Books, etc Awards & Honors

Books, etc

  1. Hirokazu Kanegane, Satoshi Miyamoto, Akira Nishimura, Nao Yoshida. Comprehensive Hematology and Stem Cell Research. Elsevier 2024.09 (ISBN : 978-0443157172)

  1. Masaki Shimizu. Cytokine Storm Syndrome. Springer 2019.09 (ISBN : 978-3-030-22094-5)

  1. Aghamohammadi A, Plebani A, Lougaris V, DurandynA, Condino-Neto A, Kanegane H, Hammarstrom L. Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Springer 2017.01 (ISBN : 978-3-662-52907-2)

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Awards & Honors

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