For safety and comfortable dentistry for both patients and dentists, educations, researches and clinical practices are performed in the department. Education includes basics and pracitices of local and general anesthesia, sedation, monitoring (monitored anesthesia care, MAC)in addition to cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, or, basic life support during dental treatment. Our researches are consisted of basic and clinical trials for the purposes. Many cases give us many chances to keep the patients safe and comfortable during local and general anesthesia. Local groups, such as dental associations, are welcomed to promote safe and comfortable dental treatments.
1)Non-invasive drug delivery system
2)New methods for local anesthesia in dentistry
3)Neuropathic pain in oral and maxillofacial regions
4)Diffuse noxious inhibitory control or controlled pain modulation
5)Sedation for dentistry
Anesthesia and anesthesiology for dentisry, which are not only local anesthesia but also general anesthesia are given to the both under and post graduate students. Lectures and trainings are consisted of local and general anesthesia, sedation and cardio-pulmonary-resuscitation (CPR), or, basic life support (BLS). For local anesthesia, the students learn mechanism of local anesthesia, local anesthetics, techniques and local and systemic comoplications due to local anesthesia. Physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology are also provided for general anesthesia which indludes possible mechanism of general anesthesia, anesthetics, muscle reluxants and what are used for general anesthesia. They also acquire the techniques of topical, infiltration and conductions anesthesia, nitrous oxide inhalation sedation and basic life support.
Lectures & Courses
Anesthesia and anesthesiology for dentisry, which are not only local anesthesia but also general anesthesia are given to the both under and post graduate students. Lectures and trainings are consisted of local and general anesthesia, sedation and cardio-pulmonary-resuscitation (CPR), or, basic life support (BLS). For local anesthesia, the students learn mechanism of local anesthesia, local anesthetics, techniques and local and systemic comoplications due to local anesthesia. Physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology are also provided for general anesthesia which indludes possible mechanism of general anesthesia, anesthetics, muscle reluxants and what are used for general anesthesia. They also acquire the techniques of topical, infiltration and conductions anesthesia, nitrous oxide inhalation sedation and basic life support.
Clinical Services & Other Works
Safe medical and perioperative mangements are give to the patients of our amulatory anesthesia service which has more than 2,000 cases per year and the central operation rooms which has 750 cases per year. Some difficult cases are referred to our hospital because of many clinical experiences.
Several cases that need emergency care also supported by our department. ER members are sometimes called in the medical hospital.
Local groups like dental associations often ask us to hold some lectures, trainings, workshops for safe dental treatment. These proposals are welcomed by our staffs. When intravenous sedation case are introduced, some responsible staff is sent to their own clinic.
Clinical Performances
Any patient is welcomed, especially patients of oral surgery and implant operation who need special care using genearl anesthesia and sedation.
Referred patients from open practitioners are also accepted for safe and comfortable dental treatment.