書籍等出版物 受賞


  1. Nakamura K.. An Initiative of an Environmental Model City: Featuring Sustainable and Healthy Cities.. Springer Nature 2021.11

  2. Nakajima T, Nakamura K, Nohara K, Kondoh A.. Overcoming Environmental Risks to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Springer Nature 2021.11 (ISBN : 978-981-16-6249-2)

  3. Nakajima T, Nakamura K, Nohara K, Kondo A. Overcoming Environmental Risks to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. 2021.09

  4. Nakajima T, Nakamura K, Nohara K, Kondo A. Overcoming Environmental Risks to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. 2021.09

  5. Nakamura K. An Initiative of an Environmental Model City: Featuring Sustainable and Healthy Cities (Overcoming Environmental Risks to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals). Springer Nature 2021.09

  1. Nakamura K, Ai CJA. Healthy Cities – The Theory, Policy, and Practice of Value ‐ Based Urban Health Planning. Springer 2017.01

  2. Nakamura K, Ai CJA. Healthy Cities – The Theory, Policy, and Practice of Value ‐ Based Urban Health Planning. Springer 2017.01

  1. Mercado S, Havermann K, Nakamura K, Kiyu A, Mogan S. Addressing health vulnerabilities of the urban poor in the ‘new urban settings’ of Asia.. Taylors & Francis / Routledge, Abingdon 2012.01

  1. Nakamura K. A Network of Healthy Cities in Asia and the Pacific: The Alliance for Healthy Cities. In: Asian Perspectives and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education . Springer 2011.01 (ISBN : 978-4-431-53888-2)

  1. 清野 薫子. グローバル関係学 第七巻『ローカルと世界を結ぶ』. 岩波叢書 2020.10

  2. 赤星昴己, 中村桂子, 谷川武, 前田秀雄. 感染症対策を支援する人のための 高齢者福祉施設 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策マニュアル. 2020.08

  3. 赤星昴己,中村桂子,谷川武,前田秀雄. 感染症対策を支援する人のための 高齢者福祉施設 新型コロナウイルス感染症対策マニュアル. 2020.08

  1. 中村桂子. 地域再生モデルとしての健康都市づくり(東日本大震災の復旧・復興への提言). 技報堂出版 2012.03


