM Dr.Jitoku (Psychiatry) 
PM Dr.Kobayashi, Dr.Ejima, Dr.Kawahara (Respiratory Medicine),
Tuesday: AM Dr. Hirai (Psychiatry)
Wednesday: AM Dr. Miyazaki (Respiratory Medicine)
Thursday: AM Dr. Tamaoka
PM Dr. Tamaoka (Respiratory Physiology and Sleep Medicine)
Friday: AM Dr. Takagi (Psychiatry)
AM Dr. Tateishi (Respiratory Medicine)
PM Dr. Iijima (Respiratory Medicine)

・Outpatient visits: 5,439 (New:223) for FY 2020
・Examination: polysomnography: 67 patients for FY 2020

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Clinical Performances

We aim to establish personalized medicine for OSA in collaboration with the Dental Clinic for Sleep Disorders.
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