Books, etc | Awards & Honors |
Masanori Takahashi, Tamiyuki Tsuzuki, Yoshihiro Yamada, Koichi Sakurada. Forensic Dental Science 2nd edition. Nagasueshoten 2022.02 (ISBN : 978-4-8160-1402-4)
Takehiko Takatori, Masataka Nagao, Koichi Sakurada, etc.. New Essentials of Forensic Medicine 6th Edition. Ishiyaku Publishers Inc. 2019.03 (ISBN : 978-4-263-73189-5)
Hiroshi Ikegaya, Koichi Sakurada. The New Textbook for Forensic Death Investigations and Autopsies. Kinpodo 2018.11 (ISBN : 978-4-7653-1759-7)
Koichi Sakurada. Q&A Identification method when giant disasters. Dental Diamond 2018.06
Masanori Takahashi, Tamiyuki Tsuzuki, Yoshihiro Yamada, Koichi Sakurada et al.. Forensic Dental Science. 2017.11 (ISBN : 978-4-8160-1333-1)
Koichi Sakurada. Synthesis of antidote candidates which are effective against sarin poisoning. CHEMISTRY 2017.06
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~The powerful information that one tooth has and the future of forensic dentistry~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.06
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~blood typing and DNA typing from a tooth~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.05
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~bitemark and abuse~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.04
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~sex estimation from teeth and bones~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.03
Koichi Sakurada. Teetn speak louder than words ~age estimation using the racemization and the radioisotope~ . DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.02
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~age estimation from teeth and bones~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2017.01
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~dental X-rays and CT images~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.12
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~oral photograph and dental chart~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.11
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~private identification by forensic autopsies~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.10
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~why is the tooth useful for private identificatoin?~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.09
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~what methods are used for private identification ?~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.08
Koichi Sakurada. Teeth speak louder than words ~the great mission that a dentist can contribute to the society~. DENTAL DIAMOND 2016.07
Keiji Aizawa, Koichi Sakurada, etc.. NANZANDO'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY 20th EDITION. NANZANDO Co., Ltd. 2015.04 (ISBN : 978-4-525-01080-5)
Keiichi Tsukinoki, Koichi sakurada, etc.. Up-to-date Non-invasive Clinical Examination -Saliva Test and Breath Test-. CMC Publishing Co., Ltd. 2015.01 (ISBN : 978-4-7813-1052-7)
Society Award of 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Scienece , Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science , 2019.11
Outstanding Performance Award of Student Poster Forum , The 102nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Mdicine , 2018.06