Cheng Yinglan, Koike Hiroyuki, Sakai Mashito, Oishi Yumiko. マクロファージにおけるTmem189欠損は肝細胞の脂肪滴蓄積様表現型を増大する(Tmem189 Deletion in Macrophages Increased a Hepatocyte Lipid Droplet Accumulation-like Phenotype). 日本医科大学医学会雑誌 2024.02.01
Matsuda Shigeru, Kuwabara Yoshimitsu, Sugita Yosuke, Oishi Yumiko, Suzuki Shunji. 慢性子宮内膜炎に対する多価不飽和脂肪酸の影響 脂質代謝制御を改変したマウスモデルからの新たな知見(Impact of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Chronic Endometritis: Novel Insights from a Mouse Model with Modified Lipid Metabolism Regulation). 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 2024.02.01
Cheng Yinglan, Koike Hiroyuki, Sakai Mashito, Oishi Yumiko. マクロファージにおけるTmem189欠損は肝細胞の脂肪滴蓄積様表現型を増大する(Tmem189 Deletion in Macrophages Increased a Hepatocyte Lipid Droplet Accumulation-like Phenotype). 日本医科大学医学会雑誌 2024.02.01
Oishi Yumiko. 健康と疾病における多様な免疫代謝コミュニケーション 日米免疫学プログラム共催セッション 筋肉の修復と再生を制御するマクロファージの新規サブセットの同定(Diverse immunometabolic communication in health and disease: US-Japan Immunology Program Co-organized Session Identification of a novel subset of macrophage that regulate muscle repair and regeneration). 日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2023.12.01
成 英瀾, 眞鍋 一郎, 早川 清雄, 遠藤 裕介, 大石 由美子. 炎症性カスパーゼ11は、マクロファージの炎症応答において、site-1プロテアーゼの切断とSREBP1の活性化に寄与する. 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 2023.10.01
Cell-cell interactions of post-injury muscle regeneration and tissue repair. 2023.09.14
Cheng Yinglan, Hayakawa Sumio, Oishi Yumiko. 炎症性カスパーゼ-4はSIPを活性化しマクロファージにおけるSREBP-1の成熟を促進する(Inflammatory Caspase-4 Actives SIP to Promote SREBP-1 Maturation in Macrophage). 日本医科大学医学会雑誌 2022.08.01
大石 由美子. アテローム性動脈硬化の新たな治療標的としての細胞性コレステロール代謝機構(Cellular Cholesterol Metabolism as a Novel Therapeutic Target of Atherosclerosis). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2022.03.01
Oishi Yumiko, Koike Hiroyuki. 骨格筋再生を制御するマクロファージの多様性(Macrophage diversity that regulates skeletal muscle regeneration). 日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2021.11.01
Oishi Yumiko, Koike Hiroyuki. 骨格筋再生を制御するマクロファージの多様性(Macrophage diversity that regulates skeletal muscle regeneration). 日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録 2021.11.01
Sugita Yosuke, Kuwabara Yoshimitsu, Oishi Yumiko, Takeshita Toshiyuki. 培養ヒト子宮頸部線維芽細胞において観察される子宮頸管熟化に伴うプロゲステロン反応性の変化(Progesterone responsiveness change associated with cervical ripening observed in cultured human cervical fibroblasts). The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 2021.08.01
Cheng Yinglan, Hayakawa Sumio, Oishi Yumiko. マクロファージにおいてCaspase-11はS1P活性化を介してSREBP-1の成熟に関与する(Caspase-11 Involves in SREBP-1 Maturation via Activation of SIP in Macrophage). 日本医科大学医学会雑誌 2021.06.01
大石 由美子. 多様性はどうやって私たちをより良く、より賢く、より幸せにするか(How Diversity Makes Us Better, Smarter and Happier?). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2021.03.01
Sugita Yosuke, Kuwabara Yoshimitsu, Oishi Yumiko, Takeshita Toshiyuki. 培養ヒト子宮頸部線維芽細胞において観察される子宮頸管熟化に伴うプロゲステロン反応性の変化(Progesterone responsiveness change associated with cervical ripening observed in cultured human cervical fibroblasts). 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌 2021.03.01
Engineering human hepato-biliary-pancreatic organoids from pluripotent stem cells.. 2021.01.26
成 英瀾, 早川 清雄, 大石 由美子. マクロファージにおける炎症性カスパーゼのコレステロール合成制御への関与(Participation of inflammatory caspase to regulate cholesterol synthesis in macrophage). 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 2019.09.01
劉 琳, 小池 博之, 林 晋一郎, 淺原 弘嗣, 大石 由美子. Zincフィンガー転写因子のKLF5は筋萎縮症の病状形成に関与する. 日本筋学会第5回学術集会 2019.08.03 東京都文京区
大石 由美子. マクロファージにおける炎症反応と脂質代謝の協調制御(Coordinated Regulation of Inflammatory Response and Lipid Metabolism in Macrophages). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2019.03.01
Lin Liu, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. Zn-finger transcription factor Klf5 is involved in the pathogenesis of muscle atrophy in vivo.. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2018.11.28
Lin Liu, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. Zn-finger transcription factor Klf5 is involved in the pathogenesis of muscle atrophy in vivo.. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2018.11.28
成 英瀾, 早川 清雄, 大石 由美子. マクロファージにおける炎症性カスパーゼによる脂質代謝の調節(Regulation of lipid metabolism by inflammatory caspase in macrophage). 日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 2018.09.01
Oishi Yumiko. メタボリックシンドロームの新規治療標的としての炎症反応、脂質代謝、概日リズムの協調制御(Coordinated Regulation of Inflammatory Response, Lipid Metabolism and Circadian Rhythm as a Novel Therapeutic Target of Metabolic Syndrome). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集 2018.03.01
Oishi Yumiko. 脂肪酸代謝のリプログラミングは炎症の消散に不可欠である(Reprogramming of fatty acid metabolism is crucial for the inflammatory resolution). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2018.03.01
劉 琳, 林 晋一郎, 大石 由美子. Klf5は筋萎縮症の病態形成に関与している(Klf5 is involved in the pathogenesis of muscle atrophy). 生命科学系学会合同年次大会 2017.12.01
Yumiko Oishi. Coordinated regulation of inflammatory response and fatty acid metabolism in macrophage. Transborder medical research center international symposium, Tsukuba University 2017.06.17 Tsukuba, Japan
Hiroyuki Koike. Anterior-posterior gut boundary interaction initiate hepatic specification program from human iPSC.. Endoderm Club Research Seminar 2017.04.18 Cincinnati, OH, USA
Hiroyuki Koike, Takanori Takebe. Sequential boundary interaction initiate multi-organ budding program from iPSC. Digestive Health Center Annual Scientific Retreat 2017.02.28 Cincinnati, OH, USA
Yumiko Oishi. SREBP1 contributes to resolution of pro-inflammatory TLR4 signaling by reprogramming fatty acid metabolism.. 11th International Symposium of the Institute Network 2017.01.26 Tokushima, Japan
Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Shodai Togo, Hiroyuki Koike, Takanori Takebe. in vitro human NAFLD model using human iPSC derived liver organoids.. The Japan-US Science Forum in Boston 2016.11.12 Cambridge, MA, USA
Hiroyuki Koike. Modeling early human organogenesis using iPSCs.. Liver Research Round Table Discussion 2016.10.24 Cincinnati, OH, USA
Hiroyuki Koike. Modeling early human organogenesis using iPSCs.. Endoderm Club Research Seminar 2016.05.01 Cincinnati, OH, USA
Hiroyuki Koike. Modeling multi-organ budding from human iPSCs.. Developmental Mechanisms, Organogenesis and Stem Cells Annual Retreat 2016 2016.04.01 College Corner, OH, USA
Yuko Shimokawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Takahisa Matsuzaki, Masahiro Enomura, Masaki Kimura, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Hideki Taniguchi, Takanori Takebe, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa. Design of Mechanically Patterned Hydrogel for Directing Organ Bud Self-Formation. Pacifichem 2015 2015.12.15 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
大内 梨江, 岡部 幸子, 右田 敏郎, 中野 伊知郎, 清宮 啓之. 神経膠腫幹細胞の分化に伴う細胞老化と腫瘍進展におけるその意義. 第38回日本分子生物学会年会・第88回日本生化学会大会合同大会 2015.12.01 神戸
大内 梨江, 岡部 幸子, 右田 敏郎, 清宮 啓之. 神経膠腫幹細胞の分化に伴う細胞老化と腫瘍進展におけるその意義. 第74回日本癌学会学術総会 2015.10.08 名古屋
Yuko Shimokawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Takahisa Matsuzaki, Masahiro Enomura, Masaki Kimura, Seiichiro Nakabayashi, Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Hideki Taniguchi, Takanori Takebe, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa. Mechanical Study of Formation of Cell Aggregates on Hydrogel. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2015.09.13 Kanazawa, Japan
Hiroyuki Koike. Modeling liver organogenesis in culture. Stem Cell Club 2015.06.01 Stanford, CA, USA
Hiroyuki Koike, Ran-Ran Zhang, Yasuharu Ueno, Takanori Takebe, Hideki Taniguchi. Valine supplement stimulates expansion of human iPSC-derived hepatic progenitor cells. The 18th Takeda Science Foundation Symposium on Bioscience 2015.01.15 Osaka, Japan
Susumu Nakata, Yasuharu Ueno, Hiroyuki Koike, Keisuke Sekine, Hideki Taniguchi. Localization of repressive histone marks and target genes dynamically switch through murine hepatic differentiation. The 72nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 2013.10.03 Yokohama, Japan
Maho Takayama, Takanori Takebe, Reina Miyazaki, Masaki Kimura, Hiroyuki Koike, Masahiro Enomura, Keisuke Sekine, Hideki Taniguchi. A Scalable Microculture For Generating Functional Hepatic Cell Spheroids from Human induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. The 20th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for the Research of Hepatic Cells 2013.09.26 Osaka, Japan
Keisuke Sekine, Takanori Takebe, Ran-Ran Zhang, Yasuharu Ueno, Masahiro Enomura, Hiroyuki Koike, Yun-Wen Zheng, Hideki Taniguchi. Generation of hepatic cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells. The 20th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for the Research of Hepatic Cells 2013.09.26 Osaka, Japan
Takanori Takebe, Keisuke Sekine, Masahiro Enomura, Hiroyuki Koike, RanRan Zhang, Masaki Kimura, Takunori Ogaeri, Emi Yoshizawa, Fumika Kawamata, Naoto Koike, Yasuharu Ueno, Yun-Wen Zheng, Hideki Taniguchi. Creation of vascularized and functional human liver from an induced pluripotent stem cell-derived organ bud transplant. The 13th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation 2013.09.03 Kyoto, Japan
Takanori Takebe, Keisuke Sekine, Masahiro Enomura, Hiroyuki Koike, Ran-Ran Zhang, Masaki Kimura, Takunori Ogaeri, Naoto Koike, Yasuharu Ueno, Yun-Wen Zheng, Hideki Taniguchi. Vascularized and functional human liver tissue from an induced pluripotent stem cell-derived organ bud transplant. International Society for Stem Cell Research 11th Annual Meeting 2013.06.12 Boston, MA, USA
Hiroyuki Koike, Takanori Takebe, Yasuharu Ueno, Hideki Taniguchi. In vitro expansion of self-renewing hepatic stem/progenitor cells by controlling metabolic state. International Society for Stem Cell Research 11th Annual Meeting 2013.06.12 Boston, MA, USA
Rie Ouchi, Yasuharu Ueno, Hiroyuki Koike, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideki Taniguchi. Polycomb group protein Ezh2 regulates the expansion of murine hepatic stem/progenitor cells.. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 2012.09.19 Sapporo, Japan
Hiroyuki Koike, Yasuharu Ueno, Takako Naito, Rie Ouchi, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideki Taniguchi. Ring1B regulates the expansion of hepatic stem/progenitor cells by the suppression of Cdkn1a and Cdkn2a. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 2012.09.19 Sapporo, Japan
上野 康晴, 孫 略, 大内 梨江, 中田 晋, 鄭 允文, 寺崎 哲也, 倉田 昌直, 山本 直人, 森永 聡一郎, 宮城 洋平, 横瀬 智之, 遠藤 格, 谷口 英樹. 化学放射線療法を実施したヒト膵癌組織におけるトランスポータータンパク質の包括的絶対定量. 第71回日本癌学会学術総会 2012.09.19 札幌
小池 博之, 上野 康晴, 内藤 貴子, 大内 梨江, 古関 明彦, 谷口 英樹. RingBはCdkn1aおよびCdkn2aの発現抑制により肝幹前駆細胞の増幅を制御する. 第71回日本癌学会 2012.09.19
大内 梨江, 上野 康晴, 小池 博之, 古関 明彦, 谷口 英樹. ポリコーム群タンパク質Ezh2は、マウス肝幹・前駆細胞の増殖を制御する. 第71回日本癌学会学術総会 2012.09.19 札幌
Hiroyuki Koike, Koji Kubota, Keisuke Sekine, Takanori Takebe, Yun-Wen Zheng, Yasuharu Ueno, Naoki Tanigawa, Hideki Taniguchi. Establishment of automated culture system for induced pluripotent stem cells. 15th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition 2012.09.16 Daegu, Korea
Takanori Takebe, Keisuke Sekine, Masahiro Enomura, Yuka Suzuki, Hiroyuki Koike, Ran-Ran Zhang, Naoto Koike, Yasuharu Ueno, Yun-Wen Zheng, Hideki Taniguchi. Creation of vascularized human organ from induced pluripotent stem cells.. International Society for Stem Cell Research 10th Annual Meeting 2012.06.13 Yokohama, Japan
Rie Ouchi, Yasuharu Ueno, Hiroyuki Koike, Tomoya Shiina, Yuta Obana, Kyoichi Isono, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideki Taniguchi. Role of the polycomb group protein Ezh2 in the murine hepatic stem/progenitor cells.. International Society for Stem Cell Research 10th Annual Meeting 2012.06.13 Yokohama, Japan
Hiroyuki Koike, Yasuharu Ueno, Takako Naito, Tomoya Shiina, Rie Ouchi, Kyoichi Isono, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideki Taniguchi. Polycomb group protein Ring1B regulates proliferation and differentiation of mouse hepatic stem/progenitor cell by repressing cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors. International Society for Stem Cell Research 10th Annual Meeting 2012.06.13 Yokohama, Japan
Mitsuo Umetsu, Hiroyuki Koike, Takeshi Nakahishi, Izumi Kumagai. Build-up design of artificial antibody via coiled-coil peptide assembly. The 2009 Material Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting 2009.04.13 San Francisco, CA, USA
Mitsuo Umetsu, Takeshi Nakanishi, Keisuke Tanaka, Hiroyuki Koike, Toshihisa Mizuno, Toshiki Tanaka, Izumi Kumagai. Build-up design of artificial antibody via coiled-coil peptide assembly. The 46th annual meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan 2008.12.03 Fukuoka, Japan
Aiko Watanabe, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. Effects of disruption of the circadian rhythm in myeloid cells on skeletal muscle regeneration. The 7th Annual Meeting of Japan Muscle Society 2021.12.11 Virtual event
Ken Takada, Hiroyuki Koike, Hinata Sato, Yumiko Oishi. SREBP1a in macrophage regulates tumor growth. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2021.12.03 Yokohama
Yumiko Oishi, Hiroyuki Koike. Diversity of skeletal muscle macrophages leading to regeneration and repair after muscle injury. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2021.12.03 Yokohama
Yumiko Oishi, Hiroyuki Koike. マクロファージの[脂質]による再生・組織修復の制御. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society 2021.11.04 Virtual event
Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. 骨格筋幹細胞とマクロファージ亜集団の相互作用による組織修復制御. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society 2021.11.04 Virtual event
Yumiko Oishi, Hiroyuki Koike. 筋損傷後の再生・修復を主導する骨格筋マクロファージの多様性. The 41st Annual Meeting of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity (JASSO41) /The 38th Meeting of the Japanese Society for Treatment of Obesity 2021.03.20
Hiroyuki Koike. Generation of hepato-biliary-pancreatic organoid from human pluripotent stem cells. The 20th Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine 2021.03.11 Virtual Congress
Hiroyuki Koike. 不飽和脂肪酸代謝による 骨格筋再生における免疫細胞の機能制御. The 43th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2020.12.03 Online
Yumiko Oishi, Hiroyuki Koike. シングルセルトランスクリプトーム解析でみた骨格筋マクロファージの多様性. The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society 2020.09.15 Virtual event
CD206陽性マクロファージは創傷治癒を制御する. 2020.09.05
免疫細胞と骨格筋幹細胞のクロストークによる再生制御機構. 2020.09.05
Aiko Watanabe, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. A circadian clock in macrophages controls inflammatory response and skeletal muscle regeneration. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2019.12.06 Fukuoka, Fukuoka
Naoki Kumagami, Hiroyuki Koike, Aiko Watanabe, Sumio Hayakawa, Ichiro Manabe, Yumiko Oishi. Unsaturated fatty acid metabolism controls immune cell recruitment in skeletal muscle regeneration. The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2019.12.04 Fukuoka, Fukuoka
Aiko Watanabe, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. A circadian clock in macrophages controls skeletal muscle regeneration. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Society of Skeletal Muscle Cells for Young Scientists 2019.10.23 Kyoto, Kyoto
Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. シングルセルトランスクリプトームによる骨格筋再生における細胞間相互作用解析. PHILOSOPHY 2019.10.13 Chiyoda, Tokyo
Aiko Watanabe, Hiroyuki Koike, Yumiko Oishi. 時計遺伝子 Bmal1 欠損によるマクロファージ形質変化の阻害は 筋再生を遅延させる. The 5th Annual Meeting of Japan Muscle Society 2019.08.02 Bunkyo, Tokyo
Shodai Togo, Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Takanori Takebe. In vitro Model for Inflammation and Fibrosis using Human iPSC-derived Liver Organoid. The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting 2018.03.18 Tokyo, Japan
Shodai Togo, Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Takanori Takebe. In vitro Model for Inflammation and Fibrosis using Human iPSC-derived Liver Organoid. The 65th JSAP Spring Meeting 2018.03.18 Tokyo, Japan
Shodai Togo, Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Hiroshi Yoshikawa, Takanori Takebe. ミニ肝臓を用いた脂肪酸蓄積による臓器構造・機能の時空間ダイナミクスの解明. 7th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2017.10.17
Shodai Togo, Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa, Takanori Takebe. In vitro Model for Inflammation and Fibrosis using Human iPSC-derived Liver Organoid. The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017 2017.09.05 Fukuoka, Japan
Shodai Togo, Rie Ouchi, Tadahiro Shinozawa, Hiroyuki Koike, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa, Takanori Takebe. In vitro Model for Inflammation and Fibrosis using Human iPSC-derived Liver Organoid. The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017 2017.09.05 Fukuoka, Japan
Yumiko Oishi. Coordinated regulation of inflammatory response and lipid metabolism in macrophage. The 48th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Atherosclerosis society 2016.07.15 Tokyo
Yumiko Oishi. Coordinated regulation of immune response, circadian rhythm and cellular metabolism in macrophage as a novel therapeutic target. The 80th Annual Scientific meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society 2016.03.20
Yumiko Oishi. Coordinated regulation of immune response and lipid homeostasis in macrophages. The 79th Annual Scientific meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society 2015.04.25
Rie Ouchi, Yasuharu Ueno, Hiroyuki Koike, Yuta Obana, Kyoichi Isono, Haruhiko Koseki, Hideki Taniguchi. Functional Analysis of Polycomb group protein Ezh2 in hepatic stem cell proliferation and differentiation. The 12th Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine 2013.03.21 Yokohama, Japan