1. Hajime Tanaka, Yuki Fukawa, Kouhei Yamamoto, Kousuke Tanimoto, Akira Takemoto, Takayasu Mori, Hisashi Hasumi, Mayumi Kinoshita, Takumi Kanazawa, Asuka Furukawa, Koichiro Kimura, Hiroyuki Sato, Akihiro Hirakawa, Shohei Fukuda, Yuma Waseda, Soichiro Yoshida, Steven C Campbell, Yasuhisa Fujii: Prognostic impact and genomic backgrounds of renal parenchymal infiltration or micronodular spread in non-metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Mod Pathol. 2024.08; 100590. ( PubMed , DOI )

  2. Herdiantoputri RR, Komura D, Ochi M, Fukawa Y, Kayamori K, Tsuchiya M, Kikuchi Y, Ushiku T, Ikeda T, Ishikawa S: Benchmarking Deep Learning-Based Image Retrieval of Oral Tumor Histology. Cureus. 2024.06; 16 (6): e62264. ( PubMed , DOI )

  3. Iwasaki T, Harazono Y, Fukawa Y, Kaida A, Kayamori K, Sasaki Y, Harada H, Yoda T: Retrospective analysis of odontogenic myxoma and odontogenic myxofibroma in the oral and maxillofacial region: a fibrous tissue-related differentiation. The British journal of oral & maxillofacial surgery. 2024.02; 62 464-470. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Yosuke Harazono, Hiroyuki Yoshitake, Yuki Fukawa, Tohru Ikeda, Tetsuya Yoda: Osteoblastoma in the mandible of an older adult patient without FOS gene rearrangement: A case report and literature review Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology. 2024.01;

  1. Shimizu Motomu, Hojo Motoki, Ikushima Kiyomi, Yamamoto Yukio, Maeno Ai, Sakamoto Yoshimitsu, Ishimaru Naozumi, Taquahashi Yuhji, Kanno Jun, Hirose Akihiko, Suzuki Jin, Inomata Akiko, Nakae Dai: Continuous infiltration of small peritoneal macrophages in the mouse peritoneum through CCR2-dependent and -independent routes during fibrosis and mesothelioma development induced by a multiwalled carbon nanotube, MWNT-7(タイトル和訳中) The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 2023.12; 48 (10-12): 617-639. ( ichushi )

  2. Naoya Kinoshita, Hideaki Hirai, Yuki Fukawa, Yuko Yamagata, Yoshihisa Kashima, Masaru Sato, Tohru Ikeda, Hiroyuki Harada.: A case of dentinogenic ghost cell tumor of the mandible with a review of the literature Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology. 2023.11; 35 (6): 545-549. ( ichushi )

  3. Shiori Watabe, Yukari Aruga, Ryoko Kato, Genji Kawade, Yuki Kubo, Anna Tatsuzawa, Iichiroh Onishi, Yuko Kinowaki, Sachiko Ishibashi, Masumi Ikeda, Yuki Fukawa, Keiichi Akahoshi, Minoru Tanabe, Morito Kurata, Kenichi Ohashi, Masanobu Kitagawa, Kouhei Yamamoto: Regulation of 4-HNE via SMARCA4 Is Associated with Worse Clinical Outcomes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Biomedicines. 2023.08; 11 (8): ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Hajime Tanaka, Shohei Fukuda, Koichiro Kimura, Yuki Fukawa, Kouhei Yamamoto, Hiroshi Fukushima, Shingo Moriyama, Yosuke Yasuda, Sho Uehara, Yuma Waseda, Soichiro Yoshida, Minato Yokoyama, Yoh Matsuoka, Kazutaka Saito, Ukihide Tateishi, Steven C Campbell, Yasuhisa Fujii: Defining Tumour Shape Irregularity for Preoperative Risk Stratification of Clinically Localised Renal Cell Carcinoma. Eur Urol Open Sci. 2023.02; 48 36-43. ( PubMed , DOI )

  5. Hata C, Fukawa Y, Motoi T, Kinowaki Y, Akashi T, Ohashi K, Ishikawa Y, Waseda Y, Fujii Y, Kakuta R, Ikeda S, Onishi I: A Primary Kidney Giant Cell Tumor of Soft Tissue Caused Peritoneal Dissemination, Considered to Be Malignant Transformation: A Case Report. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland). 2023.02; 13 (4): ( PubMed , DOI )

  6. Yuki Fukawa, Kou Kayamori, Maiko Tsuchiya, Tohru Ikeda: IL-1 Generated by Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Stimulates Tumor-Induced and RANKL-Induced Osteoclastogenesis: A Possible Mechanism of Bone Resorption Induced by the Infiltration of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2023.01; 24 (1): ( PubMed , DOI )

  7. Kinoshita N, Tomioka H, Oikawa Y, Fukawa Y, Ikeda T, Harada H: A case of sclerosing odontogenic carcinoma of the mandible with a review of the literature. Journal of oral science. 2023; 65 (4): 281-283. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Terauchi Masahiko, Uo Motohiro, Fukawa Yuki, Yoshitake Hiroyuki, Tajima Rina, Ikeda Tohru, Yoda Tetsuya: Chemical Diagnosis of Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease of the Temporomandibular Joint: A Case Report DIAGNOSTICS. 2022.03; 12 (3): 651. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Chen Shu, Tamaki Naofumi, Kudo Yasusei, Tsunematsu Takaaki, Miki Kaname, Ishimaru Naozumi, Ito Hiro-o: ヒト角化細胞における5-フルオロウラシル誘発性酸化ストレスおよび炎症反応に対するレスベラトロールの防御効果(Protective effects of resveratrol against 5-fluorouracil-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in human keratinocytes) Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. 2021.11; 69 (3): 238-246. ( ichushi )

  2. ティーラウォン・チャンヤーヌット , 坂本 啓, 布川 裕規, 土谷 麻衣子, 栢森 高, 明石 巧, 濱垣 美和子, 富岡 博文, 黒嶋 雄志, 森田 圭一, 原田 浩之, 池田 通: 舌癌症例にみられるヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)感染と無関係なp16免疫染色陽性反応 口腔病学会雑誌. 2021.11; 88 (2-3): 115-126. ( ichushi )

  3. Shimada W, Tanaka H, Fukawa Y, Kimura K, Yamamoto K, Fukuda S, Fukushima H, Yasuda Y, Uehara S, Yoshida S, Yokoyama M, Matsuoka Y, Tateishi U, Campbell SC, Fujii Y: Infiltrative tumor interface with normal renal parenchyma in locally advanced renal cell carcinoma: Clinical relevance and pathological implications. International journal of urology : official journal of the Japanese Urological Association. 2021.08; 28 (12): 1233-1239. ( PubMed , DOI )

  4. Yuki Fukawa, Kei Sakamoto, Takuma Kugimoto, Yasuyuki Michi, Hiroyuki Harada, Masahide Yamamoto, Masanobu Kitagawa, Tohru Ikeda, Kouhei Yamamoto: Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma involving the hard palate. Pathol Int. 2021.03; 71 (3): 213-215. ( PubMed , DOI )

  1. Sento Shinya, Kudo Yasusei, Hibiya Kenji, Ishimaru Naozumi, Sasabe Eri, Kitamura Naoya, Yamamoto Tetsuya: 舌前方の唾液腺の硝子化明細胞癌 1症例報告と文献レビュー(Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of the anterior lingual salivary gland: A case report and review of the literature) Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology. 2020.07; 32 (4): 267-274. ( ichushi )

  1. Arakaki Rieko, Ushio Aya, Otsuka Kunihiro, Kudo Yasusei, Ishimaru Naozumi: マウスにおける少量の唾液を計測する新規方法(A novel method for measuring small amounts of saliva in mice) Oral Science International. 2019.12; 16 (3): 178-180. ( ichushi )

  2. Arakaki Rieko, Ushio Aya, Kisoda Satoru, Sato Mami, Nakamura Yoshitaka, Yuyama Kanako, Tateyama Riho, Morishita Satoru, Monoi Noriyuki, Kudo Yasusei, Ishimaru Naozumi: マウスにおいて3型ムスカリン性アセチルコリン受容体を介した涙液分泌および唾液分泌に対するルイボス抽出物の新規作用(Novel effects of rooibos extract on tear and saliva secretion mediated by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 3 in mice) Journal of Oral Biosciences. 2019.09; 61 (3): 179-182. ( ichushi )

  1. Yamada Koichi, Arakaki Rieko, Yamada Akiko, Kudo Yasusei, Ishimaru Naozumi: 妊娠中のマウスにおける胸腺組織の遺伝子的変化および表現型上の変化(Genetic and Phenotypic Changes of Thymus Tissue in Mice during Pregnancy) Journal of Oral Health and Biosciences. 2017.06; 30 (1): 26-32. ( ichushi )

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