Takahiro Asakage . Panelist:Cutting-Edge of Head and Neck Oncology. AAO-HNSF 2024 Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO 2024.09.28 マイアミ(米国)
Takahiro Asakage. Moderator:Symposium 2 Innovative surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Tri-Head and Neck Society 2024 2024.09.19 大阪
Yosuke Ariizumi, Takahiro Asakage. Anterior Skull-base Surgery for Olfactory Neuroblastoma. 2nd Joint meeting of Tri-Head and Neck Society 2024.09.19 Osaka
Ryuhei Okada. Near-infrared Photoimmunotherapy: Clinical application and translational research. 16th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2023.12 Taichung, Taiwan
Ryuhei Okada. Near-infrared Photoimmunotherapy: Translational research and clinical application. 23rd National Conference, Foundation for Head & Neck Oncology 2023.12 Daman, India
T Sugimoto,S Osaki,R Matsuzaki,T Ooka,R Kondo,T Kamijo,H Kawabe,Y Ariizumi,K Ohno,T Asakage. Long-Term Outcome of Submucosal Resection for Superficial Carcinoma of the Floor of the Mouth.. 9th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology 2023.11.04 韓国
Ryuhei Okada, Hiroaki Kawabe, Takahiro Asakage. Near-infrared Photoimmunotherapy against Head and Neck Cancers. The 8th Conference of the Asian Society of the Head and Neck Oncology 2023.11 Bangkok, Thailand
Takahiro Asakage. Chairman: AOS Oral Session 39 Up to Date Head and Neck Cancer/Brain Tumor/Oral Cancer. 3rd Asian Oncology Society 2023.10.23 横浜
西口 紗英, 横村 優, 永野 誠治, 河本 宏, 高木 聡, 片山 量平. 血小板はCD8陽性T細胞による腫瘍殺傷を抑制する(Platelets inhibit tumor cell killing by antigen-specific CD8 positive T cells). 日本癌学会総会記事 2023.09.01
Ryuhei Okada. Local depletion of immune suppressor cells using near-infrared potoimmunotherapy. 7th World Congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies 2023.06 Rome, Italy
Takahiro Asakage. Instructional Course Surgical Management of Paraganglioma Diagnosis/Imaging. 7th World congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies 2023.06 Rome
Ryuhei Okada, Takuya Kato, Aki Furusawa, Fuyuki Inagaki, Hiroaki Wakiyama, Daiki Fujimura, Shuhei Okuyama, Hideyuki Furumoto, Hiroshi Fukushima, Peter L. Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi. Selection of Antibody and Light Exposure Regimens Alters Therapeutic Effects of EGFR-targeted Near-infrared Photoimmunotherapy. 第60回日本癌治療学会学術集会 2022.10.21 兵庫
Takahiro Asakage. Chairperson Symposium 8: Oral Cavity Cancer. 1st Joint Meeting of Tri-Head and Neck Society 2022 2022.09.23 WEB
Ryuhei Okada. Near-infrared photoimmunotherapy: A newly developed cancer therapy. 1st Joint Meeting of Tri-Head and Neck Society 2022 2022.09.22 Seoul, Korea
Akihiro Homma,Kazuto Matsuura,Rikiya Onimaru, Daisuke Yoshida,Hirotaka Shinomiya,Akira Ohkoshi,Ryuichi Hayashi,,Yuki Saito,Hiroyuki Tachibana,Kiyoto Shiga,Tsutomu Ueda,Yukinori Asada,Hirokazu Uemura, Akira Seto, Takeshi Beppu, Kazuki Ishikawa, Masashi Mikami, Kenichi Nakamura, Haruhiko Fukuda, Naomi Kiyota, Head and Neck Cancer Study Group of Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG-HNCSG).. Dose-finding and efficacy confirmation trial of the super selective intra-arterial infusion of Cisplatin and concomitant radiotherapy for locally advanced maxillary sinus cancer (JCOG1212): Results of the efficacy confirmation phase in the T4a cohort.. the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting 2022.06.03 Chicago
Ryuhei Okada, Takuya Kato, Aki Furusawa, Fuyuki Inagaki, Hiroaki Wakiyama, Peter L. Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi. Local Depletion of Immune Checkpoint Ligand CTLA4 Expressing Cells in Tumor Beds Enhances Antitumor Host Immunity. 第59回日本癌治療学会学術集会 2021.10.21
Asakage T. A personal experience of 100 cases of skull base surgery. International Symposium American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2021, Annual meeting & Oto experience 2021.10 Los Angeles, USA and WEB
加納 嘉人,野地 理夏, 山下 大和, 工藤 亮, 田崎 彰久, 大野 十央, 有泉 陽介, 平井 秀明, 富岡 寛文, 島本 裕彰, 道 泰之, 三浦 雅彦, 吉村 亮一, 朝蔭 孝宏, 原田 浩之, 岡本 隆一, 三宅 智, 池田 貞勝. Clinical utility of tumor-profiling multiplex gene panel testing in advanced head and neck cancer at TMDU. 第18回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会 2021.02.18
Hitoshi Hirakawa, Takeshi Shinozaki, Mitsuru Ebihara, Wataru Shimbashi, Tomoyuki Kamijo, Makito Okamoto, Takeshi Beppu, Junichiro Ohori, Kazuto Matsuura, Motoyuki Suzuki, Hiroshi Nishino, Yuichiro Sato, Hiroto Ishiki. Symptom prevalence and functional status in patient with terminal phase of head and neck cancer –multi institutional research. 第30回日本頭頸部外科学会 2020.01.31 沖縄
Asakage T. Present status of endoscopic surgery for malignant sinonasal tumors in Japan.. 15th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otoalryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2019.12 Fukuoka
Asakage T. Moderator Symposium 3 Skull base. 15th Japan-Taiwan Conference on Otoalryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2019.12 福岡
Asakage T. An experience of 100 case of skull base surgery.. The 107th Annual congress and international symposium of the Taiwan society of otorhinolarynogology head and neck surgery 2019.11.01 Kaohsiun
Okada R, Maruoka Y, Furusawa A, Inagaki F, Fujimura D, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H. The Effect of Antibody Fragments on CD25-Targeted Regulatory T Cell Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy (NIR-PIT) in Mouse Models. 2019 World Molecular Imaging Congress 2019.09 Montreal, Canada
Ariizumi Y, Asakage T. Endoscopic endonasal approach in salvage surgery after radiotherapy for sinonasal malignancies.. Asian Society of Head & Neck Oncology 2019.03.28
Asakage T, et al. Head and Neck Sarcoma in AYA generation.. 6th Asian Society for Head and Neck Oncology 2019.03 Seoul、Korea
朝守智明,得丸貴夫,山田雅人,杉山智宣,谷美有紀,金子昌行,別府武. 当院におけるlenvatinibの潮受け意見-治療効果と有害事象について. 第130回日耳埼玉県地方部会学術講演会 2018.10.14 埼玉県
別府武. 座長:一般口演. 埼玉頭頸部癌免疫療法セミナー 2018.09.19 川越
別府武. Facial nerve management for parotid cancer;how to make decision whether it should be preserved or sacrificed and how to seek it in difficult case. 第41回顔面神経学会 2018.06.09 山形
Kiyokawa Yusuke, Ariizumi Yousuke, Nomura Fuminori, Tasaki Akihisa, Okada Ryuhei, Tsunoda Atsunobu, Kishimoto Seiji, Asakage Takahiro. 線維性骨異形成症に生じた側頭部の骨肉腫の1症例(A Case of Osteosarcoma of the Temporal Region Arising in Fibrous Dysplasia). 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 2018.03.01
別府武. 総合司会. Thyroid cancer conference in Saitama 2017.11.05 大宮
Ryuhei Okada, Masaru Yokomura, Keiji Oi, Yosuke Ariizumi, Yusuke Kiyokawa, Fuminori Nomura, Akihisa Tasaki, Yumiko Tateishi, Susumu Kirimura, Takahiro Asakage. Medullary thyroid carcinoma detected based on elevated serum procalcitonin levels: A case report. 2nd Congress of Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery 2017.11.02
Asakage T. Chairman Oral Presentation 16.Central Neck Dissection 1. 2nd Asia-Pacific Society of Thyroid Surgery Okinawa 2017.11.01 沖縄
金子昌行、別府 武、得丸貴夫,他. 当科における皮弁再建の検討.. 2017.10.14 埼玉
Ichikura Kanako, Yamashita Aya, Matsuoka Shiho, Nakayama Nao, Ariizumi Yousuke, Sumi Takuro, Sugimoto Taro, Asakage Takahiro, Matsushima Eisuke. Stress coping skill training for patients with head and neck cancer: Interim report of a randomized controlled trial. 19th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy 2017.08.18 Berlin, Germany
山田雅人, 別府 武, 得丸貴夫, . 喉頭全摘出後の咽頭瘻孔についての検討. . 第27回日本頭頸部外科学会総会・学術講演会 2017.02.02 東京
朝蔭孝宏. 鼻副鼻腔悪性腫瘍に対する内視鏡下頭蓋底手術の標準化を目指した多施設共同研究 . 日本医療研究開発機構 Medical Artsの創成に関する研究 公開シンポジウム 2017.01.15 東京
Asakage T. Year in review from Japan. International session 16 head and neck cancer . 54th Japan Society Clinical Oncology annual meeting 2016.10.20 Yokohama
Ryuhei Okada, Taro Sugimoto, Takuro Sumi, Taro Fujikawa, Yusuke Kiyokawa, Fuminori Nomura, Akihisa Tasaki, Tomoaki Asamori, Seiji Kishimoto, Takahiro Asakage. Chemotherapy and followed endoscopic laryngo-pharyngeal surgery (ELPS) is useful for recurrence of pharyngeal carcinoma: a case report. AHNS 9TH International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer 2016.07.16 Washington
Asakage T. Surgical treatment of frontal sinus carcinoma. Breakfast Seminar 2-3 Ultimate Management of Orbital and Frontal Sinus Tumor. 7th International congress of the world federation of skull base societies. 2016.06.15 Osaka
Asakage T. Chairman. Breakfast Seminar 2-3 Ultimate Management of Orbital and Frontal Sinus Tumor.. 7th International congress of the world federation of skull base societies 2016.06.14 Osaka
T Sugimoto, T Asakage, K Kawada. Challenging Cases of Flexible Endoscopic Surgery for Laryngo-Hypopharyngeal Cancer. 5th International robotic surgery symposium 2015.10 Seoul, Korea
T Asakage. Chairman Update of head and neck cancer treatment point of view of a French otolaryngologist expert.. Expect Meeting at Head & Neck Cancer 2015.07 Tokyo
T Asakage. Chairman Oral (English) case report 1 . The joint meeting of 4th congress of Asian society of head and neck oncology & 39th annual meeting of Japan society for head and neck cancer 2015.06.04 Kobe
野村文敬, 杉本太郎, 角 卓郎,清川佑介, 田崎彰久, 服部夏子,朝蔭孝宏. TheSalvageTransoralSurgeryaftertheRadiotherapywithCetuximab fortheHypopharyngealCancer. 第39回頭頸部癌学会 2015.06.03
Y Saito, G Omura, T Asakage. Under40 symposium6 nasopharynx, sinonasal cavity A retrospective analysis and prognostic factors of maxillary squamous cell carcinoma.. The joint meeting of 4th congress of Asian society of head and neck oncology & 39th annual meeting of Japan society for head and neck cancer 2015.06 Kobe
G Omura, M Ando, T Asakage. Under40 symposium1 Basic science Comorbidities predicts poor prognosis for surgical treated advanced head and neck cancer pateints. . The joint meeting of 4th congress of Asian society of head and neck oncology & 39th annual meeting of Japan society for head and neck cancer 2015.06 Kobe, JAPAN
T Asakage. Symposium 4 Oral Cancer -Oral Cancers in Asian Countries-. The joint meeting of 4th congress of Asian society of head and neck oncology & 39th annual meeting of Japan society for head and neck cancer Kobe 2015.06 Kobe, JAPAN
M Ando, Y Saito, T Asakage. Identification of a MET mutation by next generation sequencing. Identification of a MET mutation by next generation sequencing.. The joint meeting of 4th congress of Asian society of head and neck oncology & 39th annual meeting of Japan society for head and neck cancer 2015.06
Ryuhei Okada, Kyoko Ito, Kazuchika Ohno. Ischemic colitis during concurrent radiotherapy and cetuximab therapy:A case report. 4th Congress of Asian Society of Head and Neck Oncology 2015.06 Kobe, Japan
T Sugimoto, T Asakage, K Kawada, Y Kiyokawa, et al. Salvage Endoscopic Transoral Surgery for the Recurrent Hypopharyngeal Cancer after Chemoradiotherapy and Bioradiotherapy. 2015 International Congress of Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2015.04 Seoul, Korea
Asakage T. Chairman Luncheon Seminar . 16th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2015.03 Tokyo
藤川 太郎, 鷹合 秀輝, 有泉 陽介, 喜多村 健. サリチル酸誘発性耳鳴りの中枢機構のパッチクランプ法による検討(An Examination of Central Mechanism of Salicylate-induced Tinnitus by Patch Clamp Technique). Otology Japan 2008.09.01
Anatomy and skull base surgery of petrous bone -review of 15 case with mastoidectomy-. 2018.07.13