1. Sakurako Kawashima, Ami Kuribayashi, Junichiro Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Nomura, Yuuki Fukawa ,Tohru Kurabayashi.. Imaging findings of odontogenic myxofibroma in two cases. The 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology 2022.06.03

  1. Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Sumi Y, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. An experience of using SEDENTEXCT IQ phantom and Radia software to analyze the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 20th International Congress of Dento-maxillo-facial Radiology 2015.08.26 Santiago, Chile

  1. Watanabe H, Ozaki Y, Nomura Y, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Location dependency of the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2014.11.22 Bali, Indonesia

  1. Dynamic MRI study of dental pulp -a preliminary study.. 2024.10.26

  2. MR imaging findings of Odontogenic Myxoma. 2024.05.25

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