Pediatric Dentistry

18  articles.  
* There may be some overlapped articles listed due to the difference of format.
  1. Li Zhao, Kakino Satoko, Iwamoto Tsutomu: A Characteristic Analysis of the Pulse Transit Time to Dental Pulp: An Attempt at a New Approach to Dental Pulp Diagnoses Based on the Microcirculatory System Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences. 2023.03; 35 (2): 61-70. ( ichushi )

  1. Yuko Seki, Tomoki Uehara, Miki Uehara, Haruko Fujita, Satoko Kakino, Michiyo Miyashin: Intentional replantation to the endodontic-periodontal disease associated with misplacement of a rubber band-like foreign body: A case report Pediatric Dental Journal. 2021.08; 32 (2): 191-196. ( DOI )

  1. Thaw Dar O, Kakino S, Kusano M, Ikeda H, Miyashin M, Okiji T: Transmitted-light plethysmography detects changes in human pulpal blood flow elicited by innocuous tooth cooling and foot heating Archives of Oral Biology. 2020.11; 119 104881. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Thaw Dar Oo , 柿野 聡子, 草野 雅彦, 池田 英治, 宮新 美智世, 興地 隆史: 透過型光電脈波法を用いたヒト歯髄血流の足浴による変動の検出(Transmitted-light plethysmography detects changes in human pulpal blood flow) 特定非営利活動法人日本歯科保存学会学術大会プログラムおよび講演抄録集. 2020.06; 152回 93. ( ichushi )

  1. Takuya Koyama, Satoko Kakino, Yuji Matsuura : A Feasibility Study of Photoacoustic Detection of Hidden Dental Caries Using a Fiber-Based Imaging System Applied Sciences. 2018.04; 8 (4): 621-1-10. ( DOI )

  1. Ganbold K, Kakino S, Ikeda H, Miyashin M: Human pulpal blood flow in different root formation stages measured with Transmitted-light plethysmography. Archives of Oral Biology. 2017.11; 83 327-333. ( DOI )

  1. Yamada A, Kakino S, Matsuura Y: Detection of Photoacostic Signals from Blood in Dental Pulp. Optics and Photonics Journal. 2016.09; 6 229-236.

  2. Yamada A, Kakino S, Matsuura Y: Photoacoustic detection of blood in dental pulp by using short-time Fourier transform. Proceeding of SPIE. 2016.02; 9708-102.

  1. Sasazawa S, Kakino S, Matsuura Y : Optical-fiber-based laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for detection of early caries. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2015.06; 20 (6): 165002.

  1. Kakino S, Kushibiki S, Yamada A, Miwa Z, Takagi Y, Matsuura Y: Optical Measurement of Blood Oxygen Saturation of Dental Pulp ISRN Biomedical Engineering. 2013; 2013 502869.

  1. Yokoyama E,Kakino S, Matsuura Y: Raman imaging of carious lesions using a hollow optical fiber probe Applied Optics. 2008; 47 (23): 4227-4230.

  2. Kakino S, Takagi Y, Takatani S: Absolute transmitted light plethysmography for assessment of dental pulp vitality through quantification of pulp chamber hematocrit by a three-layer model Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2008; 13 (5): 054023.

  1. Kakino S, Miwa Z, Kirimoto A, Ohuchi K, Takatani S, Takagi Y: A new multi-wavelength optical-plethysmograph for quantitative determination of pulpal hemoglobin content and oxygen level using green and near-infrared LEDs. Proceeding of SPIE. 2007.01; 642508.

  1. Kakino S, Miwa Z: Dental Pulp Diagnosis by Transmitted-light Plethysmography Associated with Pulpal Blood Flow Jounal of Japanese Society for Laser Dentistry. 2014; 25 (3): 153-158. ( DOI )

  1. Mandibular Osteomyelitis in the Presence of Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis - A case in which transmitted-light plethysmography (TLP) was used for pulp diagnosis - Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2011.03; 49 (1): 41-46.

  1. Kakino S: Pulpal blood flow measurement of traumatized deciduous and young permanent teeth by transmitted-light plethysmography Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2010.09; 48 (4): 489-494.

  1. Development of a new dental diagnosis device using LEDs Journal of the Japanese Association for Dental Science. 2008.03; 27 45-49.

  1. Application of Transmitted-light plethysmography to the Tooth Vitality Test 2006.03; 39 40-43.

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