The purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills of the participants to prevent diseases.
Participants will: understand broad risk factors from indiviual factors (e.g., genetic factor) and environmental factors, especially social detrerminants, their inter actions; make causal inference applying a life-course perspective on diseease onset (e.g., long-term effect of fetus or childhood exposure); perform advanced statstics; acquire attitudes toward social contribution through writeing and publishing scientific papers in international journals. The final goal is that the participants are able to plan and implement health policy or preogran to prevent diseases in a real life setting.
The main focus of the department is as follows:
1. Social epidemiology (impact of social inequality, social capital, social network, and social support on health)
2. Life-course epidemiology (impact of child poverty and adverse childhood experiences on health) and international comparison study
3. Prevention on child abuse and neglect
4. Mental health (antenatal and postnatal mental health, mental health after a disaster, and child mental health)
5.Nutritional epidemiology (childhood nutrition from prenatal to early school-years and the food environment)
6.Environmental health (the physical environment and climate change)
7.Occupational health (harassment and work-place social capital)
8.Infectious Disease Epidemiology (descriptive epidemiology about COVID-19, research on behavioral change)
Lectures & Courses
The purpose of this course is to develop the knowledge and skills of the participants to prevent diseases.
Participants will: understand broad risk factors from indiviual factors (e.g., genetic factor) and environmental factors, especially social detrerminants, their inter actions; make causal inference applying a life-course perspective on diseease onset (e.g., long-term effect of fetus or childhood exposure); perform advanced statstics; acquire attitudes toward social contribution through writeing and publishing scientific papers in international journals. The final goal is that the participants are able to plan and implement health policy or preogran to prevent diseases in a real life setting.
The participants will be able to: 1. explain the risk of disease.
2. verbalize own research question and develop a hypothesis to test it.
3. develop research field or access secondary data to test the hypothesis.
4. explain an epidemiologic study design.
5. calculate a sample size.
6. analyse basic model (multivariate analysis, logistic analysis, etc) and conduct adnvaced analysis (multilevel analysis, propensity score moathcing, multiple imputation, etc)
7. justify the research question logically, in scientific writing in English.
8. develop an intervention (policy or program) and design a study protocol to assess its effectiveness.