Periodontology is a branch of dental sciences which deals with the research, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. Periodontal disease is a general disease name which occurred in the periodontal tissue: gingiva, periodontium, cementum and alveolar bone. At present, it is indicated mainly an acute or chronic inflammatory diseases. The mission of our department was to educate etiology of periodontal diseases, host response, oral bacteria, periodontal medicine, regenerative therapy and so on profoundly, and to find a solution through discussion research outcomes as to periodontal destructive process and to develop a novel periodontal treatment modalities.
1) Inflammatory and immunological factors in periodontal diseases
2) Periodontopathic bacteria and their pathogenicity
3) Influence of periodontal disease on general health
4) Analyses of growth factors and bio materials in periodontal regeneration
5) Clinical application of lasers/LEDs in periodontal therapy
Lectures & Courses
Periodontology is a branch of dental science which deals with supporting structures of teeth, diseases and conditions affect them. Main objectives of periodontology in the graduate course is to provide students basic knowledge of etiology of periodontal diseases, its treatment modality and prognosis, and also to study advanced regenerative therapy.
Clinical Performances
Periodontal clinic provides diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal disease. Periodontal surgery and regenerative therapy are also performed in the clinic.