船戸 紀子. DiGeorge症候群疾患遺伝子TBX1は口蓋形成においてmiR-200–ZEB2軸を標的にする. 第65回歯科基礎医学会学術大会 2023.09.17 東京
Noriko Funato, Hiromi Yanagisawa. TBX1 associated with DiGeorge syndrome targets the miR-200–ZEB2 axis. Gordon Research Conference (Human Genetics and Genomics) 2023.07.11 Waterville Valley, NH, United States
Funato N, Srivastava D, Shibata S, Yanagisawa H. TBX1 suppresses transcriptional activity of RUNX2 and regulates chondrocyte maturation. Cell Bio Virtual 2020-An Online ASCB|EMBO Meeting 2020.12.01 Online
Noriko Funato, Yuki Taga, Lindsay E. Laurie, Chisa Tometsuka, Masashi Kusubata, Kiyoko Ogawa-Goto.. The bHLH transcription factor HAND1 is involved in cortical bone volume through the regulation of collagen expression.. the 68th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2020.11.07 Online
Funato N, Srivastava D, Shibata S, Yanagisawa H.. TBX1 regulates chondrocyte maturation in the spheno-occipital synchondrosis through TBX1-RUNX2 axis. the 62nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2020.09.12 Online
Noriko Funato. Craniofacial Development: Using Computational Data for Generating Experimental Data. Frontier Meeting 2019.02.15 Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
Taga Y, Laurie LE, Kokubo H, Saga Y, Kusubata M, Ogawa-Goto K, Hattori S, Funato N. Role of HAND1 in collagen expression and post-translational modifications in the long bone. ASCB/EMBO 2017 Meeting 2017.12.05 Philadelphia, USA
Funato N, Srivastava D, Yanagisawa H. Tbx1 knockout mice exhibit dysregulated expression of genes associated with cleft palate in humans. ASCB/EMBO 2017 Meeting 2017.12.05 Philadelphia, USA
Taga Y, Kusubata M, Ogawa-Goto K, Hattori S, Funato N. Gelatin Hydrolysates Prepared Using Ginger Protease Promote Osteoblast Differentiation. The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2017.11.18 Showa University, Tokyo
Funato N, Yanagisawa H, Nakamura M. Gene Ontology Analysis for Cleft Palate. 2015 ASCB(The American Society for Cell Biology) Annual Meeting 2015.12.15
Funato N, Nakamura M, Richardson JA, Srivastava D, Yanagisawa H. Loss of Tbx1 induces bone phenotypes similar to cleidocranial dysplasia. Japanese Division of the International Association for Dental Research (JADR). 2014.12.05
Preston LE, Kokubo H, Nakamura M, Saga Y, Funato N. Hand1 regulates endochondral ossification. IADR (International Association for Dental Research) 2014.06.27
Funato N, Nakamura M. Protein inhibitors of activated STAT (PIAS) proteins are new negative regulators of Runx2. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco 2012.12.16
Morita J, Funato N, Kobayashi Y, Nakamura M, and Moriyama K. Soluble FGFR2 with S252W prevent craniosynostosis of Apert model mouse.. Japanese Association of Dental Research 2012.12.12
Funato N, Nakamura M.. Protein Inhibitors of Activated STAT (PIAS) Proteins Regulate Runx2 Transactivation Activity.. ASBMR 2011 Annual Meeting 2011.09.19
Taga Y. et al.. Identification of 3-hydroxyproline-containing tripeptide in human blood after oral ingestion of collagen hydrolysate. 2020.09.20
Noriko Funato. The transcription factor TBX1 Regulates Craniofacial Development. The 49 the Meeting of Astellas Foundation for Research on Metabolic Disorders 2018.10.20 The Industry Club of Japan, Japan
Noriko Funato. Tbx1 knockout mice exhibit dysregulated expression of genes associated with cleft palate in humans. The 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2018.09.06 Kyusyu University, Japan
Yuki Taga, Masashi Kusubata, Kiyoko Ogawa-Goto, Shunji Hattori, and Noriko Funato. Collagen-derived X-Hyp-Gly-type tripeptides promote osteoblast differentiation.. The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry 2018.03.16 Meijo University, Japan
Funato N. Hand2 transforms upper jaw to lower jaw by regulating the expression of homeobox transcription factors. The 58th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2016.08.25
Funato N. The role of transcription factors in bone development. Nippi Research Institute of Biomatrix 2016.07.11
Funato N. Gene Ontology Analysis for Cleft Palate. 2015.09.12