In "clinical practice," patients are diagnosed and treated, but "epidemiology" is used to diagnose people in society, and "public health" is used to maintain and promote the health of population in society through this process. The Department of Health Promotion Dentistry aims to promote people's health through epidemiology, public health, and the clinical and field activities of Fresh Breath Clinic.
Epidemiology" is also useful for future clinicians. Epidemiology is indispensable to determine the characteristics of one's own clinic and the condition of patients objectively from data, and to provide evidence-based prevention and treatment.
Public health" is an essential study for those who work in public administration at the national, prefectural, and municipal levels. Public health dentists work to maintain and promote the health of society. It is important to acquire a public health knowledge in order to contribute to the population health.
We also conduct dental examinations at health centers and companies, as well as at the " Fresh Breath Clinic," which specializes in the treatment of halitosis. Halitosis is the third most common dental and oral health concern, and is a factor that hinders people's communication in the workplace and in the community. As a department of a university hospital specializing in halitosis treatment, which is rare in the world, we provide state-of-the-art halitosis treatment equipped with measuring instruments, which are few in Japan, to contribute to well-being. Here, as dentists and dental hygienists, we are able to acquire a few special skills.
By acquiring such special expertise, we are training people who can contribute to the promotion of people's health as "epidemiological researchers," "administrative professionals," and "clinicians who can use epidemiology to understand their own patients' conditions and determine the best treatment based on data and evidence, and who can also provide halitosis treatment," as one-of-a-kind human resources.
Major research themes in the field
・ Research on causal inference between oral and general health
・ Research on health inequalities and social determinants of health
・ Research on the construction of a diagnosis and treatment system for halitosis
1) Graduate education
Doctoral Course Health Promotion Dentistry Advanced Theory (1st year), Seminar (1-2 years), Research Practice (2-3 years)
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Course Advanced Theory Health Science Course
Master's Course Environmental and Social Medicine and Dentistry
2) Undergraduate education
For first-year students of the School of Dentistry
Module 01 "Introduction to Dentistry": Unit 03 "Current Dentistry", Unit 04 "Early Clinical Experience Practicum
For second-year students of the School of Dentistry
Module 04 "Society and Environment": Unit 02 "Lifestyle and Health
For third-year students of the School of Dentistry
Module 10 "Prevention and Health Care": Unit 01 "Prevention of Oral Diseases (Lecture and Practice)", Unit 02 "Prevention of Oral Diseases (Practical Training)
For fourth-year students of the School of Dentistry
Module 19 "Research Experience Practicum
For 5th and 6th year students of the School of Dentistry
Module 29 "Comprehensive Clinical Practice
For fourth-year students of the Department of Oral Health Sciences
Module 29: Clinical Practice
Lectures & Courses
1) Graduate education
The program will train dental professionals who can conduct research and regional diagnosis from epidemiology, statistics, and public health. To this end, cutting-edge research will be conducted in an international network with an understanding of international research context.
In the advanced course, basic, clinical, and epidemiological studies on oral disease prevention and oral health promotion will be reviewed. Lectures and discussions will be held on prevention of oral diseases, dental public health, epidemiology of oral diseases, social aspects of oral diseases, primary health care and health promotion, and the relationship between health care systems and educational systems and oral health promotion.
2) Undergraduate Education
Lifestyle and Health": To help students understand the relationship between health and social systems and the environment, and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become dentists who can help people promote their health.
Prevention of Oral Diseases I & II": To acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for students to become dentists who practice prevention and health management of oral diseases.
Clinical Services & Other Works
Clinical Services
“Fresh breath clinic” in Dental hospital, Tokyo Medical and Dental University is a special clinic for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oral malodor. About half of oral malodor patients are referred from other departments in the dental hospital or outside dental clinics. Other patients visit the clinic by finding the information of the clinic from mass media such as the internet, newspapers and television.
For oral malodor examination, gas chromatography and gas sensor instrument are used to measure the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) along with the organoleptic test. Oral malodor is treated based on diagnosis by precise measurement and oral examination, besides psychological aspects of the patient are paid attention. Treatment of oral malodor needs continuous periodontal disease management and oral care in cooperation with oral care department in the dental hospital and patient’s family dentist.