1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Contribution of the activity of fixation neurons in the primate frontal eye field to the suppression of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus. The Gordon Research Conference 2023 on Eye Movements 2023.07.09 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, U.S.A.

  2. Izawa, Y., Suzuki, H.. Suppressive control of optokinetic nystagmus by the primate frontal eye field. The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan 2023.03.15 Kyoto

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Eye movements and neck torques evoked by electrical stimulation of the monkey frontal eye field. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2020.07.31 Web開催

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Suppressive control of reflexive eye movements by the frontal eye field in the monkey. The Gordon Research Conference 2019 on Eye Movements 2019.07.07 Bates College, Lewiston, ME, U.S.A.

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Effects of microstimulation of the frontal eye field on motor actions of the eyes and neck in the monkey. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2018.07.28 Kobe

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Activity of frontal eye field fixation neurons and its relation to the suppression of saccades and smooth pursuit. The 29th Barany Society Meeting 2016 2016.06.06 Seoul, Korea

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Effects of microstimulation of the frontal eye field on eye and neck movements in the monkey. The Gordon Research Conference 2015 on Eye Movements 2015.07.26 Bentley University, Waltham, MA, U.S.A.

  2. Izawa, Y., Suzuki, H.. Contribution of the activity of frontal eye field fixation neurons to the suppression of saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements in the monkey. The Joint Meeting of the 120th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists, the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan 2015.03.23 Kobe

  1. Yoshiko Izawa, Hisao Suzuki. Activity of fixation neurons in the frontal eye field during smooth pursuit eye movements in monkeys. The Gordon Research Conference 2013 on Eye Movements 2013.07.07 Stonehill College, Easton, MA, U.S.A.

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Contribution of the frontal eye field to suppressive control of saccades and smooth pursuit eye movements in monkeys. Frontiers in primate neuroscience researches 2012.02.23 Tokyo, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Suppression of smooth pursuit eye movements by the frontal eye field in the monkey. The Gordon Research Conference 2011 on Eye Movements 2011.07.31 University of New England, Biddeford, Maine, U.S.A.

  1. Yoshiko Izawa. Neural organization of saccade generation and suppression. International symposium: New perspectives on neural mechanisms of cognition and action 2009.11.13 Tamagawa Univ., Machida, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural network that subserves vertical saccadic eye movements. Symposium “Vertical eye movements”, The 25th Barany Society Meeting 2008 2008.04.01 Kyoto, Japan

  2. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Output pathways from the superior colliculus that subserves vertical saccades. “Neural mechanisms in control of eye, head and limb movements”, A satellite symposium to the 25th meeting of the Bárány Society 2008.03.30 Ohtsu, Japan

  1. Yoshiko Izawa. Neural pathways mediating excitation and inhibition from the superior colliculus to vertical ocular motoneurons. The Gordon Research Conference 2007 on Oculomotor System Biology 2007.07.08 Lewiston, Maine, USA

  2. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization of the pathways from the superior colliculus to vertical ocular motoneurons. Neural basis of motor learning and performance: from cell to function, A satellite symposium to the 17th meeting of The Neural Control of Movement Society 2007.03.22 Carmona, Spain

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural pathways for vertical saccades: from the superior colliculus to trochlear motoneurons. XVI International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting 2006.11.29 Tokyo, Japan

  2. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Suppression of Saccades and Fixation Neurons in the Monkey Frontal Eye Field. The 16th Annual Meeting of Neural Control of Movements 2006.05.02 Miami (Key Biscayne), Florida, USA

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Suppression of saccades by the frontal eye field in the monkey. Symposium “Recent advances of systems neurophysiology in the oculomotor system”, The 28th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2005.07.27 Yokohama, Japan

  2. Yoshiko Izawa. Two types of suppression of visually- and memory-guided saccades induced by electrical stimulation of monkey FEF. The Gordon Research Conference 2005 on Oculomotor System Biology 2005.06.26 Lewiston, Maine, USA

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Suppression of visually- and memory-guided saccades induced by electrical stimulation of the monkey frontal eye field. The 23rd meeting of the Bárány Society 2004.07.07 Paris, France

  2. Yoshiko Izawa. Initiation and suppression of saccades by the frontal eye field (FEF) in the monkey. “Clinical and basic ocular motor research”, Meeting in honor of David S. Zee, Satellite to the 23rd meeting of the Bárány Society 2004.07.03 Siena, Italy

  3. Yoshiko Izawa. Two types of suppression of visually- and memory-guided saccades induced by electrical stimulation of the frontal eye field in the monkey. The 31th NIPS International Symposium, “Multidisciplinary approaches to sensorimotor integration – old question meet new concepts –“ 2004.03.15 Okazaki, Japan

  1. Yoshiko Izawa. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to vertical ocular motoneurons. International workshop on “Cognitive impact on sensory motor integration” 2002.12.05 Okazaki, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Suzuki H, Shinoda Y. Suppression of saccades by stimulation of the frontal eye field. Symposium “Oculomotor system as a probe for integrative brain function”, The 78th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan 2001.03.29 Kyoto, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to superior oblique motoneurons. The 4th international symposium on the head/neck system 1999.08.22 Tokyo, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to horizontal ocular motoneurons. Satellite symposium of the 20th meeting of the Bárány Society 1998.09.09 Freiburg, Germany

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons in the horizontal saccadic system. 33rd International Congress of Physiological Sciences IUPS 1997.06.30 St. Petersburg, Russia

  2. Yoshiko Izawa. Disynaptic pathways from the superior colliculus to neck and ocular motoneurons. The 13th international symposium; Multisensory control of posture and gait 1997.06.22 Paris, France

  3. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons. COE international symposium 1997.03.23 Okazaki, Japan

  1. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Shinoda Y. Neural organization from the superior colliculus to ocular motoneurons in the horizontal saccadic system. The 19th meeting of the Bárány Society 1996.08.12 Sydney, Australia

  1. Izawa Y, Ando N, Shinoda Y. Input-output organization of thalamic interneurons, reticular nucleus neurons and thalamocortical neurons in the cerebello-thalamo-cortical system. Fourth IBRO Congress of Neuroscience 1995.07.09 Kyoto

  2. Izawa Y, Sugiuchi Y, Kakei S, Shinoda Y. Morphology of spinal commissural neurons mediating vestibular input to neck motoneurons. The 3rd international symposium on the head/neck system 1995.07.02 Vail, Colorado, USA

  1. 伊澤佳子, 鈴木寿夫. 視運動性眼振の抑制に関わるサル前頭眼野注視ニューロンの活動. 第82回日本めまい平衡医学会総会 2023.10.27 新潟

  1. 伊澤佳子, 鈴木寿夫. 頭部運動と代償性眼球運動の発現に関わる前頭眼野の機能. 第81回日本めまい平衡医学会総会 2022.11.17 奈良

  1. 伊澤佳子, 鈴木寿夫. 前頭眼野の微少電流刺激により誘発される眼球運動と頭部トルクの解析. 第78回日本めまい平衡医学会総会 2019.10.23 富山

  1. 伊澤佳子, 鈴木寿夫. 滑動性眼球運動の抑制に関わるサル前頭眼野注視ニューロンの活動. 第73回日本めまい平衡医学会総会 2014.11.06 横浜

  1. 伊澤佳子. 前頭眼野系によるサッケードおよび滑動性眼球運動の制御. 平成22 年度生理学研究所研究会「行動制御における脳領域間の機能連関」 2011.01.08 愛知県岡崎市 生理学研究所

  1. 伊澤佳子. 上丘から水平性および垂直性眼球運動ニューロンに至る経路. 平成18年度生理学研究所研究会第3回「高次脳機能研究の新展開」 2007.01.17 愛知県岡崎市 生理学研究所

  1. 伊澤佳子. 前頭眼野による眼球運動の制御. シンポジウム「システムニュ−ロサイエンスとめまい」, 第63回日本めまい平衡医学会総会 2004.11.18 高崎
