1. Yuta Shirogane. Intrahost Evolution of Measles Virus: A Pathway to Fatal Brain Disease. 第22回あわじ感染と免疫国際フォーラム 2024.09.17

  2. Yuta Shirogane. Intrahost Evolution of Measles Virus: A Pathway to Fatal Brain Disease . The 22nd Awaji International Forum on Infection and Immunity 2024.09.17 Kyoto, Japan

  3. Haruki Kitamura, Helena Fabryova, Sandra Kao, Eri Miyagi, Luciana M Ruggieri, Hideki Saito, Sayaka Sukegawa, Klaus Strebel . INDUCTION OF HIV-1 REACTIVATION BY PHARMACOLOGICAL PU.1 INHIBITION IN HIV-1 LATENTLY INFECTED CELL . Cold spring Harbor Retroviruses meeting 2024.05.19

  4. Ichiro Osawa, Yuichiro Hara, Sayaka Sukegawa, Naoaki Mizuno, Nobuyuki Nosaka, Susumu Kirimura, Iichiroh Onishi, Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Hiroaki Takeuchi, MasaoTakata, Kenji Wakabayashi. Accurate Assessment of Respiratory Physiology is Essential for Preclinical Drug Development in a Mouse Model of COVID-19-Induced ARDS. ATS International conference 2024.05

  1. 平居優一, 竹本竜一, 鈴木干城, 橋口隆生, 柳雄介, 白銀勇太. SSPE分離株に見られる麻疹ウイルス膜融合タンパク質の多重変異は特定の培養細胞でのみ膜融合を上昇させる. 第70回日本ウイルス学会・学術集会 2023.09.28

  2. 白銀勇太, 竹本竜一, 平居優一, 柳雄介. 麻疹ウイルス糖タンパク質の変異が重篤な神経疾患を引き起こすメカニズム. 第70回日本ウイルス学会・学術集会(ワークショップ) 2023.09.26

  3. Helena Fabryova, Sandra Kao, Sayaka Sukegawa, Eri Miyagi, Louis, Taylor, Damien Ferhadian, Hideki Saito, Heiner Schaal, Frank Hillebrand, Klaus Strebel. HIV-1 Vpr induces degradation of gelsolin, a myeloid cell-specific host factor that reduces viral infectivity by inhibiting the expression and packaging of the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein. 2023.05

  1. Mahazu Samiratu, Prah Isaac, Ota Yusuke, Hayashi Takaya, Nukui Yoko, Suzuki Masato, Hoshino Yoshihiko, Akeda Yukihiro, Suzuki Toshihiko, Ishino Tomoko, Ablordey Anthony, Saito Ryoichi. カルバペネマーゼ産生Enterobacter cloacaeおよびKlebsiella属菌の遺伝子解析(Genetic analysis of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella species). 日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 2022.12.01

  2. DNA-repair factor complex contributes to maintenance of HIV-1 latency. 2022.05.23

  3. Human mannose receptor 1 attenuates HIV-1 infectivity in a virus isolate-specific manner. 2022.05.23

  4. HIV-1 replication and latency is modulated by host Solute Carrier Protein (SCP) expression levels in human cells. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirus meeting 2022.05.23 USA, NY

  5. Miyagi E, Kao S, Mallorson R, Saito H, Sukegawa S, Mukherji A, Ferhadian D, Fabryova H, Clouse K, Strebel K.. The myeloid-specific transcription factor PU.1 upregulates mannose receptor expression but represses basal activity of the HIV-LTR promoter.. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirus meeting 2022.05.23 USA, NY

  6. Farkašová H, Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Taylor L, Kao S, Ferhadian D, Schaal H, Hillebrand F, Strebel K.. HIV-1 Vpr induces degradation of Gelsolin, a myeloid cell-specific host factor that reduces viral infectivity by inhibiting expression and packaging of the HIV-1 Env glycoprotein.. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirus meeting 2022.05.23 USA, NY

  7. 白銀勇太. Cooperation and interference among different measles virus fusion proteins drive the viral evolution to neurovirulence. THE SOCIAL LIVES OF VIRUSES 2022.03.22

  1. Cell adhesion molecule (CADM) 1 and CADM2 enable measles virus spread in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis by cis-acting fusion triggering. 第68回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2021.11.16

  2. Short-stalk isoforms of CADM1 and CADM2 induce membrane fusion mediated by hyperfusogenic fusion proteins of neuropathogenic measles viruses. 第68回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2021.11.16

  1. Prah Isaac, Ayibieke Alafate, Mahazu Samiratu, 佐々 千尋, 林 隆也, 鈴木 敏彦, 岩永 史朗, 山岡 昇司, Ablordey Anthony, 齋藤 良一. ガーナから来た下痢患者由来のOXA-181型カルバペネマーゼ産生大腸菌に関する全ゲノム性状分析(Whole-genome characterization of OXA-181 carbapenemase producing Escherichia coli from diarrheic patients in Ghana). 日本臨床微生物学会雑誌 2020.12.01

  1. A hyperfusogenic mutation in the measles virus fusion gene rescues the defect of receptor-blind mutations in the hemagglutinin gene. 第67回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2019.10.29

  1. Nao Naganori, Sato Ko, Seki Fumio, Yamagishi Junya, Tahara Maino, Shirogane Yuta, Nishimura Hidekazu, Takeda Makoto. ヒトメタニューモウイルスの臨床株および研究室株の特性解析(Characterization of clinical and laboratory strains of human metapneumovirus). 日本小児感染症学会総会・学術集会プログラム・抄録集 2018.11.01

  2. 白銀 勇太. Combinatorial minigenome assays reveal cooperative effects of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases between different mononegavirus families. 日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2018.10.28

  3. Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Bouamr F, Farkašová H, Iwatani Y, Strebel K. Mannose receptor 1 inhibits virus release from HIV-1-infected human macrophages.. The 30th International workshop on Retroviral Pathogenesis 2018.10

  4. Sukegawa S, Iwatani Y, Strebel K.. Human mannose receptor 1 attenuates HIV-1 infectivity in a virus isolate-specific manner.. 第66回 日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2018.10

  5. Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Bouamr F, Farkašová H, Iwatani Y, Strebel K.. Mannose receptor 1 inhibits virus release from HIV-1-infected human macrophages. . The 30th International workshop on Retroviral Pathogenesis 2018.10

  1. Sukegawa Sukegawa. Mannose receptor1 inhibits virus release from HIV-1 infected human macrophages. 国立感染症研究所・学友会セミナー 2017.11

  2. Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Bouamr F, Strebel K.. Mannose receptor 1 inhibits virus release from HIV-1-infected human macrophages. 第31回 日本エイズ学会学術集会 2017.11

  3. 白銀 勇太. Defective Interfering RNAs of Poliovirus Inhibit Wild-type Virus Production in Two Steps. 日本ウイルス学会学術集会 2017.10.26

  4. Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Bouamr F, Strebel K.. Mannose receptor inhibits virus release from infected human macrophages.. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Retrovirus meeting 2017.05

  5. Sukegawa S, Miyagi E, Bouamr F, Strebel K.. Mannose receptor inhibits virus release from infected human macrophages. . HIV-1 (Dynamics and Replication Program) DRP Think Tank Program 2017.04

  1. Sayaka Sukegawa, Ryuta Sakuma, Seiga Ohmine, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Shoji Yamaoka. Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 Counteracts Rhesus Macaque TRIM5-Induced Inhibition of HIV-1 Production. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting 2014 2014.05

  1. Sayaka Sukegawa, Ryuta Sakuma, Seiga Ohmine, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Shoji Yamaoka. The Role of Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling 1 (SOCS1) in Rhesus Macaque TRIM5a-mediated restriction of HIV-1 production and its cell line dependency. International Union of Microviological societies 2011 congress in Sapporo 2011.09

  2. Ryuta Sakuma,Sayaka Sukegawa, Seiga Ohmine, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Shoji Yamaoka. The Role of Suppressor of cytokine signaling in Rhesus Macaque TRIM5a-mediated late restriction and its cell line dependency . Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting 2011 2011.05

  1. Sayaka Sukegawa, Ryuta Sakuma, Seiga Ohmine, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Shoji Yamaoka. Involvement of suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) protein in Rhesus Macaque TRIM5-mediated restriction of HIV-1 production. 第11回熊本エイズセミナー・GCOE合同国際シンポジウム 2010.10

  2. Ryuta Sakuma,Sayaka Sukegawa, Seiga Ohmine, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Shoji Yamaoka. Involvement of suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) protein in the Rhesus Macaque TRIM5a-mediated late restriction. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting 2010 2010.05

  1. Human mannose receptor 1 protein has the potential to attenuate HIV-1 infectivity in a virus isolate-specific mannerer. 2022.11.15

  2. Essential contribution of a novel host cell factor SCP in regulating latent HIV-1 provirus expression. 2022.11.15

  3. DNA maintenance factor complex contributes to regulate of HIV-1 latency. 2022.11.14

  4. The multiple function of Human mannose receptor 1 (hMRC1) in HIV-1 replication. 2022.07.24

  1. Identification and functional analysis of a novel host cell factor regulating HIV-1 expression. 2021.11.16

  1. Membrane fusion induced by a low-affinity receptor of measles virus does not follow general rules for receptor usage. 2019.12.03

  1. Yuta Shirogane. Measles and its complication. One Health: Zoonosis and Digital Health (JST Sakura Science Online Program) 2022.02.17

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