山崎功太郎、森田圭一、原園陽介、外内えり奈、高原楠旻、依田哲也. スマートフォンカメラ画像から構築した顔貌3Dデータの精度に関する検討. 第69回日本口腔外科学会総会・学術大会 2024.11.22 横浜
岩﨑拓也,原園陽介,布川裕規,戒田篤志,佐々木好幸,原田浩之,依田哲也. 顎骨における歯原性粘液腫および歯原性粘液線維腫の後ろ向き臨床的検討と線維組織の割合に基づいた鑑別基準の探索. 第78回日本口腔科学会 2024.07.20
Nobuyoshi Tomomatsu, Namiaki Takahara, Yu Akaike, Yudai Sato, Yasuhiro Kurasawa, and Tetsuya Yoda. Postoperative stability of bioresorbable plate made of 85:15 poly (L-lactide-co-glycolide) in Le FortⅠosteotomy. 25th ICOMs 2023.06.08 Vancouver
高原楠旻,木村敦,小杉真智子,岩崎拓也,倉沢泰浩,友松伸允,依田哲也.. 顎変形症患者における顎矯正手術後の下顎頭体積の変化と骨格的安定性.. 第67回 日本口腔外科学会総会・学術大会 2022.11.04
M Terauchi, K Narita, S Yamanaka, T Yoda, E Marukawa. Amorphous Mg–Ca Coatings for Hydrophilicity Protection of Dental Implant Surfaces. The 2nd International Symposium on Design & Engineering by Joint Inverse Innovation for Materials Architecture (DeJI2MA) 2022.10.25 東京
T Tsujikawa, K Ohno, S Saburi, J Mitsuda, K Yoshimura, A Kimura, H Morimoto, G Ohmura, A Arai, H Ogi, S Shibata, Y Ariizumi, A Tasaki, R Takahashi, Y Tateishi, H Kawabe, S Ikeda, K Morita, T Tsunoda, T Akashi, M Kurata, I Imoto, Y Shimizu, A Watanabe, Y Asada, R Hayashi, Y Saito, H Ozawa, K Tsukahara, N Oridate, A Horii, T Maruo, N Hanai, H Inohara, H Iwai, T Fujii, K Nibu , S Iwae, T Ueda, R Yasumatsu, H Umeno, M Masuda, K Itoh, S Hirano, T Asakage. Tumor immune characterization identifies age-stratified biomarkers for nivolumab in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A nationwide collaborative study in Japan.. American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 Apr 8-13. 2022.04.08 Philadelphia (PA)
Katagiri Tomohiro, Hoshino Akihiro, Haku Yasuharu, Mizukoshi Akifumi, Yamahara Kohei, Ikegami Satoshi, Iwasaki Takuya, Kanemaru Tomoki, Ooyama Yoshio, Hasegawa Kazuki. 根治的放射線治療を施行した頭頸部癌患者における計画外入院のリスク(Risk of Unplanned Admission in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Curative Radiotherapy). 日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集 2020.02.01
Masahiko Terauchi, Eriko Marukawa, Shintaro Yamazaki, Zhu Hongfei, Narumi Oshibe, Aoi Kaneko, Tranminh Cuomng, Tetsuya Yoda. Comparative evaluation of the various bone substitutes for bone regeneration at peri-implant defects in dogs.. 8th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues 2019.12.15
Shintaro Yamazaki, Eriko Marukawa, Masahiko Terauchi, Zhu Hongfei, Narumi Oshibe, Aoi Kaneko ,Tranminh Cuomng , Tetsuya Yoda. The effectiveness of various bone substitutes for the alveolar ridge preservation after tooth extraction in canine models. 8th International conference on Mechanics of biomaterials and tissues 2019.12.15 Hawaii, USA
Yoda T. A new New disease Disease named Named Masticatory Muscle Tendon-Aponeurosis Hyperplasia and outline Outline of Oral Surgery in Tokyo Medical and Dental University . 3rd Culture and Art Festival 2019.07.06 Seoul
Katsuya Hyodo,Yoshinori Arisaka,Satoshi Yamaguchi,Tetsuya Yoda,Nobuhiko Yui. Induction of vascular network in vitro on polyrotaxane surfaces with vascular endothelial growth factors. 13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2018.11.10
Shibata E, Morita K, Kayamori K, Maruiwa M, Michi Y, Sato Y, Takeuchi K, Ikeda T, Harada H, Yoda T. A case of mammary analogue secretory carcinoma in salivary duct of parotid gland. 13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ACOMS) 2018.11.08
Shibata E, Morita K, Kayamori K, Maruiwa M, Michi Y, Sato Y, Takeuchi K, Ikeda T, Harada H, Yoda T. A case of mammary analogue secretory carcinoma in salivary duct of parotid gland. 13th Asian Congress on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ACOMS) 2018.11.08
Yoshitake Hiroyuki. 開口と下顎運動を測定する新たな機器の開発(Development of the new instrument for measurement of mouth opening and mandibular movement). Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 2018.11.01
Yoshitake H. Clinical application of the New Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Rehabilitation device.. 24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2018.09.18
Yoshitake H. Clinical application of the New Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Rehabilitation device.. 24th Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery. 2018.09.18
Hyodo K, Arisaka Y, Yamaguchi S, Yui N. Design of sulfonated polyrotaxane surfaces to activate vascular endothelial cells. 5th TERMIS World Congress 2018.09.05
Shibata Mari, Terauchi Masahiko, Yoshitake Hiroyuki, Yamaguchi Satoshi. 顎下三角の海綿状血管腫 1症例報告と文献レビュー(Submandibular triangle cavernous hemangioma: Case report and review of literature). Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 2018.07.01
Yoshitake H. Development of the new instrument for measurement of mouth opening and mouth-opening pathway. 23rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery 2016.09.13 London, UK
Yoshitake H. Development of the new instrument for measurement of mouth opening and mouth-opening pathway. 23rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery 2016.09.13 London, UK
Yoshitake H. Development of the new TMJ rehabilitation device that induces a protrusive sliding movement of the mandibular condyle. 23rd Congress of the European Association for Cranio Maxillo-Facial Surgery 2016.09.13 London, UK
Morita K, Naruto T, Tanimoto K, Yasukawa C, Oikawa Y, Masuda K, Imoto I, Inazawa J, Omura K, Harada H. Simultaneous detection of both single nucleotide variations and copy number alterations by next-generation sequencing in gorlin syndrome. . The 13th International Congress of Human Genetics 2016.04.03 Kyoto
Takada J, Ogawa T, Sato C, Uezono M, Morita K, Moriyama K. A case of Holoprosencephaly with unilateral cleft lip and palate treated with maxillary distraction osteogenesis in adolescence.. The 8th International Orthodontic Congress. 2015/9/27-30 2015.09.27 London, UK.
Morita K, Oikawa Y, Kayamori K, Sakamoto K, Ishikawa S, Inazawa J, Harada H. Targeted resequencing of cancer-related genes in oral cancer.. The 34th Sapporo International Cancer Symposium, 2015/6/25-27 2015.06.25 Sapporo, Japan.
Keiichi Morita. Symposium II: DO & Deformity - Distraction osteogenesis for patients with cleft lip and palate at Tokyo Medical and Dental University.. The 56th Congress of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. April 23-25, 2015 2015.04.23 Goyang, Korea.
Harazono Y, Kozaki K, Muramatsu T, Endo H, Uzawa N, Kawano T, Harada K, Inazawa J. miR-655 is an EMT-suppressive microRNA targeting ZEB1 and TGFBR2.. 9th Joint Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Japanese Cancer Association 2013.02
Harazono Y, Kozaki K, Muramatsu T, Kurasawa Y, Teruo A, Inazawa J. Exploration of EMT-related microRNAs using function-based screening with expression analysis of E-cadherin in Panc1 line. American Association for Cancer Research, 103th Annual Meeting 2012.04
Harazono Y, Kozaki K, Muramatsu T, Kurasawa Y, Yamashiro M, Inazawa J. Exploration of MET-induced microRNA using function-based screening with expression analysis of E-cadherin. 平成23年度難治疾患研究所研究発表会 2012.03.08
Mari Shibata, Namiaki Takahara, Nobuyoshi Tomomatsu, Yasuhiro Kurasawa, Yoshiyuki Sasaki, Tetsuya Yoda. Contributing factors for postoperative facial swelling one week after orthognathic surgery. 2023.11.10
KUBOUCHI T,SHIMOGISHI M,SHIBASAKI M,SATO M,HYODO K,TERAUCHI M,YODA T,MARUKAWA E. Investigation of Refit Dental in maxillary sinus floor augmentation: 5-years follow-up study. The 26th Annual Meeting and Academic conference of Japanese Society of Japanese Academy of Maxillofaicial Implants 2022.11.27
SATO M,SHIBASAKI M,TERAUCHI M,SHIMOGISHI M,KUBOUCHI T,YODA T,MARUKAWA E. Long-term 5 years Follow-up Study of Hydroxyapatite/Collagen Composite Applied in Ridge Augmentation. The 26th Annual Meeting and Academic conference of Japanese Society of Japanese Academy of Maxillofaicial Implants 2022.11.26
Miyazaki T, Kadota C, Tsunashima A, Tomomatsu N, Yoda T, Higashihori N, Moriyama K. An asymmetric mandibular prognathism case with reverse occlusal cant treated by SSRO and mandibular recontouring. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society & The 9th Joint Symposium of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and Korean Association of orthodontists 2022.10.05
Kano S, Hikita R, Kobayashi Y, Tomomatsu N, Yoda T, Moriyama K. A case of mandibular retrognathia with maxillary transverse deficiency treated by SARPE and SSRO. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society & The 9th Joint Symposium of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and Korean Association of orthodontists 2022.10.05 Osaka / ondemand
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Cadaver Surgical Training for Total Joint Replacement of Temporomandibular Joint. 2022.08.27
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Cadaver Surgical Training for Total Joint Replacement of Temporomandibular Joint. 2021.09.18
Cadaver Surgical Training for Total Joint Replacement of Temporomandibular Joint. 2021.08.28
Namiaki Takahara, Atsushi Kimura, Yusuke Higuchi, Yuji Kabasawa, Tetsuya Yoda. Accuracy of maxillary repositioning using vertical positionig devices in Le Fort I osteotomy. 2018.11.03
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Clinical application of the Yasec Mouth-opening Exercise Device. 2018.07.07
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Diagnosis and treatment of Synovialchondromatosis of Tmporomandibular Joint (TMJ). 2018.07.07
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Diagnosis and treatment of Synovialchondromatosis of Tmporomandibular Joint (TMJ). 2018.07.07
Hiroyuki YOSHITAKE. Clinical application of the Yasec Mouth-opening Exercise Device. 2018.07.07
Baba Y, Ogawa T, Uezono M, Mibu M, Sumita Y, Mishimagi T, Sato Y, Morita K, Moriyama K. Changes of pharyngeal morphology and speech function after maxillary distraction in two cases of CLP. The 42nd Annual Meeting of Japanese Cleft Palate Association 2018.05.24 Osaka
NAKAZATO Keiichiro, UZAWA Narikazu, KAYAMORI Kou, TSUCHIYA Maiko, WATANABE Hiroshi, SUMINO Jun, MICHI Yasuyuki, YAMAGUCHI Satoshi. The Change of Metabolic Control Mechanism in the Development and Progress of the Tongue Carcinoma. 2018.01.25 Niigata, Japan
NAKAZATO Keiichiro, UZAWA Narikazu, KAYAMORI Kou, SUMINO Jun, AKATSU Chie, OYAMA Yoshio, YAMAGUCHI Satoshi. Clinical study of bone related lesions. 2016.11.25 Chiba, Japan