Sakurako Kawashima, Ami Kuribayashi, Junichiro Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Nomura, Yuuki Fukawa ,Tohru Kurabayashi.. Imaging findings of odontogenic myxofibroma in two cases. The 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Radiology 2022.06.03
Watanabe H, Nomura Y, Sumi Y, Honda E, Kurabayashi T. An experience of using SEDENTEXCT IQ phantom and Radia software to analyze the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 20th International Congress of Dento-maxillo-facial Radiology 2015.08.26 Santiago, Chile
Watanabe H, Ozaki Y, Nomura Y, Honda E, Sumi Y, Kurabayashi T. Location dependency of the spatial resolution of cone-beam computed tomography for dental use. The 10th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2014.11.22 Bali, Indonesia
Dynamic MRI study of dental pulp -a preliminary study.. 2024.10.26
MR imaging findings of Odontogenic Myxoma. 2024.05.25