1. Hanafi Muhammad Garry Syahrizal、宇都野 創,斉藤 久子、峰岸 沙希、並木 修司、Menik Priaminiarti、Nurtami Soedarsono、槇野 陽介、岩瀬 博太郎、櫻田 宏一. Preliminary Study Comparing Facial soft tissue depth between Indonesian and Japanese populations. 第108次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2024.06.06 岡山市

  2. 宇都野 創、Hanafi Muhammad Garry Syahrizal、青木 奈々美、並木 修司、槇野 陽介、峰岸 沙希、戸谷 麻衣子、斉藤 久子、岩瀬 博太郎、櫻田 宏一. 復顔法を行う際の平均的顆頭点と耳珠の関係性に関する研究. 第108次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2024.06.06 岡山市

  3. 並木 修司、本村 あゆみ、齋藤 直樹、斉藤 久子、宇都野 創、峰岸 沙希、槇野 陽介、岩瀬 博太郎、櫻田 宏一. 宗教上の理由から適切な治療を受けることができずに死亡したと推定される小児急性骨髄性白血病の1事例. 日本法歯科医学会第18回学術大会 2024.05.26 大阪市

  1. Mirei Takeyama, Toru Moriya, Hisako Saitoh, Hiroko Miyahara, Fusa Miyake, Motonari Ohyama, Hirohisa Sakurai, Fuyuki Tokanai.. Present status of the YU-AMS system in 2023. The 9th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium 2023.11 韓国

  2. Shuuji Namiki, Hjime Utusno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Method for estimating missing mandible from the skull using postmortem CT images . The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2023.06.08 Odawara City

  3. Shuuji Namiki, Hjime Utusno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Method for estimating missing mandible from the skull using postmortem CT images. 第107次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2023.06.08 小田原市

  4. Hanafi Muhammad Garry Syahrizal, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada . Forensic Odontology in Indonesia. 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2023.05.14 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  5. ハナフィ ムハンマド ギャリー シャーリザル, 宇都野 創, 峰岸 沙希, 櫻田 宏一. インドネシアにおける歯科法医学の現状. 日本法歯科医学会第17回学術大会 2023.05.14 東京医科歯科大学

  1. Hajime Utsuno, Shuuji Namiki, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Landmark comparisons of the alar region in the prediction of the ala of the nose using post-mortem computed tomography images. The Nineteenth Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2022.07.29 Liverpool, UK

  2. Hajime Utsuno, Shuuji Namiki, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maikmo Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Landmark comparisons of the alar region in the prediction of the ala of the nose using post-mortem computed tomography images. The Nineteenth Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2022.07.29 Liverpool, UK

  3. Hajime Utsuno, Shuuji Namiki, Yohsuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maikmo Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Landmark comparisons of the alar region in the prediction of the ala of the nose using post-mortem computed tomography images. The Nineteenth Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2022.07.29 Liverpool, UK

  1. 宇都野 創,並木修司,槇野陽介,斉藤久子,峰岸沙希,戸谷麻衣子,岩瀬博太郎,櫻田宏一. 日本人の頭蓋骨における鼻翼部推定法確立のための検討. 第105次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2021.06.10 誌上開催

  1. 大田隼,峰岸沙希, 宇都野創, 櫻田宏一. Comparison of bacterial DNA and human RNA markers for identification of saliva from forensic samples. 第104次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2020.09.24 京都

  2. 大田 隼,峰岸 沙希, 宇都野 創, 櫻田 宏一. Comparison of bacterial DNA and human RNA markers for identification of saliva from forensic samples. 第104次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2020.09.24

  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada.. Development of a Multiplex RT-PCR Assay and Its Statistical Evaluation for the Forensic Identification of Vaginal Fluid.. The 28th International Congress of International Society for Forensic Genetics. 2019.09.12 The Czech Republic, Prague Congress Center

  1. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.. Improvement of the age estimation method using dentin aspartic acid racemization: Study of aspartic acid extraction technique. . 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.08

  2. Jun Ohta, Nanaka Noda, Koichi Sakurada. Efficacy of mtDNA-based individualization and bacterial DNA-based saliva identification of degraded forensic samples. 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.08 Fukuoka

  3. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Improvement of the age estimation method using dentin aspartic acid racemization: Study of aspartic acid extraction technique. 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.08 Fukuoka

  4. Saki Minegishi, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Kanako Noritake, Takeshi Funakoshi, Koichi uemura, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Susumu Ohtani, Koichi Sakurada. . Preparation of dentin satndard samples for age estimation based on increased aspartic acid racemization rate with overheating. The 102nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Mdicine 2018.06.07 Fukuoka

  5. Saki Minegishi, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Kanako Noritake, Takeshi Funakoshi, Koichi uemura, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Susumu Ohtani, Koichi Sakurada. Preparation of dentin satndard samples for age estimation based on increased aspartic acid racemization rate with overheating. 第102次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2018.06.07 福岡

  6. Hajimeu Utsuno, Toru kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Morphological sex differences of mid facial proportion in Japanese population. 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.06 Fukuoka

  7. Hajime Utsunom Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada, Koichi Uemura. Morphological sex differences of mid facial propotion in Japanese population. 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.06 Fukuoka

  8. Hisako Saitoh, Toru Moriya, Mirei Takeyama, Ayaka Sakuma, Hiroko Abe, Sayaka Nagasawa, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotaro Iwase, Fuyuki Tokanai. Date of birth estimation via radiocarbons using teeth: analysis of corpse conditions in Japanese cadavers. 24th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2018.06.06 Fukkuoka

  1. Tomoko Akutsu1, Ken Watanabe1, Ayari Takamura1, Koichi Sakurada. Quantitative evaluation of candidate genes and development of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the forensic identification of vaginal fluid. 27th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics 2017.08.31 Korea

  2. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada. Establishment of prediction Method for Mid-Facial Region of Unknown Human Mongoloid Skeletal Remains. 17th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2017.07.17 Australia

  3. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada . Establishment of prediction Method for Mid-Facial Region of Unknown Human Mongoloid Skeletal Remains . 17th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2017.07.17 Australia

  1. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada and Koichi Uemura. Pilot study to establish a nasal tip prediction method from unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull photo superimposition as applied to a Japanese male population. 16th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2015.08.04 Tokyo

  2. Hajime Utsuo, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Koichi Sakurada and Koichi Uemura. Pilot study to establish a nasal tip prediction method from unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull photo superimposition as applied to a Japanese female population. 16th Meeting of the International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2015.08.03 Tokyo

  1. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, and Kazuhiko Kibayashi. Establishing a method for predicting the nasal tip position in unknown human skeletal remains for facial reconstruction and skull-photo superimposition: A pilot study in Japanese men. World Forensic Festival 2014 2014.10.16 Seoul (Korea)

  2. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, and Kazuhiko Kibayashi. Estimation of vertical dimension of nasal tip for skull-photo superimposition in Japanese adult male population. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medcine The 98th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medcine 2014.06.17 Fukuoka

  3. Development of real-time multipkex polymerase chain reation assys for identyfing vaginal fluid in forensic investigations by detection of bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA genes. 9th International Symposium on Advance in Legal Medicine 2014

  1. 宇都野 創、影山 徹、内田啓一,木林 和彦. 日本人成人における骨格型ごとに分類した顔面軟組織厚の差異に関する研究. 第82回日本法医学会学術関東地方集会 2013.10.19 横浜

  2. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, and Kazuhiko Kibayashi. Facial soft tissue thickness differences among three skeletal classes in Japanese population. The 15th Biennial Scientific Meeting of International Association for Craniofacial Identificatio 2013.08.04 South Africa

  1. Development of BBB-penetrative antidotes for reactivation of inhibited AChE in nerve agent poisoning. 2012 International Congress of the Romanian Society of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinical Toxicology 2012

  1. The utilization of stable isotopes for estimating the geographic origins of unidentified cadavers. 第95次日本法医学会学術全国集会 2011

  1. Hajime Utsuno,Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Shina Oohigashi Uchida, Mineo Yoshino, Hiroo Miyazawa, Katsuhiro Inoue. Pilot study of facial soft tissue thickness differences among three skeletal classes in Japanese females. The 14 th Biennial Scientific Meeting of International Association for Craniofacial Identification 2010.09.02 Chille

  1. Hajime Utsuno,Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, Mineo Yoshino, Hiroo Miyazawa, Katsuhiro Inoue. Facial soft tissue thickness In Japanese children. The 13 th Biennial Scientific Meeting of the International Association for the Craniofacial Identification 2008.07.16 Scotland

  1. Geographical Identification using human polyomavirus (JCV) DNA chip. 2006 Nordic Conference in Forensic Medicine 2006

  2. Identification of human cytochrome P450 isozymes involved in diphenhydramine N-demethylation. 日本薬物動態学会第21回年会 2006

  1. Narrowing down the native place of unidentified cadavers using JC virus genotyping. 2005 International Forensic Science Symposium 2005

  1. H. Utsuno and K Inoue. Preliminary study of post mortem personal identification using lip prints. 82nd General Session and Exhibition of the IADR 2004.03.12 Hawaii

  2. Evidence of Pralidoxime iodide (2-PAM) penetration across the blood-brain barrier. World Conference on Dosing of Antiinfectives 2004

  3. JC virus genotyping using urine stains. 8th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences 2004

  1. Pralidoxime iodide (2-PAM) penetrates across the blood-brain barrier. Fifth International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine 2002

  1. Hajime Utsuno, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Hiroo Miyazawa, Munemitsu Yanagisawa, and Mineo Yoshino. Facial soft tissue thickness in Japanese children. 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences 2001.09.18 Australia

  1. Hajime Utsuno, Kiyoshi Minaguchi, Hiroo Miyazawa and Mineo Yoshino. Preliminary study of Facial soft tissue thickness in Japanese children. 9th Biennial Scintific Meeting of the International association for Craniofacial Identification 2000.08.26 USA

  2. Rapid progress of rigor mortis in red muscle. 18th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2000

  3. The improvement to enzymatic digestion method of detecting planktons by removal of carbon particles in the lungsl. 18th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2000

  4. The effect of cis-9,10-methylenehexadecanoic acid on myocardium. 18th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2000

  5. Thymocyte death in rats induced by immobilization stress. 18th Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine 2000

  1. Postmortem changes in levels of ATP, glycogen and lactic acid and in pH in rat muscles depend on the proportion of fiber types rat. International Association of Forensic Sciences 15th Triennial Meeting 1999

  1. Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity in COVID-19 corpses. The 89th Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Scociety, Japan 2024.12.07 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

  2. Sayaka Yamada, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Radiocarbon dating of birth years using teeth -A study of method using collagen extraction from dentin-. The 66th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2024.11.03 Nagasaki city

  3. Hisako Saitoh, Sayaka Yamada, Koichi Sakurada. Radiocarbon dating of birth years using teeth -A study based on the condition of the corpses-. The 66th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2024.11.03 Nagasaki city

  4. Tomoko Akutsu, Saki Minegishi, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada. Evaluation of the applicability of the RT-qPCR-based menstrual blood marker detection method to forensic specimens. The 93rd Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2024.10.12 Narita city

  5. Sayaka Yamada, Hisako Saitoh, Gakuto Uratomi, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Shyuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Hanafi Muhammad Garry Syahrizal, Nanami Aoki, Sakura Koide, Koichi Sakurada. Comparison of DNA quantity, decomposition index, and STR profiling using different methods for DNA extraction from teeth. The 93rd Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2024.10.12 Narita city

  6. Kunitsugu Tanaka, Maiko Satoh, Touitsu Kawataki, Yo Takeda, Takeshi Yoshida, Takashi Moriyama, Tomoaki Aki, Toshiya Hara, Tasaku Nakayama, Takshi Soehara, Tetsuya Kanbe, Morio Kaneko, Yoshio Moriya, Seiko Katsumura, Hirofumi Tsutsumi, Kazunari Shiozaki, Koichi Sakurada, Hisako Saitoh, Hikaru Izawa, Keita Satoh. Role of police dentistry in the basic act on the promotion of cause of death Investigations: The usefulness of the Kanagawa prefectural police dentist training seminar. 20th National Convention of Police Dental Association 2024.08.03 Yamaguchi city

  7. Kaori Iwahara, Keiji Inoue, Takashi Nakajima,Hitoshi Terada, Noboru Ishikawa, Hirofumi Aboshi, Koichi Sakurada, Yoshihiro Yamada. Disaster prevention and mitigation at the Tokyo and local dental associations. 20th National Convention of Police Dental Association 2024.08.03 Yamaguchi city

  8. Koichi Sakurada. Criminal investigation: why and how to identify someone?. Tokyo Medical and Dental University Open Campus 2024 2024.08.01 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  9. Hisako Saitoh, Isao Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Okuda, Yosihiro Yamada, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotaro Iwase, Keiko Shimizu. Study on the use of intraoral scanners for obtaining dental findings from cadavers. The 108th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2024.06.06 Okayama city

  10. Development of personal identification system based on dental findings in preparation for future disasters. 2024.02.23

  1. Saki MInegishi, Kana Unuma, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Comparison between dental findings of unidentified cadavers and Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare dental disease survey. The 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Criminology 2023.11.26 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

  2. Jun Ohta, Saki Minegishi, Kosuke Tanimoto, Hajime Utsuno, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Search for bacterial DNA markers that is useful for identifying saliva from degraded samples through bacterial flora analysis. The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese society for DNA Polymorphism Research 2023.11.17 Shimonoseki city

  3. Nozomi Sumi, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Shuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Jun Ohta, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi sakurada. Pilot study on the mechanism of pink tooth phenomenon using bovine teeth. The 92nd Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2023.10.14 Kawasaki city

  4. Maiko Toya, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Syuuji Namiki, Nozomi Toya, Hisako Saitoh, Kana Unuma, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Research on trauma findings of physical abuse of the elderly in day care facilities and collaboration with related organizations. The 92nd Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2023.10.14 Kawasaki city

  5. Hisako Saitoh. Grief care effect for bereaved families by embalming. The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2023.09.18 Tokyo

  6. Hisako Saitoh. DNA typing using FFPE samples. The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2023.09.17 Tokyo

  7. Hisako Saitoh, Seiko Katsumura, Hiroko Oka, Eiko Kosuge, Rie Yamaguchi, Akiko Kumagai.. Digital Educational Materials on Identification Work with Dental Findings. The 42nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Dental Education Association 2023.07.15 WEB

  8. Hiroko Oka, Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Masataka Nagao.. Verification of materials used in dental treatment in Vietnam. The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Meidine 2023.06.09 Odawara City

  9. Tomoko Akutsu, Saki Minegishi, Ken Watanabe, Koichi Sakurada. Exploration and evaluation of menstrual blood markers for the development of menstrual blood test methods. The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2023.06.08 Odawara City

  10. Hajime Utsuno, Syuuji Namiki, Yosuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Jun Ohta, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada . Study on the morphological estimation of the auricle in facial reconstruction of the Japanese skull. The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2023.06.08 Odawara City

  11. Sayaka Nagasawa, Yuichiro Hirata, Shigeki Tsuneya, Kei Kira, Susumu Kobayashi, Shinji Akitomi, Tadaki Suzuki, Hirotaro Iwase, Yohsuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh.. Investigation of changes over time in viral titers in SARS-CoV-2-infected cadavers. The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Meidine 2023.06.08 Odawara City

  12. Namiko Ishii, Naoki Saito, Satomi Mizuno, Susumu Kobayashi, Ayaka Sakuma, Ayumi Motomura, Go Inokuchi, Daisuke Yajima, Hirotaro Iwase, Hisako Satioh.. Dental evaluation in child abuse cases. The 107th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Meidine 2023.06.08

  13. Nozomi Sumi, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Maiko Toya, Jun Ohta, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi sakurada. Study on color development mechanism in pink teeth phenomenon -examination of involvement with hemoglobin, degradation products, and red pigment-producing bacteria-. 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2023.05.14 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  14. Susumu Kobayashi. Rutusko Yamaguchi, Yohsuke Makino, Suguru Torimitsu, Fumiko Chiba, Sayaka Nagasawa, Maiko Yoshida, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase.. Age estimation using teeth of infant remains buried in plaster 50 years ago. 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2023.05.14 Tokyo

  15. Hisako Saitoh, Sayaka Nagasawa, Yuichiro Hirata, Yohsuke Makino, Suguru Torimitsu, Susumu Kobayashi, Namiko Ishii, Isao Yamamoto, KImiko Nakagawai, Iwao Hasegawa, Daisuke Yajima, Hirotaro Iwase, Yoshihiro Kawaoka.. Evaluation of the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2 remaining in cadavers. 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2023.05.14 Tokyo

  16. Akiko Kumagai, Yumiko Ohbayashi, Hiroko Oka, Yuka Hatano, Seiko Katsumura, Eiko Kosuge, Rie Yamaguchi, Hisako Saitoh, . Introducing digital teaching materials for identity verification training, including support for bereaved families, provided by JUMP (Japan Unidentified and Missing Persons Response Team). 17th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2023.05.14 Tokyo

  17. Saeko Fujita, Isao Yamamoto, Kimiko Nakagawa, Hiroshi Ohira, Masanori Ikeno, Iwao Hasegawa, Hisako Saitoh, Yohsuke Maikono, Hirotaro Iwase, Yoshihiro Yamada.. Investigation of work efficiency by PPE (personal protective equipment) in dental chartings. The 28th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Disaster Medicine 2023.03.10 Iwate

  18. Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Nakakuki, Namiko Ishii, Kimiko Nakagawa, Saeko Fujita, Hiroshi Ohira, Isao Yamamoto, Hirotaro Iwase, Iwao Hasegawa, Yoshihiro Yamada, Keiko Shimizu.. Examination of dental chartings using an intraoral scanner on unidentified corpses. The 28th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Disaster Medicine 2023.03.10 Iwate

  1. Koichi Sakurada. Present situation of training related to forensic odontology for police dentists in Tokyo. Tenth Death Investigation Personal Identification System Society 2022.12.18 Zoom

  2. Saki Minegishi, Kana Unuma, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Study on a relationship between dental findings of unidentified cadavers and their situations discovered. The 59th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Criminology 2022.11.26 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

  3. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Kochi Toyomane, Takayuki Yamagishi, Koichi Sakurada. Effects of types and combinations of target body fluids on test results in body fluid identification by multiplex RT-PCR. The 91st Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2022.10.08 Chiba city

  4. Saki Minegishi, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Syuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Koichi Sakurada. Association of cadaveric factors with the degree and region of discoloration on pink teeth. The 91st Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2022.10.08 Chiba city

  5. Maiko Toya, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Shuuji Namiki, Kana Unuma, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Forensic characteristics of physical elder abuse and current status and issues of collaboration between forensic medicine departments and related institutions. The 18th Japan Academy for the prevention of the Elder Abuse 2022.09.10 Adachi-ku

  6. Hiroko Oka, Akiko Takeuchi, Tosihiko Suzuki, Rieka Katsuragi, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada, Yumi Yamashita. Current status of forensic dentistry at the education and research center related to investigation of the cause of death -Summary report of 2021 and changes from 2019-. 19th National Convention of Police Dental Association 2022.08.06

  7. Koichi Sakurada, Saki Minegishi, Keiji Inoue, Tkakashi Nakajima, Hitoshi Terada. Relationship between pink teeth phenomenon observed in dental autopsies of unidentified cadavers and cadaveric conditions. 19th National Convention of Police Dental Association 2022.08.06 Osaka city

  8. Koichi Sakurada, Saki Minegishi, Keiji Inoue, Takashi Nakajima, Hitoshi Terada. Association of Cadaveric Factors with Pink Teeth observed in dental autopsies of unidentified cadavers. 2022.08.06

  9. Hajime Utsuno, Mariko Kazuta, Yosuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Syuji Namiki, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Jun Ohta, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada . Study on the positional relationship between the orbit and the eyeball of the Japanese adult skull using postmortem CT images. The 106th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2022.06.09 Nagoya city

  10. Jun Ohta, Saki Minegishi, Nao Noda, Hajime Utsuno, Koichi Sakurada. Changes in the properties of saliva identification markers due to changes in the state of saliva samples. The 106th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2022.06.09 Nagoya city

  11. Prediction of eyeball position using post-mortem computed tomogrphy imagess. 2022.06.09

  12. Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Suguru Torimitsu, Fumiko Chiba, MIka Nagasawa, Namiko Ishii, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Estimation of the human birth year by radiocarbon concentrations of the whole crown powder of mandibular first premolar. 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2022.05.15 Yokohama city

  13. Nozomi Sumi, Saki Minegishi, Shuuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Jun Ohta, Koichi Sakurada. Study on discoloration mechanism in pink teeth phenomenon - Basic study using bovine teeth -. 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2022.05.15 Yokohama city

  1. Jun Ohta, Masako Ohmura, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Evaluation of a saliva presumptive test using the α-amylase assay kit . 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology 2021.11.11 Online

  2. Tomoko Akutsu, Isao Yokota, Ken Watanabe, Kochi Toyomane, Takayuki Yamagishi, Koichi Sakurada. Development of a multiplex RT-PCR procedure for the comprehensive discrimination of forensically relevant body fluids. 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology 2021.11.11 Online

  3. Saki Minegishi, Syuji Namiki, Jun Ohta, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hajime Utsuno, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Comparison of racemization rates of vital and non-vital teeth used for age estimation. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2021.07.31 Kyoto

  4. Syuji Namiki, Hajime Utsuno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Koichi Sakurada. Establishment of a method for estimating a defective mandible from skulls using postmortem CT images in a Japanese population. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2021.07.31 Kyoto

  5. Saki Minegishi, Syuji Namiki, Jun Ohta, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Hajime Utsuno, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Comparison of racemization rates of vital and non-vital teeth used for age estimation. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2021.07.31 Kyoto

  6. Syuji Namiki, Hajime Utsuno, Yosuke Makino, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Nozomi Sumi, Koichi Sakurada. Establishment of a method for estimating a defective mandible from skulls using postmortem CT images in a Japanese population. 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2021.07.31 Kyoto

  7. Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Syuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Hajime Utsuno, Jyoji Funakoshi, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Effect of non-vital teeth on age estimation by dentin racemization method. The 105th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2021.06.11 In the journal

  8. Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Syuji Namiki, Maiko Toya, Hajime Utsuno, Jyoji Funakoshi, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Uemura, Koichi Sakurada. Effect of non-vital teeth on age estimation by dentin racemization method. The 105th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2021.06.11 In the journal

  9. Hajime Utsuno, Syuji Namiki, Yosuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Maiko Toya, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada . Development of a method for estimating the nasal wing in the Japanese skull. The 105th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2021.06.10 In the journal

  10. Koichi Sakurada, Takashi Zaitsu, Naoko Seki. Unit (Society / Education) 5-year research report and future plans . Project for Promoting Leading-edge Research in Oral Science 2021.02.13 Online

  1. Koichi Sakurada, Naoko Seki, Sachi Umemori. Project for Promoting Leading-edge Research in Oral Science, Society and Education . The 85th Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society of Japan 2020.12.05 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  2. Koichi Sakurada. Crime of Heisei and forensic dentistry for Reiwa . The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Criminology 2020.11.28 Online

  3. Jun Ohta, Yuko Katoh, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Bacterial DNA-based identification of human and canine saliva-Development of a molecular biological bite mark analysis. 26th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology 2020.11.12

  4. Jun Ohta, Yuko Katoh, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Bacterial DNA-based identification of human and canine saliva-Development of a molecular biological bite mark analysis.. 26th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology 2020.11.12 Online

  5. Utsuno H, Makino Y, Namiki S, Minegishi S, ohta J, Toya M, Iwase H, Sakurada K.. Study on estimation method of nasal wing position in the skull of Japanese men. The 89th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2020.10.10 Bunkyo-ku

  6. Utsuno H, Makino Y, Namiki S, Minegishi S, ohta J, Toya M, Iwase H, Sakurada K. Study on estimation method of nasal wing position in the skull of Japanese men. The 89th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2020.10.10

  7. Minegishi S, Utsuno H, Ohta J, Ishii N, Sakuma A, Namiki S, Tota M, Saitoh H, Makino Y, Sakurada K.. Study on the relationship between dental findings and various situation in unidentified cadavers (1st report). 14th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2020.10.04 Iwate

  8. Minegishi S, Utsuno H, Ohta J, Ishii N, Sakuma A, Namiki S, Tota M, Saitoh H, Makino Y, Sakurada K. Study on the relationship between dental findings and various situation in unidentified cadavers (1st report). 14th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2020.10.04

  9. Yamaguchi R, Sakurada K, Saitoh H, Yoshida M, Makino Y, Torimitsu S, Mizuno S, Tsuneya S, Kira K, Iwase H.. An autopsy case of asphyxiating from airway narrowing due to severe dental infection that spread to the floor of the mouth, deep neck, and face. The 104th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2020.09.24 Kyoto

  10. Utsuno H, Makino Y, Saitoh H, Minegishi S, ohta J, Iwase H, Sakurada K.. Study on three-dimensional facial soft tissue thickness of Japanese adults. The 104th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2020.09.24 Kyoto

  11. Utsuno H, Makino Y, Saitoh H, Minegishi S, Ohta J, Iwase H, Sakurada K. Study on three-dimensional facial soft tissue thickness of Japanese adults. The 104th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2020.09.24

  1. Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Chihiro Tanaka, Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada. Examination of preparation of standard sample using enzyme in age estimation of dentin racemization method. 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Scienece 2019.11.03 Hiroshima city

  2. Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Chihiro Tanaka, Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Koichi Sakurada.. Examination of preparation of standard sample using enzyme in age estimation of dentin racemization method. 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Scienece 2019.11.03 Hiroshima Prefectual Dental Association Hall

  3. Hjime Utsuno, Chihiro Tanaka, Yosuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Study on estimation method of nasal wing shape around piriform aperture of maxilla. The 88th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2019.10.12 Shinjyuku-ku

  4. Koichi Sakurada, Saki Minegishi, Hajime Utsuno, Jun Ohta, Chihiro Tanaka, Hikoto Ohta. Study on brain activity of PAM analogs ~ Examination of AChE activity measurement system using MATP + ~. The 88th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2019.10.12 Shinjyuku-ku

  5. Hajime Utsuno, Chihiro Tanaka, Yosuke Makino, Hisako Saitoh, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Study on estimation method of nasal wing shape around piriform aperture of maxilla. The 88th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2019.10.12 Keio University

  6. Midori Nagai, Koichi Sakurada, Kazuhiko Imaizumi, Yoshinori Ogawa, Jyouji Noritake,Ayumi Komatsu, Rina Kaseda, MOtohiro Uo, Koichi Uemura . Study on post mortem time of bone using bovine femur. The 103nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Mdicine 2019.06.13 Sendai city

  7. Chihiro Tanaka, Hjime Utsuno, Yousuke Makino, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Study of the shape on pyriform aperture and the line of nasolabial sulcus in Japanese. The 103nd Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Mdicine 2019.06.13 Sendai city

  1. Jun Ohta, Nao Noda, Tadao Tateno, Chihiro Tanaka, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Development of the amylase inhibition-resistant blue starch agarose plate method with BSA and CaCl2. 24th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association of Forensic Science and Technology 2018.11.09 Nakano-ku, Nakano Sunplaza

  2. Jun Ohta, Nao Noda, Tadao Tateno, Chihiro Tanaka, Saki Minegishi, Namiko Isii, Hazime Utsuno, Koichi Sakurada. Origin estimation of saliva attaching to forensic samples using localization of the bacterial flora of the mouth (the first report). 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2018.10.20 Chiba City

  3. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hazime Utsuno, Ayaka Sakuma, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Chihiro Tanaka, Koichi Sakurada. Risk of dental examination in forensic autopsies with infectious diseases. 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Scienece 2018.10.20 Chiba City

  4. Chihiro Tanaka, Hajime Utsuno, Yosuke Makino, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Jun Ohta, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi sakurada. Study on Japanese adult face soft tissue thickness using the CT image . The 87th Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2018.10.06 Bunkyo-ku

  5. Koichi Sakurada. The Role of Forensic Odontology in Personal Identification. The 86th Meeting of Matsumoto Dental University (General Assembly) 2018.06.30 Shiojiri City

  6. Koichi Sakurada. Current status of personal identification. The 2nd Study Meeting of the System on the Cause of Death Investigation and Personal Identification 2018.04.08 The university of Tokyo

  1. Koichi Sakurada. Project for Promoting Leading-edge Research in Oral Science, Symposium, Society and Education. The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society of Japan 2017.11.19 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  2. Hisako Saitoh, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Hiroyuki Inoue, Akika Nagasawa, Yousuke Makino, Fumiko Chiba, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotarou Iwase.. Usefulness of the CT reconstitution images for taking dental findings.. 11th Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2017.11.18 Meikai University

  3. Hisako Saitoh,Ayaka Sakuma,Namiko Ishii,Hajime Utsuno,Saki Minegishi,Daisuke Yajima,Go Inokuchi,Ayumi Motomura,Hiroyuki Inoue,Akika Nagasawa,Yousuke Makino,Fumiko Chiba,Koichi Sakurada,Hirotarou Iwase. Usefulness of the CT reconstitution images for taking dental findings. 11th Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2017.11.18 Meikai University

  4. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Improvement of the age estimation method using the racemization reaction of aspartic acid in dentin.. 11th Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2017.11.18 Meikai University

  5. Namiko Ishii, Hisako Saitoh, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada.. Improvement of the age estimation method using the racemization reaction of aspartic acid in dentin.. 11th Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2017.11.18 Meikai University

  6. Hiroaki Ichioka, Koichi Sakurada, Hisako Saitoh, Maki Ohtani, Wataru Kumagaya, Hirosi Ikegaya.. Education effect of the dental chart making training for dentistry clinicians. 11th Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2017.11.18 Meikai University

  7. Hisako Saitoh, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Daisuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Yousuke Makino, Fumiko Chiba, Suguru Torimitsu, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotarou Iwase. Three cases that postmortem CT reconstruction images were effective for collecting dental findings.. The 86 Kanto Distric Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.10.28 Kyorin University

  8. Tomoko Akutsu, Ken Watanabe, Sairi Takamura, Koichi Sakurada. Evaluation of skin or sweat-enriched mRNA markers by a real-time RT-PCR assay. The 86 Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.10.28 Kyorin University

  9. Hisako Saitoh, Ayaka Sakuma, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Saki Minegishi, Disuke Yajima, Go Inokuchi, Ayumi Motomura, Yousuke Makino, Fumiko Chiba,Suguru Torimitsu, Koichi Sakurada, Hirotaro Iwase . Three cases that postmortem Ct reconstruction images were effective for collecting dental findings. The 86 Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.10.28 Kyorin University

  10. Koichi Sakurada. Crime investigation~Significance of clarifying the origine of a person~. Open campus in Tokyo Medical and Dental University 2017.07.28 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  11. Saki Minegishi, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Kanako Noritake, Jyoji Funakoshi, Koichi Uemura, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Susumu Ohtani, Koichi Sakurada. Basic study on standard sample manufacture for age estimation by the amino acid racemization. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.09 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  12. Susumu Ohtani, Ran Iguchi, Hidenori Nene, Noboru Adachi, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada, Kanako Noritake, Joji Funakoshi, Koichi Uemura. Comparison of D-asparatic acid in the hard tissue. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.09 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  13. Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Study on the subnasal point estimation from Japanese male skulls. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.09 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  14. Saki Minegishi, Namiko Ishii, Hajime Utsuno, Kanako Noritake, Jyoji Funakoshi, Koichi Uemura, Ayaka Sakuma, Hisako Saitoh, Susumu Ohtani, Koichi Sakurada . Basic study on standard sample manufacture for age estimation by the amino acid racemization. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.09 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  15. Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Study on the subnasal point estimation from Japanese male skulls. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.08 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  16. Susumu Ohtani, Ran Iguchi, Hidenori Nene, Noboru Adachi, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada, Kanako Noritake, Joji Funakoshi, Koichi Uemura. Comparison of D-asparatic acid in the hard tissue. The 101st Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2017.06.08 Nagaragawa Convention Center

  17. Koichi Sakurada. What is the mission of forensic dentistry?. The 2nd Kyoto Forensuc Dentistry Seminar 2017.03.04 Kyoto Prefectual University of Medicine

  18. Koichi Sakurada. What is the mission of forensic medicine and dentistry?~private identification~ . The 6th Round-Table Conference with Reporters 2016 2017.02.16 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  1. Koichi Sakurada. Project for Promoting Leading-edge Research in Oral Science, Kickoff Symposium, Session 2:Society and Education. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Stomatological Society of Japan 2016.11.26 Tokyo Medical and Dental University

  2. Sugimoto T., Utsuno H.. Questionnair survey on relaps of post orthodontic treatment in the patients of Omiya Orthodontic Clinin. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  3. Koichi Sakurada, Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu. Seminar 4 :Introduction of forensic scientific methods from bloodstains and body fluid stains. 10th Anniversary Meeting of Japanese Society of Forensic Dental Science 2016.11.06 Station Conference Tokyo

  4. Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu, Sairi Takamura, Koichi Sakurada. Study of blood identification by a real-time PCR assay based on blood-specific DNA methylated region . The 85Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2016.10.29 Kanagawa Dental University

  5. Hajime Utsuno. Archaeological Facial Reconstruction from Juvenile Skull. The 70th Annual Meeting of the Anthropological Society of Nippon 2016.10.10 Niigata

  6. Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Oculusion state of the gender gap which should be noted when performing the face restruction method. The 15th National Meeting of Police Dentist Society 2016.09.03 Gifu city

  7. Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, Koichi Sakurada. Oculusion state of the gender gap which should be noted when performing the face restruction method. The 15th National Meeting of Police Dentist Society 2016.09.03 Gifu city

  8. Hajime Utsuno, Namiko Ishii, Saki Minegishi, and Koichi Sakurada.. Significant difference of occlusion and Sexual demorphisms for then performing facial reconstruction.. The 15th National Meeting of Police Dentist Society 2016.09.03 Gifu

  9. Susumu Ohtani, Ran Iguchi, Hidenori Nene, Noboru Adachi, Kanako Noritake, Joji Funakoshi, Koichi Sakurada, Koichi Uemura, Yoshihiro Yamada. A case that the age estimation from the tooth by the amino acid racemization method was particulary effective for identification . The 100 Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2016.06.17 Shinagawa-ku, Kyurian

  1. Tomoko Akutsu, Ken Watanabe, Sairi Takamura, Hisako Saitoh, Hirotaro Iwase, Koichi Sakurada. Study of vomit identification using ELISA. The 84 Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2015.10.24 Nippon Dental unoversity

  2. Yoshihito Fujinami, Koichi Sakurada, Tomoko Akutsu, Ken Watanabe, Natsuko Mizuno. Usefulness of matrix-assisted laser desorption/Ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry for screening of human body fluids . The 84 Kanto District Meeting of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2015.10.24 Nippon Dental University

  3. Koichi Sakurada. The role of body fluids for individual identification. The 28th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral Diagnosis/Oral Medicine 2015.09.04 TMDU

  4. Hajime Utsuno and Koichi Sakurada. A nasal tip prediction method for Japanese Adult population. 9th Annual meeting of Japanese society of Forensic Dental Science 2015.06.28 Tokyo

  5. Koichi Sakurada. Forensic Science for criminal investigation. The Meeting of the Stomatological Society of Japan 2015.06.25 TMDU

  6. Ken Watanabe, Tomoko Akutsu, Koichi Sakurada. Development of Quantitative analyzing method of Semen-specific Unmethllated DNA Reagions using a Real-Time PCR. The 99th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine 2015.06.11 Kochi City Culture-Plaza Cul-Port

  7. Kazuhiko Kibayashi, Hajime Utsuno, Jirou Ezaki and Ayako Ro. An autopsy of bacterial meningitis caused by dental caries of maxilla 2nd molar - a case report -. The 99th congress of theJapanese Society of Legal Medicine 2015.06.11 Kochi

  1. Hajime Utsuno, Toru Kageyama, Keiichi Uchida, and Kazuhiko Kibayashi. Differences of lower facial soft tissue thickness among three skeletal classes in Japanese population. 2013.11.15 Tokyo

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