Books, etc | Awards & Honors |
The effect of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on the craniofacial complex. In; Type 1 Diabetes Complications. In Tech 2011 (ISBN : 978-953-307-788-8)
YEAR NOTE OF DENTAL PRACTICE. 2013.03 (ISBN : 9784781203058)
Joythindra Kumar APOS Trends Award for the Best Original Article , Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society , 2024.09
Wayne G. Watson Award for Biologic or Experimental Research , American Association of Orthodontists , 2024.05
AJO-DO Awards 2024 (articles published in 2023) Wayne G. Watson Award for Biologic or Experimental Research , American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics (AJO-DO) , 2024.05
TAO Honorary Member , Taiwan Association of Orthodontists: TAO , 2020.12
Anthony Gianelly Award , Societa Italiana di Ortodonzia: SIDO , 2020.11
The 78th Annual Meeting of Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Poster Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2019.11
Inoue M, Ono T, Nakajima T, Ono T. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2018.11
Sato M, Asano T, Hosomichi J, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Nataka T, Ono T. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2018.11
Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Lekvijittada K, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodotic Society , 2018.11
Hosomichi J. Certificate of Recognition for Orthodontic Waves Reviewer , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2018.10
Ono T. 2018 IADR/AADR William J. Gies Awards , International Association for Dental Research (IADR) , 2018.07
Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Kochakorn L, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. The 11th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference Best Presentation Award (1st Prize) , Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society , 2018.03
Yamada K. The Japanese Orthodontic Society, Best Paper Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2017.10
Ishida T. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2017.10
Ogawa T. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2017.10
Ozawa E. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2017.10
Ozawa E. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2017.10
Yamaguchi H. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2016.11
Fukushima Y. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2016.11
Kato C. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2016.11
Usumi-Fujita R. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2016.11
The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Best Presentation Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2016.10
The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Award of Excellence (English Session) , The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2015.11
The 73th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2014.10
The 73th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2014.10
The 72th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2013.09
The 72th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society, Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2013.09
The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2012.09
The 71th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2012.09
The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2010.11
The 1st Joint Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and the Korean Association of Orthodontists Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2006.09
The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society Excellent Exhibition Award , Japanese Orthodontic Society , 2005.10
Nagao-Yu Young Investigator Award , Tokyo Medical and Dental University , 2001.03
IADR Travel Award , 1995.06