藤原立樹. (座長)一般ポスター2. 第62回日本人工臓器学会大会 2024.11.15 栃木県宇都宮市
藤原立樹. 心臓移植実施施設申請に向けた生体ブタを用いた心臓移植シミュレーショントレーニング. 第50回日本臓器保存生物医学会 2024.11.08 愛知県岡崎市
藤田知之. [演者] パネルディスカッション Robotic Heart Surgery is Particularly Beneficial for Mitral Valve Repair. 2024.11.04 金沢
藤原立樹. インドシアニングリーン蛍光造影を用いたECMO回路内血栓検出法の臨床現場における検証. 第77回日本胸部外科学会学術集会 2024.11.03 石川県金沢市
Fujita Tomoyuki. Master Class III: Part I(Sponsored by Corycm). 2024 JATS – AATS Mitral Conclave 2024.11.01
藤原立樹. 再生心筋補填療法:前臨床試験、初期臨床試験から見えてくる心不全治療における位置づけと今後の展望. 第72回心臓病学会学術集会 2024.09.28 宮城県仙台市
Fujita Tomoyuki. LVAD Surgical Considerations in Dierent Patient Types:Small to Large, Young to Old, BTT- DT. 2024 HeartMate 3™ LVAD Best Practice Network 2024.05.25 Seoul
Fujita Tomoyuki. Lessons learnt from 100 Heartmate3 implants. International Symposium of Left Ventricular Assist Device 2023.09.09 Web
Eiki Nagaoka, Hirokuni Arai, Tomohiro Mizuno, Keiji Oi, Tatsuki Fujiwara, Kiyotoshi Oishi, Tomoyuki Fujita. Early Experience of Inverted Spiral Closure Technique: A Novel Technique for Left Atrial Appendage Closure. Mitral Conclave 2023 2023.05.05 New York
Eiki Nagaoka. (座長) MICS/Robotic CABG Program. 8th International Coronary Congress 2022.12.02 Tokyo
Fujiwara T.. Two cases in which percutaneous left atrial appendage closure was not indicated. CSI FOCUS LAA & PFO 2022 2022.10.01 Tokyo,
Fujiwara T, Sakurai H, Ohuchi K, Hijikata W, Tanaka Y, Hatakenaka K, Inoue Y, Takewa Y, Maruyama O, Mizuno T, Arai H.. Verification of an acute animal experimental model for comparison of antithrombotic properties of different extracorporeal circulation circuits. . 2022.05.24 virtual
Fujiwara T, Mizuno T, Oi K, Nagaoka E, Oishi K, Yashima M, Takeshita M, Nabeshima J, Tahara T, Arai H.. Treatment strategy for aorto-esophageal fistula. . 2022.03.26 virtual,
工藤 敏文. Aorto-iliac occlusive diseaseに対するoptimal treatment 複雑なAortoiliac Occlusive Diseaseに対する大動脈-両側大腿動脈バイパス術の必要性(Complex Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease should be Treated by Aorto-Bifemoral Bypass Surgery). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2022.03.01
Oishi K, Arai.H, Mizuno.T, Oi.K, Nagaoka.E, Yashima.M, Fujiwara.T, Takeshita.M, Nabeshima.J, Tahara.T. Surgical strategy for isolated coronary ostial stenosis in Takayasu disease: coronary ostial patch angioplasty using femoral artery.. 7th Annual International Coronary Congress 2021.12.03 Vurtual
Fujiwara T, Sakurai H, Ohuchi K, Hijikata W, Tanaka Y, Hatakenaka K, Inoue Y, Takewa Y, Maruyama O, Mizuno T, Arai H. Verification of an acute animal experimental model for comparison of antithrombotic properties of different extracorporeal circulation circuits. 16th European mechanical circulatory support summit International society for mechanical circulatory support (EUMS-ISMCS) 2021.12.01 Virtual
Kudo Toshifumi, Banno Hiroshi, Hattori Tsutomu, Uchiyama Hidetoshi, Komori Kimihiro. COVID-19における血管手術 日本の状況(Situation in Japan). Annals of Vascular Diseases 2021.11.01
Oishi K, Arai H, Mizuno T, Oi K, Nagaoka E, Yashima M, Fujiwara T, Takeshita M.. Implications for valve-sparing aortic root replacement.. 35th EACTS Annual Meeting 2021.10.15 Virtual
Eiki Nagaoka. MIS mitral surgery, the Japanese way. 6th Singapore Valve 2021 2021.08.15 SINGAPORE
Eiki Nagaoka, Hirokuni Arai, Tomohiro Mizuno, Keiji Oi, Tatsuki Fujiwara, Kiyotoshi Oishi. . A 13-year Experience Of Tentacles. 21 ISMICS Re-imagined 2021.06.20 Poland, Warshaw
Fujiwara T, Ohuchi K, Hijikata W, Maruyama O, Seki H, Tahara T, Arai H. Transition of an acute LVAD experimental animal model at our experimental facility. The 8th Meeting of the International Federation for Artificial Organs 2019.11.14 Osaka, Japan
Seki Haruna, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Hijikata Wataru, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Murashige Tomotaka, Maruyama Takuro, Tahara Tomoki, Ogata Asato, Yokota Sachie, Arai Hirokuni. フィブリノゲンコート溶液を用いた標的部位での血栓誘導法の開発(Development of a thrombus induction method at a target site using fibrinogen coating solution). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Oi Keiji, Arai Hirokuni, Mizuno Tomohiro, Ouchi Katusuhiro, Yashima Masafumi, Nagaoka Eiki, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Takeshita Masashi, Oishi Kiyotoshi, Okumura Yushi, Sai Youshun, Seki Haruna. Minimally invasive mitral valve procedures: MICS, MitraClip, NeoChord, and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement A Novel Peel-away Type Device for Artificial Chordae Reconstruction with Tube Technique(和訳中). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Tahara Tomoki, Mochida Takumi, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Hijikata Wataru, Seki Haruna, Arai Hirokuni. Design of an energy harvester for development a self-generating implantable medical device by energy of a heartbeat(和訳中). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Seki Haruna, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Hijikata Wataru, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Murashige Tomotaka, Maruyama Takuro, Tahara Tomoki, Ogata Asato, Yokota Sachie, Arai Hirokuni. Evaluation of thrombus detection methods in a magnetically levitated blood pump in an animal experiment(和訳中). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Seki Haruna, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Hijikata Wataru, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Murashige Tomotaka, Maruyama Takuro, Tahara Tomoki, Ogata Asato, Yokota Sachie, Arai Hirokuni. Development of a thrombus induction method at a target site using fibrinogen coating solution(和訳中). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Oi Keiji, Arai Hirokuni, Mizuno Tomohiro, Ouchi Katusuhiro, Yashima Masafumi, Nagaoka Eiki, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Takeshita Masashi, Oishi Kiyotoshi, Okumura Yushi, Sai Youshun, Seki Haruna. 低侵襲性僧帽弁手術 MICS、MitraClip、NeoChord、および経カテーテル僧帽弁置換術 Tube Techniqueに基づいた人工腱索再建を行うための新規ピールアウェイ式デバイス開発(Minimally invasive mitral valve procedures: MICS, MitraClip, NeoChord, and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement A Novel Peel-away Type Device for Artificial Chordae Reconstruction with Tube Technique). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Seki Haruna, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Hijikata Wataru, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Murashige Tomotaka, Maruyama Takuro, Tahara Tomoki, Ogata Asato, Yokota Sachie, Arai Hirokuni. 磁気浮上血液ポンプ内血栓検出に関する動物実験による評価(Evaluation of thrombus detection methods in a magnetically levitated blood pump in an animal experiment). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Tahara Tomoki, Mochida Takumi, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Hijikata Wataru, Seki Haruna, Arai Hirokuni. 心拍エネルギーを利用した自家発電型植込み型医療機器を開発するためのエネルギーハーベスターの設計(Design of an energy harvester for development a self-generating implantable medical device by energy of a heartbeat). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Fujiwara Tatsuki, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Hijikata Wataru, Maruyama Osamu, Seki Haruna, Tahara Tomoki, Arai Hirokuni. 実験施設におけるLVAD急性実験動物モデルの変遷(Transition of an acute LVAD experimental animal model at our experimental facility). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Fujiwara Tatsuki, Ohuchi Katsuhiro, Hijikata Wataru, Maruyama Osamu, Seki Haruna, Tahara Tomoki, Arai Hirokuni. Transition of an acute LVAD experimental animal model at our experimental facility(和訳中). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Oi Keiji, Arai Hirokuni, Mizuno Tomohiro, Ouchi Katusuhiro, Yashima Masafumi, Nagaoka Eiki, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Takeshita Masashi, Oishi Kiyotoshi, Okumura Yushi, Sai Youshun, Seki Haruna. 低侵襲性僧帽弁手術 MICS、MitraClip、NeoChord、および経カテーテル僧帽弁置換術 Tube Techniqueに基づいた人工腱索再建を行うための新規ピールアウェイ式デバイス開発(Minimally invasive mitral valve procedures: MICS, MitraClip, NeoChord, and Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement A Novel Peel-away Type Device for Artificial Chordae Reconstruction with Tube Technique). 人工臓器 2019.10.01
Kiyotoshi Oishi, Katsuhiro Ouchi, Tomohiro Mizuno, Tatsuki Fujiwara, Hirokuni Arai. Real-time Three-dimensional Imaging of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting using High-frequency Epicardial Ultrasound. ISMICS 2019 Annual Meeting 2019.05.30 New York, USA
Oi Keiji, Mizuno Tomohiro, Yashima Masafumi, Kuroki Hidehito, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Oishi Kiyotoshi, Takeshita Masashi, Okumura Yushi, Kubo Toshihiro, Nabeshima Junya, Arai Hirokuni. 機能性僧帽弁逆流に対する僧帽弁弁下組織を用いた僧帽弁形成術の2年間の治療成績(Two-year Outcome of Mitral Valve Repair with Subvalvular Apparatus for Functional Mitral Regurgitation). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2019.03.01
Oi Keiji, Mizuno Tomohiro, Yashima Masafumi, Kuroki Hidehito, Fujiwara Tatsuki, Oishi Kiyotoshi, Takeshita Masashi, Okumura Yushi, Kubo Toshihiro, Nabeshima Junya, Arai Hirokuni. 機能性僧帽弁逆流に対する僧帽弁弁下組織を用いた僧帽弁形成術の2年間の治療成績(Two-year Outcome of Mitral Valve Repair with Subvalvular Apparatus for Functional Mitral Regurgitation). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2019.03.01
Tatsuki Fujiwara. Ventricular assist device therapy using MERA Monopivot Centrifugal Pumps for cardiogenic shock patients in INTERMACS profile-1. The 26th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Mechanical Circulatory Support (ISMCS2018) 2018.11.01 Tokyo
Ichinose T, Yamamoto Y, Nakamura M, Nishizawa M, Yonekura K, Toyofuku T, Iwasaki T, Kudo T, Sugano N, Inoue Y. Strategy and prevention for high flow A-V fistula for hemodialysis. 10th Conference of the German-Japanese Society of Vascular Surgery 2018 2018.08.18 Frankfurt (Germany)
Tatsuki Fujiwara, Hirokuni Arai, Tomohiro Mizuno, Keiji Oi, Masafumi Yashima, Tsuyoshi Hachimaru, Eiki Nagaoka, Hidehito Kuroki. Minimally Circulatory-assisted On-pump Beating Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting For Patients With Complex Conditions For Off-pump Surgery. 2017 International Coronary Congress 2017.08.18 New York
宮崎 亮一, 宮本 貴庸, 岩井 雄大, 土方 禎裕, 山口 純司, 佐川 雄一朗, 渡辺 敬太, 増田 怜, 関川 雅裕, 三輪 尚之, 原 信博, 山口 徹雄, 永田 恭敏, 野里 寿史, 大石 清寿, 吉崎 智也. 症例から学ぶBest Practice 外腸骨から膝窩動脈までの亜急性動脈閉塞に対して外科的血栓除去術とステント留置術により治療に成功した一例. 日本心血管インターベンション治療学会抄録集 2017.07.01
Nagaoka E., Mizuno T., Goya M., Oi K., Yashima M., Hachimaru T., Kuroki H., Tasaki D., Fujiwara T., Takeshita M., Kinoshita R., Arai H. Hybrid Approach for Intravenous Lead Extraction. 17 ISMICS Annual Scientific Meeting 2017.06.07 Rome, Italy
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y. The endovascular procedures of abdominal aortic aneurysms with challenging neck anatomy. 66th ESCVS 2017.05.14 Thessaloniki(Greece)
E. Nagaoka, T. Mizuno, K. Oi, M. Yashima, T. Hachimaru, H. Kuroki, D. Tasaki, T. Fujiwara, M. Takeshita, R. Kinoshita, H. Arai. Efficacy of Subvalvular Procedures for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation . AATS Mitral Conclave 2017 2017.04.27 New York, United States
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y. The relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and ischemic severity of patients with peripheral arterial disease. 85th EAS Congress 2017.04.24 Prague(Czech Republic)
Kudo T, Ichinose T, Yamamoto Y, Nishizawa M, Igari K, Toyohuku T, Inoue Y.. Emergency endovascular repair for ruptured abdominal aortic and iliac aneurysms.. The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgery 2017.04.15 Busan (Korea)
Kudo T, Yamamoto Y, Ichinose T, Nishizawa M, Igari K, Toyohuku T, Inoue Y.. Multiple recurrent pseudoaneurysms after EVAR in a patient with Behçet’s disease.. The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgery 2017.04.14 Busan (Korea)
大井 啓司, 水野 友裕, 八島 正文, 八丸 剛, 長岡 英気, 黒木 秀仁, 田崎 大, 藤原 立樹, 竹下 斉史, 木下 亮二, 荒井 裕国. CABGにおける第3のグラフトチョイス 三つの動脈グラフトを使用した冠動脈バイパス術の長期成績と第三のグラフト選択. 日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 2017.04.01
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y. The chimney graft placement in the inferior mesenteric artery in endovascular aneurysm repair . 25th Annual Meeting of the Asian Society for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2017.03.25 Seoul(Korea)
Kudo T. Chair: Presentation Award 8. Japan Endovascular Treatment Conference (JET) 2017. 2017.02.18 Tokyo
Yamamoto Y, Ichinose T, Nakamura M, Nishizawa M, Igari K, Toyofuku T, Kudo T, Inoue Y.. Multiple recurrent pseudoaneurysms after EVAR in a patient with Behçet’s disease.. The 13th Tokyo Shanghai International Symposium for Vascular Surgery 2016.11.13 Tokyo (Japan)
E Nagaoka, T Mizuno, K Oi, T Hachimaru, H Kuroki, D Tasaki, T Fujiwara, R Kinoshita, H Arai. On-pump Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair without Aortic Cross-clamping: Tips and Tricks for Safe Practice. ISMICS 2016 Winter Workshop 2016.10.29 Kyoto
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. Total endovascular treatment for acute deep venous thrombosis by catheter-directed thrombolysis.. Asian Society for Vascular Surgery 2016 2016.10.21 Singapore
Fujiwara T, Arai H, Mizuno T, Oi K, Yashima M, Hachimaru T, Nagaoka E, Kuroki H, Tasaki D, Takeshita M, Kinoshita R, Ohuchi K. Which is a better acute-phase circulatory support for cardiogenic shock patients in INTERMACS profile-1: a pulsatile VAD or a centrifugal pump?. 24th Annual Congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps 2016.09.21 Ibaraki
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. Relationship of inflammatory biomarkers, PTX3 with severity of peripheral arterial disease.. 84th European Atherosclerosis Society Congress 2016.05.31 Innsbruck (Austria)
Eiki Nagaoka, Tomohiro Mizuno, Keiji Oi, Tuyoshi Hachimaru, Hidehito Kuroki, Dai Tasaki, Tatsuki Fujiwara, Ryouji Kinoshita, Hirokuni Arai. The Effect of Papillary Muscle Relocation on Posterior Leaflet Tethering in Functional Mitral Regurgitation. the 24th Annual meeting of Asian Society for Cardiovascular ant Thoracic Surgery (ASCVTS2016) 2016.04.08 Taipei,Taiwan
Ichinose T, Kudo T, Yamamoto Y, Nakamura M, Katsui S, Nishizawa M, Igari K, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. A case of deep vein thrombosis due to iliac vein compression treated by catheter directed thrombolysis and iliac vein stenting.. 12th Tokyo-Shanghai International Symposium for Vascular Diseases. 2015.11.14 Shanghai (China)
Yamamoto Y, Kudo T, Ichinose T, Nakamura M, Katsui S, Nishizawa M, Igari K, Koizumi S, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y. . A case of surgically rescued in-stent occlusion of the SFA with jailed profunda orifice.. 12th Tokyo-Shanghai International Symposium for Vascular Diseases. 2015.11.14 Shanghai (China)
Fujiwara T., Sakota D., Ouchi K., Murashige T., Kosaka R., Nishida M., Endo S., Nagaoka E., Oi K., Mizuno T., Maruyama O., Arai H.. The Real-Time Optical Monitoring of Thrombus Formation Inside the Blood Pump During Extracorporeal Circulation Using Hyperspectal Imaging in Acute Animal Experiments. 23rd Annual Congress of the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps 2015.09.28 Dubrovnik
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. A case of arteriovenous fistula after endovenous laser ablation for varicose vein. . UIP Capter Meeting: Seoul UIP 2015 2015.08.27 Seoul (Republic of Korea)
Nishizawa M, Igari K, Toyofuku T, Kudo T, Inoue Y.. A novel technique to infrainguinal arterial occlusions using the Crosser™ system.. 46th World Congress of Surgery WCS 2015. 2015.08.23 Bangkok (Thailand)
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. The assessment of peripheral perfusion for the patients with isolated infrapopliteal arterial lesions by indocyanine green angiography.. 46th World Congress of Surgery WCS 2015. 2015.08.23 Bangkok (Thailand)
Nagaoka E., Mizuno T., Oi K., Yashima M., Hachimaru T., Kuroki H., Tasaki D., Fujiwara T., Takeshita M., Kinoshita R., Arai H. . Assessment of Reverse Remodeling after Combination Therapy for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation. AATS International Coronary Congress 2015 2015.08.21 New York, USA
Kudo T.. The Current Situation of the Treatment for Peripheral Arterial Disease in Japan. . The 9th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgery. 2015.06.05 Yokohama (Japan)
Katsui S, Igari K, Yamamoto Y, Nakamura M, Nishizawa M, Koizumi S, Toyofuku T, Kudo T, Inoue Y. . Crossing of infrapopliteal arterial chronic total occlusions with the Crosser™ system.. The 9th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting for Vascular Surgery 2015.06.05 Yokohama (Japan)
Igari K, Kudo T,Nakamura M, Nishizawa M, Uchiyama H, Koizumi S, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. The snorkel technique for endovascular aneurysm repair with challenging neck anatomy . Cardiovascular Summit TCTAP 2015 2015.04.28 Seoul (Republic of Korea)
Igari K, Kudo T, Toyofuku T, Inoue Y.. Crossing of infrapopliteal arterial chronic total occlusions with the Crosser™ system.. 64th International congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2015.03.26 Turkey (Istanbul)
Fujiwara T, Arai H, Mizuno T, Oi K, Yashima M, Hachimaru T, Kuroki H, Watanabe T, Sakurai S, Takeshita M, Kinoshita R.. The Clinical Experience of using MERA Monopivot Centrifugal Blood Pump as an Extracorporeal Left Ventricular Assist Device.. 22nd Congress of the International Society of Rotary Blood Pumps (ISRBP 2014) 2014.09.27 San Francisco, USA
Application of Pneumatically Driven Surgical Robot with Dynamic Force Feedback in Cardiac Surgeries. 2023.10.19
Eiki Nagaoka. Cannula Selection for Adult ECMO. 2023.03.20
E Nagaoka, T Mizuno, K Oi, M Yashima, T Fujiwara, K Oishi, M Takeshita, T Tahara, Y Sai, H Arai. Utility and Limitation of Pericardial Patch for Mitral Valve Repair. The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery 2021.02.19
E. Nagaoka, T. Mizuno, K. Oi, M. Yashima, T. Fujiwara, K Oishi, M. Takeshita, Y. Okumura, Y Sai, H. Seki, and H. Arai. Long-term Results of Mitral Valve Repair for Multi-Regional Complex Mitral Regurgitation. The 50th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery 2020.08
Impact of Papillary Muscle Relocation on Prognosis of Patient with Functional Mitral Regurgitation. 2016.07.14 Fukuoka/Japan
KUDOU Toshifumi. All About Stent Graft. ENDOLOGIX Intuitrak Powerlink System. Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics (CCT) 2014.10.30 Kobe.