1. 小野卓史. Does Impairment of Craniofacial Function Affect Occlusion and Vice Versa?. 2024 Annual Congress of the Indonesian Orthodontic Society 2024.09.19 Bali

  2. 小野卓史. Obstructive sleep apnea … It’s no longer just a problem for adults. 2024 Annual Congress of the Indonesian Orthodontic Society 2024.09.19 Bali

  3. 小野卓史. Challenges with the improved super-elastic Ni-Ti alloy wire. TMDU-CU Joint Degree Program 2024.08.14 バンコク

  4. 小野卓史. challenges with the improved super-elastic Ni-Ti alloy wire . Univerisiti Maraya 2024.08.05

  5. 小野卓史. 呼吸におけるヒトの舌の解剖生理学的役割. 日本睡眠学会 2024.07.18 横浜

  6. Yonemitsu I, Manabe A, Ono T. An adolescent case of mandibular deviation treated by planned molar decompensation with functional appliances followed by modified MEAW technique using improved superelastic Nickel-Titanium archwires. 99th EOS 2024.06.09 Athens, Greece

  7. Yonemitsu I, Nakamura K, Fujita K, Imai H, Usumi-Fujita R, Honda K, Yamashita Y, Hirota M, Mitsudo K, Ono T. Does a mandibular autorotation induced by Le Fort I osteotomy contribute to upper airway enlargement?. 99th EOS 2024.06.09 Athens, Greece

  8. Tanigawa M, Kato C, Ono T, Uesaka N. Effects of unilateral nasal obstruction during the growth period on cerebellar neural circuit and function. 99th EOS 2024.06.09 Athens, Greece

  9. Mizoguchi Y, Ishida Y, Ishizaki A, Shimizu C, Ono T. Relationship between root formation stages and root resorption due to impacted maxillary canine. 99th EOS 2024.06.09

  10. 小野卓史. "Early & “Super Early” Treatment: A New Role for Airway-concerned Orthodontists". 2024 Annual Meeting of American Association of Orthodontists 2024.05.03

  11. 小野卓史. Rationale of early and “super-early” treatment: are we orthodontists or maxillofacial physicians in the next generation?. Northern California Angle Society 2024.03.24

  12. 医工連携を通じ社会実装を目指す歯科医療機器の開発. 第20回 東京医科歯科大学 歯科器材開発 シンポジウム 2024.02.21

  1. Ono T, Toyama N, Ono T, Nakashima T. IL-6 signal regulates orthodontic tooth movement and pain. 71st JADR 2023.11.25

  2. Srisutha Jiratchaya, Watari Ippei, Akakura Masato, Watanabe Minami, Ono Takashi. 高脂肪食/ストレプトゾトシン誘発2型糖尿病におけるマウス顎下腺のP2X7RおよびP2X4R発現(P2X7R and P2X4R expression of mice submandibular gland in high-fat diet/streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetes). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2023.11.01

  3. 小野卓史. Improved super-elastic Ni-Ti alloy wire. 中日友好病院口腔科記念行事 2023.10.30 北京

  4. 小野卓史. Adenotonsillar Hypertrophy: A Comprehensive Perspectives for Early Treatment. 2023 Chinese Orthodontic Society (COS) 2023.10.28 Xi’an

  5. 小野卓史. Autotransplantation in Adults: Current Application and Beyond. 56th KAO 2023.10.26 Jeju island, Korea

  6. Saori Wataya,Takashi Ono. Involvement of maxillary occlusal plane inclination on postoperative relapse in patients with facial asymmetry. The 56th Annual Scientific Congress Of Korean Association Of Orthodontists 2023.10.25 Jeju Island Korea

  7. Wataya S, Yonemitsu I, Usumi-Fujita R, Ono T. Involvement of maxillary occlusal plane inclination on postoperative relapse in patients with facial asymmetry. KAO 2023 2023.10.25 Korea

  8. 小野卓史. Snake in the grass! I need to know the hidden pitfall in orthodontic treatment planning. 14th Congresso Internacional ABOR 2023.10.13 Sao Paulo

  9. Yuri Kinoshita, Keiko Fukino, Yoshiro Matsumoto, Joe Iwanaga, Takashi Ono, Keiichi Akita. Structure of the muscle layers and direction of the muscle bundles in the soft palate for clarification of the velopharyngeal closure. oint Congress of European Association of Clinical Anatomy (EACA) and International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (ISCAA) 2023.09.14 Carolinum, Prague

  10. Jia Qi, Yoshiro Matsumoto, Cangyou Xie, Fatma Rashed, Takashi Ono , Kazuhiro Aoki. Local delivery of bone anabolic agents protects the thin alveolar bone in the murine mechanical orthodontic force model. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2023.07.27 Tokyo

  11. Qi Jia, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Xie Cangyou, Rashed Fatma, Ono Takashi, Aoki Kazuhiro. マウス機械的矯正力モデルにおける骨形成促進薬の局所送達は薄い歯槽骨に対し保護的に働く(Local delivery of bone anabolic agents protects the thin alveolar bone in the murine mechanical orthodontic force model.). 日本骨代謝学会学術集会プログラム抄録集 2023.07.01

  12. Qi Jia, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Xie Cangyou, Rashed Fatma, Ono Takashi, Aoki Kazuhiro. マウス機械的矯正力モデルにおける骨形成促進薬の局所送達は薄い歯槽骨に対し保護的に働く(Local delivery of bone anabolic agents protects the thin alveolar bone in the murine mechanical orthodontic force model.). 日本骨代謝学会学術集会プログラム抄録集 2023.07.01

  13. Shuntaro Iwaki, Ikuo Yonemitsu, Makoto Tabata, Mirei Keitoku, Takashi Ono . Unilateral nasal obstruction and nitric oxide mediate reversible morphological and phenotypic changes in masticatory muscles in growing rats. 2023 Annual Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2023.06.11 Oslo, Norway

  14. Takumi Suzuki, Jun Hosomichi, Naoyuki Miyasaka, Yasunari Miyazaki, Atsuko Taki, Takashi Zaitsu, Manaka Moro, Chikako Morioka, Noriko Sato, Takashi Ono. Characteristics of obstructive sleep apnea among pregnant Japanese woman and their birth outcomes.. SLEEP 2023 2023.06.05 Indiana, USA

  15. Tanigawa Moe, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi, Uesaka Naofumi. 成長期の鼻呼吸障害が小脳の神経回路と機能に及ぼす影響(Effects of unilateral nasal obstruction during the growth period on cerebellar neural circuit and function). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2023.05.01

  16. Tanigawa Moe, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi, Uesaka Naofumi. 成長期の鼻呼吸障害が小脳の神経回路と機能に及ぼす影響(Effects of unilateral nasal obstruction during the growth period on cerebellar neural circuit and function). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2023.05.01

  17. MoeTanigawa, Chiho Kato, Takashi Ono, Naofumi Uesaka. Effects of unilateral nasal obstruction during the growth period on cerebellar neural circuit and function. The 100th Anniversary Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan 2023.03.11 Kyoto, Kyoto

  1. Qi J, Matsumoto Y, Rashed F, Xie C, Yixin L, Aoki K, Ono T. Bone response to buccal tooth movement by light continuous force in mice. The 13th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Congress. 2022.10.28 Seoul, Korea

  2. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. ラットにおけるlight orthodontic forceの応用/除去による歯根吸収/修復と関連サイトカインの観察(Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  3. Guan Hao, Yonemitsu Ikuo, Ikeda Yuhei, Ono Takashi. 成長期ラットの咀嚼筋に対する機能的下顎骨側方移動の可逆的効果(Reversible effects of functional mandibular lateral shift on masticatory muscles in the growing rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  4. Sun Wenqian, Ogawa Takuya, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi. 給餌の性状変化が成長期マウスの学習/記憶機能に及ぼす影響(Impact of change in food properties on learning/memory function in the growing mice). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  5. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 肥満Zuckerラットの皮質刺激による律動顎運動における神経筋動態の変化(Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  6. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 肥満Zuckerラットの皮質刺激による律動顎運動における神経筋動態の変化(Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  7. Sun Wenqian, Ogawa Takuya, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi. 給餌の性状変化が成長期マウスの学習/記憶機能に及ぼす影響(Impact of change in food properties on learning/memory function in the growing mice). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  8. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 肥満Zuckerラットの皮質刺激による律動顎運動における神経筋動態の変化(Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  9. Sun Wenqian, Ogawa Takuya, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi. 給餌の性状変化が成長期マウスの学習/記憶機能に及ぼす影響(Impact of change in food properties on learning/memory function in the growing mice). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  10. Guan Hao, Yonemitsu Ikuo, Ikeda Yuhei, Ono Takashi. 成長期ラットの咀嚼筋に対する機能的下顎骨側方移動の可逆的効果(Reversible effects of functional mandibular lateral shift on masticatory muscles in the growing rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  11. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. ラットにおけるlight orthodontic forceの応用/除去による歯根吸収/修復と関連サイトカインの観察(Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  12. Sun Wenqian, Ogawa Takuya, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi. Impact of change in food properties on learning/memory function in the growing mice. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society. 2022.10.01 Osaka, Japan

  13. Guan Hao, Yonemitsu Ikuo, Ikeda Yuhei, Ono Takashi. Reversible effects of functional mandibular lateral shift on masticatory muscles in the growing rats. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society. 2022.10.01 Osaka, Japan

  14. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society. 2022.10.01 Osaka, Japan

  15. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society. 2022.10.01 Osaka, Japan

  16. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. ラットにおけるlight orthodontic forceの応用/除去による歯根吸収/修復と関連サイトカインの観察(Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  17. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. ラットにおけるlight orthodontic forceの応用/除去による歯根吸収/修復と関連サイトカインの観察(Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  18. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 肥満Zuckerラットの皮質刺激による律動顎運動における神経筋動態の変化(Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  19. Sun Wenqian, Ogawa Takuya, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Kato Chiho, Ono Takashi. 給餌の性状変化が成長期マウスの学習/記憶機能に及ぼす影響(Impact of change in food properties on learning/memory function in the growing mice). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  20. Guan Hao, Yonemitsu Ikuo, Ikeda Yuhei, Ono Takashi. 成長期ラットの咀嚼筋に対する機能的下顎骨側方移動の可逆的効果(Reversible effects of functional mandibular lateral shift on masticatory muscles in the growing rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  21. Guan Hao, Yonemitsu Ikuo, Ikeda Yuhei, Ono Takashi. 成長期ラットの咀嚼筋に対する機能的下顎骨側方移動の可逆的効果(Reversible effects of functional mandibular lateral shift on masticatory muscles in the growing rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  22. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 肥満Zuckerラットの皮質刺激による律動顎運動における神経筋動態の変化(Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  23. Lou Yixin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Qi Jia, Ono Takashi. ラットにおけるlight orthodontic forceの応用/除去による歯根吸収/修復と関連サイトカインの観察(Observation of root resorption/repair and related cytokines by application/removal of light orthodontic force in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2022.10.01

  24. Li Ruixin, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Fujita Akiyo, Ogawa Takuya, Ishidori Hideyuki, Misawa Eri, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. Altered neuromuscular behavior during cortically-elicited rhythmic jaw movement in obese Zucker rat. 2022.10

  25. Sritara Sasin, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Lou Yixin, Qi Jia, Aida Jun, Ono Takashi. 咀嚼パターンに関連した顎関節の形態の評価(Assessment of morphology of temporomandibular joint in relation to the chewing patterns). 口腔病学会雑誌 2022.03.01

  1. 三澤 英里, 沖原 秀政, 小川 卓也, 小海 暁, 阿部 泰典, 加藤 千帆, 石通 秀行, 藤田 秋世, 高野 力磨, 谷川 萌, 孫 文倩, 小野 卓史. 成長期咀嚼刺激低下はWnt signaling pathwayおよびARHGAP33の分子伝達を変調する. 第80回日本矯正歯科学会大 2021.11

  2. Fukino Keiko, Tsutsumi Masahiro, Ono Takashi, Akita Keiichi. 顎関節の関節包後方部の形態学的解析(Morphological analysis of the posterior part of the joint capsule of the temporomandibular joint). The Journal of Physiological Sciences 2021.08.01

  1. Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Oishi S, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Kaneko S, Yoshida KI, Ono T. . Intermittent hypoxia reduces RANKL expression in impaired mandibular growth through the β2-adrenergic receptor in adolescent rats.. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10.04

  2. Lekvijittada K, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Hong H, Changsiripun C, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Suzuki JI, Yoshida KI, Ono T. Intermittent hypoxia inhibits mandibular cartilage growth by reducing TGF-β and SOX9 expression levels in infant rats. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10.04

  3. Angkanawaraphan K, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Changsiripun C, Haixin H, Ono T. Effects of intermittent hypoxia on learning and memory functions in infant rats. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10.04

  4. Keo Preksa, Nagahiro Shigeki, Inoue Masamu, Fukino Keiko, Shimizu Yasuhiro, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Aoki Kazuhiro, Ono Takashi. Histomorphometric Changes of Murine Maxillary Bone around the Site of Mini-Screw Insertion in the Regenerated Bone Induced by Anabolic Reagents.. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress, The 12th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference, The 79th Annual meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2020.10.04 Yokohama, Japan

  5. Lou Y, Zhao L, Keo P, Inoue M, Fukino K, Matsumoto Y, Iseki S, Ono T. Different Apical Responses of Developing and Developed Roots to Application of Mechanical Force on Maxillary Molars in Rats.. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress, The 12th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference, The 79th Annual meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2020.10.04 Yokohama, Japan

  6. Sritara S, Tsutsumi M, Fukino K, Matsumoto Y, Akita K, Ono T. Muscle Bundle Arrangements of the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle Inserting into the Medial Aspect of the Condylar Process.. The 9th International Orthodontic Congress, The 12th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference, The 79th Annual meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2020.10.04 Yokohama, Japan

  7. Phyo Thura Aung, Chiho Kato, Yasunori Abe, Takuya Ogawa, Hideyuki Ishidori, Akiyo Fujita, Ruixin Li, Hidemasa Okihara, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. LOW OCCLUSAL LOADING AFFECTS THE NEUROMUSCULAR CONTROL OF JAW MOVEMENTS INDUCED BY ANTERIOR PART OF CORTICAL MASTICATORY AREA IN GROWING RATS. 9 th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10

  8. Phyo Thura Aung, Chiho Kato, Yasunori Abe, Takuya Ogawa, Hideyuki Ishidori, Akiyo Fujita, Ruixin Li, Hidemasa Okihara, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. LOW OCCLUSAL LOADING AFFECTS THE NEUROMUSCULAR CONTROL OF JAW MOVEMENTS INDUCED BY ANTERIOR PART OF CORTICAL MASTICATORY AREA IN GROWING RATS. 9 th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10

  9. Akiyo Fujita, Chiho Kato, Yasunori Abe, Takuya Ogawa, Phyo Thura Aung, Hideyuki Ishidori, Ruixin Li, Hidemasa Okihara, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. Unilateral nasal obstruction affects development of motor representation in the cortical masticatory area in growing rats. 9th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10

  10. Akiyo Fujita, Chiho Kato, Yasunori Abe, Takuya Ogawa, Phyo Thura Aung, Hideyuki Ishidori, Ruixin Li, Hidemasa Okihara, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. Unilateral nasal obstruction affects development of motor representation in the cortical masticatory area in growing rats. 9th International Orthodontic Congress 2020.10

  1. Kamaratih A, Ohmori H, Aoyagi M, Kanno Z, Ono T. Effect of anterior open bite on gastric emptying rate using solid meal. 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2019.11.20

  2. Kamaratih Anindya, Ohmori Hiroko, Aoyagi Misaki, Kanno Zuisei, Ono Takashi. 固形食摂取時の胃内容排出速度に対する前歯部開咬の影響(Effect of anterior open bite on gastric emptying rate using solid meal). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2019.11.01

  3. Preksa Keo, 松本 芳郎, 長弘 茂樹, 青木 和広, 小野 卓史. RANKL結合ペプチドとBMP-2との注射により誘導されたマウス上顎骨の経時的変化とスクリュー植立の影響(Time-course study of bones induced by the co-injection of RANKL-binding peptide and BMP-2 and the effects of subsequent screw placement in murine maxilla). Journal of Oral Biosciences Supplement 2019.10.01

  4. Ohmori H, Kirimoto H, OnoT. Different response properties of the human periodontal-masseteric reflex between the canine and first premolar. 95th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2019.06.17

  5. Ongprakobkul N, Ishida Y, Hatano-sato K, Li K, Petdachai S, Hosomichi J, Mahatumarat K, Ono T . Effects of AMD3100 on Orthodontic Tooth Movement After Local/Systemic Administration. 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2019.06 Vancouver, Canada

  6. Sato M, Asano T, Hosomichi J, Nakata T, Ono T. Optogenetic manipulation of intracellular calcium by blue light-activated Ca2+ channel switch promotes osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. 95th congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2019.06 Nice, France

  7. Wongkitikamjorn W, Hosomichi J, Wada E, Maeda H, Satrawaha S, Hong H, Hayashi Y, Yoshida K, Ono T . Effect of Prenatal Intermittent Hypoxia on Muscle Development in Offspring . 2019 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session 2019.06 Vancouver, CANADA

  8. Torikai K, Kijima T, Kaida E, Nagaoka R, Shimazaki K. Long-term treatment results of bilateral cleft lip and palate treated by all-in-one repair. 76th ACPA's(American Cleft Palate Craniofacial association) Annual Meeting 2019.04 Arizona, USA

  1. Suzuki H, Furuya J, Matsubara C, Kagihuku Y, Ono T, Akazawa C, Asada T, Minakuchi S. Approaches of investigating oral function in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) patients. The 6th Tri-University Consortium 2018.11.30 Tokyo, Japan

  2. Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Lekvijittada K, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. β2-adrenergic antagonist butoxamine reduces the mandibular growth retardation caused by intermittent hypoxia in adolescent rats. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2018.11.01 Yokomaha, Japan

  3. Aung Phyo Thura, Kato Chiho, Abe Yasunori, Ogawa Takuya, Makiguchi Mio, Okihara Hidemasa, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 成長期のラットにおいて皮質骨に誘発されるリズム性のある下顎の動きに対して咬合負荷減少が及ぼす影響(Effect of decreased occlusal loading on cortically-induced rhythmic jaw-movements in growing rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2018.10.01

  4. Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda M, Lekvijittada K, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Suzuki JI, Yoshida KI, Ono T. Different effects of intermittent hypoxia on mandibular growth in the juvenile and adolescent rats. Wuhan University PhD seminar 2018.08.20 Wuhan, China

  5. Uchikawa Y, Hosomichi J, Suzuki J, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Hatano K, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Uesugi S, Ono T. Differential growth response of craniofacial and limb bones to hypertension with sympathetic hyperactivity in rats. 96th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) 2018.07.27 London, UK

  6. Lekvijittada K, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Hong H, Changsiripun C, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. Influence of intermittent hypoxia on condylar growth : A study in infant rats. The 11th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2018.03.25 Boracay, Republic of the Philippines

  7. Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Kochakorn L, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. The impact of a ß2-adrenergic antagonist, butoxamine on mandibular growth retardation caused by intermittent hypoxia in growing rats. The 11th Asian Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2018.03.05 Boracay, Republic of the Philippines

  8. Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Yoshida KI, Ono T. Differential effects of intermittent hypoxia on phenotypic and metabolic features of airway muscles in weaning- and adolescent-aged rats. 5th Tokyo Medical University Memorial Hall Poster Conference 2018.02.22 Tokyo, Japan

  9. Hong H, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Kochakorn L, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. The impact of a ß2-adrenergic antagonist, butoxamine on mandibular growth retardation caused by intermittent hypoxia in growing rats. 5th Tokyo Medical University Memorial Hall Poster Conference 2018.02.22 Tokyo, Japan

  10. Lekvijittada K, Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Hong H, Changsiripun C, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Suzuki JI, Yoshida KI, Ono T. Influences of intermittent hypoxia on condylar growth: A study in infant rats. 5th Tokyo Medical University Memorial Hall Poster Conference 2018.02.22 Tokyo, Japan

  1. Manabe A, Ishida T, Ono T. Changes in the propotions of adenoid and tonsil size to the upper airway area in japanese individuals: a cross-sectional study. The 65th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Dental Research 2017.11.18 Tokyo

  2. Hosomichi J, Maeda H, Yoichiro Kuma, Oishi S, Yoshida KI, Ono T. Differential effects of intermittent hypoxia on phenotypic and metabolic features of airway muscles in weaning- and adolescent-aged rats. World Sleep 2017 2017.10.11 Prague, Czech Republic

  3. Zhao Lu, Keo Preksa, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Iseki Sachiko, Ono Takashi. ラットの異なる発達段階の歯根に及ぼす歯科矯正治療応力の影響(Effects of orthodontic force application on different root development stages in rats). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2017.10.01

  4. Watari I, Yonemitsu I, Kirii A, Koketsu M, Hagiwara M, Ozawa E, Kanaguchi-Arita A, Ono T. Pharyngeal airway changes after lower teeth distal movement using the implant anchorage. 9th World Implant Orthodontic Conference 2017.07.02 Kobe

  5. Suzuki K, Kokai S, Uesugi S, Nishiyama A, Ono T. Evaluation of the laterality of the tissue oxygen saturation of masticatory muscles in subjects with facial asymmetry. The 93rd congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2017.06.05 Montreux, Switzerland

  6. Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Hosoimichi J, Suzuki J, Ono T. Transfection of NF-κB decoy into the rodent periodontium using ultrasound-microbubble technique prevents the progression of the periodontitis. The 93rd congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2017.06.05 Montreux, Switzerland

  7. Ogawa T, Okihara H, Kokai S, Michikawa M, Ono T. Nasal obstruction induces memory and learning impairment and decreases the number of hippocampal neurons in growing mice. The 93rd congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2017.06.05 Montreux, Switzerland

  8. Kenzo Watakabe, Ikuo Yonemitsu, Yuhei Ikeda, Mutsumi Miyazaki, Takashi Ono. Nasal obstruction in growing rats induces morphological and histological changes in the mandible. The 39 th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Research 2017.03.31 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

  9. Ren E, Watari I, Hsu J, Mizumachi-Kubono M, Inoue K, Watabe T, Ono T. Unilateral nasal obstruction effects gustatory function in rats. The 39 th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Research 2017.03.31 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

  10. Hosomichi J, Suzuki T, Shibutani N, Hatano K, Yamaguchi H, Kuma K, Kaneko S, Ono T. . Distribution of Ki67 and LGR5-positive Periodontal Cells During Tooth Movement. 2017 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition 2017.03.22 San Francisco, CA, USA

  1. Lai WJ, Midorikawa Y, Kanno Z, Ono T. Development of a device for three-dimensional measurement of orthodontic force systems requiring high operability.. The 29th TAO Annual Meeting 2016.12.02 Taipei, Taiwan

  2. Uchima Koecklin Karin H., Kato Chiho, Kataguchi Taku, Okihara Hidemasa, Ishida Takayoshi, Fujita Koichi, Yabushita Tadachika, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. 成長後期における鼻閉塞後の舌突出筋収縮能の変化(Contractile properties changes in the tongue-protruding muscles after nasal obstruction during late stages of growth). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2016.11.01

  3. Imamura T, Kanno Z, Wada T, Honda E, Uo M, Ono T. Infiltration of trace metal ions in the oral mucosa analyzed using SR-XRF, XAFS, and ICP-MS. The 10th Asia Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2016.09.01 Bali, Indonesia

  4. Fukino K, Sakaguhci-Kuma T, Shimazaki K, Ono T, Akita K. An anatomical study concerning superior region of the superior constrictor of the pharynx. The 8th international Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy 2016.09.01 Budapest, Hungry

  5. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Maeda H, Nagai H, Kaneko S, Shibutani N, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. Intermittent hypoxia influences bone microstructure via hypoxia inducible factor and VEGF in growing rats. The 10th Asia Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2016.09.01 Bali, Indonesia

  6. Sakaguchi-Kuma T, Fukino K, Shimazaki K, Yamaguchi K, Okuda I, Ono T, Akita K. An anatomic study of the functional relationships between the temporalis with reference to the anterolateral muscle bundle and the facial muscle layer. The 8th International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy 2016.09.01 Budapest, Hungary

  7. Ono T. Myths and facts in the Japanese Ni-Ti archwire. The 10th Asia Pacific Orthodontic Conference 2016.09.01 Bali, Indonesia

  8. Satokawa C, Nishiyama A, Suzuki K, Uesugi S, Kokai S, Ono T. Changes in tissue oxygen saturation during various continuous clenching tasks. The 94th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research 2016.06.24 Seoul, Korea

  9. Kimura K, Shimazaki K, Sugimoto K, Ono T. Influence of Habitual Mouth-breathing on Taste Sensation. The 35th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dental Research Korean Division 2016.06.23 Seoul, Korea

  10. Abe Y, Uchima Koecklin KH, Kato C, Kokai S, Ono . Effects of nasal obstruction on development of the motor representation within the facial primary motor cortex in growing rats.. The 92nd Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2016.06.11 Stockholm, Sweden

  11. Ozawa E, Honda E, Ohmori H, Shimazaki K, Kurabayashi T, Ono T. Influence of orthodontic appliance-derived artifacts on 3-T MRI movies. The 94th General Session & Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research 2016.05.26 Seoul, Korea

  12. Velusamy P, Matin K, Shimada Y, Kanno Z, Ono T, Tagami J. Detection of Hidden Enamel Demineralization beneath Orthodontic Brackets using Optical Coherence Tomography. The 116 th Annual session - American Association of Orthodontists 2016.04.29 Florida, USA

  13. Kasahara Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Hosomichi J, Kaneko S, Ishida Y, Shibutani N, Shimizu Y, Okito A, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Ono T. Effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on periodontal tissues in occlusal hypofunctional teeth. The 38th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Research 2016.04.04 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

  14. Kimura Kanako, Nakamura Tatsuya, Hayashi Yuichiro, Ono Takashi, Azami Yusuke, Hirose Katsumi, Yabuuchi Tomonori, Suzuki Motohisa, Wada Hitoshi, Yukawa Ami. 当院における子宮頸癌の放射線治療成績(Preliminary results of radiation therapy for forty-one patients of cervical cancer in single institute). 日本医学放射線学会学術集会抄録集 2016.02.01

  1. Hosomichi J, Nakai Y, Maeda H, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Ishida Y, Shibutani N, Yoshida K, Ono T. Intermittent hypoxia triggers inflammatory pathway with down-regulated myofibrillar and mitochondrial biogenesis in the geniohyoid muscle. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2015.11.20 Fukuoka, Japan

  2. Uchima Koecklin KH, Kato C, Funaki Y, Hiranuma M, Ishida T, Fujita K, Yabushita T, Kokai S, Ono T. Increase in force and changes in the contractile characteristics of the tongue-protruding muscles after nasal obstruction in growing rats. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London, UK

  3. Kokai S, Kanno Z, Koike S, Uesugi S, Ono T. Retrospective study of 100 autotransplanted teeth with complete root formation and subsequent orthodontic treatment. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London, UK

  4. Matsumoto Y, Hosomichi J, Ishida Y, Ohmori H, Shimizu Y, Kyuragi T, Shitano C, Kawabe A, Maekawa M, Ikeda Y, Kirii A, Kita S, Sakaguchi T, An J, Yamada K, Suzuki K, Ono T. Root resorption of maxillary incisors associated with ectopically erupting canines: predisposing factors, diagnosis and prognosis of orthodontic treatment. 8th International Orthodontic Congress 2015.09.27 London, UK

  5. Ohmori H, Kirimoto H, Shioya Y, Ono T. Relationship between gum chewing rate and autonomic nervous system activity. 91th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2015.06.17 Venice, Italy

  6. Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Maeda H, Nagai H, Shitano C, Kaneko S, Ishida Y, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. Up-regulation of inflammatory pathway through interleukins and NOS in the geniohyoid muscle. SLEEP 2015 2015.06.08 Seattle, WA, USA

  1. 桐井絢子、島崎一夫、酒井敬一、小野卓史. 上下顎歯列弓幅径の拡大に伴う舌骨の位置および咽頭気道形態の変化. 第79回口腔病学会学術大会 2014.12.06 東京

  2. Honda K, Fujita K, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Murata S, Takasu H, Yamashita Y, Iwai T, Ono T, Omura S, Tohnai I. A clinical survey of facial deformity patients at the Yokohama City University Medical Center. 47th Annual Scientific Congress, Korean Association of Orthodontists 2014.10.30 Seoul

  3. Fujita K, Omura S, Shibutani N, Honda K, Nozato T, Yamashita Y, Takasu H, Murata S, Tohnai I, Ono T. Medium-term stability of Le Fort I sliding osteotomy. 47th Annual Scientific Congress, Korean Association of Orthodontists 2014.10.30 Seoul

  4. Nunthayanon K, Honda E, Ohmori H, Inoue-Arai MS, Shimazaki K, Kurabayashi T, Ono T. Comparison of fricative sound between anterior open bite and normal subjects: 3T MRI movie method. 第73回日本矯正歯科学会大会 2014.10.22 幕張

  5. Uchima Koecklin KH, Kato C, Funaki Y, Hiranuma M, Ishida T, Fujita K, Yabushita T, Kokai S, Ono T. Nasal obstruction increases the tongue protrusion forces in growing rats.. 第73回日本矯正歯科学会大会 2014.10.22 幕張

  6. Kulthida Nunthayanon, Ei-ichi Honda, Hiroko Ohmori, et al.. Variation of Fricative /S/ sound in Anterior Open bite Subject: 3T MRI movie Study. The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2014.10.20 Chiba, Japan

  7. Watari I, Aoyama-Wakasugi E, Podyma-Inoue KA, Yanagishita M, Ono T. Changes in the expression of incretin receptors in a mouse osteoblastic cell line in response to various glucose concentrations. 17th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine 2014.10.09 Athens

  8. Nunthayanon Kulthida, Honda Ei-ichi, Ohmori Hiroko, Inoue-Arai Maristela Sayuri, Shimazaki Kazuo, Kurabayashi Tohru, Ono Takashi. 前開咬と正常咬合の被験者間の摩擦音の比較 3T MRI動画法(Comparison of fricative sound between anterior open bite and normal subjects: 3T MRI movie method). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2014.10.01

  9. Sakaguchi T, Fujishiro H, Hayashi N, Yamaguchi K, Shimazaki K, Ono T, Akita K. Positional relationship between articular disc and condylar process. 31st Annual Meeting of American Association of Clinical Anatomists 2014.07.08 Florida

  10. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Nagai H, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Disturbance of maxillofacial bone growth induced by intermittent hypoxia in growing rats.. 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (SLEEP 2014) 2014.06.04 Minneapolis, MN, USA

  11. Kuma Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Hosomichi J, Oishi S, Nagai H, Maeda H, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Growth impairment of nasal airway under intermittent hypoxia during growth period in rats.. 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (SLEEP2014), 2014.05.31 Minneapolis

  12. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Nagai H, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. Disturbance of maxillofacial bone growth induced by intermittent hypoxia in growing rats.. 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (SLEEP2014) 2014.05.29 Minneapolis

  13. Hosomichi J, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Nagai H, Kaneko S, Shitano C, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Intermittent-hypoxia-induced expression of autophagy accelerates BNIP3 in the geniohyoid muscles in contrast to gastrocnemius muscle in rats.. 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (SLEEP2014) 2014.05.29 Minneapolis

  14. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Nagai H, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. The Intermittent hypoxia induced discrepancy of bone growth and density in rat maxillofacial bone.. The 36th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Research 2014.03.31 Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

  15. Kuma Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Hosomichi J, Oishi S, Nagai H, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Shitano C, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Impairment of nasal airway under intermittent hypoxia during growth period in rats.. The 36th Annual Scientific Conference on Dental Research 2014.03.31 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

  16. Kato Genki, Shimizu Yasuhiro, Sugamori Yasutaka, Takahashi Mariko, Tamura Yukihiko, Ono Takashi, Ohya Keiichi, Aoki Kazuhiro. 関節リウマチモデルマウスに対するRANK様ペプチドの効果(The effects of the RANK-like peptide on murine rheumatoid arthritis model). Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2014.02.01

  1. Maya Hiranuma, Yukiha Funaki, Chiho Kato, Satoshi Kokai, Tadachika Yabushita, Takashi Ono. Effects of nasal obstruction at different life stages on oxygen saturation and jaw-opening reflex. The 46th Annual Scientific Congress Korean Association of Orthodontists 2013.10.31 Jeju, Korea

  2. Chiho KATO, Koichi FUJITA, Maya HIRANUMA, Satoshi KOKAI, Tadachika YABUSHITA, Takashi ONO. Decreased volume of the oral cavity induces cortical plasticity in the rat face sensorimotor cortex. The 46th Annual Scientific Congress Korean Association of Orthodontists 2013.10.31 Jeju, Kore

  3. Karin Harumi Uchima Koecklin, Chiho Kato, Yukiha Funaki, Maya Hiranuma, Takayoshi Ishida, Koichi Fujita, Tadachika Yabushita, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. Effect of nasal obstruction on tongue protrusion forces in growing rats. The 46th Annual Scientific Congress Korean Association of Orthodontists 2013.10.31 Jeju, Korea

  4. Hsu Jui-chin, Watari Ippei, Funaki Yukiha, Kokai Satoshi, Ono Takashi. Unilateral nasal obstruction affects the distribution of fungiform papillae in the rat tongue. 第72回 日本矯正歯科学会学術大会 2013.10.08 松本

  5. Shitano C, Baba O, Kaneko S, Hosomichi J, Shimizu Y, Shibutani N, Usumi-Fujita R, Takano Y, Ono T.. Alveolar bone loss induced by hypofunctional tooth movement in rats. . 2nd Meeting of the IADR Asia Pacific Region 2013.08.21 Bangkok, Tahiland

  6. Okihara H, Ito J, Kokai S, Ishida T, Hiranuma M, Kato C, Yabushita T, Ishida K, Michikawa M, Ono T. Association between the decrease of masticatory function and synaptic plasticity.. 2nd Meeting of the International Association of Dental Research-Asia Pacific Region 2013.08.21 Bangkok, Thailand

  7. Funaki Y, Shibata M, Hiranuma M, Kokai S, Ono T. Effects of nasal obstruction on maturation of the jaw-opening reflex in growing rats.. 89th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2013.03.26 European Orthodontic Society

  1. Satomi NAITO, Satoshi KOKAI, Takayoshi ISHIDA, Koichi FUJITA, Mai SHIBATA,Chiho KATO, Maya HIRANUMA, Tadachika YABUSHITA, Takashi ONO. Functional changes of the temporomandibular joint mechanoreceptors induced by temporomandibular joint resorption in rats. The 45th Annual Scientific Congress Korean Association of Orthodontists 2012.11.01 Seoul, Korea

  2. Hsu Jui-Chin, Watari Ippei, Honda Koji, Kubono Mariko, Hattori Ikuko, Ishida Yuji, Ono Takashi. 大臼歯抜歯はラット舌において茸状乳頭の分布に影響を及ぼす(Molar extraction influences the distribution of fungiform papillae in the rat tongue). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2012.09.01

  3. Shindoi Jose-Maria、佐藤豊、松本芳郎、金香佐和、島崎一夫、小海暁、柴田真衣、山城正司、原田清、小野卓史. Soft-tissue cephalometric norms for orthognathic surgery in Jaoanese adults. 第22回日本顎変形症学会総会・学術大会 2012.06.18 福岡

  4. Shindoi Jose-Maria, 佐藤 豊, 松本 芳郎, 金香 佐和, 島崎 一夫, 小海 暁, 柴田 真衣, 山城 正司, 原田 清, 小野 卓史. 日本人成人の下顎骨矯正手術のための軟部組織セファロメトリー基準値(Soft-tissue cephalometric norms for orthognathic surgery in Japanese adults). 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2012.05.01

  5. Shindoi Jose-Maria, 佐藤 豊, 松本 芳郎, 金香 佐和, 島崎 一夫, 小海 暁, 柴田 真衣, 山城 正司, 原田 清, 小野 卓史. 日本人成人の下顎骨矯正手術のための軟部組織セファロメトリー基準値(Soft-tissue cephalometric norms for orthognathic surgery in Japanese adults). 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2012.05.01

  6. Shindoi Jose-Maria, 佐藤 豊, 松本 芳郎, 金香 佐和, 島崎 一夫, 小海 暁, 柴田 真衣, 山城 正司, 原田 清, 小野 卓史. 日本人成人の下顎骨矯正手術のための軟部組織セファロメトリー基準値(Soft-tissue cephalometric norms for orthognathic surgery in Japanese adults). 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2012.05.01

  7. Shindoi Jose-Maria, 佐藤 豊, 松本 芳郎, 金香 佐和, 島崎 一夫, 小海 暁, 柴田 真衣, 山城 正司, 原田 清, 小野 卓史. 日本人成人の下顎骨矯正手術のための軟部組織セファロメトリー基準値(Soft-tissue cephalometric norms for orthognathic surgery in Japanese adults). 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 2012.05.01

  8. Hosomichi J, Park Y, Kapila S.. Immortalization and characterization of mouse temporomandibular joint disc cells. . 41 st Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADR, 36th Annual Meeting of the CADR 2012.03.22 Tampa, FL, USA

  1. Yoshiro MATSUMOTO, Takashi ONO. Severe root resorption of four maxillary incisors and bilateral canine impaction: An interdisciplinary approach 上顎前歯重度歯根吸収を伴う両側犬歯埋伏症例への学際的対応. The 4th International Congress & The 70th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2011.10.20 名古屋

  2. Matsumoto Yoshiro, Ono Takashi. 上顎切歯と両側犬歯の埋伏歯4本の重度歯根吸収 集学的アプローチ(Severe root resorption of four maxillary incisors and bilateral canine impaction: An interdisciplinary approach). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2011.10.01

  3. Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kaneko S, Shibutani N, Ono T.. β-adrenergic receptor antagonist suppresses occlusal force unroading-induced alveolar bone loss in rats.. 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2011.09 San Diego, CA, USA

  4. Hosomichi J, Park Y, Kapila S.. Immortalization and characterization of mouse temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc cell clones.. The 2nd Asian Academic Congress for Temporomandibular Joint 2011.07.23 Hiroshima, JAPAN

  5. Satomi Naito, Takayoshi Ishida, Satoshi Kokai, Koichi Fujita, Mai Shibata, Tadachika Yabushita, Takashi Ono. Functional adaptability of temporomandibular joint mechanoreceptors after an increase in the occlusal vertical dimension in rats. 87th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2011.06.19 Istanbul, Turkey

  6. Maya HIRANUMA, Satoshi KOKAI, Koji FUJITA, Tadachika YABUSHITA, Takashi ONO. Effects of low masticatory loading on the response properties of temporomandibular joint-nociceptors in growing rats. 87th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2011.06.19 Istanbul, Turkey

  7. Chiho KATO, Koichi FUJITA, Satoshi KOKAI, Tadachika YABUSHITA, Takashi ONO. Effects of increased occlusal vertical dimension on motor representations within the face motor cortex of adult rats. 87th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society 2011.06.19 Istanbul, Turkey

  8. Usumi R, Shibutani N, Ono N, Hosomichi J, Kaneko S, Ono T.. Occlusal stimuli influence VEGFR-2/CD31 expressions in periodontium during tooth movement.. The 89th General Session and Exhibition of IADR/AADR/CADR 2011.03.17 San Diego, CA, USA

  9. Naito Satomi, Ishida Takayoshi, Kokai Satoshi, Yabushita Tadachika, Ono Takashi. ラット咬合高径増加後の顎関節機械受容器の機能的適応性(Functional adaptability of temporomandibular joint mechanoreceptors after an increase in the occlusal vertical dimension in rats). 口腔病学会雑誌 2011.03.01

  10. Naito Satomi, Ishida Takayoshi, Kokai Satoshi, Yabushita Tadachika, Ono Takashi. ラット咬合高径増加後の顎関節機械受容器の機能的適応性(Functional adaptability of temporomandibular joint mechanoreceptors after an increase in the occlusal vertical dimension in rats). 口腔病学会雑誌 2011.03.01

  1. Yoshiro MATSUMOTO, Masaki KOBAYASHI , Miho OZAKI. Incisal Root Resorption Associated with Maxillary Impacted Canines. 7th International Orthodontic Congress 2010.02.09 Sydney, Australia

  1. 松本 芳郎, 相馬 邦道. 矯正歯科治療中に新たな顎位への適応が見られた成人片側下顎後方位症例(An adult unilateral mandibular-retruded case adapted to a new mandibular position during orthodontic treatment). 日本顎関節学会雑誌 2008.07.01

  2. 松本 芳郎, 相馬 邦道. 矯正歯科治療中に新たな顎位への適応が見られた成人片側下顎後方位症例(An adult unilateral mandibular-retruded case adapted to a new mandibular position during orthodontic treatment). 日本顎関節学会雑誌 2008.07.01

  1. Hu F, Hosomichi J, Kanno Z, Soma K.. Occlusal forces promote periodontal healing of transplanted teeth with enhanced basic fibroblast growth factor synthesis.. The 65th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and the 1st Joint Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society and the Korea Association of Orthodontists 2006.09.15 Sapporo, JAPAN

  2. Matsumoto Yoshiro, Soma Kunimichi. 咬合異常と初期齲蝕及び歯周疾患との関係(Malocclusion and its relationships to incipient caries and periodontal disease). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2006.09.01

  3. Suzaki Yusuke, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Soma Kunimichi. 移植歯牙におけるMalassez上皮細胞遺残と歯周治癒との関連(Relationship between epithelial cell rests of malassez and periodontal healing in transplanted teeth). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2006.09.01

  4. KOKAI S., YABUSHITA T.,ZEREDO JL., TODA K., SOMA K. . An electrophysiological study on functional changes of rat temporomandibular joint mechanoreceptors induced by lateral shift of the mandible. 第1回国際顎関節学会ならびに第19回日本顎関節学会総会・学術大会 2006.07.19 名古屋

  1. Satoshi KOKAI、Tadachika YABUSHITA, Zeredo Jorge L, Kazuo TODA, Kunimichi SOMA. Changes in response properties of TMJ mechanoreceptors by lateral functional shift of the mandible in rats. 第28回日本神経科学大会 2005.07.26 横浜

  1. 松本 芳郎, サリンカーンボリブーン・シリペン , 相馬 邦道. 歯根吸収部における炎症関連因子の役割(Roles of inflammatory-related factors in root resorption). 日本矯正歯科学会大会プログラム・抄録集 2004.11.01

  1. Tsuchiya Toshio, Matsumoto Yoshiro, Kurihara Saburo. 破骨細胞様多核細胞における酒石酸塩抵抗性酸性ホスファターゼ(TRAP)活性証明の為の蛍光同時性アゾ色素法. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism 1995.12.01

  1. Sato M, Asano T, Hosomichi J, Ishida Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Nataka T, Ono T. Elucidation of the molecular mechanism of osteoblast differentiation and its control using optogenetics. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2018.11.01 Yokomaha, Japan

  1. Hosomichi J, Suzuki T, Shibutani N, Hatano K, Yamaguchi H, Kuma Y, Kaneko S, Kasahara Y, Oishi S, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Ono T. Altered localization of Ki67 and LGR5-positive periodontal cells during tooth movement. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  2. Manabe A, Ishida T, Ono T. Differential longitudinal changes in the ratio of adenoids/tonsils to the airway in Japanese children. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  3. Saito E, Watati I, Kubono M, Kyo S, Ono T. Reduced and recovered mechanical stress on the periodontium influence the AQP5 localization in salivary gland. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  4. Wakasugi E, Watari I, Inoue K, Kubono M, Ono T. GLP-1 related gene analysis in mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells using next generation sequencer. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  5. Ishida Y, Imamura T, Matsumura T, Ikeda Y, Oishi S, Kuma T, Okuzawa M, Ono T. Three-dimensional CBCT analyses of the mandibular dentition in the alveolar process. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  6. Ozawa E, Ozawa T, Omori H, Shimazaki K, Kurabayashi T, Ono T. The influence of orthodontic appliance-derived artifacts on MR angiography. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  7. Nin, E, Watari I, Kyo S, Inoue K, Kubono M, Watabe T, Ono T. Unilateral nasal obstruction effects the gustatory receptors in rats. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  8. Sakai K, Kato C, Ono T. A deep overbite case treated with dental implant restoration for the missing lower incisor. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  9. Matsumoto Y, Shimizu Y, Inoue M, Ozawa E, Sato M, Hatano K, Fukino K, Okuzawa K, Sawazaki S, Kaku KEO P, Cho E, Cho R, Yan S, Ono T. Effectiveness of super-elastic Ni-Ti alloy wire in detecting and relieving teeth mobility and premature contacts. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  10. Ogawa T, Okihara H, Kokai S, Abe Y, Uchima Koecklin KH, Makiguchi M, Kato C, Yabushita T, Michikawa M, Ono T. Nasal obstruction during growth period affected Memory and learning and change of hippocampal tissue. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  11. Ishida T, Manabe A, Shin -Sheng Y, Abe Y, Watakabe K, Ono T. A patient with OSA treated with Le Fort I osteotomy. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  12. Ikeda Y, Ishida Y, Imamura T, Oishi S, Kita S, Kuma T, Matsumura T, Okuzawa M, Ono T. Three-dimensional CBCT analyses of the anterior tooth roots in the open bite patients. The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2017.10.18 Sapporo

  13. Ohmori H, Midorikawa Y, Lai WJ, Kannno Z, Takemura H, Ono T. Six-axis orthodontic force evaluation of cantilever: comparison between super-elastic Ti-Ni wire and stainless steel wire. 2017.07.12 Tokyo

  14. Fujita K, Omura S, Imai H, Honda K, Yamashita Y, Takasu Y, Murata S, Iwai T, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Ono T, Tohnai I. Making of splint in CAD/CAM method -difference from indirect method using articulator-. 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities 2017.06.15 Tokyo

  15. Hoda K, Omura S, Fujita K, Imai H, Yamashita Y, Takasu Y, Murata S, Iwai T, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Ono T, Tohnai I. Two-jaw surgery with CAD/CAM method -A significance of SLM technique-. 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities 2017.06.15 Tokyo

  16. Imai H, Omura S, Fujita K, Honda K, Yamashita Y, Takasu Y, Iwai T, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Tohnai I, Ono T. Accuracy of maxillary repositioning by using CAD/CAM method and SLM technique. 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Jaw Deformities 2017.06.15 Tokyo

  1. Ono T. Myths and facts in Japanese Ni-Ti archwire. The 29th TAO Annual Meeting 2016.12.02 Taipei, Taiwan

  2. Uchima Koecklin KH, Hiranuma M, Kato C, Funaki Y, Kataguchi T, Yabushita T, Kokai S, Ono T. Unilateral nasal obstruction during later growth periods affects craniofacial function in rats. The 81th Annual Meeting of The Stomatological Society, Japan 2016.11.26 Tokyo

  3. Kanaguchi Arita A, Yonemitsu I, Ikeda Y, Miyazaki M, Ono T. Effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound stimulation on the mandibular condyle for osteoarthritis lesions. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.09 Tokushima

  4. Usumi-Fujita R, Nakakuki K, Fujita K, Yonemitsu I, Fukuyama E, Ono T. A case with condylar hyperplasic facial asymmetry treated by unilateral alveolar segmental osteotomy. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.09 Tokushima

  5. Abe Y, Kato C, Uchima Koecklin KH, Okihara H, Ishida T, Yabushita T, Kokai S, Ono T. Nasal obstruction affects development of the representation within the orofacial primary motor cortex in rats. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  6. Hatano K, Ishida Y, Yamaguchi H, Jun Hosomichi J, Suzuki J, Kasahara Y, Oishi S, Kuma Y, Okito A, Usumi-Fujita R, Shimizu Y, Shibutani N, Kaneko S, Ono T. The inhibition of SDF-1/CXCR4 signaling interrupts experimental tooth movement in rats. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  7. Uchima Koecklin KH, Kato C, Kataguchi T, Okihara H, Ishida T, Fujita K, Yabushita T, Kokai S, Ono T. Force changes of the tongue-protruding muscles after nasal obstruction during the growth period in rats. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  8. Yonemitsu I, Fujita K, Imai H, Manabe A, Fukuyama E, Shibutani N, Shimazaki K, Omura S, Tohnai I, Ono T. Retreatment of a subject with hemi-mandibular hyperplasia by orthognathic surgery and condylectomy. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  9. Kato C, Kokai S, Ono T. An adult case of orthodontic movement with a contralateral maxillary incisor through the midpalatal suture. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  10. Koketsu M, Yonemitsu I, Shibutani N, Shimamine T, Imai H, Fujita K, Omura S, Ono T. Changes in upper airway morphology after Le Fort I and horse-shoe osteotomies in mandibular prognathism. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  11. Honda K, Fujita K, Imai H, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Yamashita Y, Takasu H, Murata S, Iwai T, Hirota M, Omura S, Tohnai I, Ono T. Orthognathic surgery and implant-supported bridge in a jaw-deformity patient caused by traffic accidental injury. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  12. Kuma Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Hosomichi J, Oishi S, Yamaguchi H, Okito A, Shimizu Y, Shibutani N, Ishida Y, Kaneko S, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T. Intermittent hypoxia alters the growth of rat nasal cavity via the inflammatory pathway activation. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  13. Watakabe K, Yonemitsu I, Ikeda Y, Miyazaki M, Ono T. Decrease in blood oxygen saturation associated with nasal obstruction influences mandibular morphology in growing rats. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  14. Shimizu Y, Aoki K, Kato G, Ono T. Occlusal disharmony-induced stress causes osteopenia of the lumbar vertebrae and long bones in mice. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  15. Sakaguchi-Kuma T, Ishida Y, Kawabe A, Imamura T, Ikeda Y, Oishi S, Matsumura T, Ono T. Three dimensional analyses of relationship between skeletal pattern and shape of mandibular alveolar bone. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  16. Kasahara Y, Usumi-Fujita R, Kuma Y, Oishi S, Okito A, Shimizu Y, Shibutani N, Ishida Y, Kaneko S, Hosomichi J, Ono T. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound recovers the periodontal tissues in occlusal hypofunctional teeth. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  17. Shimamine T, Yonemitsu I, Shibutani N, Koketsu M, Imai H, Fujita K, Omura S, Ono T. Changes in upper airway morphology after Le Fort I and horse-shoe osteotomies in maxillary protrusion. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  18. Tang H, Yonemitsu I, Ikeda Y, Miyazaki M, Shibata S, Ono T. Effect of unilateral nasal obstruction on morphology of jaw-closing muscles in growing rat. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  19. Imai H, Omura S, Fujita K, Honda K, Shibutani N, Yonemitsu I, Shimazaki K, Tohnai I, Ono T. Accuracy of maxillary repositioning by using SLM technique: verification by digitalization of model surgery. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2016.11.08 Tokushima

  20. Matsumoto Y. For the better development of occlusion: Oral myofunctional therapy and orthodontic treatment. The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Sciety of Clinical Sports Mediceine 2016.11.05 Chiba

  21. Yamaguchi H, Ishida Y, Hosoimichi J, Watanabe R, Suzuki J, Ono T. Transfection of NF-κB decoy into the periodontium using ultrasound-microbubble technique can suppress alveolar bone resorption in periodontal model rats. The 59th Autum Meeting of The Japanese Society of Periodontology 2016.10.07 Niigata

  22. Fukushima Y, Inoue M, Ono Take, Wake H, Nakashima T, Ono T. Reduced mastication impairs mandibular growth and memory. The 58th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology 2016.08.25 Sapporo

  23. Ohmori H, Kirimoto H, Ono T. Associations among TMDs, craniofacial morphologies, premature contact, and occlusal force in female children patients with malocclusion. The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for the Temporomandibular Joint 2016.07.17 Kanagawa

  24. Kita S, Shimazaki K, Yajima Y, Iwai T, Omura S, Ono T. Computational fluid dynamics study on the respiratory function before/after orthognathic surgery with pyriform aperture trimming. 2016.06.24 Tokyo

  25. Beauboeuf R, Watari I, Hsu J, Mizumachi-Kubono M, Inoue K , Watabe T, Ono T. Expression of GLP-1 and GLP-1 receptor in rat circumvallate papilla during growth period . The 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste 2016.06.07 Kanagawa

  26. Ren E, Watari I, Hsu J, Mizumachi-Kubono M, Inoue K, Watabe T, Ono T. Unilateral nasal obstruction effects taste cell in circumvallate papillae in rats. The 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste 2016.06.07 Kanagawa

  27. Hsu J, Watari I, Ono R, Mizumachi-Kubono M, Funaki Y, Kokai S, Ono T. Degeneration of fungiform and circumvallate papillae following molar extraction and unilateral nasal obstruction in rats.. The 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste 2016.06.07 Kanagawa

  1. Kato C, Yabushita T, Fujita K, Ishida Y, Hosomichi J, Ono T.. Two cases treated with selective extraction of upper lateral incisors.. The 73th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2014.10.22 Chiba

  2. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Usumi-Fujita R, Kaneko S, Shitaono C, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Intermittent hypoxia induces skeletal growth disturbance with osteocleotic changes in growing rats.. The 73th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2014.10.22 Chiba

  3. Bite-raising induces plastic changes in jaw motor representations within the face somatosensory cortex of rats. 2014.10.21

  4. Maya Hiranuma, Yukiha Funaki, Chiho Kato, Satoshi Kokai, Takashi Ono. Nasal obstruction during growth induces modulation of circulatory dynamics and jaw reflex. 2014.10.21

  5. Comparison of maxillofacial and upper airway morphology after mandibular advancement: surgery and oral appliance.. 2014.10.21

  6. Mechanical properties of super engineering plastic made orthodontic wires. 2014.10.19

  7. Adult BCLP case with long-term stability using premaxillary osteotomy, tooth autotransplantation, and two-jaw surgery. 2014.06.11

  1. Kuma K, Usumi-Fujita R, Hosomichi J, Oishi S, Nagai H, Shimizu Y, Kaneko S, Shitano C, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Effects of intermittent hypoxia during growing period on 3D morphology of the rat nasal airway.. The 72th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2013.10.09 Matsumoto

  2. Oishi S, Shimizu Y, Hosomichi J, Kuma Y, Maeda H, Usumi-Fujita R, Kaneko S, Shitano C, Suzuki J, Yoshida K, Ono T.. Intermittent hypoxia disturbs rat maxillofacial bone growth, leading to discrepancy of maxillofacial morphology.. The 72th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2013.10.09 Matsumoto

  1. Shimizu Y, Ishida T, Hosomichi J, Kaneko S, Ono T.. Differences between the maxillary and mandibular bone loss by soft diet breeding in growing rats.. The 71th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2012.09.28 Morioka

  2. Shitano C, Baba O, Kaneko S, Hosomichi J, Shibutani N, Shimizu Y, Usumi R, Takano Y, Ono T.. Alveolar bone changes induced by the orthodontic movement of the hypofunctional tooth in rats.. The 71th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2012.09.28 Morioka

  3. Hosomichi J, Park Y, Kapila S.. Differential responses of immortalized TMJ disc cell clones to estrogen, relaxin and progesterone.. The 71th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthodontic Society 2012.09.28 Morioka

  4. Basic knowledge of orthodontic treatment -with focus on cautions of growth period-. 2012.09.08 Bangkok, Thailand

  1. KOKAI S.,YABUSHITA T.,TODA K., SOMA K. Influences of mandibular lateral shift in the response properties of the TMJ mechanoreceptors in rats. 2005.10.13

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