For undergraduate education, we are in charge of Clinical Laboratory Hematology, Hematology, Clinical Practice, Clinical clerkship (School of Medicine), Clinical Hematology (Track of Nursing Science). We provide lectures on hematopoiesis, mechanisms of coagulation and fibrinolysis, pathology and clinical features of main hematological disorders as well as fundamental laboratory practices.
For graduate education, we focus on clarifying molecular mechanisms of development of hematological disorders. We apply the results to develop new diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies. Our current research subject is EB virus-positive T- and NK-cell neoplasms.
Our research goals:
1.Clarifying pathogenesis of hematopoietic malignancies and
innovation of a new treatment strategies
2.Clarifying mechanisms of EB virus-positive T- and NK-cell
neoplasms and developing new treatment strategies
3.Creating new methods for diagnosing hematopoietic tumors
4.Development of new treatment methods using regenerative medicine technology
5.Functional Analysis of human iPS cells derived Brown Adipocytes
We collaborate on several researches with doctors of Deps. Hematology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Molecular Virology, Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Department of Comprehensive Pathology, and Diagnostic Radiology on-campus in TMDU. We are also doing research with members of National Center for Child Health and Development, Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital. We collaborate with several companies as well.
1.Undergraduate Education
We are in charge of Clinical Laboratory Hematology, Clinical Hematology, clinical clerkship (School of Medicine), Clinical Hematology (Track of Nursing Science). We provide lectures on hematopoiesis, hematological disorders, mechanism of coagulation and fibrinolysis, hematopoietic malignancies as well as fundamental laboratory practices.
Students are also involved in Undergraduate Research, which objective is to learn basis of research including how to plan and carry out research activities, how to write theses, and how to give an academic presentation. They also experience as trainees for Clinical Practice for hematological examination in cooperation with Clinical Laboratory at Medical Hospital. These lectures and practices are conducted in collaboration with the members of Departments of Hematology.
2.Graduate Education
For graduate education, we focus on clarifying molecular mechanisms of development of hematological neoplasms. We apply the results to develop new diagnostic procedures and treatment strategies for these disorders. Our current research subject is EB virus-positive T- and NK-cell neoplasms. We instruct students to summarize what they investigated and complete English manuscripts for publication.
Detailed educational contents are shown below:
1)Investigating and understanding pathogenesis and pathology of
hematopoietic disorders, especially neoplasms
2)Acquiring skills for cellular, molecular and genetic
examination that play significant roles for diagnosing and
clarifying cause and state of diseases. These molecular
techniques are useful not only for clinical situation, but
also for elucidating mechanisms of developing diseases
3)Acquiring current information for diagnosis and treatment of
hematological diseases
4)Publishing papers on hematological laboratory testing and
clinical hematology on main international academic journals
and present them at international conferences
Lectures & Courses
Cultivating interdisciplinary- and internationally-minded medical staffs with rich humanity, a strong sense of ethics, and ability to suggest and solve unmet medical issues
Clinical Services & Other Works
Our research group is also a principal investigator of Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) study group ‘the Investigator-initiated clinical research of a JAK1/2 inhibitor ruxolitinib for chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection’.
We are supporting patients with chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection (CAEBV) through CAEBV patient’s association (SHAKE).
Clinical Performances
We are the only group that specialize EBV-positive T- or NK-cell neoplasms especially chronic active EBV infection. We accept referral patients with CAEBV from all over Japan and abroad. We analyze the blood sample in CAEBV patients.